90 research outputs found
Abstrak- Produk kosmetik yang sedang marak digunakan di kalangan masyarakat khususnya kaum wanita yaitu lipstik. Telah dilakukan “Analisis Logam Timbal (Pb) Dan Kadmium (Cd) Pada Lipstik Berharga Murah Di Pasar Wadungasri Kabupaten Sidoarjo Secara Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrometry (ICPS)”. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui apakah kadar logam timbal (Pb) dan kadmium (Cd) memenuhi persyaratan yang ditetapkan oleh Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan, yaitu tidak melebihi 20 mg/kg atau 20 mg/L (20 bpj) untuk timbal (Pb) dan tidak melebihi 5 mg/kg atau 5 mg/L (5 bpj) untuk kadmium (Cd). Sampel yang digunakan memenuhi kriteria yaitu warna merah, berharga murah dan tidak mempunyai izin edar. Sebelum dilakukan uji kuantitatif maka dilakukan validasi metode dengan parameter selektifitas, linieritas, akurasi, presisi, LOD dan LOQ. Selektifitas untuk analisis Pb pada panjang gelombang 220,353 nm dan untuk Cd pada panjang gelombang 228,802 nm, linieritas Pb yaitu r = 0.9993 dan Vxo = 4,26% sedangkan linieritas Cd yaitu r = 0.9999 dan Vxo =1,48%, LOD dan LOQ Pb yaitu 48,3296 ppb dan 98,7431 ppb, LOD dan LOQ Cd yaitu 8,0482 ppb dan 23,8500 ppb, akurasi dengan % recovery Pb dan Cd yaitu 98,27% – 102,61% dan 103,15% – 108,42%, presisi < 2%. Metode ini memenuhi persyaratan validasi. Hasil yang didapat dari 8 sampel lipstik yang dijual di Pasar Wadungasri Kabupaten Sidoarjo tidak mengandung logam timbal (Pb) dan kadmium (Cd).
Kata kunci: Logam timbal (Pb), kadmium (Cd), ICPS, lipstik murah, Pasar Wadungasri Sidoarjo
Abstract- Women always used cosmetic everyday like lipstick. But we never know that some lipstic have the wrong ingredients or does’t have a good standards ingredients for daily use. This study analysis about lead (Pb) and Cadmium (Cd) metal which is contained in cheap lipstick that obtained at Wadung Asri market in Sidoarjo. This analysis used Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrometry (ICPS). The aim of this study is determain about level Lead (Pb) and Cadmium (Cd) metal it is qualify for Fod and Drug Administration (BPOM). The qualify Fod and Drug Administration for metal contained in lipstick is over 20mg/kg or 20mg/L (20bpj) for Lead (Pb) and Cadmium (Cd) is over 5 mg/kg or 5 mg/L (5bpj). The sample uses in this study is comply with criteria, have a red colour, low price and doesn’t have marketing authorization. This study used validation method with selectivity parameters, linier, accuracy, precision, LOD, LOQ and quantitative. Selectivity analysis for Pb is over 220,353 nm and Cd is over 228,802 nm, Pb linierity ( r ) = 0.9993 and Vxo = 4,26%. Cd linierity ( r ) = 0.9999 and Vxo = 1.48%, LOD and LOQ Pb 48,3296 ppb and 98,7431 ppb, LOD and LOQ Cd 8,0482 ppb and 23,8500 ppb. Accuracy Pb 98,27% - 102,61% and accuracy Cd 103, 15 % - 108,42%. Precision < 2%. This metod qualify for validation. The result of this study show that 8 lipstick sample used for study does’t have lead metal (Pb) or cadmium (Cd).
Keyword: Lead metal (Pb), cadmium (Cd), ICPS, cheap lipstick, Wadungasri Sidoarjo Market 
Abstrak- Produk kosmetik yang sedang marak digunakan di kalangan masyarakat khususnya kaum wanita yaitu lipstik. Telah dilakukan “Analisis Logam Timbal (Pb) Dan Kadmium (Cd) Pada Lipstik Berharga Murah Di Pasar Wadungasri Kabupaten Sidoarjo Secara Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrometry (ICPS)”. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui apakah kadar logam timbal (Pb) dan kadmium (Cd) memenuhi persyaratan yang ditetapkan oleh Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan, yaitu tidak melebihi 20 mg/kg atau 20 mg/L (20 bpj) untuk timbal (Pb) dan tidak melebihi 5 mg/kg atau 5 mg/L (5 bpj) untuk kadmium (Cd). Sampel yang digunakan memenuhi kriteria yaitu warna merah, berharga murah dan tidak mempunyai izin edar. Sebelum dilakukan uji kuantitatif maka dilakukan validasi metode dengan parameter selektifitas, linieritas, akurasi, presisi, LOD dan LOQ. Selektifitas untuk analisis Pb pada panjang gelombang 220,353 nm dan untuk Cd pada panjang gelombang 228,802 nm, linieritas Pb yaitu r = 0.9993 dan Vxo = 4,26% sedangkan linieritas Cd yaitu r = 0.9999 dan Vxo =1,48%, LOD dan LOQ Pb yaitu 48,3296 ppb dan 98,7431 ppb, LOD dan LOQ Cd yaitu 8,0482 ppb dan 23,8500 ppb, akurasi dengan % recovery Pb dan Cd yaitu 98,27% – 102,61% dan 103,15% – 108,42%, presisi < 2%. Metode ini memenuhi persyaratan validasi. Hasil yang didapat dari 8 sampel lipstik yang dijual di Pasar Wadungasri Kabupaten Sidoarjo tidak mengandung logam timbal (Pb) dan kadmium (Cd).
