274 research outputs found

    An attempt to define the sodium requirements of lactating dairy cows in a tropical environment

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    BACKGROUND: Lactating dairy cattle in the tropics may require more sodium (Na) owing to the hot and humid climatic conditions. It is unknown whether the current recommendations on Na for lactating cows can be quantitatively used in tropical countries. This study attempted to define the Na requirement of lactating dairy cows under tropical conditions by measuring Na levels in saliva, milk and faeces. RESULTS: The concentrations of Na and potassium (K) in milk, faeces and serum were not affected by dietary treatments. The amount of Na absorbed by cows fed the basal (low-Na) diet containing 0.4 g Na kg-1 dry matter (DM) was equal to the amount of Na lost in the milk, showing that these animals were fed an Na-deficient ration. This observation was corroborated by salivary Na and K levels, with the cows on the low-Na diet having salivary Na concentrations below 120 mmol L-1 in combination with salivary K concentrations above 20 mmol L-1 (P <0.05). CONCLUSION: Consumption of a daily ration formulated to contain the current Na requirement set by the NRC appears to provide too much Na for lactating cows under tropical conditions. A tentative value of 1.2 g kg-1 DM is proposed as the Na requirement for dairy cows under tropical conditions. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industr

    Мерчандайзинг як партнерська взаємодія виробника та роздробу

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    У даній статті розглянуто мерчандайзинг як елемент комплексу маркетингових комунікацій, задачі та функції мерчандайзингу для виробника та для роздрібного торговця, їх точки пересічення та розбіжності, висувається припущення про їх взаємодію по цьому питанню, що може збільшити ефект, що очікується від використання методів мерчандайзингу в місцях продажу, як для виробника, так і для магазину.In this article merchandising is considered. Its task and functions for a producer and for a retail dealer, their intersection and divergence. There are also pulled out supposition about their cooperation in this field, what can increase an effect, which is expected from merchandising methods using to both in the places of sale

    Magnesium butyrate is a readily available magnesium source in dairy cow nutrition

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    The aim of the present study was to measure the apparent absorption of magnesium (Mg) originating from Mg-butyrate. Six mid-lactation Holstein Friesian dairy cows were used with dietary treatments arranged in a cross-over design. Two different diets were fed during the experiment, consisting of a low Mg diet without Mg-butyrate (L-Mg, 3.1 g Mg/kg dry matter) or a high Mg diet with Mg-butyrate (H-Mg, 3.9 g Mg/kg dry matter). Cows offered the L-Mg diet ingested 54.7 g Mg/day while the cows fed the H-Mg diets ingested 66.3 g Mg/day (P < 0.001). The fecal excretion of Mg, however, was similar between the two experimental diets (P = 0.174). Consequently, apparent Mg absorption was found to be 7.9 % units greater (P = 0.038) when the cows were fed the diet supplemented with Mg-butyrate. The greater Mg absorption after feeding the H-Mg diet was, however, not reflected by a greater urinary Mg concentration (P = 0.228). The fractional Mg absorption from Mg-butyrate was calculated to be 71.6 %, which indicates that Mg from Mg-butyrate is readily available for absorption. In conclusion, Mg-butyrate is an attractive alternative to supplement dairy rations with Mg

    Delayed treatment of basilar thrombosis in a patient with a basilar aneurysm: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Acute occlusion of the basilar artery is a neurological emergency that has a high risk of severe disability and mortality. Delayed thrombolysis or endovascular therapy has been performed with some success in patients who present after 3 hours of symptom onset. Here we present the first case of delayed intra-arterial thrombolysis of a basilar artery thrombosis associated with a large saccular aneurysm.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 73-year-old Caucasian man with a history of smoking and alcohol abuse presented to the Emergency Department complaining of diplopia and mild slurred speech and who progressed over 12 hours to coma and quadriparesis. He was found to have a large basilar tip aneurysm putting him at high risk for hemorrhage with lytic treatment.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The treatment options for basilar thrombosis are discussed. Aggressive treatment options should be considered despite long durations of clinical symptoms in basilar thrombosis, even in extremely high risk patients.</p

