2,464 research outputs found

    Metodologias para avaliação do estado ecológico de massas de água interiores no Sul de Portugal

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    O aumento da população humana e o crescente desenvolvimento tecnológico tem conduzido a um excessivo consumo de água consequentemente associado à degradação dos ecossistemas aquáticos. Surge assim a necessidade de avaliar o estado dos ecossistemas aquáticos, através de programas de monitorização adaptados às diferentes realidades. Nesse sentido foram desenvolvidas metodologias a nível nacional pelo Instituto da Água (INAG) para avaliação dos ecossistemas aquáticos, perfeitamente enquadradas nos requisitos da Directiva Quadro da Água (DQA - Directiva 2000/60/CE do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho), segundo a qual os estados membros assumem o compromisso de alterar as estratégias tradicionais de utilização da água, facto que requer o desenvolvimento de uma nova concepção social e institucional sobre o valor da água., assim como o desenvolvimento de metodologias especificas para avaliação do estado das massas de água. Ainda no âmbito desta directiva, os estados membros deverão desenvolver Planos de Bacia Hidrográfica, onde se obriga à classificação do estado das massas de água (ecológico e químico) com vista à recuperação de todas as que se classificam abaixo de Bom. Neste contexto, as comunidades biológicas adquirem uma importância acrescida, uma vez que reflectem as contaminações físicas e químicas (pontual ou difusa) e as alterações morfológicas estruturais (caudais, vegetação ripícola, geomorfologia). No sul de Portugal (bacias hidrográficas do Sado/Mira e Guadiana), a avaliação do estado das massas de água rios efectuada nos anos de 2009 e 2010 no âmbito dos Planos de Bacia Hidrográfica, revelou que apenas 36% e 41% das massas de água rio apresentam Bom estado. Os principais elementos responsáveis pelas classificações indesejáveis foram os elementos biológicos (i.e diatomáceas e invertebrados bentónicos), o Fósforo Total e os níveis de Oxigénio Dissolvido. Consequentemente é necessário propor medidas para progressivamente reduzir a degradação, assim como propor medidas para prevenir a deterioração das massas de águas classificadas como Bom estado, sobretudo tendo em atenção que é objectivo da DQA que todas as massas de água atinjam o Bom estado até 2015

    Patterns and Spatial Prediction of Livestock Predation by Grizzly Bears on the Blackfeet Reservation

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    Human caused mortality is a primary limiting factor in carnivore conservation globally. A large proportion of predator persecution is the result of retaliation due to lost livestock. If carnivore conservation is to succeed then the economic burden on livestock producers needs to be ameliorated. Proactively preventing livestock depredation is perhaps the most effective method to solve conflicts compared to reactively relocating problem animals or reimbursing people for losses. Large carnivores, however, range across wide areas while management dollars are limited and thus where to implement conflict prevention measures is a matter of triage. To prioritize conflict prevention efforts we examined 23 years of data on livestock depredation by grizzly bears (Ursus arctos) across the Blackfeet Indian Reservation. Since 1993 livestock loss by grizzlies has increased an average of 6% per year and depredations were positively associated with warmer weather. Additionally, we forecasted spatial risk by estimating the relative probability of livestock loss across the reservation. Using logistic regression models we tested remotely sensed landscape variables to understand how habitat features influence the risk of depredation by bears. We found that locations closer to trees had the highest chance of livestock loss. Furthermore, places closer to perennial and seasonal water also had increased risk. Topography also influenced depredation probability with lower elevations and gentler slopes having increased risk. In all, our results will provide 1) managers a clear path in prioritizing areas to receive conflict prevention resources, and 2) livestock growers a knowledge of how to distribute animals to reduce risk

    Exploring the role of norms and habit in explaining pro-environmental behavior intentions in situations of use robots and AI agents as providers in tourism sector

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    In a pandemic situation, with climate change around the world, studies analyzing changes in travel patterns are welcome. This study combines three theories to propose a model on proenvironmental behavior intentions, namely, the theory of planned behavior, value–belief–norm theory and habit theory. This study aims to examine the role of social norms, personal norms and habit strength to explain pro-environmental behavior intentions. The authors collected 316 usable questionnaires from tourists in the well-known touristic Belem location in Lisbon. Personal norms were revealed to have the strongest association with pro-environmental behavior intentions, followed by habit strength. The study also identified different broad challenges to encouraging sustainable behaviors and use these to develop novel theoretical propositions and directions for future research. Finally, the authors outlined how practitioners aiming to encourage sustainable consumer behaviors can use this framework to achieve better results.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Resource Selection, Predation Risk, and Underestimates of Refuge Habitat for an Alpine Obligate

