186 research outputs found

    Searching for Faint Planetary Nebulae Using the Digital Sky Survey

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    Recent Halpha surveys such as SHS and IPHAS have improved the completeness of the Galactic planetary nebula (PN) census. We now know of ~3,000 PNe in the Galaxy, but this is far short of most estimates, typically ~25,000 or more for the total population. The size of the Galactic PN population is required to derive an accurate estimate of the chemical enrichment rates of nitrogen, carbon, and helium. In addition, a high PN count (~20,000) is strong evidence that most 1-8 Msun main sequence stars will go through a PN phase, while a low count (<10,000) argues that special conditions (e.g., a close binary interaction) are required to form a PN. We describe a technique for finding hundreds more PNe using the existing data collections of the digital sky surveys, thereby improving the census of Galactic PNe.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in the Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia (PASA), full resolution paper available at http://www.wiyn.org/jacoby_pasa.pd

    Ropinirole eye drops induce vomiting effectively in dogs: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study

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    There is a need for an effective and safe emetic agent that dog owners could easily administer to their dogs following veterinary advice in cases of potential poisoning. As a response to this need, a randomised, double-blind, multi-site, clinical field study was performed to assess the efficacy, safety and usability of ropinirole eye drops to induce vomiting in dogs. Ropinirole (target dose 3.75 mg/m2) was applied to eyes of 100 dogs, and 32 dogs received placebo. The drug was administered by the dog owner at a veterinary clinic under the supervision of a veterinarian and led to vomition in 95% of the ropinirole-treated dogs within 30 min. The median time to first vomit was 10 min (range: 3–37 min). None of the dogs receiving placebo vomited in this time period. All owners were able to administer the product and 96% of them assessed the administration to be very easy or easy, which was confirmed by the observing veterinarian. Some ocular signs were seen both with ropinirole and placebo, hyperaemia being the most common. All observed signs were transient and in most cases mild. Ropinirole eye drops provided an effective, safe and reliable means to induce emesis in dogs

    Luokanopettajaopiskelijoiden käsityksiä peruskoulun liikuntatuntien mielekkyydestä ja kilpailun merkityksestä oppitunneilla

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    Tiivistelmä. Liikuntatunnit ja siellä esiintyvä kilpailu herättävät meissä kaikissa jonkinlaisia ajatuksia. Jokaisella peruskoulun käyneellä on omia kokemuksia koululiikunnasta ja ne ovat usein vahvojenkin tunteiden värittämiä. Liikunnan numeroarviointia on julkisessa keskustelussa esitetty poistettavaksi ja kilpailun käyttöä opetusmuotona on kritisoitu. Tämän pro gradun tarkoitus on tutkia luokanopettajaopiskelijoiden kokemuksia ja käsityksiä peruskoulun liikunnan tunneista ja siellä esiintyneestä kilpailusta. Selvitämme, mikä tekee liikuntatunnista mielekkään ja millainen merkitys kilpailulla oppiaineessa on. Liikuntatuntien mielekkyyttä ja liikuntamotivaatiota tarkastellaan itsemääräämisteorian ja tavoiteorientaatioteorian näkökulmasta, jotka ovat yleisimpiä liikuntatutkimuksessa käytettyjä motivaatioteorioita. Tutkimusaineisto on kerätty teemahaastatteluilla viideltä Oulun yliopiston luokanopettajaopiskelijalta lokakuussa 2018. Tutkielma on toteutettu fenomenografisella tutkimusotteella. Aineisto analysoitiin aineistolähtöisellä sisällönanalyysillä ja litteroitu teksti pelkistettiin, ryhmiteltiin ja abstrahoitiin ydinhavaintojen selkeyttämiseksi. Liikuntatuntien mielekkyyden ja sisäisen liikuntamotivaation muodostumisen kannalta tärkeintä oli kolmen sosiaaliskognitiivisen perustarpeen; koetun pätevyyden, autonomian ja sosiaalisen yhteenkuuluvuuden täyttyminen. Opettajan toiminta ja pedagogiset ratkaisut koettiin näiden perustarpeiden täyttymisen kannalta tärkeimmäksi tekijäksi. Kilpailu liikuntatunneilla nähtiin luonnollisena osana liikunnan oppiainetta. Kilpailu koettiin enimmäkseen motivaatiota lisäävänä tekijänä ja se nähtiin mahdollisuutena tunnetaitojen harjoitteluun ja kehittämiseen. Tutkielman havaintojen perusteella kilpailulle on oma paikkansa liikuntatunneilla. Tutkielman luotettavuutta vahvistaa tutkijatriangulaatio, joka toteutui aineiston keräämisen aikana ja analyysin työvaiheissa. Tulokset eivät ole yleistettävissä, vaan ne tuovat ilmi tässä tutkielmassa haastateltujen luokanopettajaopiskelijoiden käsityksiä liikuntatunneista ja kilpailusta. Jatkotutkimuksia kilpailusta liikuntatunneilla tarvitaan. Etenkin heikomman liikunnan arvosanan omaavia oppilaita ja heidän liikuntamotivaatioonsa vaikuttavia tekijöitä olisi tärkeää tutkia. Tutkielman otanta jäi pieneksi ja toivottua homogeenisemmäksi

