1,118 research outputs found

    A proposal for an air quality monitoring system for Cartagena de Indias

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    This paper presents an Air Quality Monitoring System for the city of Cartagena de Indias. The goal of this system is to monitor the air quality in the city and to establish the current state of the air Cartagena's citizen breathe. Data is going to be acquired through a sensor network, and the information is going to be displayed on web or mobile application allowing access from anywhere in the world to anyone that may be interested. It is expected that the availability of this information allows research centers, educational institutions, and government to design plans for prevention and improvement of the air quality in the city based on historical and real-time data. © 2019 Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions. All rights reserved

    Analysis of the knowledge and opinions of students and qualified dentists regarding the use of computers

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    Dentists are currently required to make multiple diagnoses and treatment decisions every day and the information necessary to achieve this satisfactorily doubles in volume every five years. Knowledge therefore rapidly becomes out of date, so that it is often impossible to remember established information and assimilate new concepts. This may result in a significant lack of knowledge in the future, which would jeopardize the success of treatments. To remedy this situation and to prevent it, we nowadays have access to modern computing systems, with an extensive data base, which helps us to retain the information necessary for daily practice and access it instantaneously. Objetives: The objectives of this study are therefore to determine how widespread the use of computing is in this environment and to determine the opinion of students and qualified dentists as regards its use in Dentistry. Study design: 90 people were chosen to take part in the study, divided into the following groups (students) (newly qualified dentists) (experts). Results: It has been demonstrated that a high percentage (93.30%) use a computer, but that their level of computing knowledge is predominantly moderate. The place where a computer is used most is the home, which suggests that the majority own a computer. Conclusions: Analysis of the results obtained for evaluation of computers in teaching showed that the participants thought that it saved a great deal of time and had great potential for providing an image (in terms of marketing) and they considered it a very innovative and stimulating tool

    Development of a computer application to help in the decision-making process in teaching dentistry

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    Objectives: This article describes the development of a computer application, Asiodint 1.0, whose objective is principally to help students and also newly qualified graduates in the decision-making process in a variety of clinical situations. The tree starts with an initial identification, naming the problem to be solved. It then follows a path via various stages (nodes), according to the responses to the variables which are important in this decision-making process, configuring a final outcome. Study design: A population of 90 individuals was chosen, divided without any specific criteria into three groups: A) students, B) qualified dentists with at least 2 years? and at most 5 years? professional experience, C) qualified dentists with more than 10 years? professional experience. Two clinical cases were designed for the themes used in the program (evaluation of an abutment tooth and treatment of an extracted tooth). The participants answered questions on the two cases first based on their knowledge and then with the help of the program, and were able to check the degree of agreement between their opinion and that offered by the program. Finally each individual had to fill in a questionnaire on their opinion of the program, additionally describing the advantages and drawbacks they found in the application and whether discrepancies were due to a fault in the program?s data base, an error by the individual or other reasons. Results: 100% of the participants stated that they would like to have this tool as an aid and 96.7% thought that it could be used to improve teaching. Conclusions: This program may be used repeatedly and at any time by students and teachers who so wish. This offers the advantage that it can be reviewed to reinforce information learnt by the students. The teaching staff can, however, if they so desire, design any theme they wish, increasing the efficiency and support capabilities of the program. Development of a computer application to help in the decision-making process in teaching dentistry. Program innovation

    Efecto de la osteoporosis subcondral en la evolución de la artrosis en un modelo experimental de artrosis en conejos

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Medicina. Departamento de Medicina. Fecha de lectura: 27-Junio-200

