92 research outputs found

    Rheology of mixed alginate-hyaluronan aqueous solutions

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    The present manuscript addresses the description of binary systems of hyaluronan (HA) and alginate (Alg) in semi-concentrated solution. The two polysaccharides were completely miscible in the entire range of relative weight fraction explored at a total polymer concentration of up to 3 % (w/V). The rheological study encompassed steady flow and mechanical spectra for HA/Alg systems at different weight fractions with hyaluronan at different molecular weights. These extensive analyses allowed us to propose a model for the molecular arrangement in solution that envisages a mutual exclusion between the two polysaccharides even though a clear phase separation does not occur. This result may have profound implications when biomaterials based on the combination of alginate and hyaluronan are proposed in the field of biomedical materials

    Double Tooth

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    The form of primary and permanent teeth can differ morphologically from that which is considered normal, completely or in some parts. The changes in tooth form can be hereditary or caused by some disease or trauma. Fusion is a union of one or more teeth during development. Gemination means that two separate morphological units were created by division of the tooth germ. The intention of this study was to state the prevalence of double teeth (fusion and gemination) among the persons tested, as to gender, distribution in the maxilla or mandible, and whether the anomaly occurred bilaterally or unilaterally. The results of this investigation have shown that in a total of examined 3,517 plaster models, a prevalence of double teeth was 0.2%. 57.2% of them were fusioned and 42.9% geminated

    Repeated delivery of chlorhexidine chips for the treatment of periimplantitis: A multicenter, randomized, comparative clinical trial.

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    "This is the peer reviewed version of the following article:Machtei, EE, Romanos, G, Kang, P, et al. Repeated delivery of chlorhexidine chips for the treatment of periimplantitis: A multicenter, randomized, comparative clinical trial. J Periodontol. 2020; 1– 10. https://doi.org/10.1002/JPER.20-0353 which has been published in final form at doi: https://doi.org/10.1002/JPER.20-0353 . This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions."BACKGROUND: Periimplantitis is a challenging condition to manage and is frequently treated using non-surgical debridement. The local delivery of antimicrobial agents has demonstrated benefit in mild to moderate cases of periimplantitis. This study compared the safety and efficacy of Chlorhexidine gluconate 2.5 mg chip (CHX chips) as an adjunctive treatment to sub-gingival debridement in patients afflicted with periimplantitis. METHODS: A multi-center, randomized, single-blind, two-arm, parallel Phase-3 study was conducted. Periimplantitis patients with implant pocket depths (IPD) of 5-8 mm underwent sub-gingival implant surface debridement followed by repeated bi-weekly supra-gingival plaque removal and Chlorhexidine chips application (ChxC group) for 12 weeks, or similar therapy but without application of ChxC (control group). All patients were followed for 24 weeks. Plaque and gingival indices were measured at every visit while IPD, recession and bleeding on probing were assessed at 8,12,16,24 week. RESULTS: 290 patients were included: 146 in the ChxC group and 144 in the control. At 24 weeks, a significant reduction in IPD (p = 0.01) was measured in the ChxC group (1.76 ± 1.13 mm) compared to the control group (1.54 ± 1.13 mm). IPD reduction of ≥2 mm was found in 59% and 47.2% of the implants in the ChxC and control groups, respectively (p = 0.03). Changes in gingival recession (0.29 ± 0.68 mm vs. 0.15 ± 0.55 mm, p = 0.015) and relative attachment gain (1.47 ± 1.32 mm and 1.39 ± 1.27 mm, p = 0.0017) were significantly larger in the ChxC group. Patients in the ChxC group that were <65 years exhibited significantly better responses (p<0.02); likewise, non-smokers had similarly better response (p <0.02). Both protocols were well tolerated, and no severe treatment-related adverse events were recorded throughout the study. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with periimplantitis that were treated with an intensive treatment protocol of bi-weekly supra-gingival plaque removal and local application of Chlorhexidine chips had greater mean IPD reduction and greater percentile of sites with IPD reduction of ≥2 mm. as compared to bi-weekly supra-gingival plaque removal. (Clinicaltrials.gov NCT02080403). This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Freshening of the Mediterranean Salt Giant: controversies and certainties around the terminal (Upper Gypsum and Lago-Mare) phases of the Messinian Salinity Crisis

