58 research outputs found

    CCEDAF: Codificador Combinatorio de Estados para el Diseño de Autómatas Finitos

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    En esta demostración se presenta el funcionamiento de la herramienta software CCEDAF, orientado a alumnos de Laboratorio de Estructura y Tecnología de Computadores, para facilitarles el diseño de autómatas finitos con un menor número de puertas lógicas. La aplicación CCEDAF (Codificador Combinatorio de Estados para el Diseño de Autómatas Finitos) a partir de la tabla de transiciones del sistema digital, asigna todas las posibles combinaciones de codificación de estados para generar diferentes tablas de excitación, y obtener aquellas combinaciones que requieran un menor número de puertas lógicas

    Automatización del problema de asignación de estados en el diseño de sistemas secuenciales síncronos

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    Cuando un alumno se introduce en el mundo del diseño de sistemas secuenciales síncronos se tropieza con dos problemas, minimización y codificación de estados, tanto más significativos cuanto menor número de puertas deseemos. Para la resolución del problema de minimización de estados existe un algoritmo, tan sencillo como largo y tedioso, que esta implementado en la mayoría de los entornos computacionales de diseño digital. Sin embargo, para la resolución del problema de asignación de estados, existen una serie de reglas difíciles de aplicar. Por este motivo se ha programado una herramienta, que a partir de la tabla de transiciones de estados minimizada, permite al alumno obtener los circuitos con menor número de puertas para los distintos tipos de biestables deseados

    Java, herramienta docente en asignaturas del área de Arquitectura de Computadores

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    Los últimos años han supuesto un cambio notable en el currículo de ingenierías informáticas, cambio impuesto por avances tanto tecnológicos como metodológicos. Toda esta serie de avances han traído consigo la aparición de lenguajes como Java (lenguaje y arquitectura) que permiten, desde el punto de vista docente, asentar conocimientos sin sacrificar la profundidad de los mismos debido a una dificultad excesiva impuesta por el entorno usado en clase. Este trabajo pretende mostrar algunas ventajas de Java como recurso docente, proporcionando además un compendio de recursos. Proponemos usar Java en asignaturas propias del área de Arquitectura de Computadores tales como Multiprocesadores, Redes y Estructura de Computadores. Estas asignaturas han estado tradicionalmente ligadas a complejos lenguajes que hacían, aún si cabe, más árida la materia para el alumno. Usar Java en estas asignaturas es añadir un reactivo para los alumnos por que: • Es orientado a objetos y más sencillo de aprender que cualquier otro lenguaje plausible que se pueda usar en las citadas asignaturas. • Muchos alumnos lo encuentran atractivo. • La gran mayoría valora aprender un lenguaje que con bastante probabilidad usarán en su trayectoria laboral. • El hecho de que sea tan sencillo de aprender permite centrar las clases en el diseño y solución de problemas, el lenguaje ya no es un inconveniente. Este trabajo también presenta la contrapartida de usar Java, por ejemplo, no emplear lenguajes como Occam, pero esto no debe ser problema si el objetivo es que adquieran conocimientos y habilidad para usarlos independientemente del lenguaje de programación empleado

    Diagnostic yield of early repeat colonoscopy after suboptimal bowel preparation in a fecal immunochemical test-based screening program

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    Background Current guidelines regarding surveillance after screening colonoscopy assume adequate bowel preparation. However, follow-up intervals after suboptimal cleansing are highly heterogeneous. We aimed to determine the diagnostic yield of early repeat colonoscopy in patients with suboptimal bowel preparation in fecal immunochemical test (FIT)-based screening colonoscopy. Methods An observational study including patients who underwent colonoscopy with suboptimal bowel preparation after positive FIT screening and then repeat colonoscopy within 1 year. Suboptimal preparation was defined as a Boston Bowel Preparation Scale (BBPS) score of 1 in any segment. Patients with a BBPS score of 0 in any segment or incomplete examination were excluded. The adenoma detection rate (ADR), advanced ADR (AADR), and colorectal cancer rate were calculated for the index and repeat colonoscopies. Results Of the 2474 patients with FIT-positive colonoscopy at our center during this period, 314 (12.7%) had suboptimal preparation. Of the 259 (82.5%) patients who underwent repeat colonoscopy, suboptimal cleansing persisted in 22 (9 %). On repeat colonoscopy, the ADR was 38.7% (95% CI 32.6% to 44.8%) and the AADR was 14.9% (95%CI 10.5% to 19.4%). The per-adenoma miss rate was 27.7% (95 %CI 24.0% to 31.6%), and the per-advanced adenoma miss rate was 17.6% (95%CI 13.3% to 22.7%). After repeat colonoscopy, the post-polypectomy surveillance recommendation changed from 10 to 3 years in 14.7% of the patients with previous 10-year surveillance recommendation. Conclusions Patients with suboptimal bowel preparation on FIT-positive colonoscopy present a high rate of advanced adenomas in repeat colonoscopy, with major changes in post-polypectomy surveillance recommendations

    Psychometric Evaluation of a New Instrument in Spanish to Measure Self-Care Requisites in Patients with Schizophrenia

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    PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to develop and validate a new instrument in Spanish designed to measure self-care requisites in patients with schizophrenia treated in the community. DESIGN AND METHODS: The first phase was conducted to develop the questionnaire through a panel of experts and evaluate for content validity. Psychometric evaluation was then conducted with a consecutive sample of 341 patients. FINDINGS: The scale demonstrated good internal consistency and stability over time. The discriminant and convergent validity was satisfactory. The confirmatory factor analysis showed that the theoretical model fits the self-care requisites proposed by Orem's nursing theory from which it originated. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS: This scale is a valid and reliable instrument for use in clinical practice, guiding the nurse in developing the most appropriate care plan for each patient

