786 research outputs found

    Filogeografia comparativa e história demográfica de dois marsupiais da Mata Atlântica

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    A Mata Atlântica é um hotsopot de biodiversidade e tem sido foco de diversos trabalhos por ser considerada uma unidade biogeográfica complexa ainda pouco compreendida. Estudos de filogeografia comparativa vêm desempenhando importante papel no conhecimento biodiversidade, pois através da comparação entre diferentes táxons é possível investigar ligações fundamentais entre processos populacionais e padrões regionais de diversidade e biogeografia. Diante disso, foram inferidas e comparadas as histórias demográficas e biogeográficas de duas espécies de marsupiais da Mata Atlântica, Gracilinanus microtarsus e Marmosops incanus, a fim de descobrir como essas espécies responderam às mudanças ambientais de ao longo do tempo. Sequências dos genes mitocondriais citocromo b e D-loop foram utilizadas para a reconstrução de filogenias, redes de haplótipos e análises genéticas populacionais. Os resultados mostraram alta divergência genética em ambas as espécies, assim como forte estruturação geográfica, com a formação de grupos geograficamente coesos e similares entre as espécies. A distinção de haplótipos ao sul da Mata Atlântica também foi observada nas filogenias e é condizente com barreiras geográficas, como a Serra do Mar e o Rio Paraíba do Sul, por exemplo. Os clados intraespecíficos mais antigos tiveram origem no Neógeno, condizente com um período de mudanças climáticas e intensas atividades tectônicas, indicando que a estrutura genética das populações das duas espécies é resultado de processos que ocorreram muito antes do Pleistoceno. As flutuações no tamanho efetivo das populações de G. microtarsus e M. incanus foram distintas, principalmente a partir último interglacial há 130 mil anos atrás. Logo, os dados mostram que as alterações no ambiente ao longo do tempo geraram estruturas filogeográficas e demográficas similares nas duas espécies de marsupiais, resultantes de uma história biogeográfica comum na Mata Atlântica nos últimos 7 milhões de anos, enquanto alterações ambientais mais recentes afetaram somente a demografia das espécies. Ocorreu aumento no tamanho efetivo populacional de G. microtarsus durante o último período glacial enquanto M. incanus apresentou redução, o que está de acordo com as expectativas baseadas nas respostas ecológicas dessas espécies à redução e fragmentação do habitat

    Folded fabric tunes rock deformation and failure mode in the upper crust

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    The micro-mechanisms of brittle failure affect the bulk mechanical behaviour and permeability of crustal rocks. In low-porosity crystalline rocks, these mechanisms are related to mineralogy and fabric anisotropy, while confining pressure, temperature and strain rates regulate the transition from brittle to ductile behaviour. However, the effects of folded anisotropic fabrics, widespread in orogenic settings, on the mechanical behaviour of crustal rocks are largely unknown. Here we explore the deformation and failure behaviour of a representative folded gneiss, by combining the results of triaxial deformation experiments carried out while monitoring microseismicity with microstructural and damage proxies analyses. We show that folded crystalline rocks in upper crustal conditions exhibit dramatic strength heterogeneity and contrasting failure modes at identical confining pressure and room temperature, depending on the geometrical relationships between stress and two different anisotropies associated to the folded rock fabric. These anisotropies modulate the competition among quartz- and mica-dominated microscopic damage processes, resulting in transitional brittle to semi-brittle modes under P and T much lower than expected. This has significant implications on scales relevant to seismicity, energy resources, engineering applications and geohazards

    Model predictive Direct Flux Vector Control of multi three-phase induction motor drives

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    A model predictive control scheme for multiphase induction machines, configured as multi three-phase structures, is proposed in this paper. The predictive algorithm uses a Direct Flux Vector Control scheme based on a multi three-phase approach, where each three-phase winding set is independently controlled. In this way, the fault tolerant behavior of the drive system is improved. The proposed solution has been tested with a multi-modular power converter feeding a six-phase asymmetrical induction machine (10kW, 6000 rpm). Complete details about the predictive control scheme and adopted flux observer are included. The experimental validation in both generation and motoring mode is reported, including post open-winding fault operations. The experimental results demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed drive solution

