84 research outputs found
Metabolic Cost of Traverses on Future Planetary Extra Vehicular Activities
La despesa energètica per metabolisme (Metabolic Rate, MR) és una magnitud fonamental en els passejos espacials. La predicció de la despesa energètica durant una travessia futura en condicions específiques de velocitat, pendent, gravetat i vestit espacial pot proporcionar informació valuosa sobre la quantitat de consumibles necessaris (principalment oxigen i aigua), la ruta més adequada per assolir els objectius de la missió, a l'igual que obtenir informació sobre la càrrega de treball, la fatiga acumulada i les possibles lesions.
En aquest projecte, vaig fer una descripció general dels mètodes i models existents desenvolupats per estudiar el cost energètic per desplaçar-se a peu, així com els resultats biomèdics de les missions Apol·lo i el desenvolupament actual de vestits espacials per a futures missions.
Vaig explorar la possibilitat d'utilitzar mètodes predictius basats en aprenentatge màquina per determinar MR com una forma de millorar els models actuals tant per a les activitats extravehiculars (EVA) com per als recorreguts de la Terra.
També vaig fer un prototip de l'eina predictiva i la vaig provar amb dades simulades. L'eina pot integrar-se en una altra aplicació o usar-se com una API per HTTP.El gasto energético por metabolismo (Metabolic Rate, MR) es una magnitud fundamental en los paseos espaciales. La predicción del gasto energético durante una travesía futura en condiciones específicas de velocidad, pendiente, gravedad y traje espacial puede proporcionar información valiosa sobre la cantidad de consumibles necesarios (principalmente oxígeno y agua), la ruta más adecuada para lograr los objetivos de la misión, al igual que obtener información sobre la carga de trabajo, la fatiga acumulada y las posibles lesiones.
En este proyecto, hice una descripción general de los métodos y modelos existentes desarrollados para estudiar el coste energético para desplazarse a pie, así como los resultados biomédicos de las misiones Apolo y el desarrollo actual de trajes espaciales para futuras misiones.
Exploré la posibilidad de utilizar métodos predictivos basados en aprendizaje máquina para determinar MR como una forma de mejorar los modelos actuales tanto para las actividades extravehiculares (EVA) como para los recorridos de la Tierra.
También hice un prototipo de la herramienta predictiva y la probé con datos simulados. La herramienta puede integrarse en otra aplicación o usarse como una API por HTTP.Metabolic Rate (MR) is a fundamental magnitude during surface exploration traverses. Predicting energy expenditure during an upcoming traverse under specific conditions of speed, slope, gravity and suit characteristics can provide valuable information about the supply of consumables needed (i.e. oxygen and water), the most appropriate path to accomplish the exploration objectives, as well as information about workload, fatigue, and potential injuries.
In this project I did an overview of the existing methods and models developed to study metabolic rate of traverse, as well as the biomedical results of Apollo Missions and the current state of the art in the development of spacesuits.
I considered the use of machine learning predicting methods to determine MR as a way of improving current models for both Extravehicular Activities (EVAs) and Earth traverses.
