113 research outputs found

    El impacto del maltrato infantil intrafamiliar en el desarrollo del niño

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    Trabajo fin de grado en EnfermeríaIntroducción: El maltrato infantil intrafamiliar (MII) ha existido en todas las culturas y épocas. Cualquier tipo de maltrato infantil puede producir una situación disfuncional y patológica que afecta al desarrollo del menor. Todas las personas son responsables del bienestar de la infancia, especialmente los profesionales sanitarios que se encuentran en una posición estratégica para la prevención y detección de la violencia a menores. Objetivo: Analizar la afectación del MII en el desarrollo del niño. Metodología: Se llevó a cabo una revisión narrativa mediante la búsqueda bibliográfica en las bases de datos PUBMED, CINALH, Cuiden, SciELO, Scopus, Psycinfo y Cochrane. Se delimitaron las búsquedas a través de limitadores (fecha de publicación, idioma, edad) y criterios de inclusión (MII) y exclusión (Síndrome de Münchausen por poderes, violencia de pareja, maltrato prenatal, entre otros). Resultados: Se seleccionaron 25 artículos estableciendo cuatro categorías de análisis en relación con los objetivos específicos propuestos: consecuencias del MII, indicadores en función del tipo de maltrato perpetrado, importancia del entorno en la reducción de las consecuencias del MII y protocolos de enfermería para su detección. Conclusión: El MII produce consecuencias (lesiones físicas, déficits cognitivos, problemas de salud mental, trastornos de la conducta), afectando a las esferas del desarrollo del menor. Es importante conocer las consecuencias e indicadores del MII para su detección. Los profesionales enfermeros son capaces de detectarlo desde Atención Primaria y los Servicios de Urgencias Hospitalarias, a través de protocolos. Sin embargo, en España hay una falta de formación y protocolos que faciliten su detección.Introduction: Intrafamily child abuse has existed in all cultures and ages. Any type of child abuse can produce a dysfunctional and pathological situation that affects to the child’s development. Everybody should be responsible for childhood’s welfare, especially health providers who are in a strategic position to prevent and detect violence to minors. Objective: To analyse the impact of intrafamily child abuse in child’s development. Methodology: A narrative review was carried out by a bibliographic research in PUBMED, CINALH, Cuiden, SciELO, Scopus, Psycinfo and Cochrane databases. The researches were defined through limits (publication date, language, age) and inclusion (intrafamily child abuse) and exclusion criteria (Münchausen syndrome by proxy, intimate partner violence, prenatal mistreatment, among others). Results: 25 articles were selected establishing four categories of analysis in relation to the specific objectives proposed: consequences and indicators of domestic child mistreatment according to the type of abuse perpetrated, importance of environment in the reduction of child abuse consequences and nursing protocols for detection. Conclusion: Intrafamily child abuse produces consequences (physical injuries, cognitive deficit, mental health problems, behavioural disorders), affecting child’s development areas. It is important to know the consequences and indicators of intrafamily child abuse to detect it. Nurses are able to detect it through Primary Care and Hospital Emergency Services throughout protocols. However, in Spain there is a lack of training and protocols that facilitate its detection

    “I am who I am because of who I was” – refiguring childhoods through Colombian former child soldiers’ stories

