1,179 research outputs found

    Developing Leadership in a National Cohort of Secondary Biology Teachers: Uses of an On-Line Course Structure to Develop Geographically Distant Professional Learning Community

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    This report is a descriptive study of the role that on-line courses might have on the development of Professional Learning Communities (PLC’s) that support national leadership initiatives of participating high school biology teachers. The one hundred teachers involved in the Life Sciences for a Global Community (LSGC) Institute are expected not only to deepen their content knowledge, but also impact their district and state biology curricula. Additionally, the dispersion of Institute participants across the country presents a unique opportunity to develop, communicate. and implement a national coherent reform agenda. However, the geographic distance presents a barrier to collaborative design of leadership projects. Therefore, the LSGC Institute designed web-based, distance learning courses as a means for both the instruction and development of distant professional relationships

    Monitoring strip mining and reclamation with LANDSAT data in Belmont County, Ohio

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    The utility of LANDSAT digital data for mapping and monitoring surface mines in Belmont County, Ohio was investigated. Two data sets from 1976 and 1979 were processed to classify level 1 land covers and three strip mine categories in order to examine change over time and assess reclamation efforts. The two classifications were compared with aerial photographs. Results of the accuracy assessment show that both classifications are approximately 86 per cent correct, and that surface mine change detection (date-to-date comparison) is facilitated by the digital format of LANDSAT data

    A Mobile Agent Framework to Support Parallel Computing: Application to Multi-product Planning and Scheduling Problems

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    This paper focuses on an extensible framework for the development of parallel/distributed population-based algorithms. This framework uses mobile agents launched into different hosts on available networked PCs and cooperating among them to solve large combinatorial problems efficiently. The execution environment used to realize our framework is based on the JADE technology. In addition, we define a new information exchange strategy based on a dynamic migration window method and a selective migration model. A parameters adaptation model is also proposed. This model is used to adjust different parameters/operators of the genetic algorithm executed by each mobile agent. The proposed framework has been experimented on an extended set of Earliness and Tardiness Production Scheduling and Planning Problem (ETPSP). Several experiments are carried out on different computer networks of different sizes. Results obtained show the advantages and efficiency of our approach

    The development of anticipation in the fetus: a longitudinal account of human fetal mouth movements in reaction to and anticipation of touch

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    Background: Research suggests that fetuses open or close their mouth in relation to directed movements (e.g. Myowa-Yamakoshi & Takeshita, 2006) but it is unclear whether mouth opening anticipates the touch or is a reaction to touch, as there has been no analysis so far of 1) the facial area of touch and 2) the sequential ordering of touch and mouth movements. If there is prenatal development of touch we would expect the frequency of fetal mouth opening immediately preceding the arriving hand at the mouth area to increase with fetal age. Participants: Fifteen healthy fetuses, 8 girls and 7 boys, underwent four additional 4-D scans at 24, 28, 32 and 36 weeks gestation. Results: Changes in the frequency of touch for different facial regions indicated a significant decline in touch upper and side part of the face and a significant increase in touching lower and perioral regions of the face with increasing gestational age. Results supporting the hypothesis showed a significant increase in the proportion of anticipatory mouth movements before touching increasing by around 8% with each week of gestational age. Additionally there was a decrease in the proportion of reactive mouth movements decreasing by around 3% for each week of gestational age

    Preconscious control of stereotype activation through chronic egalitarian goals

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    This research shows stereotype activation is controlled by chronic egalitarian goals. In the first 2 studies it was found that the stereotype of women is equally available to individuals with and without chronic goals, and the discriminant validity of the concept of egalitarian goals was established. In the next 2 experiments, differences in stereotype activation as a function of this individual difference were found. In Study 3, participants read attributes following stereotypical primes. Facilitated response times to stereotypical attributes were found for nonchronics but not for chronics. This lack of facilitation occurred at stimulus onset asynchronies (SOAs) where effortful correction processes could not operate, demonstrating preconscious control of stereotype activation due to chronic goals. In Study 4, inhibition of the stereotype was found at an SOA where effortful processes of stereotype suppression could not operate. The data reveal that goals are activated and used preconsciously to prevent stereotype activation, demonstrating both the controllability of stereotype activation and the implicit role of goals in cognitive control. The current research addresses an important question for understanding both the nature of stereotyping and the nature of cognitive control: Can one's commitment to a goal lead to control over th

    Pitch Memory in Nonmusicians and Musicians: Revealing Functional Differences Using Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation

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    For music and language processing, memory for relative pitches is highly important. Functional imaging studies have shown activation of a complex neural system for pitch memory. One region that has been shown to be causally involved in the process for nonmusicians is the supramarginal gyrus (SMG). The present study aims at replicating this finding and at further examining the role of the SMG for pitch memory in musicians. Nonmusicians and musicians received cathodal transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) over the left SMG, right SMG, or sham stimulation, while completing a pitch recognition, pitch recall, and visual memory task. Cathodal tDCS over the left SMG led to a significant decrease in performance on both pitch memory tasks in nonmusicians. In musicians, cathodal stimulation over the left SMG had no effect, but stimulation over the right SMG impaired performance on the recognition task only. Furthermore, the results show a more pronounced deterioration effect for longer pitch sequences indicating that the SMG is involved in maintaining higher memory load. No stimulation effect was found in both groups on the visual control task. These findings provide evidence for a causal distinction of the left and right SMG function in musicians and nonmusician

    OUTER RETINAL TUBULATION IN ADVANCED AGE-RELATED MACULAR DEGENERATION: Optical Coherence Tomographic Findings Correspond to Histology

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    PURPOSE: To compare optical coherence tomography (OCT) and histology of outer retinal tubulation (ORT) secondary to advanced age-related macular degeneration in patients and in postmortem specimens, with particular attention to the basis of the hyperreflective border of ORT. METHOD: A private referral practice (imaging) and an academic research laboratory (histology) collaborated on two retrospective case series. High-resolution OCT raster scans of 43 eyes (34 patients) manifesting ORT secondary to advanced age-related macular degeneration were compared to high-resolution histologic sections through the fovea and superior perifovea of donor eyes (13 atrophic age-related macular degeneration and 40 neovascular age-related macular degeneration) preserve

    The anatomical and functional benefit of bevacizumab in the treatment of macular edema associated with Purtscher-like retinopathy

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    We read the article by Miguel et al1 regarding Purtscher’s and Purtscher-like retinopathies with great interest. As the authors well describe, ‘Purtscher-like retinopathy’ is diagnosed in patients with fundus findings similar to Purtscher’s retinopathy, without a history of trauma but with known systemic associations.1 Current proposed mechanisms for the underlying pathogenesis include leukocyte aggregation by activated complement factor 5 (C5a).2 As noted by the authors’ systematic review, there is currently no established treatment for Purtscher-like retinopathy, although the literature consists of several case reports of treatment with corticosteroids, without certainty as to effect on the clinical course.1 Herein, we report for the first time a case of Purtscher-like retinopathy treated successfully with intravitreal bevacizumab injection

    Emotional expressiveness of 5–6 month-old infants born very premature versus full-term at initial exposure to weaning foods

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    Facial expressions of 5–6 month-old infants born preterm and at term were compared while tasting for the first time solid foods (two fruit and two vegetable purées) given by the mother. Videotapes of facial reactions to these foods were objectively coded during the first six successive spoons of each test food using Baby FACS and subjectively rated by naïve judges. Infant temperament was also assessed by the parents using the Infant Behaviour Questionnaire. Contrary to our expectations, infants born preterm expressed fewer negative emotions than infants born full-term. Naïve judges rated infants born preterm as displaying more liking than their full-term counterparts when tasting the novel foods. The analysis of facial expressions during the six spoonfuls of four successive meals (at 1-week intervals) suggested a familiarization effect with the frequency of negative expressions decreasing after tasting the second spoon, regardless of infant age, type of food and order of presentation. Finally, positive and negative dimensions of temperament reported by the parents were related with objective and subjective coding of affective reactions toward foods in infants born preterm or full-term. Our research indicates that premature infants are more accepting of novel foods than term infants and this could be used for supporting the development of healthy eating patterns in premature infants. Further research is needed to clarify whether reduced negativity by infants born prematurely to the exposure to novel solid foods reflects a reduction of an adaptive avoidant behaviour during the introduction of novel foods

    Simulating Turbulence Using the Astrophysical Discontinuous Galerkin Code TENET

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    In astrophysics, the two main methods traditionally in use for solving the Euler equations of ideal fluid dynamics are smoothed particle hydrodynamics and finite volume discretization on a stationary mesh. However, the goal to efficiently make use of future exascale machines with their ever higher degree of parallel concurrency motivates the search for more efficient and more accurate techniques for computing hydrodynamics. Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) methods represent a promising class of methods in this regard, as they can be straightforwardly extended to arbitrarily high order while requiring only small stencils. Especially for applications involving comparatively smooth problems, higher-order approaches promise significant gains in computational speed for reaching a desired target accuracy. Here, we introduce our new astrophysical DG code TENET designed for applications in cosmology, and discuss our first results for 3D simulations of subsonic turbulence. We show that our new DG implementation provides accurate results for subsonic turbulence, at considerably reduced computational cost compared with traditional finite volume methods. In particular, we find that DG needs about 1.8 times fewer degrees of freedom to achieve the same accuracy and at the same time is more than 1.5 times faster, confirming its substantial promise for astrophysical applications.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures, to appear in Proceedings of the SPPEXA symposium, Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering (LNCSE), Springe
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