1,078 research outputs found

    Sarcomere Control Mechanisms and the Dynamics of the Cardiac Cycle

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    This review focuses on recent developments in the molecular mechanisms by which Ca activates cardiac sarcomeres and how these mechanisms play out in the cardiac cycle. I emphasize the role of mechanisms intrinsic to the sarcomeres as significant determinants of systolic elastance and ventricular stiffening during ejection. Data are presented supporting the idea that processes intrinsic to the thin filaments may promote cooperative activation of the sarcomeres and be an important factor in maintaining and modifying systolic elastance. Application of these ideas to translational medicine and rationale drug design forms an important rationale for detailed understanding of these processes

    Use of a decoy peptide to purify p21 activated kinase-1 in cardiac muscle and identification of ceramide-related activation

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    The p21 activated kinase-1 (Pak1) is a serine-threonine protein kinase directly activated by Cdc42 and Rac1. In cardiac myocytes, Pak1 activation leads to dephosphorylation of cTnI and C-protein through upregulation of phosphatase-2A (PP2A). Pak1 activity is directly correlated with its autophosphorylation, which occurs upon binding to the small GTPases and to some small organic molecules as well. In this report, we describe a novel method for rapid purification of endogenous Pak1 from bovine ventricle muscle. The method is simple and easy to carry out. The purified Pak1 demonstrated autophosphorylation in vitro that was enhanced by D-erythro-sphingosine-1, N-acetyl-D-erythro-sphingosine (C2-ceramide), and N-hexanoyl-D-erythro-sphingosine (C6-ceramide). Dihydro-L-threo-sphingosine (saphingol) also had some effect on Pak1 autophosphorylation. The method we developed provides a useful tool to study Pak1 activity and regulation in the heart. Moreover, our results indicate a potential role of the sphingolipids as unique signaling molecules inducing a direct activation of Pak1 that may modulate different cardiac functions

    Novel control of cardiac myofilament response to calcium by S-glutathionylation at specific sites of myosin binding protein C

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    Our previous studies demonstrated a relation between glutathionylation of cardiac myosin binding protein C (cMyBP-C) and diastolic dysfunction in a hypertensive mouse model stressed by treatment with salt, deoxycorticosterone acetate, and unilateral nephrectomy. Although these results strongly indicated an important role for S-glutathionylation of myosin binding protein C as a modifier of myofilament function, indirect effects of other post-translational modifications may have occurred. Moreover, we did not determine the sites of thiol modification by glutathionylation. To address these issues, we developed an in vitro method to mimic the in situ S-glutathionylation of myofilament proteins and determined direct functional effects and sites of oxidative modification employing Western blotting and mass spectrometry. We induced glutathionylation in vitro by treatment of isolated myofibrils and detergent extracted fiber bundles (skinned fibers) with oxidized glutathione (GSSG). Immuno-blotting results revealed increased glutathionylation with GSSG treatment of a protein band around 140 kDa. Using tandem mass spectrometry, we identified the 140 kDa band as cMyBP-C and determined the sites of glutathionylation to be at cysteines 655, 479, and 627. Determination of the relation between Ca(2+)-activation of myofibrillar acto-myosin ATPase rate demonstrated an increased Ca(2+)-sensitivity induced by the S-glutathionylation. Force generating skinned fiber bundles also showed an increase in Ca-sensitivity when treated with oxidized glutathione, which was reversed with the reducing agent, dithiothreitol (DTT). Our data demonstrate that a specific and direct effect of S-glutathionylation of myosin binding protein C is a significant increase in myofilament Ca(2+)-sensitivity. Our data also provide new insights into the functional significance of oxidative modification of myosin binding protein C and the potential role of domains not previously considered to be functionally significant as controllers of myofilament Ca(2+)-responsiveness and dynamics

    The curious role of sarcomeric proteins in control of diverse processes in cardiac myocytes

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    Introduction Relatively recent developments in our understanding of sarcomeric proteins have expanded their role from the home of molecular motors generating force and shortening to a cellular organelle fully integrated in the control of structural, electrical, mechanical, chemical, and metabolic homeostasis. Even so, in some cases these diverse functions of sarcomeric proteins appear to remain a curiosity, not fully appreciated in the analysis of major controllers of cardiac function. This attitude toward the function of sarcomeric proteins in cardiac myocytes is summarized in the following definition of “curiosity,” which seems particularly apropos: “meddlesome; thrusting oneself into and taking an active part in others’ affairs.” We focus in this Perspective on how sarcomeric proteins function in integration with membrane channels and transporters in control of cardiac dynamics, especially in adrenergic control of cardiac function. Understanding these mechanisms at the level of cardiac sarcomeres took on special significance with the identification of mutations in sarcomeric proteins as the most common cause of familial hypertrophic and dilated cardiomyopathies. These mutations commonly lead to structural, electrical, and metabolic remodeling and to sudden death. These disorders indicate a critical role of processes at the level of the sarcomeres in homeostatic control of cardiac energetics, dynamics, and structure. Yet, control of Ca2+ delivery to and removal from the myofilaments has dominated discussions of mechanisms regulating cardiac contractility. We first provide an alternative perspective in which rate processes at the level of the sarcomeres appear to be dominant during the rise and maintenance of systolic elastance and of isovolumic relaxation. A discussion of established adrenergic mechanisms and newly understood anti-adrenergic mechanisms controlling sarcomere response to Ca2+ follows and expands on this perspective