    Design of a repetitive controller as a feed-forward disturbance observer

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    From the structure point of view, a repetitive controller (RC) is considerably similar to a disturbance observer. By adding a correction term to the traditional RC and considering the disturbances as states, the repetitive controller can be designed in the same way as a disturbance observer. This paper presents therefore a new simple way of tuning a repetitive controller. Simulations show that, when compared with the traditional RC, the proposed RC configuration can achieve greater stability margin. As opposed to the traditional plug-in RC, the new RC structure studied in this paper is also shown to be robust against variations in the inner loop delays if it is used in a cascaded configuration. The immunity to plant parameter variations is another added benefit of the proposed controller

    High pressure melting of eclogite and metasomatism of garnet peridotites from Monte Duria Area (Central Alps, N Italy): A proxy for melt-rock reaction during subduction

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    In the Monte Duria area (Adula-Cima Lunga unit, Central Alps, N Italy) garnet peridotites occur in direct contact with migmatised orthogneiss (Mt. Duria) and eclogites (Borgo). Both eclogites and ultramafic rocks share a common high pressure (HP) peak at 2.8\u202fGPa and 750\u202f\ub0C and post-peak static equilibration at 0.8\u20131.0\u202fGPa and 850\u202f\ub0C. Garnet peridotites show abundant amphibole, dolomite, phlogopite and orthopyroxene after olivine, suggesting that they experienced metasomatism by crust-derived agents enriched in SiO2, K2O, CO2 and H2O. Peridotites also display LREE fractionation (La/Nd\u202f=\u202f2.4) related to LREE-rich amphibole and clinopyroxene grown in equilibrium with garnet, indicating that metasomatism occurred at HP conditions. At Borgo, retrogressed garnet peridotites show low strain domains characterised by garnet compositional layering, cut by a subsequent low-pressure (LP) chlorite foliation, in direct contact with migmatised eclogites. Kfs\u202f+\u202fPl\u202f+\u202fQz\u202f+\u202fCpx interstitial pocket aggregates and Cpx\u202f+\u202fKfs thin films around symplectites after omphacite parallel to the Zo\u202f+\u202fOmp\u202f+\u202fGrt foliation in the eclogites suggest that they underwent partial melting at HP. The contact between garnet peridotites and eclogites is marked by a tremolitite layer. The same rock also occurs as layers within the peridotite lens, showing a boudinage parallel to the garnet layering of peridotites, flowing in the boudin necks. This clearly indicates that the tremolitite boudins formed when peridotites were in the garnet stability field. Tremolitites also show Phl\u202f+\u202fTc\u202f+\u202fChl\u202f+\u202fTr pseudomorphs after garnet, both crystallised in a static regime postdating the boudins formation, suggesting that they derive from a garnet-bearing precursor. Tremolitites have Mg#\u202f>\u202f0.90 and Al2O3\u202f=\u202f2.75\u202fwt% pointing to ultramafic compositions but also show enrichments in SiO2, CaO, and LREE suggesting that they formed after the reaction between the eclogite-derived melt and the garnet peridotite at HP. To test this hypothesis, we performed a thermodynamic modelling at fixed P\u202f=\u202f3\u202fGPa and T\u202f=\u202f750\u202f\ub0C to model the chemical interaction between the garnet peridotite and the eclogite-derived melt. Our results show that this interaction produces an Opx\u202f+\u202fCpx\u202f+\u202fGrt assemblage plus Amp\u202f+\u202fPhl, depending on the water activity in the melt, suggesting that tremolitites likely derive from a previous garnet websterite with amphibole and phlogopite. Both peridotites and tremolitites also show a selective enrichment in LILE recorded by amphiboles in the spinel stability field, indicating that a fluid-assisted metasomatic event occurred at LP conditions, leading to the formation of a chlorite foliation post-dating the garnet layering in peridotites, and the retrogression of Grt-websterites in tremolitites. The Monte Duria area is a unique terrane where we can observe syn-deformation eclogite-derived melt interacting with garnet peridotite at HP, proxy of subduction environments

    Output feedback control of flow separation over an aerofoil using plasma actuators

