81 research outputs found

    The economics of neutrality: Switzerland and the United States in World War II

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    The following study addresses the contentious issue of Swiss economic policy during the Second World War. In particular, it concentrates on the deterioration of Swiss-American relations that resulted from Switzerland’s economic ties to Nazi Germany. It is argued that Switzerland’s survival as a neutral and democratic country depended less on the defense preparations of the Swiss Army and more on the difficult trade negotiations with both the Axis and Allies. Varied sources that include American and Swiss governmental reports, diplomatic documents, and contemporary accounts of the war, support the argument that although moral considerations played a secondary role to economic necessities, Switzerland’s trade with Nazi Germany did not prolong the Second World War nor were such ties immoral in nature. Instead, the inability or unwillingness of Allied countries like the United States and Great Britain to provide Switzerland with much-needed raw materials and food imports led the neutral country to forge closer ties with the Axis. The emphasis of the study is to assess accurately Switzerland’s wartime economic conduct and is not meant to provide an apologetic rationalization of its relationship with Nazi Germany. After first considering the historical origins of Switzerland’s neutrality and its economic and political institutions, the study proceeds to examine the immediate effects of its foreign trade policy and the longer-term consequences of the damaged relations with the United States in the Cold War. The study closes by addressing the problems stemming from the poly-ethnic and multi-cultural composition of the Swiss Confederation that can provide excellent insight into the current dilemmas experienced by European countries as they strive for political and economic integration

    The Unmaking of a President (Lyndon Johnson and Vietnam)

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    The use of mobile devices has generated a new way of communication by using unique abbreviations and grammatical shortcuts. This method of communicating has been commonly used by teenagers to socialize with other people in their generation. The use of these texts has alarmed parents and teachers. This study was conducted to discover the correlation of this method of communication called “Tech Speak” to a student's English proficiency. The researcher has surveyed grade 10 students, that has a total of 28 students, at Santiago National high school. The researcher used 10 words that are commonly misspelled as a parameter of the spelling test to measure the proficiency of both techspeak and non-techspeak students. The results yield an average of 8 and 7.7, thus making the students using Tech Speak more proficient in spelling than the students that are categorized as non-techspeak. The findings have led the researchers to conclude that the use of techspeak has no negative effects but rather it improves the student’s spelling proficiency

    On modifying properties of polymeric melts by nanoscopic particles

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    We study geometric and energetic factors that partake in modifying properties of polymeric melts via inserting well-dispersed nanoscopic particles (NP). Model systems are polybutadiene melts including 10-150 atom atomic clusters (0.1-1.5% v/v). We tune interactions between chains and particle by van der Waals terms. Using molecular dynamics we study equilibrium fluctuations and dynamical properties at the interface. Effect of bead size and interaction strength both on volume and volumetric fluctuations is manifested in mechanical properties, quantified here by bulk modulus, K. Tuning NP size and non-bonded interactions results in ~15% enhancement in K by addition of a maximum of 1.5% v/v NP.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figure

    Effort required to finish shotgun-generated genome sequences differs significantly among vertebrates

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The approaches for shotgun-based sequencing of vertebrate genomes are now well-established, and have resulted in the generation of numerous draft whole-genome sequence assemblies. In contrast, the process of refining those assemblies to improve contiguity and increase accuracy (known as 'sequence finishing') remains tedious, labor-intensive, and expensive. As a result, the vast majority of vertebrate genome sequences generated to date remain at a draft stage.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>To date, our genome sequencing efforts have focused on comparative studies of targeted genomic regions, requiring sequence finishing of large blocks of orthologous sequence (average size 0.5-2 Mb) from various subsets of 75 vertebrates. This experience has provided a unique opportunity to compare the relative effort required to finish shotgun-generated genome sequence assemblies from different species, which we report here. Importantly, we found that the sequence assemblies generated for the same orthologous regions from various vertebrates show substantial variation with respect to misassemblies and, in particular, the frequency and characteristics of sequence gaps. As a consequence, the work required to finish different species' sequences varied greatly. Application of the same standardized methods for finishing provided a novel opportunity to "assay" characteristics of genome sequences among many vertebrate species. It is important to note that many of the problems we have encountered during sequence finishing reflect unique architectural features of a particular vertebrate's genome, which in some cases may have important functional and/or evolutionary implications. Finally, based on our analyses, we have been able to improve our procedures to overcome some of these problems and to increase the overall efficiency of the sequence-finishing process, although significant challenges still remain.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our findings have important implications for the eventual finishing of the draft whole-genome sequences that have now been generated for a large number of vertebrates.</p


