52 research outputs found

    Intuitive physics ability in systemizers relies on differential use of the internalizing system and long-term spatial representations

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    According to the Empathizing-Systemizing theory (E-S Theory), individual differences in how people understand the physical world (systemizing) and the social world (empathizing), are two continuums in the general population with several implications, from vocational interests to skills in the social and physical domains. The underlying mechanisms of intuitive physics performance among individuals with strong systemizing and weak empathizing (systemizers) are, however, unknown. Our results affirm higher intuitive physics skills in healthy adult systemizers (N=36), and further reveal the brain mechanisms that are characteristic for those individuals in carrying out such tasks. When the participants performed intuitive physics tasks during functional magnetic resonance imaging, combined higher systemizing and lower empathizing was associated with stronger activations in parts of the default mode network (DMN, cuneus and posterior cingulate gyrus), middle occipital gyrus, and parahippocampal region. The posterior cingulate gyrus and parahippocampal gyrus were specifically associated with systemizing "brain type" even after controlling for task performance, while especially in the parietal cortex, the activation changes were simply explained by higher task performance. We therefore suggest that utilization of DMN-parahippocampal complex, suggested to play a role in internalizing and activating long-term spatial memory representations, is the factor that distinguishes systemizers from empathizers with the opposite "brain type" in intuitive physics tasks.Peer reviewe

    Progressive Stroke-Like Symptoms in a Patient with Sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease

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    Sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (sCJD) is a rare neurodegenerative disorder in which accumulation of a pathogenic isoform of prion protein (PrPSc) induces neuronal damage with distinct pathologic features. The prognosis of sCJD is devastating: rapid clinical decline is followed by death generally within months after onset of symptoms. The classic clinical manifestations of sCJD are rapidly progressing dementia, myoclonus, and ataxia. However, the spectrum of clinical features can vary considerably. We describe a definite, neuropathologically verified sCJD in a 67-year-old woman who initially presented with progressive stroke-like symptoms: left-sided hemiparesis and ataxia within a few days. The initial brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed bilateral cortical hyperintensity on diffusion-weighted sequences (DWI) resembling multiple ischemic lesions. Despite anticoagulation with low-molecular-weight heparin, the patient deteriorated rapidly, became dysphagic and bedridden with myoclonic jerks on her left side extremities correlating with intermittent high-amplitude epileptiform discharges on electroencephalography (EEG). Basal ganglia hyperintense signal changes in addition to cortical ribboning were seen in DWI images of a follow-up MRI. Repeated EEG recordings showed an evolution to periodic sharp wave complexes. Protein 14-3-3 was positive in her cerebrospinal fluid specimen, in addition to an abnormally high total tau level. In the terminal stage the patient was in an akinetic, mutistic state with deteriorating consciousness. She died 19 days after admission to the hospital. Neuropathologic investigation corroborated the clinical diagnosis of sCJD with spongiform degeneration and immunohistochemical demonstration of the deposition of pathologic PrPSc

    Intuitive physics ability in systemizers relies on differential use of the internalizing system and long-term spatial representations

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    According to the Empathizing-Systemizing theory (E-S Theory), individual differences in how people understand the physical world (systemizing) and the social world (empathizing), are two continuums in the general population with several implications, from vocational interests to skills in the social and physical domains. The underlying mechanisms of intuitive physics performance among individuals with strong systemizing and weak empathizing (systemizers) are, however, unknown. Our results affirm higher intuitive physics skills in healthy adult systemizers (N=36), and further reveal the brain mechanisms that are characteristic for those individuals in carrying out such tasks. When the participants performed intuitive physics tasks during functional magnetic resonance imaging, combined higher systemizing and lower empathizing was associated with stronger activations in parts of the default mode network (DMN, cuneus and posterior cingulate gyrus), middle occipital gyrus, and parahippocampal region. The posterior cingulate gyrus and parahippocampal gyrus were specifically associated with systemizing “brain type” even after controlling for task performance, while especially in the parietal cortex, the activation changes were simply explained by higher task performance. We therefore suggest that utilization of DMN-parahippocampal complex, suggested to play a role in internalizing and activating long-term spatial memory representations, is the factor that distinguishes systemizers from empathizers with the opposite “brain type” in intuitive physics tasks.</p

    Managing quartz exposure in the construction industry

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    This summary is the final report of the research project "Quartz Exposure and its Management in the Construction Industry" funded by the Finnish Work Environment Fund, the Confederation of Finnish Construction Industries RT, and the Finnish Construction Trade Union. The report outlines the safe performance of house building and infrastructure construction work that exposes you to respirable quartz dust. In essence, we describe how to perform dust producing worktasks with the exposure being less than 10 % of the current OEL (below the ASA registering threshold for those exposed to carcinogens at work). In addition, we list worktask specific solutions that lead to an exposure necessitating statutory health status monitoring by occupational health care (more than 40 % of OEL), and what methods are associated with excessive exposures (above OEL)

    Cyclic alternating pattern is associated with cerebral hemodynamic variation: A near-infrared spectroscopy study of sleep in healthy humans

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    The cylic alternating pattern (CAP), that is, cylic variation of brain activity without non-REM sleep stages, is related to sleep instability and preservation, as well as consolidation of learning. Unlike the well-known electrical activity of CAP, its cerebral hemodynamic counterpart has not been assessed in healthy subjects so far. We recorded scalp and cortical hemodynamics with near-infrared spectroscopy on the forehead and systemic hemodynamics (heart rate and smplitude of the photoplethysmograph) with a finger pulse oximeter during 23 rights in 11 subjects. Electrical CAP activity was recorded with a polysomnogram. CAP was related to changes in scalp, cortical, and systemic hemodynamic signals that resembled the ones seen in arousal. Due to their repetit8ive nature, CAP sequences manifested as low- and very-low-frequency oscillations in the hemodynamic signals. The subtype A3+B showed the strongest hemodynamic changes. A transient hypoxia occurred during CAP cycles, suggesting that an increased CAP rate, especially with the subtype A3+B, which may result from diseases or fragmented sleep, might have an adverse effect on the cerebral vasculature.Peer reviewe

    Kvartsialtistuminen ja sen hallinta rakentamisessa

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    Tämä yhteenveto on Työsuojelurahaston, Rakennusliiton ja Rakennusteollisuus RT:n rahoittaman tutkimushankkeen ”Kvartsialtistuminen ja sen hallinta rakentamisessa” loppuraportti. Raportissa kuvataan talonrakentamisen ja infrarakentamisen kvartsipölylle altistavien töiden turvallinen tekeminen. Ja kerrotaan miten tehtynä eri töissä syöpävaarallisille tekijöille työssään altistuvien ASA rekisterin ilmoituskynnys alittuu ja miten toimittuna altistuminen on kohtalaista, merkittävää tai liiallista. Lisäksi on mittauksiin perustuvaan altistumisen arviointiin nojaten kerrottu, mitkä työntekijät tulisi ottaa lakisääteisen työterveyshuollon terveydentilan seurannan piiriin
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