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    Understanding relationships between animals and their habitat is a central goal in ecology with important implications for conservation.  Misidentified habitat requirements, however, can have serious repercussions because land protections or reintroductions might occur in areas of less than optimal habitat. Studies of resource selection have greatly facilitated an understanding of relationships but suffer because rarely used, but vital habitat features may be insufficiently described. A critical element for many prey species is escape terrain or some form of refuge. Mountain goats (Oreamnos americanus) are a species well known for their use of cliffs to escape predation, but a survey of the literature reveals at least twelve different approximations of goat escape terrain.  Here, we sought to 1) optimize mountain goat escape terrain estimates, and 2) highlight the assumption that the time an animal spends in an area is proportional to importance. We experimentally exposed mountain goats to grizzly bear (predation risk) and ungulate (control) imitations and recorded subsequent escape locations in Glacier National Park, Montana, USA. Through a used-unused resource selection function we tested 21 landscape variables for explaining goat escape terrain. We found that distance to slopes greater then 60o best explained where mountain goats fled. Additionally, we identified the need to incorporate behavior and predator interactions into resource selection studies. With 27 failed mountain goats reintroductions these results have consequences on habitat characterization and considerations for species restoration.  Managers should consider the availability of escape habitat when protecting land or reintroducing prey species

    Observação introspectiva de uma tarefa do voleibol em ambiente escolar

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    Parece ser já um lugar comum dizer-se que os professores de educação física e os treinadores desportivos tentam ajudar os praticantes (alunos e atletas) no sentido de melhorar as suas prestações e que, para atingirem tal objectivo, têm de observar criteriosamente as suas execuções motoras de modo a poderem fornecer "feedbacks" apropriados que as facilitem e melhorem. Por outro lado há uma constante necessidade de controlar o envolvimento onde estão inseridos de forma a permitir-lhes uma eficaz intervenção pedagógica. Esse controle é efectuado pela sua competência de observação. Estas são as razões primordiais que nos levam a dizer que a observação é uma tarefa inerente ao ensino e ao treino das habilidades físicas e desportivas, tendo em conta a sua necessidade para supervisionar os mais diversificados aspectos do comportamento dos seus alunos (atenção, disciplina, comportamentos apropriados e inapropriados, fora da tarefa, etc.), como também o desenvolvimento dos comportamentos técnicos, possibilitando corrigir erros de execução e, consequentemente, aperfeiçoá-los

    Making museums attractions to tourists: serious leisure, meaningfulness and emotions as drivers to engagement

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    The aim of this study is to explore the relationships among the concepts of serous leisure, meaningfulness, emotions, word-of-mouth and passionate desire, as antecedents and outcomes of engagement with museums. The proposed model is tested with a sample of 461 visitors (from Portugal and abroad) in a culturally specific setting of Lisbon museums (where improvements and innovations were implemented). The findings contribute to a better understanding of visitors’ perceptions about museums acting as tourist attractions. Several implications can be pointed out from the study findings, and interesting directions for future research are provided.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Relationship marketing on social software platforms

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    Relationship marketing strategies are typically designed to gather information in order to help firms to identify and retain customers or guests. Firms organize relationship marketing programmes, described as ‘the ongoing process of engaging in cooperative and collaborative activities and programmes with immediate and end-user customers to create or enhance mutual economic value at reduced cost’ (Parvatiyar and Sheth 2000: p. 9). Examples of programmes include: (1) loyalty card programmes, (2) company credit cards, (3) opting in for personalized offers delivered via mailing and (4) via e-mail lists, and (5) rebate offers (Noble and Phillips 2004).info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    A crise social desenhada pelas crianças: imaginação e conhecimento social

