239 research outputs found

    Audiovisuals: ciència a través d'imatges en moviment

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    Els mitjans audiovisuals, a més de ser el mitjà d?informació de massa més universal són considerats una prolongació de les nostres facultats físiques i psíquiques. Capaços de captar l?emoció humana no continguda en el significat propi de les paraules, sinó com un tot global: to, mímica, gestos i postures. De tota manera, els nostres hàbits, el pessimisme en relació amb binomi esforç-fracàs o la falta de polítiques adients no ens fan pensar-hi com un material i mètode adient per a desenvolupar la tasca de transmissió científica (docent i de recerca). Aquest petit assaig pretén trencar amb el pessimisme de molts i, alhora, animar d?altres per a fer servir aquesta important eina de treball científic. En aquest assaig es donen les pautes necessàries per a realitzar una producció audiovisual de qualitat. Part de la bibliografia inclosa pretén ser útil, en molt casos, per a aprofundir en aspectes tècnics, com ara el desenvolupament del guió o l?ús correcte dels mitjans audiovisuals.The audio-visuals (AV), the most universal mass medium, are considered as an extension of our physical and psychical faculties. Able to capture human emotions, they do not express by words but by the pitch, gestures, facial expression and body language. How is it possible that such an important medium has not be taken into account as a common channel of scientific communication? The answer could be: it does not form part of our habits, there is some pessimism about its productivity and there is a lack of policies to stimulate its use. The authors think that AV are an important tool to be used for science communication and research. This assay aims to be a small contribution to encourage people to use AV and also to give them some guidelines about how to do the script and the production. Moreover, it also includes references of some specific books for people who want to deepen in technical aspects (script and production)

    The Goat Sector in Spain: Situation, Local Breeds, and Production Systems

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    Goats throughout history have been adapted to the different orographic and climatological conditions of diverse continents and regions, in which they have been widely spread. Consequently, this species has developed different aptitudes and specialties (meat, milk, hair, etc.) depending on the specific necessities that are covered. This specialization and its geographical conditions have created a great variety of breeds that have been adapted to different production systems. This chapter compiles the evolution and present situation of the goat sector in Spain and the perspectives for its future, describing the most important production systems currently used for different aptitudes in the country (dairy and meat) and compiling the characteristics of the main national autochthonous breeds

    Venus Atmosphere Profile from a Maximum Entropy Principle

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    The variational method with constraints recently developed by Verkley and Gerkema to describe maximum-entropy atmospheric profiles is generalized to ideal gases but with temperature-dependent specific heats. In so doing, an extended and non standard potential temperature is introduced that is well suited for tackling the problem under consideration. This new formalism is successfully applied to the atmosphere of Venus. Three well defined regions emerge in this atmosphere up to a height of 100km100 km from the surface: the lowest one up to about 35km35 km is adiabatic, a transition layer located at the height of the cloud deck and finally a third region which is practically isothermal.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Estudio y aplicaciones de las construcciones con fardos de paja. Beneficios de los materiales naturales

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    La paja es un material primigenio que se empezó a utilizar desde los primeros asentamientos humanos. En la actualidad, la problemática en cuanto a la gestión de los recursos del planeta y el impacto que provoca sobre ellos el sector de la construcción, hace que se vuelvan a plantear el uso de materiales naturales como la paja. Sus cualidades materiales junto al uso de las posibilidades tecnológicas actuales, favorecen la construcción de edificaciones más saludables, naturales y sostenibles. La primera construcción documentada con fardos de paja data de 1886, surgiendo así la "técnica Nebraska". Fruto de la investigación y el desarrollo en este sistema nacen las diversas técnicas actuales. Mediante el estudio de estos tipos de construcción se pretende ampliar los conocimientos y las posibilidades que ofrece este materialGrado en Fundamentos de la Arquitectur

    Morfología y Productividad Carnicera

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    Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marin

    Carcass and Meat Quality in Goat

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    Goat is a worldwide spread species with different specialities and aptitudes, among the meat production. Its consumption varies widely depending on the region of the world considered. However, a common factor is the presence of few studies in comparison with ovine, especially those that characterize the quality of its products (related to carcass and meat). Generation, availability, and diffusion of characteristics of the species and its production, generated from scientific studies, could help breeders and society on their education and raising global awareness of its importance, conservation, and productive possibilities. Goat has its own specific characteristics related to quality with a presumed good acceptability of its products by consumers. On the current chapter, the effects of the main factors that modify carcass and meat quality in goat are compiled. Both, intrinsic factors (breed or breed type, age, weight at slaughter or gender) and some extrinsic factors (as production system, type of suckling, and aging) are discussed

    Effect of including whole linseed and vitamin E in the diet of young bulls slaughtered at two fat covers on the sensory quality of beef packaged in two different packaging systems