Kata kunci: Logam timbal (Pb), kadmium (Cd), ICPS, lipstik murah, Pasar Wadungasri Sidoarjo
Abstract- Women always used cosmetic everyday like lipstick. But we never know that some lipstic have the wrong ingredients or does’t have a good standards ingredients for daily use. This study analysis about lead (Pb) and Cadmium (Cd) metal which is contained in cheap lipstick that obtained at Wadung Asri market in Sidoarjo. This analysis used Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrometry (ICPS). The aim of this study is determain about level Lead (Pb) and Cadmium (Cd) metal it is qualify for Fod and Drug Administration (BPOM). The qualify Fod and Drug Administration for metal contained in lipstick is over 20mg/kg or 20mg/L (20bpj) for Lead (Pb) and Cadmium (Cd) is over 5 mg/kg or 5 mg/L (5bpj). The sample uses in this study is comply with criteria, have a red colour, low price and doesn’t have marketing authorization. This study used validation method with selectivity parameters, linier, accuracy, precision, LOD, LOQ and quantitative. Selectivity analysis for Pb is over 220,353 nm and Cd is over 228,802 nm, Pb linierity ( r ) = 0.9993 and Vxo = 4,26%. Cd linierity ( r ) = 0.9999 and Vxo = 1.48%, LOD and LOQ Pb 48,3296 ppb and 98,7431 ppb, LOD and LOQ Cd 8,0482 ppb and 23,8500 ppb. Accuracy Pb 98,27% - 102,61% and accuracy Cd 103, 15 % - 108,42%. Precision < 2%. This metod qualify for validation. The result of this study show that 8 lipstick sample used for study does’t have lead metal (Pb) or cadmium (Cd).
Keyword: Lead metal (Pb), cadmium (Cd), ICPS, cheap lipstick, Wadungasri Sidoarjo Market 
Pengaruh Edukasi MP-ASI Menggunakan Media Booklet terhadap Peningkatan Pengetahuan MP-ASI Pada Ibu Bayi Usia 0-6 Bulan
Permasalahan dilapangan ditemukan banyak ibu bayi yang belum mengetahui pemberian MP-ASI pada ibu bayi usia 0-6 bulan. Hal ini disebabkan situasi pasca pandemic Covid-19 salah satunya, sehingga kegiatan promosi kesehatan yang seharusnya melakukan penyuluhan secara tatap muka itu terbatas dan kegiatan edukasi secara umum juga terhambat. Metode yang digunakan untuk meningkatkan pegetahuan MP-ASI pada ibu balita gizi buruk yaitu edukasi dengan media, misalnya menggunakan booklet dan leaflet. Desain penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pra eksperimental dengan pendekatan one group pretest - post test design yaitu rancangan penelitian yang tidak menggunakan kelompok pembanding (kontrol), akan tetapi dilakukan observasi pertama (pretest) yang memungkinkan menguji perubahan - perubahan yang terjadi setelah adanya eksperimen (perlakuan) , dengan menggunakan 61 responden. Hasil penelitian ini bahwa Pengaruh edukasi MP – ASI menggunakan media booklet terhadap peningkatan pengetahuan MP – ASI pada Ibu bayi 0 – 6 dengan analisis uji Wilcoxon yaitu didapatkan nilai signifikansi 0.000 (p<0,05), dapat disimpulkan terdapat perbedaan secara signifikan peningkatan pengetahuan MP – ASI sebelum dan sesudah membaca booklet
Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) yang dilaksanakan di SD Negeri Tegalpanggung berlangsung mulai tanggal 2 Juli sampai dengan 17 September 2014. Dengan kegiatan PPL diharapkan dapat memberikan pengalaman belajar bagi mahasiswa, terutama dalam hal pengalaman mengajar, memperluas wawasan, pelatihan dan pengembangan kompetensi yang diperlukan dalam bidangnya, peningkatan keterampilan, kemandirian, tanggung jawab, dan kemampuan dalam memecahkan masalah.