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    A crise social e económica que tem atingido o mundo desde 2008, com efeitos especialmente sentidos nos países do Sul da Europa, causou impactos fortes e visíveis na infância, como o aumento das taxas efetivas e de risco de pobreza e a vulnerabilidade e a exposição a fatores de risco social e de perda consistente de direitos. A análise dessas incidências tem vindo a ser trabalhada num conjunto de relatórios nacionais e internacionais, de ONG’s e estudos académicos. No entanto, poucos estudos têm dedicado atenção ao modo como a interpretação das representações das crianças sobre a crise é feita e sobre as expressões específicas que estas assumem na sua vida quotidiana. As crianças são capazes de observar os modos como a crise impacta o seu próprio grupo geracional, bem como os adultos que mais lhe são próximos. Da mesma forma, promovem interpretações económicas sobre os fenómenos, sejam elas mais “ingénuas” ou mais complexas. Este artigo incide sobre as representações das crianças sobre a crise social e económica em Portugal. São especialmente analisadas narrativas gráficas produzidas por crianças oriundas de classes trabalhadoras, com idades compreendidas entre os 6 e os 10 anos de idade. Por meio dessas narrativas, as crianças constroem formas visuais a partir da sua imaginação sobre a sua condição. Assim, a imaginação das crianças é um modo de acesso ao conhecimento na sociedade onde se inserem e aos seus modos próprios de compreensão de realidades complexas.The social and economic crisis that has hit the world since 2008, with effects strongly felt in the countries of Southern Europe, has had fierce and visible impacts in childhood with the increase of the effective rates, the risk of poverty and vulnerability, and the exposure to factors of social risk and consistent loss of rights. The analysis of these incidents has been worked on in a series of national and international reports from NGOs and academic studies. However, few studies have devoted attention to the way in which the interpretation of the representations of children about the crisis is made and the specific expressions that they assume in their daily lives. Children are able to observe the ways in which the crisis affects their own generational group as well as the adults closest to them. In the same way, they promote economic interpretations of phenomena, whether “naïve” or more complex. This article focuses on the representations of children about the social and economic crisis in Portugal. Graphical narratives produced by children from working classes, aged between 6 and 10 years old, are given focus. From these narratives, children construct visual forms from their imagination about their social condition. Thus, the child’s imagination is a way of accessing knowledge in the society they belong to and their own way of understanding complex realities.CIEC - Centro de Investigação em Estudos da Criança, IE, UMinho (UI 317 da FCT), Portugalinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    How to measure a Hill-Sachs lesion: a systematic review

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    Quantifying bone loss is important to decide the best treatment for patients with recurrent anterior glenohumeral instability. Currently, there is no standard method available to make a precise evaluation of the Hill-Sachs lesion and predict its engagement before the surgical procedure. This literature review was performed in order to identify existing published imaging methods quantifying humeral head bone loss in Hill-Sachs lesions.Searches were undertaken in Scopus and PubMed databases from January 2008 until February 2018. The search terms were "Hill-Sachs" and "measurement" for the initial search and "Hill-Sachs bone loss" for the second, to be present in the keywords, abstracts and title. All articles that presented a method for quantifying measurement of Hill-Sachs lesions were analysed.Several methods are currently available to evaluate Hill-Sachs lesions. The length, width and depth measurements on CT scans show strong inter and intra-observer correlation coefficients. Three-dimensional CT is helpful for evaluation of bony injuries; however, there were no significant differences between 3D CT and 3D MRI measurements. The on-track off-track method using MRI allows a simultaneous evaluation of the Hill-Sachs and glenoid bone loss and also predicts the engaging lesions with good accuracy. Cite this article: EFORT Open Rev 2019;4:151-157. DOI: 10.1302/2058-5241.4.180031.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Using the fuzzy linguistic computing in the evaluation of the value creation in an innovative product

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    Although innovation usually involves the assumption of high risk levels, it assumes itself as a vital tool for growth, enhancing value creation representing a competitive advantage. The aim of this chapter is to propose a methodology to evaluate the potential for value creation in innovation of a new product, relatively to intangible and tangible assets. For intangible assets the proposed methodology combines a multiple criteria decision-making method with an adaptation of Tai and Chen (2009) model using 2-tuple fuzzy linguistic approach. This methodology was applied to the EToll product developed by the Portuguese company Brisa Innovation and Technology. It was concluded that the benefits that most contributed to value creation are the development and entrepreneurship of national companies and a better cooperation with suppliers and partners. The EToll also allowed a significant reduction in operating costs in the company. The originality of this study is based in the challenge for business managers to assess the real impact of new products based not only on financial reports, but also in terms of intangible assets and also, how to consider the more appropriate qualitative dimensions to evaluate the performance of intangible assets resulting from innovation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio