131 research outputs found

    From Care to Education in the Spanish Nurseries for Children Aged 0 to 3 Years (1990–2020).

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    Opera pubblicata in modalità Open Access con licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione 4.0 (CC BY)This chapter looks into the evolution of day nurseries and educational services for children aged zero to three years in Spain from 1945 to 1990, and how they compare with those for children aged three to six. The main reforms, actors and legislation will be analysed. At least two different periods may be identified: from 1945 to the breakdown of fascism in 1975, and from then to 1990. The three most important educational laws were the Ley de 17 de Julio de 1945 sobre Educación Primaria, dividing preschool education into maternales and escuelas de párvulos that remained the first level of primary school); the Ley 1970 Law of education, introducing important changes to the education system (preschool was considered the first level of the education system and it was divided into two stages: jardín de infancia for two- and three-year-olds, and escuelas de párvulos for those aged four and five years); and the National Organic Law of Education (Ley de Ordenación General del Sistema Educativo, or LOGSE), introduced in 1990, that, for the first time, introduced two age groups: four months to three years, and three to six years. As a result, there was spectacular progress in ECEC for children aged three and over, while ECEC for children under three saw rather meagre development. Spain is an example of a country developing early childhood facilities in the context of the education system: care for children under three is not administered by welfare, but by educational authorities. This model causes difficulties for families since the characteristics of the preschool model (long holidays, rigid hours, large classes and so on) do not always satisfy the needs of either working parents or childre

    A história da educação pré-escolar em uma perspectiva de longa duração

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    This article presents a framework to facilitate, on  one hand, comparative history studies of pre-school education, and, on the other hand, long-term studies focused on a country or region. Based on the systematic review of the history of early childhood education, and taking into account stages that may be common across countries depending on different models of preschool education with different durations, three stages are identified, ranging from the creation of the first institutions to their universalisation. We review these three stages in the Spanish case. We do not pretend to offer a two-hundred-year Spanish preschool education history, but to indicate some significant milestones, debates, contributions or legal norms that allow a better understanding of that history to establish bridges for a comparative history. Both the path dependency theory and the use of models will allow one to obtain a global perspective of the process studied and to perceive the decisions that, taken at a given time, affects much of their future history. The use of this framework in long-term studies in other countries will make it possible to adjust the steps described and to demonstrate its effectiveness.Este artículo de  reflexión presenta un marco para facilitar los estudios de historia comparada de educación preescolar y de larga duración, centrados en un país o región a partir de la revisión sistemática de investigaciones sobre la historia de la educación infantil. Este proceso de revisión se desarrolló teniendo en cuenta las etapas de los diferentes modelos de educación preescolar que pueden ser comunes entre países con duraciones diferentes, señalando tres etapas que abarcan desde la creación de las primeras instituciones hasta su generalización. Se revisan esas tres etapas en el caso español, sin intentar presentar la historia de la educación preescolar en España durante casi doscientos años, sino indicando algunos hitos, debates, contribuciones o normas legales significativas que permitan entender mejor esa historia y establecer puentes para una historia comparada. Tanto la teoría de dependencia de paso como la utilización de modelos permiten obtener una visión global de los procesos estudiados y percibir las decisiones que, tomadas en un momento dado, condicionan gran parte de esa historia. La utilización de este marco en estudios de larga duración en otros países permitirá ajustar las fases descritas y demostrar su eficacia.Este artigo apresenta um quadro que pode facilitar, por um lado, os estudos de história comparada da educação pré-escolar e, por outro, estudos de longa duração centrados em um país ou região. Valendo-se de uma análise sistemática da história da educação infantil e, tendo em conta as etapas que podem ser comuns entre os diferentes países em função dos distintos modelos de educação pré-escolar, mas com uma duração diferente, foram identificadas três etapas que vão desde a criação das primeiras instituições até à sua generalização. Essas três etapas são revistas no caso espanhol. Não se tenta apresentar a história da educação pré-escolar em Espanha durante quase duzentos anos, mas indicar alguns marcos, debates, contribuições ou normas legais significativas que permitam entender melhor essa história e estabelecer pontes para uma história comparada. Tanto a teoria de dependência de passo como a utilização de modelos permitem obter uma visão global dos processos estudados e perceber as decisões que, tomadas em um dado momento, condicionam então grande parte dessa história. A utilização deste quadro em estudos de longa duração em outros países permitirá ajustar as fases descritas e demonstrar a sua eficácia