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    The recruitment and use of children in war are common characteristics of modern conflict. In 2017, the Child Soldiers World Index reported that at least 46 States still recruit and use children under the age of 18 into their armed forces across Africa, Asia and America (CSI, 2018). Researchers both within and outside of academia have striven to understand the phenomenon by looking at the reasons for recruitment, the roles played by children in the armed groups and, for those who survive war, the challenges posed by their reintegration. Central to much research is an assumption that children are victims of war embodied in the figure of the child soldier who sits at the centre of mainstream global policies and interventions as well as academic debate. This figure of the child soldier offers a condensed narrative of their lives, portraying people who were part of armed groups in their childhoods as in fact lacking a childhood, caught up in forced recruitment and military or paramilitary service, and involved in violence, experiences that do not fit normative and predominantly Western visions of ideal childhoods. Now as adults, former child soldiers require protection as victims of war and need interventions to re-integrate in post-war life. The aim of this research was twofold. Firstly to examine normative understandings of child soldiering in the Colombian context. To do this, I initially investigated how the global figure of the child soldier is enacted in Colombia, tracing the tensions between global discourses and local practices (following Tsing, 2005) through exploring of the narratives of both practitioners of children’s rights and seasoned former child soldiers. Secondly, I engaged in creative fieldwork through writing workshops with a group of Colombian former child soldiers. These workshops, entitled “Mi cuento lo cuento yo” (“I’ll be the one to tell my story”), gave space for participants to create alternative accounts of their childhoods. Writing and other creative activities enabled participants to produce accounts of their warrior-selves and their campesino-selves; both critical components of their understandings of who they are, in the present, while being reflective and critical about their past, and, in the process, teasing apart the figure of the child soldier. Finally, I contrasted these accounts with the conventional narrative embodied in the globalised figure of the child soldier. In this thesis, I argue that in the translation, back and forth, of global and local understandings of child soldiering, meaningful childhood experiences are ignored and lost. During demobilisation processes, former child soldiers need to reproduce common victim narratives of child soldiering, of forced recruitment and escape or rescue from the army, in order to make a living in post-conflict time, paradoxically leaving them unable to escape the weight of the figure of the child soldier. From the stories produced in these creative workshops, I claim that people who were soldiers in their childhoods find value in their past, and narrate their lives in a way which draws on the knowledge and experiences they developed during the war. Their accounts resist a clear separation of their time before, during, and after their recruitment into guerrillas and paramilitary groups. In their rewriting of themselves, they rescue and highlight features of their warrior self and campesino self, which they believe should be recognised in reintegration processes. Acknowledging the skills, knowledge and learning they developed through their work as child soldiers, would make material differences to their ability to make a living in a post-conflict Colombia. The normative vision of the child soldier as victim of war limits the success of reintegration processes, requiring Colombian children’s rights practitioners as well as former child soldiers to find ways to work around existing practices, with varying degrees of success. This research draws on unique creative data to provide a novel account of former child soldiers’ lives, which call into question the adequacy of existing policies for reintegration. This thesis is a contribution to the literature on childhood studies in general, and to discussions on child soldiering and rural childhoods in particular, that will be of interest to those researching diverse types of childhoods during war, and those working in disarmament, demobilisation, and reintegration processes of child soldiers everywhere

    The care economy: social and gender division of unpaid work in Bogota

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    Objetivo. El presente artículo hace una crítica al análisis económico dominante ya que ignora la producción y el trabajo realizado dentro de los hogares y su importancia en el funcionamiento de las sociedades. Metodología. Se utilizó como insumo la Encuesta Nacional del Uso del Tiempo (2012-2013) y las categorías teóricas de la economía feminista. Resultados y conclusión. Entre los hallazgos más importantes, se destaca que son las mujeres las principales proveedoras del bienestar ante la desigual distribución del trabajo no remunerado en los hogares y la deficitaria provisión de bienes y servicios del cuidado por parte del Estado y el sector privado. A su vez, el enfoque interseccional permitió revelar que son las adultas de menores ingresos y niveles educativos las que asumen la mayor carga. Los resultados evidencian la división sexual y social del trabajo doméstico y de cuidado no remunerado en los hogares bogotanos.Objective. This article criticizes the dominant economic analysis as it ignores the production and work done within households and its importance for the functioning of societies. Methodology. The National Survey on the Use of Time (2012-2013) and the theoretical categories of feminist economics were used as input. Results and conclusion. Among the most important findings, it is highlighted that women are the main providers of welfare in the presence of the unequal distribution of unpaid work in households and the deficient provision of goods and care services by the State and the private sector. At the same time, the intersectional approach revealed that lower income and low educational level adult females assume the greatest burden. The results show the gender and social division of domestic work and unpaid care in households in Bogota


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    Objetivo. El presente artículo hace una crítica al análisis económico dominante ya que ignora la producción y el trabajo realizado dentro de los hogares y su importancia en el funcionamiento de las sociedades. Metodología. Se utilizó como insumo la Encuesta Nacional del Uso del Tiempo (2012-2013) y las categorías teóricas de la economía feminista. Resultados y conclusión. Entre los hallazgos más importantes, se destaca que son las mujeres las principales proveedoras del bienestar ante la desigual distribución del trabajo no remunerado en los hogares y la deficitaria provisión de bienes y servicios del cuidado por parte del Estado y el sector privado. A su vez, el enfoque interseccional permitió revelar que son las adultas de menores ingresos y niveles educativos las que asumen la mayor carga. Los resultados evidencian la división sexual y social del trabajo doméstico y de cuidado no remunerado en los hogares bogotanos

    SIGS Sistema Integral para la Gestión de Servicios de consultoría en la empresa ACT Consultores Ltda. de Bogotá

