2,682 research outputs found

    Polydispersity Effects in the Dynamics and Stability of Bubbling Flows

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    The occurrence of swarms of small bubbles in a variety of industrial systems enhances their performance. However, the effects that size polydispersity may produce on the stability of kinematic waves, the gain factor, mean bubble velocity, kinematic and dynamic wave velocities is, to our knowledge, not yet well established. We found that size polydispersity enhances the stability of a bubble column by a factor of about 23% as a function of frequency and for a particular type of bubble column. In this way our model predicts effects that might be verified experimentally but this, however, remain to be assessed. Our results reinforce the point of view advocated in this work in the sense that a description of a bubble column based on the concept of randomness of a bubble cloud and average properties of the fluid motion, may be a useful approach that has not been exploited in engineering systems.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, presented at the 3rd NEXT-SigmaPhi International Conference, 13-18 August, 2005, Kolymbari, Cret

    A General Solution of the Monge–Kantorovich Mass-Transfer Problem

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    AbstractThe solvability and the absence of a duality gap for the primal and the dual Monge–Kantorovich mass-transference programs for arbitrary Hausdorff topological spaces are established

    Determinants of tourism destination competitiveness in the countries most visited by international tourists: Proposal of a synthetic index

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    Tourism destination competitiveness is a multidimensional concept that is widely studied in the academic literature, but multiple factors make its measurement a difficult task. In this article, we design a synthetic index to rank the 80 countries that attract the majority of international tourists by level of tourism competitiveness. In order to do this, we use all of the simple variables included in the 2017 Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index, proposing a new methodology for the construction of this synthetic index, which it solves the problems of aggregation of variables expressed in different measures, arbitrary weighting and duplicity of information; issues that remain unresolved by the TTCI. Likewise, we analyse the most influential dimensions in tourism competitiveness. Air transport infrastructures, cultural resources and ICT readiness are the key dimensions that explain the main disparities.Funding Agency Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness State Research Agency (SRA) European Union (EU) ECO2017-86822-Rinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Sobrevida en pacientes con cáncer colorectal estadios I a IV y descripción de factores clínicos y biológicos en pacientes atendidos en el Hospital Militar Central entre 1998 y 2008

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    El presente es un estudio de análisis de sobrevida basado en una cohorte retrospectiva de pacientes con CCR, el cual nos permite establecer el desenlace primario que es sobrevida global a 3 y 5 cinco años. El análisis se realizará mediante el programa estadístico SPSS. Se realizara un cálculo global de la sobrevida de los pacientes, así como la probabilidad de morir a 3 y 5 años respectivamente. El análisis de sobrevida se realizara con curvas de Kaplan Meyer global y ajustando por estadio clínic

    A new model of justice that repairs the damage caused

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    L’objectiu d’aquest article és exposar, d’una banda, les bases que sustenten el dret penal des d’un plantejament divulgatiu que ajudi a comprendre a un públic no necessàriament especialitzat els fins de la pena, així com els diversos models de càstig i tractament quehistòricament s’han aplicat a les persones que han comès un delicte. Però, d’altra banda, el text pretén avançar en la modernització de la justícia, després d’assenyalar els límits que el sistema penal troba en l’actualitat. Així, es planteja un seguit de propostes que des del prisma d’una justícia restaurativa significarien no només unes penes més actuals i més acords a la dignitat humana, sinó que també serien més sostenibles tant des d’un punt de vista social com econòmic. La justícia restaurativa, amb els seus inseparables elements ètics, és, en aquest sentit, el paradigma des del qual entenem que la justícia penal es pot is’ha de modificar atribuint a la reparació un important paper durant tot el procés.El objetivo de este artículo es exponer, por un lado, las bases que sustentan el derecho penal desde un planteamiento divulgativo que ayude a comprender a un público no necesariamente especializado los fines de la pena, así como los diversos modelos de castigo y tratamiento que históricamente se han aplicado a las personas que han cometido un delito.Pero, por otro, el texto pretende avanzar en la modernización de la justicia, tras señalar los límites que el sistema penal encuentra en la actualidad. Así, se plantea una serie de propuestas que desde el prisma de una justicia restaurativa significarían no solo unas penas más actuales y más acordes a la dignidad humana, sino que también serían mássostenibles tanto desde un punto de vista social como económico. La justicia restaurativa, con sus inseparables elementos éticos, es, en este sentido, el paradigma desde el que entendemos que la justicia penal puede y debe modificarse atribuyendo a la reparación un importante papel durante todo el proceso.The aim of this article is, on the one hand, to set out in a clear expository form the bases that underpin Spanish criminal law, in order to assist a generally non-specialist public in understanding the objectives of sentencing and the different models of punishment and treatment that have historically been applied to people convicted of a crime. On the other hand, the article seeks to contribute to the modernization of criminal justice by noting some of the limitations under which the penal systemcurrently labours. To this end it puts forward a series of proposals from the perspective of restorative justice which would make sentencing not only less antiquated and more consistent with human dignity, but would also bemore sustainable from both a social and an economic point of view. Restorative justice, with its inseparable ethical elements, is, in this respect, the paradigm from which we consider that criminal justice can and should be modified, in assigning an important role in the whole process to reparation