    Extent of hypoattenuation on CT angiography source images in Basilar Artery occlusion: prognostic value in the Basilar Artery International Cooperation Study

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    &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Background and Purpose:&lt;/b&gt; The posterior circulation Acute Stroke Prognosis Early CT Score (pc-ASPECTS) quantifies the extent of early ischemic changes in the posterior circulation with a 10-point grading system. We hypothesized that pc-ASPECTS applied to CT angiography source images predicts functional outcome of patients in the Basilar Artery International Cooperation Study (BASICS).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Methods:&lt;/b&gt; BASICS was a prospective, observational registry of consecutive patients with acute symptomatic basilar artery occlusion. Functional outcome was assessed at 1 month. We applied pc-ASPECTS to CT angiography source images of patients with CT angiography for confirmation of basilar artery occlusion. We calculated unadjusted and adjusted risk ratios (RRs) of pc-ASPECTS dichotomized at &#8805;8 versus &#60;8. Primary outcome measure was favorable outcome (modified Rankin Scale scores 0–3). Secondary outcome measures were mortality and functional independence (modified Rankin Scale scores 0–2).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Results:&lt;/b&gt; Of 158 patients included, 78 patients had a CT angiography source images pc-ASPECTS ≥8. Patients with a pc-ASPECTS ≥8 more often had a favorable outcome than patients with a pc-ASPECTS &#60;8 (crude RR, 1.7; 95% CI, 0.98–3.0). After adjustment for age, baseline National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score, and thrombolysis, pc-ASPECTS &#8805;8 was not related to favorable outcome (RR, 1.3; 95% CI, 0.8–2.2), but it was related to reduced mortality (RR, 0.7; 95% CI, 0.5–0.98) and functional independence (RR, 2.0; 95% CI, 1.1–3.8). In post hoc analysis, pc-ASPECTS dichotomized at &#8805;6 versus &#60;6 predicted a favorable outcome (adjusted RR, 3.1; 95% CI, 1.2–7.5).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Conclusions:&lt;/b&gt; pc-ASPECTS on CT angiography source images independently predicted death and functional independence at 1 month in the CT angiography subgroup of patients in the BASICS registry.&lt;/p&gt

    Incubation temperature affects growth and efficacy of white-rot fungi to improve the nutritive value of rice straw

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    Context: A great body of evidence is available on the in vitro efficacy of white-rot fungi (WRF) to degrade lignin in fibre-rich biomass (e.g. wheat straw, wood chips and rice straw (RS)) and improve the biomass' nutritive value for ruminants. Aims: Determining the impact of incubation temperature of three WRF to improve the nutritional value of rice straw. Methods: Growth of Ceriporiopsis subvermispora, Lentinula edodes and Pleurotus eryngii on RS for 26 days at the following six temperature regimes: continuous at 24°C, 30°C, 35°C and 40°C, and 3 days at 35°C and 40°C, with subsequent days at 24°C. In a follow-up experiment, improvement in fermentability in buffered rumen fluid of RS treated by the three WRF at 24°C and 30°C for up to 8 weeks was investigated. Key results: All three fungi grew at temperatures up to 35°C, with no growth observed at 40°C, with C. subvermispora being more temperature sensitive. There were significant differences in cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin degradation of RS at 24°C and 30°C, with C. subvermispora degrading 69% and 90% of the hemicellulose and lignin respectively at 30°C, greater than at 24°C (55% and 80% respectively). For L. edodes, there were significant differences in cellulose degradation between 24°C and 30°C, with 12% more degradation at 30°C, but not for hemicellulose and lignin. In vitro gas production showed no significant differences between the two incubation temperatures for either of the two fungi. Pleurotus eryngii treatment did not show any improvement in terms of in vitro gas production. Conclusions: Treatment of RS with L. edodes and C. subvermispora, but not P. eryngii, is robust and temperature changes will not have a major impact on their efficacy as long as the temperature remains below 30°C. Implications: Temperature during the incubation of WRF with rice straw needs to be below 30°C for this biotechnology to be applied in practice

    Long-term neurodevelopmental outcome after intrauterine transfusion for hemolytic disease of the fetus/newborn: the LOTUS study