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    The late Miocene evolution of the Mediterranean Basin is characterized by major changes in connectivity, climate and tectonic activity resulting in unprecedented environmental and ecological disruptions. During the Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC, 5.97-5.33 Ma) this culminated in most scenarios first in the precipitation of gypsum around the Mediterranean margins (Stage 1, 5.97-5.60 Ma) and subsequently &gt; 2 km of halite on the basin floor, which formed the so-called Mediterranean Salt Giant (Stage 2, 5.60-5.55 Ma). The final MSC Stage 3, however, was characterized by a "low-salinity crisis", when a second calcium-sulfate unit (Upper Gypsum; substage 3.1, 5.55-5.42 Ma) showing (bio)geochemical evidence of substantial brine dilution and brackish biota-bearing terrigenous sediments (substage 3.2 or Lago-Mare phase, 5.42-5.33 Ma) deposited in a Mediterranean that received relatively large amounts of riverine and Paratethys-derived low-salinity waters. The transition from hypersaline evaporitic (halite) to brackish facies implies a major change in the Mediterranean’s hydrological regime. However, even after nearly 50 years of research, causes and modalities are poorly understood and the original scientific debate between a largely isolated and (partly) desiccated Mediterranean or a fully connected and filled basin is still vibrant. Here we present a comprehensive overview that brings together (chrono)stratigraphic, sedimentological, paleontological, geochemical and seismic data from all over the Mediterranean. We summarize the paleoenvironmental, paleohydrological and paleoconnectivity scenarios that arose from this cross-disciplinary dataset and we discuss arguments in favour of and against each scenario

    The Italian arm of the PREPARE study: an international project to evaluate and license a maternal vaccine against group B streptococcus.

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    BACKGROUND: Group B streptococcus (GBS) is a leading cause of sepsis, pneumonia and meningitis in infants, with long term neurodevelopmental sequelae. GBS may be associated with poor pregnancy outcomes, including spontaneous abortion, stillbirth and preterm birth. Intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis (IAP) is currently the only way to prevent early-onset disease (presenting at 0 to 6 days of life), although it has no impact on the disease presenting over 6 days of life and its implementation is challenging in resource poor countries. A maternal vaccine against GBS could reduce all GBS manifestations as well as improve pregnancy outcomes, even in low-income countries. MAIN BODY: The term "PREPARE" designates an international project aimed at developing a maternal vaccination platform to test vaccines against neonatal GBS infections by maternal immunization. It is a non-profit, multi-center, interventional and experimental study (promoted by the St George University of London. [UK]) with the aim of developing a maternal vaccination platform, determining pregnancy outcomes, and defining the extent of GBS infections in children and mothers in Africa. PREPARE also aims to estimate the protective serocorrelates against the main GBS serotypes that cause diseases in Europe and Africa and to conduct two trials on candidate GBS vaccines. PREPARE consists of 6 work packages. In four European countries (Italy, UK, Netherlands, France) the recruitment of cases and controls will start in 2020 and will end in 2022. The Italian PREPARE network includes 41 centers. The Italian network aims to collect: GBS isolates from infants with invasive disease, maternal and neonatal sera (cases); cord sera and GBS strains from colonized mothers whose infants do not develop GBS infection (controls). SHORT CONCLUSION: PREPARE will contribute information on protective serocorrelates against the main GBS serotypes that cause diseases in Europe and Africa. The vaccine that will be tested by the PREPARE study could be an effective strategy to prevent GBS disease

    Review of nanomaterials in dentistry: interactions with the oral microenvironment, clinical applications, hazards, and benefits.

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    Interest in the use of engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) as either nanomedicines or dental materials/devices in clinical dentistry is growing. This review aims to detail the ultrafine structure, chemical composition, and reactivity of dental tissues in the context of interactions with ENMs, including the saliva, pellicle layer, and oral biofilm; then describes the applications of ENMs in dentistry in context with beneficial clinical outcomes versus potential risks. The flow rate and quality of saliva are likely to influence the behavior of ENMs in the oral cavity, but how the protein corona formed on the ENMs will alter bioavailability, or interact with the structure and proteins of the pellicle layer, as well as microbes in the biofilm, remains unclear. The tooth enamel is a dense crystalline structure that is likely to act as a barrier to ENM penetration, but underlying dentinal tubules are not. Consequently, ENMs may be used to strengthen dentine or regenerate pulp tissue. ENMs have dental applications as antibacterials for infection control, as nanofillers to improve the mechanical and bioactive properties of restoration materials, and as novel coatings on dental implants. Dentifrices and some related personal care products are already available for oral health applications. Overall, the clinical benefits generally outweigh the hazards of using ENMs in the oral cavity, and the latter should not prevent the responsible innovation of nanotechnology in dentistry. However, the clinical safety regulations for dental materials have not been specifically updated for ENMs, and some guidance on occupational health for practitioners is also needed. Knowledge gaps for future research include the formation of protein corona in the oral cavity, ENM diffusion through clinically relevant biofilms, and mechanistic investigations on how ENMs strengthen the tooth structure

    Nanobio Silver: Its Interactions with Peptides and Bacteria, and Its Uses in Medicine

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