2,483 research outputs found

    Position-momentum uncertainty relations based on moments of arbitrary order

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    The position-momentum uncertainty-like inequality based on moments of arbitrary order for d-dimensional quantum systems, which is a generalization of the celebrated Heisenberg formulation of the uncertainty principle, is improved here by use of the Renyi-entropy-based uncertainty relation. The accuracy of the resulting lower bound is physico-computationally analyzed for the two main prototypes in d-dimensional physics: the hydrogenic and oscillator-like systems.Comment: 31 pages, 9 figure

    Alumina-zirconia coatings obtained by suspension plasma spraying from highly concentrated aqueous suspensions

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    [EN] Suspension plasma spraying (SPS) deposition represents an innovative technique to produce coatings that exhib- it improved properties. However, the key to obtain coatings with superior functional properties relies on the in- vestigation of the suspensions as starting materials. For this reason, the present work deals with the suspension preparation for SPS process and its influence on the resulting coatings. Laboratory-prepared 60/40 wt% alumina-zirconia suspensions were concentrated to avoid energy loss and were then successfully deposited by SPS technique. The liquid used was water instead of ethanol due to economical, environmental and safety reasons. The preparation of the suspension plays an important role in SPS process since stable and well-dispersed water suspensions are difficult to obtain. For this reason, colloidal behaviour characterisation of the starting particles as well as rheological optimisation of the feedstock suspensions was ad- dressed in this research. Suspensions with different solid loadings (up to 30 vol.% or 72 wt%) were deposited using several spraying dis- tances. All coatings displayed a bimodal microstructure consisting in partially melted zones surrounded by a fully melted matrix. α-Al2O3 and t′-ZrO2 constituted the main crystalline phases, but differences in the microstructure and properties of the coatings were observed. From these results, some relations between starting suspension and spraying parameters with coating characteristics were found. Thus the optimal spraying distance becomes shorter when the suspension solid loading increases.This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, MINECO (project MAT2015-67586-C3-R). M.D. Salvador thanks CAPES – Programa Ciências sem Fronteiras (Brazil) for the concession of a PVE project N° A086/2013. A. Borrell acknowledges the MINECO for her Juan de la Cierva-Incorporación contract (IJCI-2014- 19839) and the Program to Support Research and Development (PAID00-15) of the Universitat Politècnica de València.Carpio-Cobo, P.; Salvador Moya, MD.; Borrell Tomás, MA.; Sanchez Vilches, E.; Moreno, R. (2016). Alumina-zirconia coatings obtained by suspension plasma spraying from highly concentrated aqueous suspensions. Surface and Coatings Technology. 307:713-719. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.surfcoat.2016.09.060S71371930

    Critical plane based method for multiaxial fatigue analysis of 316 stainless steel

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    In this work, the fatigue behaviour of 316 stainless steel is studied with different critical plane models. Seven cylindrical samples were used for the study, being subjected to different complex loading paths, generating combined stresses along the axial and transversal sample directions, these being: individual axial stress, individual hoop stress, alternating axial and hoop stress, a proportional combination of axial and hoop stress, and a non-proportional combination of L-shaped and square-shaped axial and hoop stress. The fatigue analysis is performed using five critical plane models; named Fatemi-Socie, Varvani-Farahani, Gan-Wu-Zhong, Liu I and Liu II. The models were assessed based on their fatigue life and crack angle prediction capacity. The Gan-Wu-Zhong recently proposed critical plane model was examined and provided acceptable results for the multiaxial loads tested on 316 steel. Nevertheless, Fatemi-Socie produced the most accurate results in terms of cracking orientation and Liu II gave the best fatigue life predictions.Financial support of Programa Operativo FEDER from the Junta de Andalucia (Spain) through grant reference UMA18-FEDERJA-250 is greatly acknowledged. Support from the Oceanic Engineering Research Institute from Malaga is also acknowledged. Industrial support from Bettergy and Dr Nicolas Ordo ̃nez is greatly acknowledged, as well as access to different structures and materials in the energy industry. We would also like to acknowledge funding for open access charge: Universidad de Malaga / CBUA

    Contribution of sex steroids and prolactin to the modulation of T and B cells during autoimmunity

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    VERSIÓN FINAL DE AUTORES ACEPTADA PARA PUBLICACIÓN (PRE-PRINT). In this review we discuss how sex steroids and prolactin affect regulation and responsiveness of B and T cells. Sex hormones exert profound effects on several physiological processes of nonreproductive tissues. In the immune system, several studies with experimental models for SLE have shown a noticeable pro-inflammatory role for ERα, contributing to disease development reflected in proteinuria and renal pathology. On the other hand, ERβ appears to have an antiinflammatory and immunosuppressive effect. Estrogen/ERα signaling induced an increase of Th17 cells in lymph nodes as well as the expression of its correspondent chemokine receptor CCR6 during collagen induced arthritis acute phase. High levels of anti- DNA antibodies and increased mortality was observed when given high E and prolactin doses to NZB/NZW mice, as compared with mice receiving low E and prolactin doses, or high E and low prolactin doses. Intracellular progesterone receptors have been detected in TCD4+ cells but in contrast as observed with ERs, it suppresses T cell dependent responses. Progestagen administration on female NZB/NZW mice decreased anti DNA IgG, improved survival, decreased glomerulonephritis and proteinuria