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    ObjectiveTo determine the incidence and risk factors for neurodevelopmental impairment (NDI) in children with hemolytic disease of the fetus/newborn treated with intrauterine transfusion (IUT).Study DesignNeurodevelopmental outcome in children at least 2 years of age was assessed using standardized tests, including the Bayley Scales of Infant Development, the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence, and the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, according to the children's age. Primary outcome was the incidence of neurodevelopmental impairment defined as at least one of the following: cerebral palsy, severe developmental delay, bilateral deafness, and/or blindness.ResultsA total of 291 children were evaluated at a median age of 8.2 years (range, 2–17 years). Cerebral palsy was detected in 6 (2.1%) children, severe developmental delay in 9 (3.1%) children, and bilateral deafness in 3 (1.0%) children. The overall incidence of neurodevelopmental impairment was 4.8% (14/291). In a multivariate regression analysis including only preoperative risk factors, severe hydrops was independently associated with neurodevelopmental impairment (odds ratio, 11.2; 95% confidence interval, 1.7–92.7).ConclusionIncidence of neurodevelopmental impairment in children treated with intrauterine transfusion for fetal alloimmune anemia is low (4.8%). Prevention of fetal hydrops, the strongest preoperative predictor for impaired neurodevelopment, by timely detection, referral and treatment may improve long-term outcome

    Storage of Correlated Patterns in Standard and Bistable Purkinje Cell Models

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    The cerebellum has long been considered to undergo supervised learning, with climbing fibers acting as a ‘teaching’ or ‘error’ signal. Purkinje cells (PCs), the sole output of the cerebellar cortex, have been considered as analogs of perceptrons storing input/output associations. In support of this hypothesis, a recent study found that the distribution of synaptic weights of a perceptron at maximal capacity is in striking agreement with experimental data in adult rats. However, the calculation was performed using random uncorrelated inputs and outputs. This is a clearly unrealistic assumption since sensory inputs and motor outputs carry a substantial degree of temporal correlations. In this paper, we consider a binary output neuron with a large number of inputs, which is required to store associations between temporally correlated sequences of binary inputs and outputs, modelled as Markov chains. Storage capacity is found to increase with both input and output correlations, and diverges in the limit where both go to unity. We also investigate the capacity of a bistable output unit, since PCs have been shown to be bistable in some experimental conditions. Bistability is shown to enhance storage capacity whenever the output correlation is stronger than the input correlation. Distribution of synaptic weights at maximal capacity is shown to be independent on correlations, and is also unaffected by the presence of bistability

    Risk factors for atherosclerotic and medial arterial calcification of the intracranial internal carotid artery

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    _Background and aims:_ Calcifications of the intracranial internal carotid artery (iICA) are an important risk factor for stroke. The calcifications can occur both in the intimal and medial layer of the vascular wall. The aim of this study is to assess whether medial calcification in the iICA is differently related to risk factors for cardiovascular disease, compared to intimal calcification. _Methods:_ Unenhanced thin slice computed tomography (CT) scans from 1132 patients from the Dutch acute stroke study cohort were assessed for dominant localization of calcification (medial or intimal) by one of three observers based on established methodology. Associations between known cardiovascular risk factors (age, gender, body mass index, pulse pressure, eGFR, smoking, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, previous vascular disease, and family history) and the dominant localization of calcifications were assessed via logistic regression analysis. _Results:_ In the 1132 patients (57% males, mean age 67.4 years [SD 13.8]), dominant intimal calcification was present in 30.9% and dominant medial calcification in 46.9%. In 10.5%, no calcification was seen. Age, pulse pressure and family history were risk factors for both types of calcification. Multivariably adjusted risk factors for dominant intimal calcification only were smoking (OR 2.09 [CI 1.27–3.44]) and hypertension (OR 2.09 [CI 1.29–3.40]) and for dominant medial calcification diabetes mellitus (OR 2.39 [CI 1.11–5.14]) and previous vascular disease (OR 2.20 [CI 1.30–3.75]). _Conclusions:_ Risk factors are differently related to the dominant localizations of calcifications, a finding that supports the hypothesis that the intimal and medial calcification represents a distinct etiology