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    We address the problem of controlling the unsteady flow separation over an aerofoil, using plasma actuators. Despite the complexity of the dynamics of interest, we show how the problem of controlling flow separation can be formulated as a simple set-point tracking problem, so that a simple control strategy may be used. A robust output feedback control is designed, on the basis of a low-order, linear, dynamical model approximating the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, obtained from the snapshots of 2D laminar finite element simulations at Re=1,000. Fast flow reattachment is achieved, along with both stabilisation and increase/reduction of the lift/drag, respectively. Accurate 2D finite element simulations of the full-order nonlinear equations illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach: good dynamic performances are obtained, as both the Reynolds number and the angle of attack are varied. The chosen output can be experimentally measured by appropriate sensors and, despite its simplicity, the proposed set-point tracking controller is sufficient to suppress the laminar separation bubble; moreover, its extension to 3D turbulent configurations is straightforward, thus illustrating the effectiveness of the designed control algorithm in more practical conditions, which are far from the design envelope

    Modulated model predictive control for active split DC-bus 4-leg power supply

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    This paper proposes a constant switching frequency Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control (FCS-MPC), formally Modulated FCS-MPC or M2PC, for a 4-leg inverter having an Active Split DC-bus on the fourth leg. The great advantage of MPC over linear control schemes is the very fast transient response it is capable to produce; it also can handle general constrained nonlinear systems with multiple inputs and outputs in a unified and clear manner. These features are highly valuable in power electronic converters used to supply the electrical utility loads in micro-grids. However, one of the main drawback of the MPC is its variable switching frequency, above all in system with accurately tuned output power filters (i.e. switching traps), which is the case when stable voltage waveforms with very low harmonic content are required. The proposed investigation relates with the application of a constant switching frequency variant of the MPC to a 4-leg inverter with a specifically tuned filter to assure high quality voltage supply even in case of non-linear and unbalanced loads

    Improving a Culture of Knowledge Transfer in a School of Nursing

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    Introduction: A series of 19 unfunded knowledge transfer hands-on workshops were implemented (2017–2019) and delivered by 22 facilitators from disciplines of nursing, business, communication, plastic arts, engineering, and community studies. The purpose of this paper is to report on the post-appraisal of the workshops’ implementation; uncovering the attendees’ new ideas and reflections on the content; and the process of expanding knowledge for practice. Methods: The qualitative program evaluation approach, using the standards of utility, feasibility, accuracy, and propriety of a given program, inspired the design of the immediate appraisal of the workshops delivered within a Canadian school of nursing located in a major urban center. Workshop participants (n = 267) included undergraduate and graduate nursing students, contract instructors, and nurses holding administrative positions. Results: Workshops with high attendance included: (a) Structuring Effective Teaching-Learning Encounters in Healthcare Education and Practice; (b) Cancer Pain; (c) Fetal Health Surveillance; and (d) Nurses as Educators in the Clinical Setting. Concerns were raised by the attendees’ low attendance to the following workshops: (a) Mindfulness for Students; (b) Horizontal Violence; and (d) Self-Care for Nursing Students: Alleviating Anxiety. Workshops offered opportunities for attendees to reflect on content and process as related to their future incorporation of learned knowledge in their own education and practice. Conclusions: High engagement in hands-on exercises, spontaneous construction of context, and relaxed moments shared by the attendees indicate a promising culture of sharing and receiving knowledge. A culture of collective, pleasurable learning among attendees was effective in mobilizing powerful forms of nursing knowledge

    Predictive control for active split DC-bus 4-leg inverters

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    This paper proposes a Predictive Control, formally Dead-Beat (DBC), for a four-leg inverter having an Active Split DC-bus on the fourth leg and LC filters on phase-to-neutral outputs. Such a configuration permits to reduce the voltage ripple on the neutral point connected to inverter grounding. As only few control techniques have been investigated for Active Split DC-bus, the paper proposes to investigate the performance of DBC, which has been widely used for other power electronics applications. The main advantage of DBC over the classical PI or Resonant controller is that no tuning is required for control loop, while obtaining very fast transient response as well it can handle general constrained nonlinear systems with multiple inputs and outputs in a unified and clear manner. These features are highly valuable in power electronic converters used to supply the electrical utility loads in micro-grids. However, one of the main drawback of the DBC is the limited capabilities on harmonics compensations required when supplying unbalanced and non-linear loads. The paper presents continuous-time and discrete-time models of DBC applied to a four-leg VSI with Active Split DC-bus, highlighting the performance through simulation results as well as experimental tests
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