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    La productividad empresarial permite que una empresa logre resultados más eficientes a un menor costo, con el fin de incrementar la satisfacción de los clientes y la rentabilidad de su negocio. El desarrollo de este sistema busca controlar las labores realizadas a cada cliente por parte de los consultores, llegando así a costear y establecer la rentabilidad real de cada negocio y de cada asesor, ayudando en la toma de las mejores decisiones para la empresa.The business productivity allows achieving more efficient results at a lower cost in order to increase customer satisfaction and profitability of their business. The development of this system seeks to control the work done to each client by the consultants, thus reaching afford and establish the real profitability of each business and each employee, helping in making the best decisions for the company.Ingeniero (a) de SistemasPregrad

    Hacia una justicia erótica desde una feminidad anómala : Seducciones para problematizar las sexualidades in-apropiadas a partir de mi experiencia encarnada y encuerpada

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    Las letras que componen el presente texto hacen parte de un proceso reflexivo y una apuesta investigativa de la vida cotidiana, la cual se nutre de la experiencia vital y aquello que me genera ruido, que me convoca, de lo cual no puedo escapar y que son cinceladas y materia prima para contribuir o ampliar ámbitos poco explorados o invisibilizados en relación con la vivencia de la discapacidad, específicamente de la discapacidad física. En este sentido, reconozco la potencia de las narrativas autobiográficas y de la escritura en primera persona para propiciar fugas y rupturas con el estar siendo narrada, contada e investigada por otres, o por decirlo de otra manera, con las epistemologías tradicionales que totalizan y subalternizan otras voces, pues la trayectoria vital propicia modos de conocer/comprender y posicionarse ante la realidad. Es así que doy cuenta y expongo de qué maneras a lo largo de mis experiencias cotidianas es posible ir desmenuzando aquellas interpelaciones invasivas que vienen desde el exterior hacia mi cuerpo chueco-disca1, hacia las formas en las que decido habitar el mundo y hacia lo que voy decidiendo en relación a mi sexualidad, a mis deseos y hacia lo que me erotiza1. En ese sentido mi intención es mostrar, describir, empalabrar y denunciar las dinámicas capacitistas que subyacen en las experiencias alrededor de las maneras en las que vivencio la sexualidad, erotismo1, cuerpo, deseos y hasta mis orgasmos. Lo que me interesa es plasmar un lugar situado sin caer, por su puesto, en la trampa capitalista/neoliberal de individualizar o auto-responsabilizarme por las prácticas capacitistas de la sociedad en la que estamos inmerses

    Aplicación de los conceptos actuales de especies endémicas y áreas de endemismo a especies animales migratorias

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    Morrone (2001) define área de endemismo, a partir de la superposición de las áreas de distribución de dos o más taxones diferentes. Aunque varios autores han planteado diferentes definiciones, no se ha tenido en cuenta si alguna puede ser aplicada a especies animales migratorias, siendo especies que dejan su hábitat viajando grandes distancias para obtener alimento, pareja o algún otro recurso y volviendo a su hábitat. Entre los objetivos, está establecer si se puede hablar de especies animales migratorias como especies endémica y si se puede aplicar alguna de las definiciones de áreas de endemismo a especies migratorias. Para cumplir con los objetivos, se realizaron tablas evidenciando las definiciones sobre especies endémicas, áreas de endemismo y migración, asimismo, se revisó bibliografía acerca de la migración y de los patrones que existen dentro de éste, dando ejemplos e identificando cuales especies son endémicas. Por último se revisaron si las especies utilizadas en algunos estudios recientes de biogeografía vicariante eran migratorias o no. Dentro de los resultados, se obtuvo que existen varias definiciones de áreas de endemismo, diferenciándose en si tener en cuenta o no la simpatría extensiva y si las unidades adecuadas para análisis biogeográficos son las áreas de endemismo o los elementos bióticos. Con respecto a los patrones de migración se obtuvieron ejemplos de cada uno mostrando las rutas de los viajes, por último, ninguno de los estudios recientes encontrados sobre biogeografía vicariante tienen en cuenta especies migratorias. Con los resultados obtenidos se puede concluir que sí se puede hablar de especies migratoria como especie endémica y que ninguna de las definiciones de áreas de endemismo planteadas hasta el momento tienen en cuenta animales migratorios, por lo que se sugiere un protocolo donde se puedan identificar áreas de endemismo a partir de especies de animales migratorias, planteando los términos de áreas de endemismo temporales y especies endémicas temporales.Biólogo (a)Pregrad

    Metabolic and Stress Responses in Senegalese Soles (Solea senegalensis Kaup) Fed Tryptophan Supplements: E ects of Concentration and Feeding Period