    Gestión de los bienes patrimoniales en el sector público nacional

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    El significado etimológico de la palabra Administración proviene del latín administratio que significa: acción de administrar; término compuesto por los vocablos: ad, entendido como: dirección y, minister que se descompone en: minus, entendido como: subordinación, dependencia y en: ter, que es un sufijo utilizado como término de: comparación. De lo expuesto, podemos decir que Administración, significa: quien cumple una función por encargo de otro o, quien presta un servicio a otro. La palabra Administración también puede entenderse como: la actividad cooperativa que se desarrolla bajo el mando o dirección de otro, tendente a brindar servicios de calidad con eficacia y eficiencia a la población demandante. Sin embargo, a través del tiempo (desde los primeros años de la humanidad hasta nuestros días) se ha expuesto infinidad de conceptos sobre Administración, determinados, básicamente, según la formación profesional, experiencia, labor de investigación y vivencias de los investigadores. La Administración tiene su origen en el hecho intuitivo [facultad de comprender las cosas al instante] del hombre para satisfacer sus más premiosas necesidades de supervivencia, comprendida esta desde la prehistoria misma. Pero, es común hoy en día, como consecuencia misma de los adelantos científicos y tecnológicos, que a la Administración se le divida en Administración pública y Administración privada; entendiéndose a la primera, como la función del Estado que consiste en una actividad concreta, continua, práctica y espontánea de carácter subordinado a los poderes del Estado, cuyo fin primordial es satisfacer oportunamente y con eficiencia y eficacia, dentro del orden jurídico establecido y en forma directa e inmediata, las necesidades de la población, brindando servicios de calidad y, a la segunda, como aquella cuyo objeto es producir también oportunamente los bienes y prestar los servicios, de calidad, requeridos por la administración pública para brindarlos a la población, procurando una equitativa rentabilidad. Tanto la Administración pública como la Administración privada comparten las funciones, principios y técnicas de la Ciencia de la Administración. Como quiera que el tema objeto de este estudio trata sobre la Administración de los Bienes Patrimoniales Estatales, podríamos definir a ésta, como “la parte especializada de la Administración pública cuya finalidad es administrar integralmente los bienes patrimoniales [materiales, para el caso que nos ocupa] adquiridos por el Estado peruano con dineros públicos, para asignarlos en uso a las entidades públicas, a nivel nacional, y sean utilizados [únicamente] por los Gestores públicos con los que cuenta, cualquiera sea el nivel jerárquico y situación contractual laboral, tendente al logro de los objetivos y alcance de las metas institucionales, señalados en sus planes estratégicos, encuadrados todos ellos en los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible de las Naciones Unidas, en procura de brindar oportunamente servicios de calidad a la población.Tesi

    Structural properties of fluids interacting via piece-wise constant potentials with a hard core

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    Publicado en: J. Chem. Phys. 139, 074505 (2013) DOI: 10.1063/1.4818601Se presentan las propiedades estructurales de fluidos cuyas moléculas interactúan a través de potenciales con un núcleo duro más dos secciones constantes de diferentes anchuras y alturas. Éstos se derivan de un desarrollo más general presentado previamente para potenciales con un núcleo duro además de ƞ constante [Condens. Matter Phys. 15, 23602 (2012)] en el que se hizo uso de un método analítico de aproximación racional-función y semi-analítico. Los resultados de casos ilustrativos que comprenden ocho diferentes combinaciones de pozos y barreras son comparadas con datos de simulación y con aquellos que se derivan de la solución numérica de las ecuaciones integrales de Percus–Yevick y cadenas superentrelazadas. Se encuentra que la aproximación racional-funcional generalmente predice una función de distribución radial más precisa que la teoría de Percus–Yevick y es comparable o incluso superior a la teoría de cadenas superentrelazadas. Esta superioridad sobre ambas teorías de la ecuación integral se pierde, sin embargo, en altas densidades, especialmente cuando aumenta la amplitud de los pozos y/o barreras.The structural properties of fluids whose molecules interact via potentials with a hard core plus two piece-wise constant sections of different widths and heights are presented. These follow from the more general development previously introduced for potentials with a hard core plus n piece-wise constant sections [Condens. Matter Phys. 15, 23602 (2012)] in which use was made of a semi-analytic rational-function approximation method. The results of illustrative cases comprising eight different combinations of wells and shoulders are compared both with simulation data and with those that follow from the numerical solution of the Percus–Yevick and hypernetted-chain integral equations. It is found that the rational-function approximation generally predicts a more accurate radial distribution function than the Percus–Yevick theory and is comparable or even superior to the hypernetted-chain theory. This superiority over both integral equation theories is lost, however, at high densities, especially as the widths of the wells and/or the barriers increase.Para Andrés Santos Reyes y Santos Bravo Yuste, este trabajo ha sido financiado por el Gobierno de España, a partir de la beca FIS2010-16587 y de la Junta de Extremadura (España) a partir de la beca GR10158. También han sido parcialmente financiados por fondos FEDER. Pedro Orea ha recibido ayuda del IMP, a partir del Molecular Engineering Progra

