101 research outputs found

    The influence of organizational culture on intellectual capital

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    El presente trabajo pretende analizar la conexión entre los conceptos de cultura organizativa y capital intelectual. Actualmente, se está estudiando la posibilidad de incorporar la cultura como componente discriminante del concepto estratégico - social del capital intelectual en la actual sociedad del conocimiento. Para ello, de cada uno de los cinco capitales del modelo Intellectus se han seleccionado algunos de los elementos que configuran la cultura organizativa, dando paso al capital cultural como independiente. Se plantea para el futuro la posibilidad de crear un nuevo modelo cuya característica distintiva sea la incorporación de dicho capital como factor diferenciador, que permita relacionar los elementos y variables de activos intangibles en función del tipo de cultura presentado por las organizaciones, considerando la cultura como un elemento clave, que fundamente la lógica interna del modelo y lo dote de la dinamicidad necesaria en una sociedad eminentemente competitiva y cambiante como la actual.This paper tries to analyse the connection between organisational culture and intellectual capital. Nowadays, the possibility of incorporating cultural capital as a factor that distinguishes the strategic–social concept of intellectual capital in the actual knowledge society is being studied. In order to this, the elements that form organisational culture in each one of the five capitals of the “Intellectus Model” have been selected. They constitute an independent capital called cultural capital. A suggestion for the future is the possibility of creating a new model. Its peculiarity is the cultural capital incorporation as a distinguishing component. This would allow relating the intangible assets elements and variables depending on the organisational culture context. It is necessary to consider than this proposal must take into account the culture as a key element, in which is based the internal logic of the model. It also provides it with the necessary dynamic structure in a competitive and changing society as ours is

    La creación de productos turísticos utilizando rutas enológicas

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    The changes that are taking place in the tourist activity in the last years are taking to the creation of new tourist products, highlighting those related with the local and regional roots. In this paper we present an analysis on the creation and development of wine routes like tourist product in certain rural areas. And this analysis outlines it from a triple perspective: first, a study in depth they are the wine routes and its creation and development in other countries about what; second, an analysis they are certified in Spain the routes of the wine of how; and third, a reference to a route of the wine certified in Spain, that of Montilla-Moriles in the county of Córdoba


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    Nisu svi zaposlenici sposobni generirati vještine i resurse kojima bi se ostvarila organizacijska produktivnost. Samo su kvalificirani ljudski resursi (HR), prepo¬znati i odani politici tvrtke, dio organizacijskih kompetencija. Stoga su čimbenici zadovoljstva zapo¬slenika radom te predanost tvrtki dvije ključne varijable koje moramo analizirati kako bismo ispravno procijenili i pravilno upravljali ljudskim kapitalom tvrtke. Posebno se velika važnost pridaje vrijed¬nosti obrazovanja zaposlenika u svjetlu konkurentnosti turizma, što je u skladu s pretpostavkom kako stupanj obrazovanja zaposlenika izravno utječe na kvalitetu turističkih usluga. Cilj je ovog članka analizirati zadovoljstvo radnim mjestom i organizacijske obveze zaposlenika hotelskih kuća u Andaluziji (Španjolska), destinaciji čija je nesumnjiva konkurentska važnost u turi¬zmu neupitna. Pronađene su evidentne razlike u stupnju obrazovanja zaposlenika, tako da rezultati svakako ohrabruju odjele upravljanja ljudskim resursima na identifikaciju, održavanje i razvoj resursa i potencijalnih sposobnosti njihovog ljudskog kapitala.Not all employees are capable of generating skills and resources that may result in organizational productivity. Only qualified Human Resources, identified and committed to the company policy, are a part of the organization\u27s competences. Therefore, elements like the worker\u27s job satisfaction or the organizational commitment are two fundamental variables that need to be analyzed for the measurement and correct management of the company\u27s human capital. Further¬more, the importance that the value of the workers\u27 education presents towards competitiveness in tourism is highlighted since it is assumed that staff education is directly related to the quality of tourist service. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the relationship among educational level, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment of the employees of the hotel establishments in Andalusia (Spain), a destination of undeniable competitive significance in tourism. Evident differences were found among the level of education of workers, so the results have to encourage the human resources management to identify, maintain, and develop the resources and potential capabilities of their human capital

