180 research outputs found

    Análisis del aprovechamiento del programa Absys en Andalucía hasta marzo de 1999

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    The degree of implementation of the Absys library programme in the centres included in the corporate license held by the Andalusian regional government is analysed focussing on 4 aspects: library/centre resources, use of the 8 basic functions of Absys, reference manuals and technical support. Of the 109 questionnaires sent to the 8 Andalusian provinces, 104 were returned fully answered: 6 from Almeria, 5 from Cadiz, 16 from Cordoba, 18 from Granada, 19 from Huelva, 4 from Jaen, 15 from Malaga and 21 from Seville. The province where there are the highest number of installations of the programme is Seville, followed by Huelva, Granada, Málaga and Cordoba

    Análisis del aprovechamiento del programa Absys en Andalucía hasta marzo de 1999

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    The degree of implementation of the Absys library programme in the centres included in the corporate license held by the Andalusian regional government is analysed focussing on 4 aspects: library/centre resources, use of the 8 basic functions of Absys, reference manuals and technical support. Of the 109 questionnaires sent to the 8 Andalusian provinces, 104 were returned fully answered: 6 from Almeria, 5 from Cadiz, 16 from Cordoba, 18 from Granada, 19 from Huelva, 4 from Jaen, 15 from Malaga and 21 from Seville. The province where there are the highest number of installations of the programme is Seville, followed by Huelva, Granada, Málaga and Cordoba

    Odnos broja somatskih stanica i sastav i koagulacijska svojstva ovčjeg mlijeka

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    The relationship between somatic cell count (SCC) and raw milk composition and its coagulation properties measured at native or standardised pH values were investigated in Manchega ewes’ milk. A total of 84 bulk tank milk samples from flocks included in the National Association of Manchega Sheep Breeders were used. According to their SCC, milk samples were divided into three terciles named low (562±138 cells/mL), medium (956±115 cells/mL) and high (1705±428 cells/ mL) SCC groups. Within each SCC group, two pH treatments were applied before determining coagulation properties (rennet clotting time, curd firming time and curd firmness): no acidification of milk (coagulation at native pH) and acidification of milk at pH 6.5. Native milk pH significantly increased (P0.05) by SCC, protein content tended to be higher in the high SCC group (P=0.05) and lactose content was significantly lower (P0,05) na udjel masti, dok je udjel proteina bio veći u grupi s visokim BSS (P=0,05), a udjel laktoze bio je signifikantno niži (P<0,05) u toj skupini. Kod prirodne pH vrijednosti mlijeka, visoki BSS utjecao je na duže vrijeme zgrušavanja mlijeka sirilom, sporije učvršćivanje gruša i na manju čvrstoću gruša nakon 30 min od dodatka sirila, u odnosu na skupinu u kojoj je BSS bio nizak i srednji (P<0,05). Standardizacija pH mlijeka na 6,5 prije dodavanja sirila anulirala je (P<0,05) negativan utjecaj visokog BSS na koagulacijska svojstva mlijeka. Može se zaključiti da su, unatoč činjenici kako je acidifikacija mlijeka prije zgrušavanja poboljšala koagulacijske osobine mlijeka s visokim BSS, daljnja istraživanja potrebna kako bi se utvrdila senzorska svojstva sira proizvedenog takvim postupkom

    Patrones de resiliencia térmica del alga intermareal Fucus guiryi en el Estrecho de Gibraltar.

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    Comunicación oral en sesión "Botánica y zoología"Las macroalgas proporcionan servicios ecosistémicos costeros fundamentales, como la creación de hábitats y zonas de refugio para otras especies, son sumideros de carbono y contribuyen a la protección costera. En el Estrecho de Gibraltar, Fucus guiryi es la principal alga formadora de hábitat intermareal, donde su distribución ha sufrido cambios muy significativos en los últimos 30 años, con la pérdida de poblaciones en ambas orillas. Sin embargo, aún se mantienen poblaciones bien conservadas, lo que sugiere que podrían existir refugios climáticos a pequeña escala. Dado que el aumento de la temperatura superficial del mar se considera el principal factor de estrés para los organismos marinos en el escenario de cambio global, es relevante estudiar que papel podría jugar la temperatura en la persistencia de las poblaciones de F. guiryi en el Estrecho de Gibraltar. Los objetivos de este trabajo son: 1) detectar posibles refugios climáticos en función de variables demográficas, de fenología reproductiva y morfológicas de F. guiryi entre diferentes poblaciones del Estrecho de Gibraltar; 2) estudiar la respuesta a la temperatura en los estadios más sensibles del ciclo biológico de F. guiryi a escala estacional en la orilla norte y comparar esta con la orilla sur durante la época de mayor sensibilidad térmica. Las poblaciones próximas al Mediterráneo y expuestas a mayor estrés térmico presentaban densidades bajas, con miniaturización de individuos, reducción de la ventana reproductiva y un cambio temporal de la misma. No obstante, se detectaron dos poblaciones excepcionales en Tarifa y Ceuta, que se encontraban en mejor estado que sus vecinas, pudiendo indicar la presencia de refugios climáticos. La tolerancia térmica de sus reclutas fue más alta en aquellos individuos provenientes de las poblaciones ceutíes. Asimismo, en Tarifa se encontró que los reclutas de los meses de invierno eran más resilientes que los de verano.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Instituto de Estudios Ceutíes. Ayudas a la investigación 2018. “Variabilidad de las poblaciónes de Fucus del litoral de Ceuta: respuestas al cambio climático”. MITECO. PCIN-2016-090. MARFOR. BIODIVERSA 3