    Las escuelas de párvulos de la Fábrica Nacional de Tabacos de Madrid (1841-1859)

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    RESUMEN: La aparición de las escuelas de párvulos y la de las Escuelas Normales son las dos principales innovaciones del siglo XIX, en cuanto a instituciones que van a incorporarse al sistema escolar

    The Montessori method in the Spanish early childhooh education: lights and shadows

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    This article analyses the introduction, dissemination and application of Montessori pedagogy in Spain in three stages. It was during the first period (1914-1936) when many of her works were published in Spanish, the first experiences took place and Montessori herself spent years here. In the second stage (1936-1975), after two decades of frontal rejection of the entire New School, Montessori found herplace. And finally, in the third stage, coinciding with democracy in Spain, a certain diversity and even confusion regarding the application of its methods can be identified. Montessori's life and works have been hidden by hagiographic writings. It is necessary to approach her taking into account her context, education, beliefs and interests. Only by doing so will it be possible to distinguish those who apply her theories from those who are just trying to sell something different on her name.En este artículo se revisa la Introducción, difusión y aplicación de la pedagogía de Montessori en España en tres etapas. Durante la primera (1914-1936) se editan en español muchas de sus obras, se realizan las primeras experiencias y la misma Montessori pasa años en nuestro país; en la segunda (franquismo), tras dos décadas de rechazo frontal a toda la Escuela Nueva, Montessori fue encontrando su pequeño lugar, y, por último, en la España democrática veremos una cierta diversidad e incluso confusión en torno a la aplicación de sus métodos. La vida y la obra de Montessori han estado ocultas por escritos hagiográficos y es preciso estudiarlas sin perder de vista su contexto, su educación, sus creencias y sus intereses; solo así se podrá distinguir a los que mantienen sus principios pedagógicos de los que intentan vender cosas diversas en su nombre

    II Premio José Manuel Esteve

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    El uso de imágenes en la investigación histórico-educativa

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    With the help of new technologies, the use of visual sources has enabled historians to broaden research topics and change, at least apparently, their research studies. In this article, after dealing with the complexity of the visual subject matter, we study how educational researchers have been using this element over the last decade. Even though many works use images as a complement to the text, we make three proposals to use images as sources, treating them like documents and submitting them to the process of selection, criticism and analysis supported in the historical method. Using images should allow us to question ourselves about new issues beyond the educational scenario and to broaden the spaces and times that we study. Finally, aware of the evocative power of images, we should take into account the emotional component frequently associated to them.La incorporación de fuentes visuales, gracias en gran parte a las nuevas tecnologías,  ha permitido a los historiadores ampliar los temas estudiados y cambiar, al menos aparentemente, sus investigaciones. En este artículo, tras abordar la complejidad de lo visual, se estudia su utilización en la última década por parte de los historiadores de la educación. Mientras que muchos trabajos usan imágenes sólo como un complemento del texto, se hacen aquí tres propuestas tendentes a usar las imágenes como fuentes, tratándolas como documentos y sometiéndolas a los procesos de selección, crítica y análisis que se defienden en el método histórico. El uso de imágenes debe permitirnos hacernos nuevas preguntas que vayan más allá de la descripción del escenario educativo así como ampliar los espacios y tiempos que estudiamos. Por último, conscientes del poder evocador de las imágenes, deberíamos tener en cuenta el componente emocional frecuentemente asociado a las mismas
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