Secara umum, pelaksanaan kegiatan PPL berjalan baik sesuai dengan yang telah direncanakan. Bentuk pelaksanaan kegiatan PPL terdiri dari tiga jenis, yaitu praktik mengajar terbimbing, praktik mengajar mandiri, dan ujian praktik mengajar. Praktik mengajar terbimbing dilakukan delapan kali, praktik mengajar mandiri dilakukan dua kali, dan ujian praktik mengajar dilakukan dua kali. Masing-masing jenis praktik mengajar dilakukan di kelas rendah dan kelas tinggi.
Dari pelaksanaan kegiatan PPL di SD Negeri Tegalpanggung maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa kegiatan PPL dapat memberikan pengalaman kepada mahasiswa dalam pengembangan kompetensi di bidang pendidikan, memberikan kesempatan kepada mahasiswa untuk menerapkan ilmu, pengetahuan, dan keterampilan yang telah dipelajari kedalam proses pembelajaran di sekolah, serta dapat meningkatkan hubungan kemitraan yang baik antara UNY dengan sekolah yang terkait
Greywater Flow Characteristics for Closed Channel Maintenance
Knowing the characteristics of wastewater and its interaction with the channel is crucial to finding a suitable model and maintenance method to solve the closed channel problem. The purpose of this study is to find the relationship and how much it influences the characteristics of wastewater in closed channels and analyze the limit deposit velocity (LDV) of wastewater so that there is no deposition. The parameters used to analyze wastewater characteristics are density, oil and fat, specific gravity, total suspended solids, total dissolved solids, and kinematic viscosity. The parameters used to analyze the flow characteristics in closed channels are velocity, discharge, Reynolds number, friction coefficient, energy loss, and hydraulic gradient. The method used is experimental research by simulating a closed-channel model prototype. The closed channel model is made from an acrylic pipe with a length of 6 m and a pipe diameter of 0.064 m. Simulations on each wastewater sample and the discharge variations used were 0.005, 0.004, 0.003, and 0.0015 m3/s. Velocity measurements at a 0.5 pipe water level height and distances of 0, 2, 4, and 6 m. The results showed that the nature and composition of the wastewater the flow velocity. The large value of wastewater parameters shows that the flow velocity is small. The wastewater content is considered a load that must be transported to the end of the closed channel. When the discharge increases, the velocity will increase, Reynolds number will increase, and the energy loss will be large, while the friction coefficient is inversely proportional to Reynolds number. The velocities of clean water samples are 2.90 - 1.07 m/s, tofu - making is 2.83 - 1.07 m/s, household is 2.74 - 0.85 m/s, laundry is 2.84 - 1.03 m/s, and the workshop is 2.54 - 0.66 m/s. The limit deposit velocity (LDV) for household wastewater is 1.49 m/s to prevent deposition in closed channels. Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2023-09-01-03 Full Text: PD
Selling Spectacular Urban Life: Urban Space and Lifestyle in the Promotion Media of Apartment in Yogyakarta
This article discusses how urban life is represented through the Barsa City, Uttara the Icon, and The Palace apartment advertisements and promotional videos. Applying Guy Debord's idea of spectacle to examine how urban life is transformed into visualization and commodification, also George Ritzer’s idea of re-enchantment of the disenchanted world and the new means of consumption. This article is aimed to analyze the position of apartments in the urban space of Yogyakarta that is discursively constructed through apartment promotional media. The conclusion of this research shows that apartments are functionalized to create the spectacle of the city. Urban space and life are aestheticized and spectacularized, in which apartments are displayed as part of dramatic and extravagant urban arts. Presented as one-stop-serving buildings, the apartments also promote the fusion of living space, urban style experience, and consumption which lead to the difficulty in distinguishing spatial boundaries. The advertisements and promotional videos of the apartment in Yogyakarta also promote temporal paradox. On the one hand, it promotes time compression and speed, meanwhile, on the other hand it promotes prolonged and extended time to foster consumption in the urban space
The effect of Rhodamine B on the cerebellum and brainstem tissue of Rattus norvegicus
