4,093 research outputs found

    A bibliometric study of the research area of videogames using Dimensions.ai database

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    Videogames are a very interesting area of research for fields as diverse as computer science, health, psychology or even social sciences. Every year a growing number of articles are published in different topics inside this field, so it is very convenient to study the different bibliometric data in order to consolidate the research efforts. Thus, the aim of this work is to conduct a study on the distribution of articles related to videogames in the different fields of research, as well as to measure their interest over time, to identify the sources, countries and authors with the highest scientific production. In order to carry out this analysis, the information system Dimensions.ai has been considered, since it covers a large number of documents and allows for easy downloading and analysis of datasets. According to the study, three countries are the most prolific in this area: USA, Canada and UK. The obtained results also indicate that the fields with the highest number of publications are Information and Computer Sciences, Medical and Health Sciences, and Psychology and Cognitive Sciences, in this order. With regard to the impact of the publications, differences between the number of citations, and the number of Altmetric Attention Score, have been found

    Implementación del càlculo de polinomios zonales y aplicaciones en análisis multivariante

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    En este trabajo se describe la implementación de un algoritmo para el cálculo de polinomios zonales, así como dos aplicaciones explícitas de éstos en el ámbito del análisis multivariante. Concretamente, esta implementación permite obtener resultados de sumación aproximados para funciones hipergeométricas de argumento matricial que, a su vez, pueden utilizarse en la génesis de distribuciones multivariantes discretas con frecuencias simétricas. De igual forma, se pone en práctica un conocido resultado teórico que caracteriza la distribución de la menor raíz característica de una matriz aleatoria con distribución de Wishart

    Two rare species recently described in the genus Comatricha

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    Dos raras especies de Comatricha de reciente descripción. Se estudian dos especies de Comatricha recientemente descritas como nuevas para la ciencia: C. Meandrispora y C. pellucida . Se aportan datos sobre su variabilidad morfológica, preferencias en su fructificación y se amplía su área de distribución penínsular. Se incluyen microfotografias de sus esporocarpos y al MEB de sus caracteres diferenciales mas importantes.Two rare recently described species of the genus Comatricha. Two species of the genus Comatricha recently described as new for the science are studied: C. Meandrispora and C. pellucida. Dates about its morphologic variability and preference regarding its fructification are given. Moreover, the area of its distribution is enlarged. Microphotographs both of sporocarps and more important differential characters under SEM are included

    Influencia de la comunicación publicitaria en el consumo de alcohol

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    La literatura científica aduce que a mayor exposición de mensajes publicitarios de bebidas alcohólicas, mayor probabilidad de que estas sean consumidas. Método. La muestra constó de 437 estudiantes universitarios. Los objetivos se centraron en analizar la relación entre mensaje publicitario y consumo. Resultados. Existe relación entre publicidad y consumo, dado que el consumo de los jóvenes coincide con el recuerdo de las campañas en cuanto al tipo de bebida consumida. Conclusiones. Observamos que la publicidad parece ser un instrumento de influencia al consumo de alcohol

    Impact of Fluid Substitution on the Performance of an Axial Compressor Blade Cascade Working with Supercritical Carbon Dioxide

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    Abstract Recent research on turbomachinery design and analysis for supercritical carbon dioxide (sCO2) power cycles has relied on computational fluid dynamics. This has produced a large number of works whose approach is mostly case-specific, rather than of general application to sCO2 turbomachinery design. As opposed to such approach, this work explores the aerodynamic performance of compressor blade cascades operating on air and supercritical CO2 with the main objective to evaluate the usual aerodynamic parameters of the cascade for variable boundary conditions and geometries, enabling “full” or “partial” similarity. The results present both the global performance of the cascades and certain features of the local flow (trailing edge and wake). The discussion also highlights the mechanical limitations of the analysis (forces exerted on the blades), which is the main restriction for applying similarity laws to extrapolate the experience gained through decades of work on air turbomachinery to the new working fluid. This approach is a step toward the understanding and appropriate formulation of a multi-objective optimization problem for the design of such turbomachinery components where sCO2 is used as the operating fluid. With this objective, the paper aims to identify and analyze what would be expected if a common description of such computational design problems similar to those where air is the working fluid were used.</jats:p