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    The objective of this study was to assess the impact of di erent dietary Trp concentrations on the stress and metabolism response of juvenile Senegalese soles (Solea senegalensis). Fish (38.1 1.9 g) were fed di erent Trp-enriched feeds (0%, 1% and 2% Trp added) for two and eight days, and later exposed to air stress for three min. Samples were taken pre- and 1 h post-stress (condition). Plasma cortisol, lactate, glucose and proteins were significantly a ected by the sampling time, showing higher values at 1 h post-stress. Trp concentration in food also had significant e ects on lactate and glucose levels. However, the feeding period did not a ect these parameters. Post-stress values were higher than in the pre-stress condition for every plasma parameter, except for lactate in two days and 1% Trp treatment. Nevertheless, cortisol, glucose and lactate did not vary significantly between pre- and post-stress samplings in fish fed the 1% Trp-enriched diet for two days. The lack of variability in cortisol response was also due to the high pre-stress value, significantly superior to pre-stress control. The exposure time to Trp feeding did not significantly a ect any enzyme activity; however, Trp added and condition influenced protein-related enzyme activities. In spite of decreasing stress markers, Trp-enriched diets altered the protein metabolism

    Developing a framework to identify and manage the impacts of human factors on the main activities of an agile supply chain

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    Supply chains are increasingly challenged to satisfy changeable market requirements whilst shortening lead times; leading them to embrace agile philosophy in the pursuit of greater flexibility and responsiveness. Although these agile supply chains have focused predominantly on automation, they still rely greatly on their employees to make strategic decisions at every stage of the supply chain. Therefore, it is of great importance to recognise the impacts of these human factors along the supply chain and how to best minimise them. The purpose of this dissertation was to develop a framework to identify the human factors affecting the main activities of an agile supply chain. To do so, a thorough and extensive literature review was undertaken, divided into three parts that studied first, the agile supply chains, then human resource management practices and lastly, the human factors affecting agility in these supply chains. From the analysis of this comprehensive literature review, the primary findings were the identification of the human factors that form the agile culture. These were said to be the foundation of the process of becoming agile. These so called ‘agile culture human factors’ were recognised to affect all the activities along the agile supply chain; furthermore, specific human factors affecting each single activity were also identified. As a result of this, the framework was constructed, graphically depicting these findings. Additionally, a list of suggestions was provided for better managing the human factors impacting only the planning stage; the activity most affected by human factors as illustrated in the framework. The results obtained here are of great relevance for organisations in their transition towards achieving agility. The framework developed is a useful tool that guides managers in the identification and control of human impacts when attaining agility. Moreover, as the framework identifies the factors impacting each activity of the supply chain individually, it can also prove useful to assist line managers, especially in the planning stage. However, further studies should be conducted to test the framework in real life scenarios in order to verify its validity. Keywords: human factors, agile supply chains, agile culture, human resource practices

    Síndrome del lacertus fibrosus

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    The lacertus fibrosus of the biceps brachii or aponeurotic expansion of the biceps is a structure to which little attention is generally paid compared to other myotendinous units of outstanding importance such as the biceps or the triceps. For this reason, in general, little is known about it in regard to its anatomy, biomechanics, physiology, and much less in terms of her pathology. In descriptions of pronator teres syndrome, it is incidentally mentioned. This is a retrospective descriptive observational study with the purpose of reviewing its related anatomy, outline some biomechanical aspects and present the review of a series of 29 cases identified from 4100 medical records in a 5 year period from January 13 2015 to February 12 2020; during that period of time, we found the disease to affect more frequent women over 56 years of age, being the main reason for consultation pain on the anteromedial aspect of the proximal forearm and being frequently associated with pronator teres and posterior interosseus syndromes.El lacertus fibrosus del bíceps o expansión aponeurótica del bíceps es una estructura a la que suele prestársele poca atención frente a otras unidades miotendinosas de destacada importancia como el bíceps brachii o el tríceps. Por esta razón, en general es escaso el conocimiento que se tiene de ella respecto a su anatomía, biomecánica, fisiología y, sobre todo, patología; en las descripciones del síndrome del pronador redondo se le menciona de manera incidental. El presente es un estudio descriptivo observacional de tipo retrospectivo hecho con el propósito de revisar la anatomía del lacertus fibrosus, plantear aspectos de su biomecánica y presentar la revisión de una serie de 29 casos identificados a partir de 4 100 historias clínicas realizadas entre el 13 de enero de 2015 y el 12 de febrero de 2020. En la revisión de la literatura hecha para la presente investigación se encontró que dicha patología predominó en las mujeres y en los mayores de 56 años, siendo el principal motivo de consulta el dolor en la cara antero-medial del brazo distal y del codo. Además, se halló que su presentación clínica con frecuencia se acompañaba de los síndromes del pronador redondo y del interóseo posterior