    Rational approximations on smooth rational surfaces

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    In this thesis, we study a conjecture made by D. McKinnon about rational approximations to rational points in algebraic varieties. The conjecture states that if a rational point P on a variety X lies on a rational curve, then the best approximations to P can be chosen to lie along a rational curve on X. According to the conditions of the conjecture, it is natural to study this problem on algebraic varieties that contain a dense subset of rational points. Motivated by this remark, we study the conjecture on smooth rational surfaces, which not only contain a dense set of rational points, but also their classification is well understood. Given a point P on an algebraic variety and an ample divisor D, the approximation constant measures how well P can be approximated by rational points on the variety, with respect to a height function associated to D. In the study of the conjecture, it became clear that if a curve C contains the best approximations to P with respect to ample divisors D and D', then C turns out to be also a curve containing the best approximations for any divisor that is a linear combination of D and D'. This property motivated the study of the nef cone of the algebraic variety. Every ample divisor belongs to the interior of the nef cone and can be written as a linear combination of the generators of the nef cone. By an exhaustive study of the effective and nef cones on a smooth rational surface, it is possible to find a curve that contains the best approximations to the point P with respect to an ample divisor, which can be written in terms of the generators of the nef cone. In this work we use the fact that a smooth rational surface is obtained by a finite number of blow-ups of a Hirzebruch surface or of the projective plane. The Hirzebruch surfaces are equipped with morphisms to the projective line and to cones in some projective space. The study of the fibres of these morphisms provide good candidates of curves with best approximations and we rely on them to prove the conjecture for these cases. We review the conjecture proved by McKinnon in the case of smooth rational surfaces of Picard rank 4. We explore some of the examples in this case to present the techniques using the nef cone of the variety, and then we extend the result for surfaces of bigger Picard ranks. Finally, we extend the result to surfaces obtained by blowing up an arbitrary number of times on smooth points of the reducible fibre of the map to the projective line

    Incentivos municipales y la gestión administrativa de un Gobierno Local de La Libertad, 2022

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    Este estudio fue diseñado para determinar la relación entre los incentivos municipales y la gestión administrativa de un gobierno local de La Libertad, 2022. El tipo de investigación fue de enfoque cuantitativo, no experimental, diseño descriptivo correlacional simple. La población y la muestra fueron de 45 empleados que participan en actividades para el logro de las metas de los incentivos municipales. Como técnica de recolección de datos se utilizó la encuesta, con un cuestionario validado por el juicio de expertos y la confiabilidad se realizó mediante el método de alfa de cronbach. Los resultados fueron analizados con el software estadístico SPSS V. 26. Se determinó que existe relación directa y muy significativa entre los incentivos municipales y la gestión administrativa, según resultado del coeficiente de Pearson de 0.455 (correlación positiva media) con un valor de Sig. (Bilateral) de 0,002 menor a 0.01; por tanto se acepta la hipótesis de investigación y se rechaza la hipótesis nula. Asimismo se identificó que el nivel de gestión de los incentivos municipales es regular con el 75.56%y el nivel de la gestión administrativa es alta con el 53.33%

    Osteoarthritis associated with estrogen deficiency

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    Osteoarthritis (OA) affects all articular tissues and finally leads to joint failure. Although articular tissues have long been considered unresponsive to estrogens or their deficiency, there is now increasing evidence that estrogens influence the activity of joint tissues through complex molecular pathways that act at multiple levels. Indeed, we are only just beginning to understand the effects of estrogen deficiency on articular tissues during OA development and progression, as well as on the association between OA and osteoporosis. Estrogen replacement therapy and current selective estrogen receptor modulators have mixed effectiveness in preserving and/or restoring joint tissue in OA. Thus, a better understanding of how estrogen acts on joints and other tissues in OA will aid the development of specific and safe estrogen ligands as novel therapeutic agents targeting the OA joint as a whole organ