    Comparación de la efectividad de antibióticos genéricos de penicilina G benzatinica in vitro contra dos cepas de Staphylococcus aureus

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    Los medicamentos genéricos conllevan dudas acerca de su efectividad entre pacientes y profesionales. Se adquirieron los antibiótico penicilina benzatinica de 1,200,000 U de patentes y genéricos disponibles en el mercado, se evaluó su efectividad contra Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus (ATCC® 10832™) y Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC® 29213™) mediante el método de dilución en pozo. Resultados: No hubo diferencia entre el crecimiento de las dos cepas de S. aureus, pero si se encontró (p <0.05) entre las cepas expuestas a los cinco antibióticos. El antibiótico genérico Bencilpenicilina/procaína, Benzatina Bencilpenicilina (laboratorio AMSA) fue el que causó mayor inhibición del crecimiento de las dos cepas de S. aureus. Los costos de los medicamentos genéricos fueron hasta un 90 % menores comparado con el medicamento de patente Bencetazil combinado® (laboratorio Sandoz GmbH-TechOps)

    Dependencia social y económica del adulto mayor residente del municipio de Metepec, Estado de México

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    Articulo cientificoEs un artículo de investigación relacionado con los problemas más importantes en la etapa de adulto mayor es la pérdida de las capacidades funcionales, y dicha condición puede llevar a diversas implicaciones tanto de tipo económico como social

    What are the social determinants of health?

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    ¿Qué son los determinantes sociales de la saludResumen La salud se ha convertido en un punto primordial de debate, tanto a nivel internacional como nacional, así como en la piedra de toque para las instituciones gubernamentales y de diversos organismos internacionales, dirigidos hacia el desarrollo y a evitar las desigualdades en salud entre los países como al interior de los mismos. En dichos debates persiste el enfoque biomédico, que da una visión reducida de la realidad de la salud y enfermedad, al dejar fuera del análisis el contexto en que la vida de las personas se desarrolla, favoreciendo la permanencia de las desigualdades en salud. El enfoque de los determinantes sociales de la salud ha evidenciado la urgente necesidad de retomar las condiciones de vida de las personas para comprender debidamente el proceso de la salud y enfermedad, y brindar así respuestas más adecuadas que mejoren las condiciones de salud de la población y modifiquen las inequidades. Sin embargo, aún se tiene un desconocimiento sobre su concepto y cómo integrar este enfoque en las políticas de salud

    Effects of dietary chromium-yeast level on growth performance, blood metabolites, meat traits and muscle fatty acids profile, and microminerals content in liver and bone of lambs

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    To assess the effect of dietary supplement levels of chromium-yeast (Cr-yeast) on growth performance, blood glucose and triglycerides, fatty acid (FA) profile in intramuscular fat, carcase and meat traits, iron, copper, chromium and zinc concentrations in liver and bone, 24 Rambouillet male lambs (29.2 ± 0.17 kg body weight) were randomly assigned to four diets with 0, 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6mg Cr/kg DM. The growth performance trial lasted 49 d. Supplemental Cryeast did not affect growth performance and carcase characteristics (p>.05), but reduced (p<.05) perirenal and intramuscular fat, as well as 3 h post-feeding blood glucose and triglycerides concentration. In liver, Fe and Cu concentration decreased (p<.05), while Cr concentrations in liver increased with increasing Cr-yeast dietary levels. In bone, Fe decreased (p<.05) as Cryeast dietary levels increasing, and Cr-yeast supplementation increased Cr concentrations (p<.05). As Cr-yeast dietary level increased, palmitic (C16:0) and stearic (C18:0) SFA decreased linearly (p<.05), while palmitoleic (C16:1n-7), vaccenic (C18:1n-7), linoleic (C18:2n-6) and arachidic (C20:4) unsaturated fatty acids (UFA) increased linearly (p<.01). In conclusion, Cr-yeast did not affect growth performance and carcase quality, but decreased the perirenal and intramuscular fat, blood glucose and triglyceride content, and Fe and Cu concentrations in liver as increased Cr-yeast levels in the diet. Because supplemental Cr-yeast improved index of atherogenicity and unsaturated to saturated FA ratio in muscle of lambs, it could be of human nutritional interest

    Ingeniería de software en crecimiento: enfoque conceptual y metodológico, y herramientas

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    Las temáticas abordas por la Ingeniería de Software (IS) abarca problemas que van desde la gestión del proyecto de desarrollo de software, hasta el mantenimiento del producto resultante. Los desafíos de la IS se encuentran en los entornos de ejecución heterogéneos y de diferentes plataformas, los tiempos de entrega de los sistemas, y la continua evolución hacia sistemas de computación extremadamente grandes, altamente dinámicos y heterogéneos que desafían los fundamentos, modelos y herramientas de la ingeniería de software. El objetivo del proyecto es el estudio de los retos de la IS y su ámbito de aplicación. Se plantea como hipótesis de trabajo la necesidad de retroalimentación entre la actividad de investigación y el ámbito real de aplicación de desarrollo de software, empresas y organizaciones gubernamentales. Desde esta perspectiva, el marco de trabajo propuesto se centra en las experiencias que, de ser pertinentes, propongan modificaciones a las prácticas y, por efecto sinérgico, a los conceptos que la sustentan. Esto resultará en la revisión de técnicas, metodologías, y el desarrollo de herramientas que asistan al desarrollo de sistemas de software.Eje: Ingeniería de SoftwareRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI