802 research outputs found

    Synovial chondromatosis of the temporomandibular joint

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    La condromatosis sinovial (CS) es una enfermedad de etiología desconocida, la cual pude definirse como un proceso benigno sinovial caracterizado por la formación de nódulos cartilaginosos metaplásicos dentro del tejido conectivo de las superficies articulares, se le considera un fenómeno metaplásico activo más que un proceso neoplásico; presenta una marcada preferencia por afectar a mujeres constituyendo casi el 70% de los casos reportados, el rango de edad es amplio y oscila entre los 18 y 75 años con una media de 44.6 años. Dentro de los principales hallazgos clínicos destacan: sintomatología dolorosa, presencia de crepitación, aumento de volumen y limitación de la apertura bucal. La CS es una entidad poco frecuente de la cual se han reportado no más de 75 casos en la literatura inglesa, sólo 66 de ellos comprobados histológicamente, la mayoría afectando principalmente grandes articulaciones como cadera, rodilla y hombro; pero si la frecuencia es rara en estas localizaciones, lo es más aún en la articulación temporomandibular. El objetivo del presente artículo es el de reportar un caso clínico a la vez que se realiza una breve revisión de la literatura

    Moduli Spaces of Semistable Sheaves on Singular Genus One Curves

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    We find some equivalences of the derived category of coherent sheaves on a Gorenstein genus one curve that preserve the (semi)-stability of pure dimensional sheaves. Using them we establish new identifications between certain Simpson moduli spaces of semistable sheaves on the curve. For rank zero, the moduli spaces are symmetric powers of the curve whilst for a fixed positive rank there are only a finite number of non-isomorphic spaces. We prove similar results for the relative semistable moduli spaces on an arbitrary genus one fibration with no conditions either on the base or on the total space. For a cycle ENE_N of projective lines, we show that the unique degree 0 stable sheaves are the line bundles having degree 0 on every irreducible component and the sheaves O(−1)\mathcal{O}(-1) supported on one irreducible component. We also prove that the connected component of the moduli space that contains vector bundles of rank rr is isomorphic to the rr-th symmetric product of the rational curve with one node.Comment: 26 pages, 4 figures. Added the structure of the biggest component of the moduli space of sheaves of degree 0 on a cycle of projective lines. Final version; to appear en IMRS (International Mathematics Research Notices 2009

    Un paseo fotográfico por la vida de Sophus Lie

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    It is quite a lot scarce the literature on the Norwegian mathematician Sophus Lie, in spite of being him, as the great volume of his works demonstrates, one of the most important mathematicians throughout the history. In this paper, some of the non well-known photographs related with his life are shown. A particular review of the people and circumstances appearing in each of them is described.No es muy numerosa la documentación escrita existente sobre el matemático noruego Sophus Lie, a pesar de ser éste, por el volumen de sus obras, uno de los más importantes matemáticos de todos los tiempos. En este artículo se muestran algunas de las escasamente conocidas fotografías relacionadas con la vida de Sophus Lie, realizándose un detallado estudio de cada una de ellas, con especial mención de los personajes que aparecen y de las circunstancias que cada una de ellas refleja

    The elimination of an adult segment by the Hox gene Abdominal-B

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    Hox gene activity leads to morphological diversity of organs or structures in different species. One special case of Hox function is the elimination of a particular structure. The Abdominal-B Hox gene of Drosophila melanogaster provides an example of such activity, as this gene suppresses the formation of the seventh abdominal segment in the adult. This elimination occurs only in males, and is characteristic of more advanced Diptera. The elimination requires the differential expression or activity of genes that are downstream Abdominal-B, or that work togetherwith it, andwhich regulate cell proliferation or cell extrusion. Here,we reviewthe mechanisms responsible for such elimination and provide some new data on processes taking place within this segment. © 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (BFU2008-00632 and BFU2011-26075), the Consolider Program (CSD2007-0008) and an Institutional Grant from the Ramon Areces FoundationPeer Reviewe

    Enabling adaptability in web forms based on user characteristics detection through A/B testing and machine learning

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    [EN] This paper presents an original study with the aim of improving users' performance in completing large questionnaires through adaptability in web forms. Such adaptability is based on the application of machine-learning procedures and an A/B testing approach. To detect the user preferences, behavior, and the optimal version of the forms for all kinds of users, researchers built predictive models using machine-learning algorithms (trained with data from more than 3000 users who participated previously in the questionnaires), extracting the most relevant factors that describe the models, and clustering the users based on their similar characteristics and these factors. Based on these groups and their performance in the system, the researchers generated heuristic rules between the different versions of the web forms to guide users to the most adequate version (modifying the user interface and user experience) for them. To validate the approach and con rm the improvements, the authors tested these redirection rules on a group of more than 1000 users. The results with this cohort of users were better than those achieved without redirection rules at the initial stage. Besides these promising results, the paper proposes

    Valorization of Cistus ladanifer and Erica arborea shrubs for fuel: Wood and bark thermal characterization

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    As a form of upgraded biomass characterized by its high energy density, low production costs, and low process energy requirements, wood pellets are an environmentally friendly fuel allowing for carbon neutral heating with high energy efficiency. In this work, the suitability of a valorization of the woods from the two most representative shrub species from the Iberian Peninsula (namely Cistus ladanifer and Erica arborea) for heating has been assessed. Whereas Erica arborea met the requirements of ISO 17225-2:2014 for ENplus-B class (the calorific content for both wood and bark was high and not significantly different, and the ash content was permissible for specimens with branch diameter =2, 8 cm), Cistus ladanifer was in the limit of the normative and only met the requirements in terms of acceptable ash percentage (1, 9%) and heating value (19 kJ·g-1) for old specimens with branch diameters > 3, 4 cm. Consequently, while the harvest of E. arborea for its use as fuel does not need to be selective, that of C. ladanifer should be limited to the most robust specimens and foliage should be avoided

    Formación y evolución del patrimonio del Monasterio de Santa Clara de Alcocer en la Edad Media

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    This article provides a general description of the assets of a Poor Clare monastery in medieval Castile. The study of the components of the monastic heritage helps to understand the actors, forces and phenomena involved in the process. From the Castilian crown itself to simple ordinary farmers and landowners, passing by some prominent figures of the nobility of the time, they all contributed to the formation, stability and subsequent transformation of the estate of the monastery until the end of the Middle Ages. Its development also illustrates the different stages in the development of the Castilian economy since the thirteenth century until the beginning of modernity.<br><br>En el presente artículo se ofrece una descripción global del patrimonio de un monasterio de Clarisas castellano en la Edad Media. El estudio de los componentes de este patrimonio monástico ayuda a entender los actores, las fuerzas y los fenómenos implicados en el proceso. Desde la misma Corona castellana, hasta simples campesinos y propietarios del común, pasando por algunas figuras relevantes de la nobleza de la época, todos ellos contribuyeron a la formación, estabilidad y sucesiva transformación del patrimonio de este monasterio hasta el final de los tiempos medievales. Su evolución también ilustra las distintas etapas en el desarrollo de la economía castellana desde el siglo XIII hasta el comienzo de la Modernidad

    Aprender a emprender desde la Universidad

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    Memoria ID-112. Ayudas de la Universidad de Salamanca para la innovación docente, curso 2020-2021
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