    Modeling of ALOS and COSMO-SkyMed satellite data at Mt Etna: implications on relation between seismic activation of the Pernicana fault system and volcanic unrest

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    We investigate the displacement induced by the 2–3 April 2010 seismic swarm (the largest event being of Ml 4.3 magnitude) by means of DInSAR data acquired over the volcano by the Cosmo-SkyMed and ALOS radar systems. Satellite observations, combined with leveling data, allowed us to perform a high-resolution modeling inversion capable of fully capturing the deformation pattern and identifying the mechanism responsible for the PFS seismic activation. The inversion results well explain high gradients in the radar line of sight displacements observed along the fault rupture. The slip distribution model indicates that the fault was characterized by a prevailing left-lateral and normal dip–slip motion with no fault dilation and, hence, excludes that the April 2010 seismic swarm is a response to accommodate the stress change induced by magma intrusions, but it is due to the tectonic loading possibly associated with sliding of the eastern flank of the volcano edifice. These results provide a completely different scenario from that derived for the 22 September 2002 M3.7 earthquake along the PFS, where the co-seismic shear-rupture was accompanied by a tensile mechanism associated with a first attempt of magma intrusion that preceded the lateral eruption occurred here a month later. These two opposite cases provide hints into the behavior of the PFS between quiescence and unrest periods at Etna and pose different implications for eruptive activity prediction and volcano hazard assessment. The dense pattern of ground deformation provided by integration of data from short revisiting time satellite missions, together with refined modeling for fault slip distribution, can be exploited at different volcanic sites, where the activity is controlled by volcano-tectonic interaction processes, for a timely evaluation of the impending hazards

    Solution Structures of the C-Terminal Domain of Cardiac Troponin C Free and Bound to the N-Terminal Domain of Cardiac Troponin I

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    The N-terminal domain of cardiac troponin I (cTnI) comprising residues 33−80 and lacking the cardiac-specific amino terminus forms a stable binary complex with the C-terminal domain of cardiac troponin C (cTnC) comprising residues 81−161. We have utilized heteronuclear multidimensional NMR to assign the backbone and side-chain resonances of Ca2+-saturated cTnC(81−161) both free and bound to cTnI(33−80). No significant differences were observed between secondary structural elements determined for free and cTnI(33−80)-bound cTnC(81−161). We have determined solution structures of Ca2+-saturated cTnC(81−161) free and bound to cTnI(33−80). While the tertiary structure of cTnC(81−161) is qualitatively similar to that observed free in solution, the binding of cTnI(33−80) results mainly in an opening of the structure and movement of the loop region between helices F and G. Together, these movements provide the binding site for the N-terminal domain of cTnI. The putative binding site for cTnI(33−80) was determined by mapping amide proton and nitrogen chemical shift changes, induced by the binding of cTnI(33−80), onto the C-terminal cTnC structure. The binding interface for cTnI(33−80), as suggested from chemical shift changes, involves predominantly hydrophobic interactions located in the expanded hydrophobic pocket. The largest chemical shift changes were observed in the loop region connecting helices F and G. Inspection of available TnC sequences reveals that these residues are highly conserved, suggesting a common binding motif for the Ca2+/Mg2+-dependent interaction site in the TnC/TnI complex


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    We exploited the Small BAseline Subset (SBAS) technique and computed ground displacement maps and time series by inverting 283 interferograms generated from the ascending and 289 from the descending orbits to reveal Mt. Etna surface deformation from 1992 to 2006. Our analysis shows that the volcano experienced magmatic inflation/deflation and radial spreading of the west, south and east flanks. In particular, the summit area vertical deformation inverted its sign after 2000 and clearly shows a deflation effect related to the 2001 and 2002 eruptive and seismic events. On the contrary, the horizontal signals revealed on the eastern and western flanks present significant and consistent motions toward east and west, respectively, during the investigated interval. Overall, the presented results show the complex and articulated deformation behavior of Mt. Etna and remark the possible coexistence of both gravity and magma forcing