    Designing a biochemical escape room for undergraduate students

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    Gamification is increasingly used in Higher Education to foster intrinsic motivation of undergraduate students. In this sense, we designed the Biochemical Escape Room. The students, organized in teams and through the overcoming of challenges, tackled the contents reviewed in the face-to-face classes. In addition, the tests helped in the training of different soft skills such as creative thinking, deductive thinking, collaborative work, teamwork, manual dexterity, communication and time management. The activity was designed in several phases: i) setting the learning objectives; ii) adapting the physical spaces to the teams involved in the "game"; iii) acquiring the material; iv) preparing, placing the tests and the clues and general rehearsal before D-day; and v) D-day. The results obtained after the design of the Biochemical Escape Room and its implementation show that one of the objectives of the activity had been achieved: it provided an "injection" of motivation for teachers and students. And although there are certain aspects that need to be improved, designing the escape room for the biochemistry laboratories has meant a significant change both for the instructors, in the way we teach, and for the students, in the manner they learn.Universidad de Alcalá. Vicerrectorado de Innovación Docente y Transformación Digita

    Nursing Escape Room UAH: motivation to learn in the biochemistry laboratory

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    In recent years, Escape Room-type games have gained popularity as a way to motivate students to become more actively involved in their learning. The overall objective of the proposed activity is to promote students&apos; intrinsic motivation and, in turn, meaningful learning. For this purpose, we implemented the game in our laboratories. The first year students of the degree in Nursing participated in the Nursing Escape Room UAH. We chose a situation reviewed in the theoretical-practical contents of the Biochemistry subject they were studying. Our aim was to achieve significant learning through overcoming challenges and collaborative work. After the implementation of the activity, we assessed it. The participating students felt that the activity: i) had helped them to learn and understand the subject; ii) had been a fun and different experience when it came to understanding the content; iii) had been a motivating experience; and iv) they liked the fact that it was carried out in a team. In addition, these students obtained a higher average score and pass rate on the learning assessment test than those who had not participated in the game. The instructors involved also highlighted that the activity was a motivating and different way of learning and recommended its continuation. Altogether, we can conclude that the Nursing Escape Room UAH game has been a motivating experience in the Biochemistry laboratory for both students and instructors. We anticipate that the activity may improve the quality of the teaching-learning process.Universidad de Alcalá. Vicerrectorado de Innovación Docente y Transformación Digita

    The impact of type 2 immunity and allergic diseases in atherosclerosis.

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    Allergic diseases are allergen-induced immunological disorders characterized by the development of type 2 immunity and IgE responses. The prevalence of allergic diseases has been on the rise alike cardiovascular disease (CVD), which affects arteries of different organs such as the heart, the kidney and the brain. The underlying cause of CVD is often atherosclerosis, a disease distinguished by endothelial dysfunction, fibrofatty material accumulation in the intima of the artery wall, smooth muscle cell proliferation, and Th1 inflammation. The opposed T-cell identity of allergy and atherosclerosis implies an atheroprotective role for Th2 cells by counteracting Th1 responses. Yet, the clinical association between allergic disease and CVD argues against it. Within, we review different phases of allergic pathology, basic immunological mechanisms of atherosclerosis and the clinical association between allergic diseases (particularly asthma, atopic dermatitis, allergic rhinitis and food allergy) and CVD. Then, we discuss putative atherogenic mechanisms of type 2 immunity and allergic inflammation including acute allergic reactions (IgE, IgG1, mast cells, macrophages and allergic mediators such as vasoactive components, growth factors and those derived from the complement, contact and coagulation systems) and late phase inflammation (Th2 cells, eosinophils, type 2 innate-like lymphoid cells, alarmins, IL-4, IL-5, IL-9, IL-13 and IL-17).Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence, Grant/Award Number: CEX2020-001041- S; Pro CNIC Foundation; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación; Ministry of Science and Innovation, Grant/ Award Number: PID2019-110369RB- I00; European Commission, Grant/Award Number: ERC-CoG 819775 and H2020-HEALTH 945118; Spanish Ministry of Universities; Ayudas Margarita Salas para la Formación de Jóvenes Doctores—Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Grant/ Award Number: CA1/RSUE/2021–00577; Formación de Profesorado Universitario, Grant/Award Number: FPU16/03953; Sociedad Española de Alergología e Inmunología Clínica (SEAIC), Grant/ Award Number: BECA20A9; New Frontiers in Research Fund, Grant/ Award Number: NFRFE-2019- 00083; The Nutricia Research Foundation, Grant/Award Number: NRF-2021- 13; Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Grant/Award Number: PI21/00158, PI21/01126, CP20/00043, PI18/01467, PI19/00044, RD16/0006/0015 and RD21/0002/0008; Severo Ochoa Program, Grant/Award Number: AEI/SEV-2017- 0712S