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    O Agente Comunitário de Saúde é um dos integrantes da equipe da Estratégia Saúde da Família. Uma das suas principais atividades é a visita domiciliar visando um intercâmbio entre a população e a equipe de saúde. Este trabalho permite o levantamento das necessidades de saúde da população e a elaboração de intervenções multiprofissionais, que objetivam a melhoria da qualidade de vida e saúde dos moradores da área de abrangência. Este profissional, não raras vezes, se depara com inúmeras situações, tanto na comunidade quanto na equipe de trabalho, facilitando seu adoecimento físico e mental, ocasionando o estresse. Neste sentido, este estudo objetivou investigar a prevalência e nível de estresse em Agentes Comunitários de Saúde, que atuam em cinco equipes da Estratégia Saúde da Família na cidade de Rebouças/PR. Para tanto foi utilizado a Lista de Sintomas de Estresse (LSS/VAS). Trata-se de um instrumento validado, que permite identificar a sintomatologia de estresse apresentada pelo individuo, indicando os sintomas predominantes e o nível de estresse em que individuo se encontra. Verificou-se presença de estresse em toda amostra estudada, sendo que 5 participantes (17,8%) apresentaram nível baixo de estresse, 14 participantes (50%) nível médio de estresse,  8 participantes (28,5%) nível alto de estresse e 1 participante (3,7%) atingiu o escore que indica nível altíssimo de estresse. Frente a estes resultados, observa-se a necessidade da implementação de estratégias que auxiliem na redução do nível de estresse dos Agentes Comunitários da Saúde, indo ao encontro da prevenção, promoção da saúde e qualidade de vida no trabalho

    Double-blind, 12 month follow-up, placebo-controlled trial of mifepristone on cognition in alcoholics: the MIFCOG trial protocol

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    Background: Increased levels of cortisol during acute alcohol withdrawal have been linked to cognitive deficits and depression. Preclinical research found that the glucocorticoid Type II receptor antagonist, mifepristone, prevented some of the neurotoxic effects of withdrawal and memory loss. Clinical trials have shown mifepristone effective in the treatment of depression. This study aims to examine the extent to which the glucocorticoid Type II receptor antagonist, mifepristone, when given to alcohol dependent males during the acute phase of alcohol withdrawal, will protect against the subsequent memory loss and depressive symptoms during abstinence from alcohol. Methods/Design: The study is a Phase 4 therapeutic use, “Proof of Concept” trial. The trial is a double-blind randomised controlled clinical trial of mifepristone versus inactive placebo. The trial aims to recruit 120 participants referred for an inpatient alcohol detoxification from community alcohol teams, who meet the inclusion criteria; 1) Male, 2) Aged 18–60 inclusive, 3) alcohol dependent for 5 or more years. A screening appointment will take place prior to admission to inpatient alcohol treatment units to ensure that the individual is suitable for inclusion in the trial in accordance with the inclusion and exclusion criteria. On admission participants are randomised to receive 600 mg a day of mifepristone (200 mg morning, afternoon and evening) for 7 days and 400 mg for the subsequent 7 days (200 mg morning and evening) or the equivalent number of placebo tablets for 14 days. Participants will remain in the trial for 4 weeks (at least 2 weeks as an inpatient) and will be followed up at 3, 6 and 12 months post randomisation. Primary outcome measures are cognitive function at week 3 and 4 after cessation of drinking and symptoms of depression over the 4 weeks after cession of drinking, measured using the Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated battery and Beck Depression Inventory, respectively. Secondary outcome measures are severity of the acute phase of alcohol withdrawal, alcohol craving, symptoms of protracted withdrawal and maintenance of abstinence and levels of relapse drinking at follow-up. Discussion: The current trial will provide evidence concerning the role of glucocorticoid Type II receptor activation in cognitive function and depression during acute alcohol withdrawal and the efficacy of treatment with mifepristone