Background: Rhodamine B is a component of xenobiotic substance metabolized by cytochrome P450 in the body to produce free radicals, which affects the activity of Superoxidase Dismutase (SOD), thereby, leading to oxidative stress, injury, increase in cell apoptosis and brainstem. This study aims to determine the effect of Rhodamine B on BAX and BCL-2 in the cerebellum and brainstem tissue of Rattus norvegicus.Design and Methods: The True Experimental Design was used to carry out a post-test examination on the control group of twenty-eight Wistar female Rattus norvegicus mice between the ages of 10-12 weeks. Then, samples were categorized into 4 groups in body weight doses of 4.5 mg/200g, 9 mg/200g, and 18 mg/200g. They were administrated with Rhodamine B personde for 36 days. Results: The results showed that Rhodamine B had a direct and indirect effect on BAX and BCL-2 expressions, respectively, in the cerebellum tissue and wistar strain of Rattus norvegicus. In addition, the positive path coefficient of BAX expression has a positive effect on BCL-2. This means that an increase in BAX has a direct impact on decreasing BCL-2 expression in cerebellum tissue and brainstem of Rattus norvegicus wistar strain along with an increased dose of Rhodamine B. Conclusions: In conclusion, Rhodamine B tends to increase BAX expression which directly decreases BCL-2 in Cerebellum tissue and Brainstem in Rattus norvegicus along with increasing doses
UJI JENIS NUTRISI PADA SELADA HIDROPONIK SISTIM WICK: Nutrition Type Test On Hydroponic Lettuce Wick System
Simple hydroponic wick system (Wicks) can be applied in overcoming the land crisis for the development of horticultural crops. Nutrients are an important part of hydroponic activities and Abmix is ​​a standard nutrient in hydroponic farming activities. It is necessary to test the opportunities for the utilization of nutrients from POC and synthetic fertilizers. This study aims to determine the opportunities for using liquid organic fertilizers (POC) and synthetic fertilizers in hydroponic lettuce plants using the wick system. The treatment consisted of 5 types of nutrition, namely (1) AB mix (control) 50 mL per 10 liters of water (ABM); (2) NPK 10 g + Gandasil 5 g per 10 liters of water (NPG); (3) Abmix 25 mL + 5g NPK + 2.5 g Gandasil per 10 liters of water (ANG); (4) Abmix 25 mL + 400 mL POC from chicken feather waste (ABP) and (5) 5 g NPK + 2.5 g Gandasil + 400 mL POC chicken feathers per 10 liters of water (NGP). The results showed that there were differences in the growth of lettuce in the hydroponic wick system due to the type of nutrition treatment. Alternative nutrients that have the potential to be used in wick cystic hydroponic lettuce are Abmix 25ml + 5g NPK + 2.5 g Gandasil per 10 liters of water (ANG) and Abmix 25 mL+ 400 mL POC from chicken feather waste per 10 liters of water (ABP
Stomata of Grass in The Ex Tin-Mining Land in Bangka
Tin-mined land experiences drought, high light intensity, and temperature which is less supportive of plant growth. The study observed the anatomical responses of grasses leaves. This study aims to measure stomatal density, stomatal index, guard cell length, and guard cell width of three grass species that grow naturally in ex tin-mined land and in undisturbed land. Description method carried out based on the paradermal incision resulted in the wholemount method. The results showed each grass species has a different response to their different habitats. The stomatal density of Imperata cylindrica and Paspalum conjugatum collected from ex tin-mined land were higher than to those plants collected from undisturbed land, however the stomatal density in Scleria levis showed the opposite result. Stomatal index of all three species increases in ex tin-mined land were higher than in undistributed land. Guard cell lengths of I. cylindrica and P. conjugatum were smaller than those in undistributed land, but Scleria levis showed the opposite result. Guard cell width of I. cylindrica and S. levis were wider than those in undistributed land, but P. conjugatum showed the opposite result. These responses may reflect their adaptiveness to tin soils
Rancang bangun sistem pengenalan suara menggunakan jaringan syaraf tiruan ekstraksi ciri Linear Predictive Coding (LPC)
Pengenalan ucapan (speech recognition) merupakan upaya agar manusia bisa berkomunikasi dengan mesin atau alat dengan media suara. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai pengenalan suara untuk menganalisis dan mengenali tiga buah ucapan kalimat, yang masing – masing kalimat terdiri dari dua kata dengan subjek dan objek yang berbeda. Kalimat tersebut diucapkan 9 kali oleh 5 orang responden.Dalam proses pengenalan ucapan atau suara itu sendiri digunakan ekstraksi ciri Linear Predictive Coding (LPC), sedangkan pola pengenalannya menggunakan metode Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan. LPC ialah salah satu metode analisis suara untuk mengekstrak ciri – ciri penting dari sinyal suara tersebut dalam bentuk koefisien - koefisien LPC. Sedangkan JST untuk mencari parameter suara yang digunakan untuk pelatihan dan pengenalan. Pengaplikasian LPC dan JST pada penelitian ini menggunakan software Matlab.Parameter JST dijadikan menjadi beberapa variasi dan dipilih yang memiliki nilai akurasi tertinggi lalu dijadikan data uji. Pengujian dari 45 data latih didapat persentase pengenalan sebesar 80% untuk jaringan Net8 dengan nilai parameter Hidden layer 1, Neuron size 8, Epoch 1000, Max_fail 13, Mu 0.008, dan Mu_dec 0.8. Pengujian real time dari 2 orang penguji didapatkan persentase pengenalan dari nilai akurasi maksimal sebesar 40%
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