    Spatial and temporal patterns of snowmelt refreezing in a Himalayan catchment

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    Recent progress has been made in quantifying snowmelt in the Himalaya. Although the conditions are favorable for refreezing, little is known about the spatial variability of meltwater refreezing, hindering a complete understanding of seasonal snowmelt dynamics. This study aims to improve our understanding about how refreezing varies in space and time. We simulated refreezing with the seNorge (v2.0) snow model for the Langtang catchment, Nepalese Himalaya, covering a 5-year period. Meteorological forcing data were derived from a unique elaborate network of meteorological stations and high-resolution meteorological simulations. The results show that the annual catchment average refreezing amounts to 122 mm w.e. (21% of the melt), and varies strongly in space depending on elevation and aspect. In addition, there is a seasonal altitudinal variability related to air temperature and snow depth, with most refreezing during the early melt season. Substantial intra-annual variability resulted from fluctuations in snowfall. Daily refreezing simulations decreased by 84% (annual catchment average of 19 mm w.e.) compared to hourly simulations, emphasizing the importance of using sub-daily time steps to capture melt-refreeze cycles. Climate sensitivity experiments revealed that refreezing is highly sensitive to changes in air temperature as a 2°C increase leads to a refreezing decrease of 35%

    Convergent communication, sensing and localization in 6g systems: An overview of technologies, opportunities and challenges

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    Herein, we focus on convergent 6G communication, localization and sensing systems by identifying key technology enablers, discussing their underlying challenges, implementation issues, and recommending potential solutions. Moreover, we discuss exciting new opportunities for integrated localization and sensing applications, which will disrupt traditional design principles and revolutionize the way we live, interact with our environment, and do business. Regarding potential enabling technologies, 6G will continue to develop towards even higher frequency ranges, wider bandwidths, and massive antenna arrays. In turn, this will enable sensing solutions with very fine range, Doppler, and angular resolutions, as well as localization to cm-level degree of accuracy. Besides, new materials, device types, and reconfigurable surfaces will allow network operators to reshape and control the electromagnetic response of the environment. At the same time, machine learning and artificial intelligence will leverage the unprecedented availability of data and computing resources to tackle the biggest and hardest problems in wireless communication systems. As a result, 6G will be truly intelligent wireless systems that will provide not only ubiquitous communication but also empower high accuracy localization and high-resolution sensing services. They will become the catalyst for this revolution by bringing about a unique new set of features and service capabilities, where localization and sensing will coexist with communication, continuously sharing the available resources in time, frequency, and space. This work concludes by highlighting foundational research challenges, as well as implications and opportunities related to privacy, security, and trust

    Effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit of a single annual professional intervention for the prevention of childhood dental caries in a remote rural Indigenous community

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    Background The aim of the study is to reduce the high prevalence of tooth decay in children in a remote, rural Indigenous community in Australia, by application of a single annual dental preventive intervention. The study seeks to (1) assess the effectiveness of an annual oral health preventive intervention in slowing the incidence of dental caries in children in this community, (2) identify the mediating role of known risk factors for dental caries and (3) assess the cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit of the intervention. Methods/design The intervention is novel in that most dental preventive interventions require regular re-application, which is not possible in resource constrained communities. While tooth decay is preventable, self-care and healthy habits are lacking in these communities, placing more emphasis on health services to deliver an effective dental preventive intervention. Importantly, the study will assess cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness for broader implementation across similar communities in Australia and internationally. Discussion There is an urgent need to reduce the burden of dental decay in these communities, by implementing effective, cost-effective, feasible and sustainable dental prevention programs. Expected outcomes of this study include improved oral and general health of children within the community; an understanding of the costs associated with the intervention provided, and its comparison with the costs of allowing new lesions to develop, with associated treatment costs. Findings should be generalisable to similar communities around the world. The research is registered with the Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (ANZCTR), registration number ACTRN12615000693527; date of registration: 3rd July 2015

    Loss of sea ice during winter north of Svalbard

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    Sea ice loss in the Arctic Ocean has up to now been strongest during summer. In contrast, the sea ice concentration north of Svalbard has experienced a larger decline during winter since 1979. The trend in winter ice area loss is close to 10% per decade, and concurrent with a 0.3°C per decade warming of the Atlantic Water entering the Arctic Ocean in this region. Simultaneously, there has been a 2°C per decade warming of winter mean surface air temperature north of Svalbard, which is 20–45% higher than observations on the west coast. Generally, the ice edge north of Svalbard has retreated towards the northeast, along the Atlantic Water pathway. By making reasonable assumptions about the Atlantic Water volume and associated heat transport, we show that the extra oceanic heat brought into the region is likely to have caused the sea ice loss. The reduced sea ice cover leads to more oceanic heat transferred to the atmosphere, suggesting that part of the atmospheric warming is driven by larger open water area. In contrast to significant trends in sea ice concentration, Atlantic Water temperature and air temperature, there is no significant temporal trend in the local winds. Thus, winds have not caused the long-term warming or sea ice loss. However, the dominant winds transport sea ice from the Arctic Ocean into the region north of Svalbard, and the local wind has influence on the year-to-year variability of the ice concentration, which correlates with surface air temperatures, ocean temperatures, as well as the local wind

    Prevalence of sealants in relation to dental caries on the permanent molars of 12 and 15-year-old Greek adolescents. A national pathfinder survey

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The use of sealants as an effective measure for the prevention of pit and fissure caries in children has been well documented by several studies; either they are used on an individual or on a public health basis. In order to plan and establish a national preventive program with sealants in a community, it is mandatory to know the epidemiological pattern of caries along with other variables influencing their use and effectiveness. Aims: To assess the utilization and distribution pattern of pit and fissure sealants on the first and second permanent molars of Greek adolescents and to evaluate whether the existing usage of sealants and some socio-demographic factors are correlated to caries prevalence on the population examined</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A stratified cluster sample of 2481 Greek adolescents was selected according to WHO guidelines (1224 twelve and 1,257 fifteen-year-old), living in urban and rural areas in 11 districts within the country. Five calibrated examiners carried out clinical examinations, recording caries experience at the dentine threshold (BASCD criteria) and presence or absence of sealants along with Socio-demographic indicators associated with oral health. Mann Whitney and Pearson's chi-square non parametric tests were utilized for assessing the data. The level of significance was p < 0.05.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Sealants utilization varied considerably within the different districts, with 8,3% of the 12 and 8,0% of the 15-year-old adolescents having at least one sealed molar. Sealants reduced DMFS scores by 11% in the 12-year-olds and by 24% in the 15-year-olds, while 15-year-old adolescents from rural areas had a statistically significant (p = 0.002) less chance of having sealants (71%) compared to children from urban areas. Girls had higher chance to receive sealants in both age groups (26% for the 12 and 19% for the 15-year-old) as well as patients that visited the dentist for prevention compared to those visiting the dentist because they thought they needed a restoration or because they were in pain.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The finding that sealants reduced DMFS scores despite their very low utilization, along with the high prevalence of dental caries found on the occlusal surfaces of the posterior teeth of Greek adolescents, is calling for a national preventive program with sealants which could eliminate caries to a larger extent.</p

    Pit and fissure sealants in dental public health – application criteria and general policy in Finland

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Pit and fissure sealants (sealants) are widely used as a non-operative preventive method in public dental health in Finland. Most children under 19 years of age attend the community-organized dental health services free of charge. The aims of this study were to find out to what extent sealants were applied, what the attitudes of dental professionals towards sealant application were, and whether any existing sealant policies could be detected among the health centres or among the respondents in general. The study evaluated changes that had taken place in the policies used during a ten year period (1991–2001).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A questionnaire was mailed to each chief dental officer (CDO) of the 265 public dental health centres in Finland, and to a group of general dentists (GDP) applying sealants in these health centres, giving a total of 434 questionnaires with 22 questions. The response rate was 80% (N = 342).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A majority of the respondents reported to application of sealants on a systematic basis for children with increased caries risk. The criteria for applying sealants and the actual strategies seemed to vary locally between the dentists within the health centres and between the health centres nationwide. The majority of respondents believed sealants had short- and long-term effects. The overall use of sealants decreased towards the end of the ten year period. The health centres (N = 28) choosing criteria to seal over detected or suspected enamel caries lesion had a DMFT value of 1.0 (SD ± 0.49) at age 12 (year 2000) compared to a value of 1.2 (SD ± 0.47) for those health centres (N = 177) applying sealants by alternative criteria (t-test, p < 0.05).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>There seems to be a need for defined guidelines for sealant application criteria and policy both locally and nationwide. Occlusal caries management may be improved by shifting the sealant policy from the traditional approach of prevention to interception, i.e. applying the sealants over detected or suspected enamel caries lesions instead of sealing sound teeth.</p
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