2,260 research outputs found

    Effect of conductive area trimming on the read range of inkjet printed Epidermal RFID tags

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    The effect of reducing the volume of conductive ink used in the fabrication of Epidermal RFID tags on the read range of the tag is investigated in this paper. The ink usage reduction is achieved by redesigning of the conductive parts of the designed tag

    Variations in the APOE allele or BDNF Val66Met polymorphism are not associated with changes in cognitive function following a tertiary education intervention in older adults: the Tasmanian Healthy Brain Project.

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    The apolipoprotein (APOE) ε4 allele and the Met variant of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) Val66Met polymorphism are associated with reduced cognitive function in older adults. The aim of this study was to examine the independent and interactional effect of the APOE ε4 allele and BDNF Val66Met polymorphism on cognitive function in a cohort of healthy older adults who had undertaken further university level education. Multiple group latent growth curve modeling revealed no change in cognitive function over time in APOE ε4-carriers or in BDNF Met-carriers, nor in carriers of both APOE-ε4 and BDNF-Met alleles. Further, the results indicate that allelic variation in either APOE or BDNF does not modify the beneficial effects of a university-based education intervention on cognitive function over a 4-year period following the intervention

    General Practitioners' and patients' perceptions towards stratified care: a theory informed investigation

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    Background Stratified primary care involves changing General Practitioners’ (GPs) clinical behaviour in treating patients, away from the current stepped care approach to instead identifying early treatment options that are matched to patients’ risk of persistent disabling pain. This article explores the perspectives of UK-based GPs and patients about a prognostic stratified care model being developed for patients with the five most common primary care musculoskeletal pain presentations. The focus was on views about acceptability, and anticipated barriers and facilitators to the use of stratified care in routine practice. Methods Four focus groups and six semi-structured telephone interviews were conducted with GPs (n = 23), and three focus groups with patients (n = 20). Data were analysed thematically; and identified themes examined in relation to the Theoretical Domains Framework (TDF), which facilitates comprehensive identification of behaviour change determinants. A critical approach was taken in using the TDF, examining the nuanced interrelationships between theoretical domains. Results Four key themes were identified: Acceptability of clinical decision-making guided by stratified care; impact on the therapeutic relationship; embedding a prognostic approach within a biomedical model; and practical issues in using stratified care. Whilst within each theme specific findings are reported, common across themes was the identified relationships between the theoretical domains of knowledge, skills, professional role and identity, environmental context and resources, and goals. Through analysis of these identified relationships it was found that, for GPs and patients to perceive stratified care as being acceptable, it must be seen to enhance GPs’ knowledge and skills, not undermine GPs’ and patients’ respective identities and be integrated within the environmental context of the consultation with minimal disruption. Conclusions Findings highlight the importance of taking into account the context of general practice when intervening to support GPs to make changes to their clinical behaviour. Findings will inform further stages of the research programme; specifically, the intervention format and content of support packages for GPs participating in a future randomised controlled trial (RCT). This study also contributes to the theoretical debate on how best to encourage clinical behaviour change in general practice, and the possible role of the TDF in that process

    Sending Your Grandparents to University Increases Cognitive Reserve: The Tasmanian Healthy Brain Project.

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    Increasing an individual’s level of cognitive reserve (CR) has been suggested as a nonpharmacological approach to reducing the risk for Alzheimer’s disease. We examined changes in CR in older adults participating over 4 years in the Tasmanian Healthy Brain Project. Method: A sample of 459 healthy older adults between 50 and 79 years of age underwent a comprehensive annual assessment of current CR, neuropsychological function, and psychosocial factors over a 4-year period. The intervention group of 359 older adults (M � 59.61 years, SD � 6.67) having completed a minimum of 12 months part-time university study were compared against a control reference group of 100 adults (M � 62.49 years, SD � 6.24) who did not engage in further education. Results: Growth mixture modeling demonstrated that 44.3% of the control sample showed no change in CR, whereas 92.5% of the further education participants displayed a significant linear increase in CR over the 4 years of the study. These results indicate that older adults engaging in high-level mental stimulation display an increase in CR over a 4-year period. Conclusion: Increasing mental activity in older adulthood may be a viable strategy to improve cognitive function and offset cognitive decline associated with normal aging

    Influence of maternal folate depletion on Art3 DNA methylation in the murine adult brain; potential consequences for brain and neurocognitive health

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    \ua9 The Author(s) 2024. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the UK Environmental Mutagen Society. The developmental origins of health and disease hypothesis suggest early-life environment impacts health outcomes throughout the life course. In particular, epigenetic marks, including DNA methylation, are thought to be key mechanisms through which environmental exposures pro-gramme later-life health. Adequate maternal folate status before and during pregnancy is essential in the protection against neural tube defects, but data are emerging that suggest early-life folate exposures may also influence neurocognitive outcomes in childhood and, potentially, thereafter. Since folate is key to the supply of methyl donors for DNA methylation, we hypothesize that DNA methylation may be a mediating mechanism through which maternal folate influences neurocognitive outcomes. Using bisulphite sequencing, we measured DNA methylation of five genes (Art3, Rsp16, Tspo, Wnt16, and Pcdhb6) in the brain tissue of adult offspring of dams who were depleted of folate (n = 5, 0.4 mg folic acid/kg diet) during pregnancy (~19-21 days) and lactation (mean 22 days) compared with controls (n = 6, 2 mg folic acid/kg diet). Genes were selected as methylation of their promoters had previously been found to be altered by maternal folate intake in mice and humans across the life course, and because they have potential associations with neurocognitive outcomes. Maternal folate depletion was significantly associated with Art3 gene hypomethylation in subcortical brain tissue of adult mice at 28 weeks of age (mean decrease 6.2%, P = .03). For the other genes, no statistically significant differences were found between folate depleted and control groups. Given its association with neurocognitive outcomes, we suggest Art3 warrants further study in the context of lifecourse brain health. We have uncovered a potential biomarker that, once validated in accessible biospecimens and human context, may be useful to track the impact of early-life folate exposure on later-life neurocognitive health, and potentially be used to develop and monitor the effects of interventions

    Screening and classifying small-molecule inhibitors of amyloid formation using ion mobility spectrometry-mass spectrometry

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    The search for therapeutic agents that bind specifically to precursor protein conformations and inhibit amyloid assembly is an important challenge. Identifying such inhibitors is difficult because many protein precursors of aggregation are partially folded or intrinsically disordered, which rules out structure-based design. Furthermore, inhibitors can act by a variety of mechanisms, including specific or nonspecific binding, as well as colloidal inhibition. Here we report a high-throughput method based on ion mobility spectrometry–mass spectrometry (IMS–MS) that is capable of rapidly detecting small molecules that bind to amyloid precursors, identifying the interacting protein species and defining the mode of inhibition. Using this method we have classified a variety of small molecules that are potential inhibitors of human ​islet amyloid polypeptide (​hIAPP) aggregation or ​amyloid-beta 1-40 aggregation as specific, nonspecific, colloidal or non-interacting. We also demonstrate the ability of IMS–MS to screen for inhibitory small molecules in a 96-well plate format and use this to discover a new inhibitor of ​hIAPP amyloid assembly

    Why business angels reject investment opportunities: Is it personal?

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    A major focus of research on business angels has examined their decision-making processes and investment criteria. As business angels reject most of the opportunities that they receive, this article explores the reasons informing such decisions. In view of angel heterogeneity, investment opportunities might be expected to be rejected for differing reasons. Two sources of data are used to examine this issue. Face-to-face interviews with 30 business angels in Scotland and Northern Ireland provided information on typical ‘deal killers’. This was complemented by an Internet survey of United Kingdom that attracted responses from 238 UK business angels. The findings confirm that the main reason for rejection relates to the entrepreneur/management team. However, angel characteristics do not explain the number of reasons given for opportunity rejection nor do they predict the reasons for rejecting investment opportunities. This could be related to the increasing trend for business angels to join organised groups which, in turn, leads to the development of a shared repertoire of investment approaches. We suggest the concept of ‘communities-of-practice’ as an explanation for this finding

    Conclusive quantum steering with superconducting transition edge sensors

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    Quantum steering allows two parties to verify shared entanglement even if one measurement device is untrusted. A conclusive demonstration of steering through the violation of a steering inequality is of considerable fundamental interest and opens up applications in quantum communication. To date all experimental tests with single photon states have relied on post-selection, allowing untrusted devices to cheat by hiding unfavourable events in losses. Here we close this "detection loophole" by combining a highly efficient source of entangled photon pairs with superconducting transition edge sensors. We achieve an unprecedented ~62% conditional detection efficiency of entangled photons and violate a steering inequality with the minimal number of measurement settings by 48 standard deviations. Our results provide a clear path to practical applications of steering and to a photonic loophole-free Bell test.Comment: Preprint of 7 pages, 3 figures; the definitive version is published in Nature Communications, see below. Also, see related experimental work by A. J. Bennet et al., arXiv:1111.0739 and B. Wittmann et al., arXiv:1111.076

    Computed cardiopulmonography and the idealized lung clearance index, iLCI2.5, in early-stage cystic fibrosis.

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    This study explored the use of computed cardiopulmonography (CCP) to assess lung function in early-stage cystic fibrosis (CF). CCP has two components. The first is a particularly accurate technique for measuring gas exchange. The second is a computational cardiopulmonary model where patient-specific parameters can be estimated from the measurements of gas exchange. Twenty-five participants (14 healthy controls, 11 early-stage CF) were studied with CCP. They were also studied with a standard clinical protocol to measure the lung clearance index (LCI2.5). Ventilation inhomogeneity, as quantified through CCP parameter σlnCl, was significantly greater (P < 0.005) in CF than in controls, and anatomical deadspace relative to predicted functional residual capacity (DS/FRCpred) was significantly more variable (P < 0.002). Participant-specific parameters were used with the CCP model to calculate idealized values for LCI2.5 (iLCI2.5) where extrapulmonary influences on the LCI2.5, such as breathing pattern, had all been standardized. Both LCI2.5 and iLCI2.5 distinguished clearly between CF and control participants. LCI2.5 values were mostly higher than iLCI2.5 values in a manner dependent on the participant's respiratory rate (r = 0.46, P < 0.05). The within-participant reproducibility for iLCI2.5 appeared better than for LCI2.5, but this did not reach statistical significance (F ratio = 2.2, P = 0.056). Both a sensitivity analysis on iLCI2.5 and a regression analysis on LCI2.5 revealed that these depended primarily on an interactive term between CCP parameters of the form σlnCL*(DS/FRC). In conclusion, the LCI2.5 (or iLCI2.5) probably reflects an amalgam of different underlying lung changes in early-stage CF that would require a multiparameter approach, such as potentially CCP, to resolve.NEW & NOTEWORTHY Computed cardiopulmonography is a new technique comprising a highly accurate sensor for measuring respiratory gas exchange coupled with a cardiopulmonary model that is used to identify a set of patient-specific characteristics of the lung. Here, we show that this technique can improve on a standard clinical approach for lung function testing in cystic fibrosis. Most particularly, an approach incorporating multiple model parameters can potentially separate different aspects of pathological change in this disease