    Analyzing job satisfaction from a gender point of view: empirical application with logit and probit models

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    La influencia que las características individuales del personal de una empresa ejercen sobre su nivel de satisfacción laboral ha sido ampliamente analizada en la literatura al respecto, dedicando una especial atención a la variable edad pero también al género como un elemento determinante de los niveles de satisfacción de los recursos humanos. En numerosas investigaciones se constata que las mujeres presentan un nivel superior de satisfacción al de los varones. El presente trabajo analiza la influencia del género sobre la satisfacción laboral sobre una muestra de 1.804 personas empleadas en centros de enseñanza concertada en Andalucía, confirmando este resultado. Asimismo, se revisan las diferencias entre varones y mujeres respecto a la influencia de otras variables sociodemográficas, del puesto y de la organización sobre la satisfacción con el trabajo, detectando diferencias notables entre ambos sexos en algunos aspectos como el estado civil, el nivel educativo o la presencia o no en cargos directivosThe influence that the individual characteristics of the personnel of a company exercise on their level of job satisfaction has been largely analyzed in specialized literature, dedicating more attention to the age but also to the gender like a determining element of the levels of satisfaction on human resources. Numerous investigations verify the fact that women present a superior level of satisfaction to the one belonging to males. This paper examines the influence of the gender on job satisfaction on a sample of 1,804 people working in private educational centres in Andalusia, confirming this result. Furthermore, it revises the differences between men and women considering the influence over job satisfaction of other sociodemographic characteristics as well as variables about the job and the organization, detecting remarkable differences between both sexes in some aspects like the marital status, the educational level or the presence in managerial position

    Factors explaining the adoption of risk management instruments in mediterranean irrigated agriculture

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    Agriculture is highly impacted by different sources of risk. There is a wide variety of management instruments that farmers can use to cover these risks. The objective of this paper is to analyze the explanatory variables for the simultaneous adoption of a large set of risk management instruments. The main innovation is the methodological approach: first, we apply a hierarchical cluster analysis to identify the groups of instruments whose adoption is correlated; second, we use multivariate probit models to analyze the influence of different factors on the simultaneous adoption of the instruments included in each cluster. Explanatory variables capture farmers’ socio-demographic features, perception of risks, risk aversion and subjective perception of past risk experience; farms’ technical-economic characteristics; and perception of local-level climate change. The results show that there are significant differences in the variables influencing the adoption of the risk management instruments. The findings provide useful information to support the decision-making process for three main stakeholders: farmers (optimal choice over the joint use of instruments), providers of agricultural risk management instruments (e.g., the design of new combinations of risk management instruments better targeted to distinct profiles of farmers), and policymakers (policy strategies aiming to promote better risk management within the agricultural sector)

    Past Themes and Tracking Research Trends in Entrepreneurship: A Co-Word, Cites and Usage Count Analysis

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    This paper examines the evolution of research in Entrepreneurship published in Web of Science, a reference database. A bibliometric content analysis has been carried out as part of this investigation, allowing for a longitudinal study of the main research topics dealt with over time, ranging from classic topics such as its conception to more recent realities that include Social and Sustainable Entrepreneurship. This paper locates research trends by studying the evolution of citations and by incorporating use metrics. The results point to the existence of seven cognitive fronts that have marked the field’s growth and conceptual evolution. Furthermore, evidence is presented that shows how innovation has historically been the thread that links all the core themes. The topics and trends detected contribute specially to advancing the current discussion on entrepreneurship and coordinating future research efforts

    Analyzing job satisfaction from a gender point of view: empirical application with logit and probit model

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    The influence that the individual characteristics of the personnel of a company exercise on their level of job satisfaction has been largely analyzed in specialized literature, dedicating more attention to the age but also to the gender like a determining element of the levels of satisfaction on human resources. Numerous investigations verify the fact that women present a superior level of satisfaction to the one belonging to males. This paper examines the influence of the gender on job satisfaction on a sample of 1,804 people working in private educational centres in Andalusia, confirming this result. Furthermore, it revises the differences between men and women considering the influence over job satisfaction of other socio demographic characteristics as well as variables about the job and the organization, detecting remarkable differences between both sexes in some aspects like the marital status, the educational level or the presence in managerial positionJob satisfaction, gender differences, logit and probit models.

