29 research outputs found

    Increasing Student Activity and Learning Outcomes Using the BERANI Model in Elementary School

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    The problem in this research is the low activity and learning outcomes of students in PPKn content. This research aims to determine the activities of educators, as well as increasing the activities and learning outcomes of students. This research uses a qualitative approach with the type of Classroom Action Research (PTK) which was carried out in 4 meetings in class IV of SDN Mawar 2 Banjarmasin in the even semester of the 2023/2024 academic year. The research instrument uses observation sheets and evaluation tests for student learning outcomes. Data analysis in this research uses descriptive analysis techniques and is explained using tables, graphs and interpretation with percentages. Based on the findings of this research, educator activity increased at each meeting until it reached a score of 28 at meeting 4 which met the "Very Good" criteria. At each meeting, student activity increased until it reached 96% with the criteria "Very Active" at meeting 4. And student learning outcomes increased at each meeting until it reached 100%. Based on the research results, it was concluded that the Problem Based Learning, Group Investigation, and Picture and Picture models can improve students' activities and learning outcomes


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    This research aims to overcome problems in the scope of the ability to work together and learning outcomes in the content of Pancasila education in elementary schools. The solution to overcome this problem is to use the PERISAI model which is implemented in the learning process.  This research uses a type of classroom action research (CAR) with the approach quantitative and qualitative. The research results showed that the ability to work together obtained a percentage of 87% with the criteria "very capable" and learning outcomes obtained a percentage of 96% with the criteria "complete". Based on the data and research results, it can be concluded that applying the PERISAI model (Project Based Learning, Group Investigation, and Play-based Learning) can improve the ability to work together and have a very good impact on improving student learning outcomes

    Implementasi Karakter Peduli Lingkungan Sungai Berbasis Kewarganegaraan Ekologis Melalui Program Adiwiyata di Sekolah Dasar

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis implementasi karakter peduli lingkungan sungai berbasis kewarganegaraan ekologis melalui program Adiwiyata di Sekolah Dasar Negeri 1 Basirih. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa karakter peduli lingkungan sungai sudah terintegrasi di dalam aspek-aspek  program Adiwiyata. Adanya visi, misi dan tujuan sekolah yang memuat tentang lingkungan sungai, kurikulum yang sudah terintegrasi mengenai lingkungan dengan mengintegrasikan semua mata pelajaran materi terkait lingkungan sungai, optimalisasi kegiatan ekstrakulikuler khususnya pramuka terkait dengan lingkungan sungai, ikut berpartisipasi kegiatan-kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan pelestarian dan kebersihan lingkungan sungai, serta tersedianya dengan baik pengelolaan sarana dan prasarana yang ramah lingkungan. Implementasi karakter peduli lingkungan sungai sudah diimplementasikan cukup baik di sekolah tersebut, namun masih sangat perlu  dilakukan optimalisasi kembali khususnya mengenai nilai karakter peduli lingkungan sungai. Hal itu harus dilakukan dari tingkat yang paling dasar agar mampu membentuk serta menanamkan kepada peserta didik di sekolah

    Workshop Pembuatan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas bagi Guru Sekolah Dasar di Kecamatan Barabai Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Tengah

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    Making Classroom Action Research (CAR) for teachers at SD, Barabai District, Hulu Sungai Tengah Regency, South Kalimantan. The methods used in this research are lectures, discussions, and training which are carried out through webinars using the Zoom application. The community service participants are 36 teachers from elementary schools in Barabai District, Hulu Sungai Tengah Regency. The training activities went well and received positive responses from the teachers. This activity has a positive impact on the ability of teachers in terms of knowledge and self-development related to making CAR


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    This study aims to determine the effect of brand ambassador of brand image of wardah products used by students of Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang. The problem of this study is that some students feel wardah’s brand ambassadors have not influenced them to use the wardah products. The study is conducted in Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang. Based on purposive sampling method, a total number of sample is 83 students of business administration department. Interviews and questionnaire was used to get the data of this study. This study showed that brand ambassador impact significantly brand image of wardah products for students of business administration department. The determination coefficient of this study is 0,36% meaning that the percentage of brand ambassador affects brand image at 36%, while 74% of brand image are influenced by other variables