    Controlador difuso para problemas de navegación en presencia de obstáculos fijos

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    En esta comunicación se describe un sistema de control difuso para aplicaciones de navegación de robots móviles autónomos en presencia de obstáculos fijos. Las herramientas de CAD del entorno Xfuzzy 3, desarrollado en el IMSE, han facilitado el diseño del controlador. En la comunicación se procede a la verificación del controlador diseñado operando en un lazo cerrado con el modelo del robot móvil autónomo eléctrico Romeo 4R, diseñado y construido en la Escuela Superior de Ingenieros de la Universidad de Sevilla. Las simulaciones realizadas demuestran la eficiencia del controlador desarrollado.Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología TEC2005-04359/MICJunta de Andalucía DPI2005-0229

    Docencia de arquitectura orientada a servicios

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    Este trabajo presenta los contenidos del curso “Web 2.0: Arquitectura Orientada a Servicios en Java” de la Escuela de Posgrado de la Universidad de Granada. El objetivo del curso es familiarizar al alumno con la programación de ServiciosWeb. Dada la gran variedad de técnicas disponibles para utilizar Arquitectura Orientada a Servicios, se presentan los siguientes temas: utilización de protocolos bien definidos para comunicación y contrato (SOAP y WSDL), creación de Web Services con JAX-WS y orquestación de ServiciosWeb con BPEL. Al final del curso, el alumno será capaz de crear, utilizar y mantener Servicios Web para el desarrollo de aplicaciones interempresariales, utilizando servicios creados o ya disponibles en la web, así como la orquestación lógica de los mismos.SUMMARY: This work presents the contents of the course “Web 2.0: Service Oriented Architecture on Java” from the Graduate School of the University of Granada. The course objective is to familarize students with Web Services programming. Due to the wide variety of available technologies, several subjects are presented: the usage of well-defined protocols to contract and communication (SOAP and WSDL), web services creation using JAX-WS, and service orchestration with BPEL. At the end of the course, students will be capable to create, use and manage Web Services for business applications, using new or available services in the web, and also their logical orchestration.Peer Reviewe

    An automated design flow from linguistic models to piecewise polynomial digital circuits

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    This paper describes how the different CAD tools of the environment Xfuzzy 3, developed in Microelectronics Institute of Seville and University of Seville, allow to translate expressive linguistic models into mathematical ones, in particular, into a combination of piecewise polynomial systems that can be implemented efficiently in hardware. The new synthesis tool of Xfuzzy 3 automates communication with Xilinx System Generator in Matlab, thus facilitating implementation of the linguistic model into an FPGA from Xilinx. This is illustrated with the design of a navigation controller for an autonomous robot.Comunidad Europea FP7-IST-248858Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TEC2008-04920Junta de Andalucía P08-TIC-0367

    Two rare species recently described in the genus Comatricha

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    Dos raras especies de Comatricha de reciente descripción. Se estudian dos especies de Comatricha recientemente descritas como nuevas para la ciencia: C. Meandrispora y C. pellucida . Se aportan datos sobre su variabilidad morfológica, preferencias en su fructificación y se amplía su área de distribución penínsular. Se incluyen microfotografias de sus esporocarpos y al MEB de sus caracteres diferenciales mas importantes.Two rare recently described species of the genus Comatricha. Two species of the genus Comatricha recently described as new for the science are studied: C. Meandrispora and C. pellucida. Dates about its morphologic variability and preference regarding its fructification are given. Moreover, the area of its distribution is enlarged. Microphotographs both of sporocarps and more important differential characters under SEM are included