    Nurses’ Perceptions on the Implementation of a Safe Drug Administration Protocol and Its Effect on Error Notification

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    Patient safety and quality of care are fundamental pillars in the health policies of various governments and international organizations. The purpose of this study is to evaluate nurses’ perceptions on the degree of implementation of a protocol for the standardization of care and to measure its influence on notification of adverse events related to the administration of medications. This comparative study used data obtained from questionnaires completed by 180 nurses from medical and surgical units. Our analyses included analysis of variance and regression models. We observe that the responses changed unevenly over time in each group, finding significant differences in all comparisons. The mean response rating was increased at 6 months in the intervention group, and this level was maintained at 12 months. With the new protocol, a total of 246 adverse events and 481 incidents without harm was reported. Thus, actions such as the use of protocols and event notification systems should be implemented to improve quality of care and patient safety

    Endocrine and Metabolic impact of oral ingestion of a carob-pod derived natural syrup containing D-Pinitol: potential use as a novel sweetener in diabetes

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    The use of added sugars or non-nutritive sweeteners in processed foods and soft drinks are being blamed for multiple complications associated with obesity and diabetes. High fructose content contributes to obesity and liver steatosis, and excessive consumption of non-nutritive sweeteners can generate gut dysbiosis complicating the metabolic control exerted by the liver. Beyond its evolutionary significance in the selection of foods with a high glucose content as an energy source, the fact is that the consumption of sweets produces a hedonic pleasure in our brain. Then, the challenge stands at: how do we control the use of added sugars while providing a safe, palatable, sweet flavour to foods?. The present work explores an alternative approach, in humans and rodents, for sweetening through the use of a simple carob-pod-derived syrup which contains the inositol D-Pinitol. This inositol is known as an insulin sensitizer in muscle capable of keeping glycaemia while avoiding both unnecessary insulin secretion and the conversion of carbohydrates into fat depots .Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Rac2 GTPase activation by angiotensin II is modulated by Ca2+/calcineurin and mitogen-activated protein kinases in human neutrophils

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    Angiotensin II (Ang II) highly stimulates superoxide anion production by neutrophils. The G-protein Rac2 modulates the activity of NADPH oxidase in response to various stimuli. Here, we describe that Ang II induced both Rac2 translocation from the cytosol to the plasma membrane and Rac2 GTP-binding activity. Furthermore, Clostridium difficile toxin A, an inhibitor of the Rho-GTPases family Rho, Rac and Cdc42, prevented Ang II-elicited O2/ROS production, phosphorylation of the mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) p38, extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2) and c-Jun N-terminal kinase 1/2, and Rac2 activation. Rac2 GTPase inhibition by C. difficile toxin A was accompanied by a robust reduction of the cytosolic Ca2+ elevation induced by Ang II in human neutrophils. Furthermore, SB203580 and PD098059 act as inhibitors of p38MAPK and ERK1/2 respectively, wortmannin, an inhibitor of phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase, and cyclosporin A, a calcineurin inhibitor, hindered both translocation of Rac2 from the cytosol to the plasma membrane and enhancement of Rac2 GTP-binding elicited by Ang II. These results provide evidence that the activation of Rac2 by Ang II is exerted through multiple signalling pathways, involving Ca2+/calcineurin and protein kinases, the elucidation of which should be insightful in the design of new therapies aimed at reversing the inflammation of vessel walls found in a number of cardiovascular diseases.This work was financed by grants from the Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (BFU2006-13802), and the Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa (P06-CTS-1936), Junta de Andalucía, Spain, awarded to F S

    Iniciativa basada en Kahoot para motivar a los alumnos de Arquitectura de Computadores

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    Debido al auge de la formación universitaria en remoto, es común que las clases magistrales teóricas deriven en un monólogo del profesor con baja participación del alumnado. Existe una escasa utilización, de las herramientas disponibles para participar en la clase: mensajería instantánea, micrófono o funciones de “levantar la mano”. Esta situación se agrava aún más cuando el ratio de alumnos es alto y, por tanto, es más complicada la comunicación con todos ellos, así como saber si están asimilando los conceptos. En este trabajo se describe la experiencia docente en la asignatura de Arquitectura de Computadores de incorporar una herramienta de aprendizaje móvil electrónico (M-learning), concretamente, Kahoot. Esta herramienta permite que el profesor plantee actividades participativas en el aula para reforzar el aprendizaje y aumentar la participación de los alumnos. Se ha realizado un estudio para determinar si el uso de Kahoot ha estimulado el aprendizaje de la asignatura de Arquitectura de Computadores y si ha mejorado la nota global final del alumnado.Due to the rise of remote university training, it is common for theoretical lectures to result in a monologue by the professor with low student participation. There is little use of the tools available to participate in the class: instant messaging, microphone or ’raise your hand’ functions. This situation is even worse when the ratio of students is high and, therefore, it is more complicated to communicate with all of them, as well as to know if they are assimilating the concepts. This paper describes the teaching experience in the Computer Architecture course of incorporating a mobile e-learning tool (M-learning), specifically, Kahoot. This tool allows the teacher to propose participatory activities in the classroom to reinforce learning and increase student participation. A study has been carried out to determine whether the use of Kahoot has stimulated the learning of the Computer Architecture subject and whether it has improved the students’ final overall grade