I also made a prototype of a MR predictive tool and tested it with simulated data. The tool can be integrated into another app or used as a HTTP Application Programing Interface (API).Outgoin
El deber de declaración de riesgo en los seguros de personas
La Ley 50/1980, de 8 de octubre, de Contrato de Seguro supuso un giro radical en la regulación de uno de los productos financieros más importantes: los seguros, abandonando así la obsoleta ordenación que el Código de Comercio realizaba de los mismos. La nueva norma también introdujo una renovada concepción del deber de declaración de riesgo, regulándose por primera vez en un instrumento legal y fijando un medio a través del cual canalizarlo: el cuestionario. Este trabajo tiene por objeto analizar el régimen jurídico de este deber de declaración de riesgo consagrado en la Ley de Contrato de Seguros, tanto desde un punto de vista legal, como doctrinal y, sobre todo jurisprudencial, para determinar con claridad su contenido y las consecuencias unidas al eventual incumplimiento de tal deber.<br /
Implementation and digitalization of a renewable hydrogen-based power system for social housing decarbonization
The mitigation of greenhouse gases (GHG) triggered by the broad employment of fossil fuels requires a complete energy transition towards the utilization of renewable energy sources (RES), the increase in the efficiency of the systems, implementation of carbon, capture, storage, and utilization (CCSU) technologies to decarbonize the use of fossil fuels and switch to zero-emissions energy carriers. Thus, hydrogen has emerged as a clean and versatile energy carrier that ensures a higher RES penetration that is fundamental to achieving the required energy transition. In this context, the SUDOE ENERGY PUSH project combines RES, novel hydrogen technologies, building information modelling (BIM) methodology, and passive renovation to improve the energy efficiency of social housing in the regions of south-western Europe. In this context, the techno-economic feasibility of a combined renewable hydrogen-based system (RHS) to supply electricity to a residential building has been analyzed in three different locations across the SUDOE region (Spain, France and Portugal) where a pilot plant will be deployed. The evaluation has been carried out by means of HOMER Pro software, studying every configuration in terms of dimensions, energy mix, levelised cost of energy (LCOE), net present cost (NPC) and pollutant emissions. The work reflects a greater potential and competitiveness of an RHS located in Portugal as it is the location with the greatest RES potential and the highest electricity price.This research is being supported by the Project ENERGY PUSH SOE3/P3/E0865, which is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERPF) in the framework of the INTERREG SUDOE Programme and the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities (Projects: RTI2018-093310-B-I00 and PLEC2021- 007718)
Challenges and prospects of renewable hydrogen-based strategies for full decarbonization of stationary power applications
The exponentially growing contribution of renewable energy sources in the electricity mix requires large systems for energy storage to tackle resources intermittency. In this context, the technologies for hydrogen production offer a clean and versatile alternative to boost renewables penetration and energy security. Hydrogen production as a strategy for the decarbonization of the energy sources mix has been investigated since the beginning of the 1990s. The stationary sector, i.e. all parts of the economy excluding the transportation sector, accounts for almost three-quarters of greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions (mass of CO2-eq) in the world associated with power generation. While several publications focus on the hybridization of renewables with traditional energy storage systems or in different pathways of hydrogen use (mainly power-to-gas), this study provides an insightful analysis of the state of art and evolution of renewable hydrogen-based systems (RHS) to power the stationary sector. The analysis started with a thorough review of RHS deployments for power-to-power stationary applications, such as in power generation, industry, residence, commercial building, and critical infrastructure. Then, a detailed evaluation of relevant techno-economic parameters such as levelized cost of energy (LCOE), hydrogen roundtrip efficiency (HRE), loss of power supply probability (LPSP), self-sufficiency ratio (SSR), or renewable fraction (fRES) is provided. Subsequently, lab-scale plants and pilot projects together with current market trends and commercial uptake of RHS and fuel cell systems are examined. Finally, the future techno-economic barriers and challenges for short and medium-term deployment of RHS are identified and discussed.This research is being supported by the Project ENERGY PUSH SOE3/P3/E0865, which is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERPF) in the framework of the INTERREG SUDOE Programme and the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities (Project: RTI2018-093310-B-I00)
The role of hydrogen-based power systems in the energy transition of the residential sector
The unsustainable and continuous growth of anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) has pushed governments, private companies and stakeholders to adopt measures and policies to fight against climate change. Within this framework, increasing the contribution of renewable energy sources (RES) to final consumed energy plays a key role in the planned energy transition. Regarding the residential sector in Europe, 92% of GHG emissions comes from 75% of the building stock that is over 25 years old, and highly inefficient. Thus, this sector must raise RES penetration from the current 36% to 77% by 2050 to comply with emissions targets. In this regard, the hybridization of hydrogen-based technologies and RES represents a reliable and versatile solution to facilitate decarbonization of the residential sector. This study provides an overview and analysis of standalone renewable hydrogen-based systems (RHS) focusing on the residential and buildings sector, as well as critical infrastructures like telecom stations, data servers, etc. For detailed evaluation of RHS, several pilot plants and real demonstration plants implemented worldwide are reviewed. To this end, a techno-economic assessment of relevant parameters like self-sufficiency ratio, levelized cost of energy and hydrogen roundtrip efficiency is provided. Moreover, the performance of the different configurations is evaluated by comparing the installed power of each component and their energy contribution to cover the load over a defined period of time. Challenges ahead are identified for the wider deployment of RHS in the residential and buildings sector.This research is supported by the project ENERGY PUSH SOE3/P3/ E0865, which is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERPF) in the framework of the INTERREG SUDOE Programme and the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities (project RTI2018-093310-B-I00
The local public media as thermometers of the quality of democracy in Andalusia
En el actual contexto de crisis y de recortes en políticas públicas que se vive en España, los medios públicos
locales pueden ser considerados como termómetros de la calidad democrática de las localidades
en las que se ubica cada uno de ellos. Los medios públicos locales, también denominados medios del
Tercer Sector, se sitúan en un juego de fuerzas que amplia o limita las posibilidades de participación y de
deliberación de la ciudadanía. Los resultados preliminares de la investigación recogida en este artículo
apuntan a un predominio de las fuerzas del mercado a la hora de orientar las prácticas comunicativas de
los medios públicos locales de Andalucía y a una escasa apropiación de ellos por parte de la ciudadaníaIn the current context of crisis and cutbacks in public policy experienced in Spain, the local public media
can be considered as a thermometer of the democratic quality of the localities in which each of these
media are located. Local public media, also known as the Third Sector Media, are placed in a kind of interplay
of forces that broaden or limit the possibilities of participation and deliberation of the citizenry. The
preliminary results of the research in this article point to a predominance of the forces of the market when
it comes to guiding policies and communicative practices of the local public media of Andalusia and to a
limited communication appropriation of the citizenship
“External and total hip rotation range of motion predispose to low back pain in elite Spanish inline hockey player”
Low back pain (LBP) is a common ailment in competitive athletes. Although the association
between limited range of motion (ROM) and prevalence of LBP has been widely investigated in other
sports, there is no research about this topic in inline hockey (IH). The main purposes of this study in IH
players were (1) to analyze the association between hip ROM and LBP and (2) to establish a diagnostic
cuto for ROM of high risk of LBP. Twenty elite IH players from the two Spanish National Teams
(male and female) were assessed for passive maximum hip ROMs; the movement evaluated were the
hip external [HER] and internal [HIR] rotation, hip flexion with flexed [HF-KF] and extended [HF-KE]
knee, hip adduction with flexed hip [HAD-HF], hip abduction with neutral [HAB] and flexed [HAB-HF]
hip, and hip extension [HE]. LBP was retrospectively monitored for the last 12 months before the date of
ROM assessment by using a questionnaire. The data were analyzed via a binary logistic regression and
receiver operating characteristic curves. The 70% of players had developed LBP during the retrospective
study period. Significant dierences between LBP group and asymptomatic group for HER (p = 0.013,
d [Cohen’s eect size] = 1.17) and hip total rotation [HTR] (p = 0.032, d [Cohen’s eect size] = 1.05) were
observed. The cuto points with the greatest discriminatory capacity were 56.5 for HER and 93 for
Evolution of Culture on Patient Safety in the Clinical Setting of a Spanish Mutual Insurance Company: Observational Study between 2009 and 2017 Based on AHRQ Survey
Background: Patient safety (PS) is a key factor in reducing or even eradicating adverse incidents and events. Many health organizations promote strategies to improve PS, while also pointing out the importance of measuring it. For more than eight years, our institution has developed strategies focused on improving PS-culture among our personnel. The goal of this paper is to analyze the PS-culture between the years 2009 and 2017. Methods: A cross-sectional survey focused on PS, and developed by the American Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), was conducted in 2009 and in 2017 among all healthcare workers at Mutualia, anonymously and voluntarily. Results: The overall response rate was similar in both 2009 and 2017 (37.2% and 38.5%, respectively). The average rating obtained showed a significant improvement over the period (7.7 vs. 8.1; p < 0.05). Itemizing by question, the main strengths were found in management support, organizational learning and continuous improvement, and, especially, in teamwork. Regarding weaknesses, the two lowest scores were those which refer to the balance between clinical safety and workload and the freedom to question the decisions made by superiors. Conclusions: The results obtained from the PS-surveys show that the overall PS-culture in our institution has increased, suggesting that the strategies focused on the improvement of PS-culture were well adopted among our personnel. The overall score places Mutualia at similar levels to those reached by the AHRQ and Spanish National Health System
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