    Designing ICT Competences-Integrated Syllabuses of Language Awareness Courses

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    The needs of integrating ICT into the education and the ideal syllabuses of Language Awareness become consideration in this study. This study is conducted to design ICT competences-integrated syllabuses of Language Awareness Courses using model of syllabus design by Nation and Macalister (2010). The analysis of ICT uses UNESCO ICT Competences Framework for Teacher (ICT-CFT) and other relevant studies about ICT Competences and formulate the indicator of ICT competences integrated into the components of syllabus. Employing Design and Develop Research by Richey and Klein (2005), Borg and Gall (2003) and Waderman (2005), the study is also to describe the procedure of integrating ICT competences into the components of syllabus. The findings showed that (1) ICT competences have integrated in the existing syllabuses of Language Awareness compiled from other universities in Indonesia in learning media and learning method components. Only five syllabuses that have not integrated with ICT competences. (2) There were six steps to integrate ICT competences into the 14 components of syllabus formulated from National Standard (2016) and another syllabus expert. (3) The prototype syllabuses of Language Awareness course were designed and the integrated-syllabuses were chosen as types of syllabus of Language Awareness courses: Skill-based and Task-based syllabus were chosen for English Phonetics and Phonology, and English Sociopragmatics; and Structural-based and Task-based syllabus was chosen for English Morphology and Syntax. Kebutuhan terhadap integrasi kompetensi TIK di dalam Pendidikan dan formulasi ideal silabus yang berfokus terhadap kesadaran Bahasa (Language Awareness) menjadi titik tumpu dalam studi ini. Berlatar belakang hal tersebut, studi ini bertujuan untuk mendesain silabus untuk mata kuliah kesadaran Bahasa yang berintegrasi dengan kompetensi TIK dengan menggunakan model desain silabus oleh Nation dan Macalister (2010). Analisis kompetensi TIK menggunakan Kerangka Kompetensi TIK untuk Guru Bahasa oleh UNESCO (ICT-TF) dan pelbagai teori mengenai kompetensi TIK. Dengan menggunakan metode Design and Develop Research (DDR) oleh Richey dan Klein (2005), Borg dan Gall (2003) dan Waderman (2005), studi ini juga bertujuan untuk memaparkan proses integrasi kompetensi TIK ke dalam komponen silabus. Temuan studi menunjukkan bahwa (1) kompetensi TIK sudah diintegrasikan dalam komponen silabus media pembelajaran dan metode pembelajaran pada silabus yang sudah ada. Hanya lima silabus tidak terintegrasi dengan kompetensi TIK. (2) Ada enam tahap untuk mengintegrasikan kompetensi TIK ke dalam 14 komponen silabus yang diformulasikan dari standar nasional (2016) dan beberapa ahli silabus lainnya. (3) Purwarupa silabus mata kuliah kesadaran Bahasa didesain dan tipe silabus yang digunakan untuk mata kuliah Fonetik dan Fonologi Bahasa Inggris, Morfologi dan Sintaksis Bahasa Inggris dan Sosiopragmatik Bahasa Inggris adalah silabus berintegras


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    The problem of this research is the low level of critical thinking skills and student learning outcomes in social studies content. The solution to overcome this problem is to use the PELANGI model in the learning process. The aim of this research is to analyze critical thinking skills and student learning outcomes in social studies content. This research used a qualitative and quantitative approach with the type of classroom action research (PTK) and was carried out in 3 meetings. This research was carried out in class IV at SDN Hilir Mesjid which consisted of 11 students. The research results show that critical thinking skills obtained a percentage of 82% with the criteria "very skilled" and student learning outcomes with a percentage of 91% with the criteria "complete". Based on the data and results of this research, it can be concluded that the application of the PELANGI model (Problem Based Learning, Think Pair Share, Talking Stick) can help improve critical thinking skills and have a good impact on student learning outcome