    Fomento del emprendimiento universitario mediante la innovación docente en la asignatura Creación de Empresas

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    El emprendimiento se configura como un objetivo constante en cualquier sociedad dado que la creación de empresas constituye un motor de innovación, competitividad y crecimiento. Las universidades han iniciado un proceso de apoyo a aquellos que están dispuestos a construirse su propio empleo tratando de conseguir que los graduados y graduadas asuman un compromiso hacia una acción responsable, estén preparados y dispuestos a concebir, emprender y liderar nuevos proyectos empresariales. Para ello es necesario que la universidad posibilite y fomente actitudes innovadoras y actitudes emprendedoras. En este sentido, en los últimos años, los cambios en los programas docentes derivados del Plan Bolonia han buscado reforzar esta línea de acción con la inclusión de asignaturas relacionadas con el emprendimiento y la creación de empresas. Este trabajo pretende determinar si estos cambios en los planes docentes han generado resultados positivos realizando un análisis particularizado de la práctica docente innovadora desarrollada en una de estas asignaturas, implantada recientemente en el grado en Administración de Empresas de la Universidad de Córdoba. Se demuestra cómo la intención fundamentada de crear empresas por parte del alumnado es muy superior en aquellos que han seguido esta materia frente a grupos de estudiantes que aún no la han cursado. Se evidencia que los contenidos, así como las metodologías aplicadas permiten condicionar en el alumno su actitud hacia la actividad emprendedora y empresarial, modificándola positivamente. Por todo ello, se recomienda una mayor coordinación del profesorado implicado en la docencia y se reclama un mayor apoyo por parte de las instituciones públicas.Artículo revisado por pare

    The predictive power of farmers’ risk attitude measures elicited by experimental methods

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    Aim of study: Farmers’ behavior is shaped by their individual attitudes towards risk. Consequently, an understanding of the heterogeneous risk attitudes among farmers is key to predicting their decision-making. Therefore, there is a need for reliable methods to assess individuals’ risk attitudes. The main objective of this paper was to contribute to the existing literature about the external validity of risk attitude measures obtained with diverse experimental methods.Area of study: Irrigated agriculture in a Mediterranean climate region.Material and methods: Two different experimental methods widely applied in the agricultural sector were used to elicit farmers’ risk attitudes in a sample of irrigators in southern Spain: the Eckel and Grossman lottery-choice task and a self-assessment general risk question. We evaluated the explanatory power of both measures for the farming risk borne by farmers, using an approach based on dispersion measures of farming returns.Main results: Results revealed stability across these elicitation methods, but the study yielded no evidence of statistical correlation with the farming risk actually borne by farmers, suggesting that it may not be advisable to use these methods for directly predicting farmers’ decision-making in modeling exercises.Research highlights: The most relevant innovation of this paper was the validation approach followed, based on measures assessing the overall level of farming risk borne by individual producers, and the complementary analyses controlling for key variables that could affect farmer risk-taking

    Caracterización de los clásicos del emprendimiento (1968-2016). Un análisis basado en la Web of Science

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    The aim of this paper is to broaden the analysis of entrepreneurship as a field of study by employing a bibliographical search of works which constitute the “classics” of entrepreneurship and by examining their underlying “knowledge base” (cited works) as well as the reasons why they are characterised as such. H-Classics methodology was applied in the selection of these classic works and a thorough analysis of documents, citing and cited authors as well as journals was carried out. The results obtained in the process help isolate the sources that may determine which works could be seen as truly representative of the discipline of entrepreneurship and, more importantly, to find out which of them are more likely to embody the paradigms required in order to make a clear definition of what constitutes entrepreneurship as a discipline.Este trabajo tiene como objetivo profundizar en el análisis del campo del emprendimiento mediante la búsqueda bibliográfica de los trabajos que se configuran como “clásicos del emprendimiento” y su caracterización, así como la del “conocimiento base” (trabajos citados) en que se apoyan los mismos. Se aplica la metodología H-Classics para seleccionar estos trabajos clásicos y se realiza un análisis en profundidad de documentos, autores citantes y citados y revistas. Los resultados alcanzados llevan a aislar las fuentes que permitirían determinar qué obras podrían constituir la disciplina del emprendimiento y lo que es más importante, cuáles cuentan con mayor “probabilidad” de mostrar aquellos paradigmas necesarios para conformarla