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    Background: Forty-six Pirenaica young bulls, slaughtered at two levels of fatness (3 and 4 mm), were used to evaluate the effect of the inclusion of 50 g kg-1 linseed alone or with 200 IU vitamin E kg-1 in the concentrate and of the meat packaging system (vacuum or modified atmosphere packaging (MAP)) on the beef sensory quality. Results: the inclusion of linseed or supplementation with vitamin E in the concentrate induced no significant differences in the main meat sensory scores and overall appraisal except under MAP, where small differences due to concentrate ingredients were found in juiciness and metallic flavor intensity. Extending the display time up to 4 or 8 days in high-oxygen MAP had detrimental effects on sensory attributes. Meat from animals with 4 mm fat cover depth were rated more tender and juicy, less fibrous and with a higher intensity of beef flavor and rancid odor than meat from 3 mm fat cover bulls when both samples were vacuum packaged. Conclusion: The inclusion of 50 g kg-1 linseed in the concentrate fed to bulls had no detrimental effect on the beef sensory quality. The vacuum-packaged meat of bulls slaughtered at 4 mm fat cover was rated higher on sensory analysis than that at 3 mm fat cover

    A comparative study of fatty acid profiles of fat in commercial Spanish suckling kids and lambs

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    Fatty acid profiles are a major contributor to meat quality in small ruminants. Nevertheless, while fatty acid profiles from suckling lambs have been extensively studied they are virtually unknown in suckling kids. Fatty acid profiles of intramuscular and kidney knob fat depots of suckling kids were compared with fatty acid profiles of lambs with a quality label in the Spanish market. Forty suckling kids from Blanca Celtibérica (BC), Moncaína (Mo), Negra Serrana (NS) and Murciano Granadina (MG) breeds and 20 Churra male suckling lambs labelled with ‘Lechazo de Castilla y León’ Protected Geographic Indication were slaughtered at commercial live weights (12 kg). In both depots differences in the unsaturated fatty acid profile were observed between breeds. The most pronounced differences were observed between meat goat breeds (BC, Mo and NS) and lambs, whilst a greater similarity in the fatty acid profile was observed between kids from dairy goat breeds (MG) and lambs. The lowest polyunsaturated fatty acid content was observed in meat goat breeds (approximately 21 to 22% of total fatty acids detected in the intramuscular fat). No significant differences in atherogenic index and desirable fatty acid content (range 68 to 70% of total fatty acids detected) were observed. However, a more favourable (lower than 8.07) n-6/n-3 ratio was observed in meat goat breeds. The use of fatty acid profiles from intramuscular and kidney knob fat could be proposed as a tool to differentiate goat kids and lambs. The fact that intramuscular fat from suckling kids and lambs shows appropriate lipid nutritional indices and their low carcass fatness indicate that moderate consumption of suckling kid and lamb meat may contribute to an overall balanced diet for humansComisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología AGL-2005-0577-C02-0

    Effect of sex and crossbreeding on instrumental and sensory quality and appraisal of meat from Avileña-Negra Ibérica cattle breed

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    Se estudió el efecto del cruce industrial (Avileña -Negra lbérica en pureza o cruzados por Charolés) y del sexo sobre el pH, color la carne y valoración sensorial con panel entrenado y consumidores de la carne de 30 animales de categoría añojo. El color estuvo mas influenciado por la base genética que por el sexo, resultando menos luminosa la carne de los animales en pureza que la de los cruzados. En general, la carne de las hembras fue mejor valorada que la de los machos. La maduración incrementó Ia jugosidad y terneza de la carne, así como la intensidad de su olor y flavor. El sexo del consumidor no influyo sobre la valoración de la carne, pero la edad siPresent experiment studied the effect of crossbreeding (Avileña-Negra Ibérica breed or crossing by Charolais) and animal' sex on pH and meat colour as well as its sensory characteristic, measured by both a trained and consumers panels. Colour was slightly affected by considered effects and crossbreeding effect was more important than sex, being meat from pure animals less light than meat from crossbreeding. Ageing increased meat juiciness and tenderness and odour and flavour intensities. Consumer's gender did not affect sensory appraisal of meat but consumer's age di

    La Raza Barock Pinto. Situación en España, posibilidades futuras.

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    El presente Trabajo de Final de Grado se centra en el análisis exhaustivo de la raza Barock Pinto, tanto de su reglamentación e importancia a nivel Europeo y Español, como del estudio detallado de su morfología comparándolos con las características de las razas fundadoras. El objetivo principal es mostrar cuales son las características buscadas en esta nueva raza por los países miembros del Barock Pinto Studbook, las cuales le están dando una proyección enorme a nivel europeo como caballos de deporte y/u ocio. A lo largo del trabajo, iremos presentando la raza; en primer lugar hablaremos de la breve historia y de su fundador y analizaremos las bases reglamentarias del Studbook que controla la aceptación de los nuevos ejemplares. Posteriormente, gracias a una investigación en forma de encuestas, resaltaremos tanto los puntos fuertes como los débiles que caracterizan a la raza, y el nivel de conocimiento de ésta por parte de los aficionados del mundo del caballo, a la vez que valoraremos su opinión acerca de ésta, y el futuro que creen que puede llegar a tener en nuestro país. Para finalizar el trabajo, realizaremos un análisis morfológico de dos sementales calificados, donde analizaremos detalladamente la morfología de los ejemplares presentados y estudiaremos la influencia fenotípica de la sangre frisona, sabiendo cual es el genotipo de cada ejemplar