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    The problem in this research is the low level of  critical thinking skills, and student learning outcomes regarding hot content and material and the transfer of science learning content. This is caused by lack of critical thinking training, poor memory, and students' ability to understand the concepts being taught. The SENTER model, which is a combination of Problem Based Learning, Student Centered Learning, and Numbered Head Together, is designed to critical thinking, and student learning outcomes. The purpose of this research is to analyze critical thinking skills and student learning outcomes.This research used a type of Classroom Action Research (PTK), which was carried out over four meetings. Class V students of SDN Kuin Selatan 1 Banjarmasin for the 2022/2023 academic year, consisting of 17 students, are the subjects of this research. Data collection methods use tests and observations. This research collects qualitative and quantitative data. Data analysis was carried out using descriptive techniques such as tables, graphs and percentage interpretation.The results showed that students' critical thinking skills increased by 88% and student learning outcomes increased by 92% for the "Complete" criterion. ".The research results show that the SENTER model can increase critical thinking skills and student learning outcomes. To improve the quality of learning in schools, the use of this model is recommended as an alternative


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    Penelitian ini berjudul “Analisis Pemenuhan Sarana dan Prasarana Sekolah Dasar di Kota Bengkulu Tahun Pelajaran 2021/2022”. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah terdeskripsikannya pemenuhan sarana dan prasarana pendidikan sekolah dasar di Kota Bengkulu. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan metode deskriptif. Teknik pengambilan data menggunakan wawancara, observasi serta studi dokumentasi. Objek dari penelitian ini merupakan sarana dan prasarana pendidikan sekolah dasar di Kota Bengkulu. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis menggunakan analisis kebijakan dan analisis SWOT. Adapun hasil yang didapatkan adalah bahwa sekolah dasar di Kota Bengkulu belum memenuhi sarana dan prasarana pendidikan. Kondisi secara keseluruhan sudah cukup baik, keadaan sarana dan prasarana sekolah dalam keadaan yang layak untuk digunakan. Selain itu, komponen sarana dan prasarana sudah mengacu pada standar sarana dan prasarana dalam permendikbud 2007 tentang standar nasional pendidikan. Mengacu pada standar sarana dan prasarana sekolah dasar, secara keseluruhan ketersediaan sarana dan prasarana di sekolah cukup lengkap, akan tetapi banyak dari komponen sarana dan prasarana yang tersedia tidak sesuai dengan rasio yang ditentukan, contohnya seperti ruang kelas, luas bangunan, luas lantai, dan lain-lain sehingga menyebabkan sarana dan prasarana sekolah belum memenuhi standar yang berlaku. Faktor yang menunjang pemenuhan sarana dan prasarana adalah manajemen sarana dan prasarana yang baik, ketersediaan sarana dan prasarana yang cukup lengkap sehingga hanya memerlukan pemeliharaan dan pengadaan yang tidak terlalu banyak, dan bantuan dari pemerintah atau masyarakat. Dapat diketahui bahwa biaya merupakan hambatan yang paling berpengaruh, untuk melakukan pengadaan dan pemeliharaan membutuhkan biaya yang tinggi. This research is entitled AN ANALYSIS OF THE FULFILLING FACILITIES AND INFRASTUCTURE OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL IN BENGKULU CITY 2021/2022 ACADEMIC YEAR (Case Studies in 3 Schools). The purpose of this study is to describe the fulfillment of basic school education facilities and infrastructure in Bengkulu City. In this study using a qualitative approach and descriptive methods. Data collection techniques using interviews, observations and documentation studies. The object of this research is the basic school education facilities and infrastructure in Bengkulu City. The data obtained were then analyzed using policy analysis and SWOT analysis. The results obtained are that elementary schools in Bengkulu City have not met educational facilities and infrastructure. The overall condition is quite good, the condition of school facilities and infrastructure is in a condition that is suitable for use. In addition, the facilities and infrastructure components have referred to the facilities and infrastructure standards in the 2007 Minister of Education and Culture concerning the National Education Standards. Referring to the standard of basic school facilities and infrastructure, the overall availability of facilities and infrastructure in schools is quite complete, but many of the available facilities and infrastructure components are not in accordance with the specified ratio, for example, such as classrooms, building area, floor area, causing and school infrastructure does not meet the applicable standards. Factors that support the fulfillment of facilities and infrastructure are good management of facilities and infrastructure, the availability of facilities and infrastructure that are quite complete so that only maintenance and procurement are not too much, and assistance from the government or the community. It can be seen that cost is the most influential obstacle, to carry out procurement and maintenance requires high costs