    Prevención de úlceras por presión y lesiones musculoesqueléticas: paciente con ictus

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    Planteamos un caso clínico en el que enfermera y fisioterapeuta ponen en común procedimientos para mejorar la higiene postural de un paciente encamado con un accidente cerebrovascular y hemiplejia izquierda. Describimos analíticamente una intervención conjunta durante un mes. A pesar de que se ha mantenido el riesgo máximo de UPP objetivado inicialmente, durante este periodo no han aparecido úlceras, obteniendo un mantenimiento o aumento del rango de las articulaciones. Es importante un trabajo multidisciplinar que evite la aparición de úlceras por decúbito y de futuras lesiones musculoesqueléticas que dificultarían la posterior reeducación funcional del paciente

    Advances in Mexico in the middle of the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011– 2020

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    OBJETIVO: Analizar el avance de la meta esperada a mitad del Decenio de Acción para la Seguridad Vial 2011–2020 en México y sus entidades federativas. MÉTODOS: Análisis secundario de las muertes por accidentes de tránsito en México para el 1999–2015. Se proyectó la tendencia para el periodo 2011–2020 utilizando análisis de series de tiempo (modelos autorregresivos integrados de medias móviles). Se utilizó el valor del Criterio de Información de Aikaike para determinar el mejor modelo para el nivel nacional y sus 32 entidades federativas. RESULTADOS: México va avanzando cercano a la meta propuesta, lo que se ha traducido en 10,856 defunciones potencialmente prevenidas en el quinquenio 2011 a 2015. Esto ha sido a expensas de una disminución en el número de muertes de ocupantes de vehículos de motor; ya que las muertes en peatones y motociclistas han ido por arriba de lo que se esperaba. Al menos una tercera parte de las entidades federativas tuvo el número de defunciones por debajo de su meta; aunque en cinco de ellas la tasa de mortalidad continúa inaceptablemente alta. Se identificaron cuatro entidades con más muertes que las proyectadas originalmente y otras con tendencia al incremento donde se requiere, para ambos casos, fortalecer las acciones de prevención. CONCLUSIONES: El análisis realizado permite observar los avances del país a mitad del Decenio de Acción, así como identificar los retos en materia de prevención de lesiones causadas por el tránsito en usuarios vulnerables. Aporta elementos para soportar la necesidad de replantear tanto la meta nacional como la de las distintas entidades federativas.OBJECTIVE: To analyze the progress towards the accomplishment of the expected goal in the middle of the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011–2020 in Mexico and its states. METHODS: This is a secondary analysis of road traffic deaths in Mexico between 1999 and 2015. We projected the trend for the period 2011–2020 using a time series analysis (autoregressive integrated moving average models). We used the value of the Aikaike Information Criterion to determine the best model for the national level and its 32 states. RESULTS: Mexico is progressing, approaching the proposed goal, which translates into 10,856 potentially prevented deaths in the five-year period from 2011 to 2015. This was due to a decrease in the number of deaths of motor vehicle occupants, as the deaths of pedestrians and motorcyclists were higher than expected. At least one third of the states had values below their goal; although the mortality rate remains unacceptably high in five of them. We identified four states with more deaths than those originally projected and other states with an increasing trend; thus, both cases need to strengthen their prevention actions. CONCLUSIONS: The analysis can allow us to see the progress of the country in the middle of the Decade of Action, as well as identify the challenges in the prevention of traffic injuries in vulnerable users. It contributes with elements that provide a basis for a need to rethink both the national goal and the goal of the different states

    The influence of music to enhance cultural awareness in foreign language learners.

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    Culture is a factor that is not always considered as part of the process of learning a foreign language. However, culture is a necessary aspect to build assertive communication with people who come from a different cultural background. This qualitative phenomenological research project aims to describe the influence of music to enhance cultural awareness in foreign language learners who use the mentioned resource as a learning tool. Collecting relevant information while applying individual interviews as a collection technique, with a sample of six apprentices who meet the relevant characteristics to be part of this research. These interviews allowed obtaining results related to the relationship between music, culture and language, as well as the strategies used in order to promote cultural awareness and learning. Additionally, they describe their experiences related to the use of music as an effective learning tool, which provides different benefits including the acquisition of vocabulary through the lyrics of the songs and the interest in learning about the culture related to the songs and artists
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