29 research outputs found

    Amphibians and reptiles as palaeonvironmental proxies during the Late Pleistocene (MIS3): The case of Stratigraphic Unit V of El Salt, Alcoi, Spain

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    The locality of El Salt (Alcoi, Spain) is a key site for understanding the extirpation of Neanderthals in the eastern part of Iberia. In this paper, we analyse an assemblage of amphibians and reptiles from Stratigraphic Unit V (45.2 ± 3.4 ka to 44.7 ± 3.4 ka), which corresponds to one of the last regional records of Neanderthals, to improve knowledge of the palaeoecology and palaeoclimate of this event. The assemblage comprises three anurans (Pelodytes sp., Alytes obstetricans, and Epidalea calamita), two lizards (Lacertidae indet. and Chalcides bedriagai), and five snakes (Colubridae indet., Coronella sp., Coronella sp./Zamenis sp., Natrix maura, and Vipera latastei). Palaeoclimatic reconstruction, based on the Mutual Ecogeographic Range method, indicates that climate was cooler and slightly wetter climate than the present day climate of the Alcoi area. Applying the Habitat Weighting Method, we infer that the area surrounding El Salt was dominated by open dry regions, alternating with rocky areas with scarce scrubs and forest patches that would have developed under mesomediterranean conditions. These results are not entirely consistent with those obtained with other proxies (charcoal and small mammal assemblages) from the same site, which suggest slightly warmer and drier conditions. We hypothesise that these divergences may be partly related to the current wide distribution of reptiles and amphibians across Iberia. A key finding is that the extirpation of the Neanderthals in Iberia coincided with aridification.Fil: Marquina Blasco, Rafael. Universidad de Valencia; España. Museu Valencià D’història Natural; EspañaFil: Fagoaga, Ana. Universidad de Valencia; España. Museu Valencià D’història Natural; EspañaFil: Crespo Roures, Vicente Daniel. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División Paleontología Vertebrados; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; Argentina. Museo Paleontológico de Alpuente; EspañaFil: Bailon, Salvador. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; Francia. Histoire naturelle de l’Homme prehistorique; FranciaFil: Mallol, Carolina. Universidad de La Laguna; EspañaFil: Hernández, Cristo M.. Universidad de La Laguna; EspañaFil: Galván, Bertila. Universidad de La Laguna; EspañaFil: Ruiz Sánchez, Francisco Javier. Universidad de Valencia; España. Museu Valencià D’història Natural; España. Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena; Ecuado

    Applying the UDA‑ODA discrimination technique to a herpetological association: the case of the Middle Palaeolithic site of El Salt (Alcoi, Spain)

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    El Salt (Middle Palaeolithic; Alcoi, Spain) is a key site for understanding the disappearance of Neanderthals in the eastern Iberian Peninsula, a process that is observed along its stratigraphic sequence. To improve our understanding of the palaeoclimatic context in which this process took place, we applied the UDA-ODA discrimination technique to the fossil herpetological assemblages from Stratigraphic Units (SU) Xb (52.3 ± 4.6 ka) and V (45.2 ± 3.4/44.7 ± 3.4 ka). This method is based in the application of an ecological criterion, the maximum altitude of each species on each Iberian range, to discern and remove those areas that do not meet their ecological requirements (UDA) from those that do (ODA), which are included in its distribution from Atlases from which the common distribution species is going to be extracted. Results indicate the existence of an alternation between 'cold and wet' moments with 'warm and dry' ones, all of them in a more humid context than nowadays. Climate was slightly warmer than nowadays in SU Xb, whereas was cooler in SU V. Regarding MAP, our results show less variation between SUs than it has been provided by previous studies. These results do not fully agree with those provided by small mammals from the same SUs, which indicate an increase of the temperatures whereas rainfall experienced the contrary. These differences could be related with the wider distribution of the Iberian herpetofauna, and some differences in the applied ecological criterion. Furthermore, herpetofaunal palaeoclimatic reconstruction shows that the abandonment of the site by Neanderthals seems to have occurred during an arid phase

    Erratum to “Palaeoecological context for the extinction of the Neanderthals: A small mammal study of Stratigraphic Unit V of the El Salt site, Alcoi, eastern Spain” [Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 530 (2019) 163–175]

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    El Salt is an important reference site for understanding the extinction of Neanderthal populations in the eastern Iberian Peninsula during MIS 3. In this paper, we describe the small mammal assemblage from Stratigraphic Unit V, the youngest unit with evidence of human presence, based on nearly 1300 specimens. A total of seven rodents (Microtus arvalis, Microtus duodecimcostatus, Microtus cabrerae, Sciurus vulgaris, Arvicola sapidus, Eliomys quercinus and Apodemus sylvaticus), three insectivores (Talpa occidentalis, Crocidura sp., Sorex sp.) and one lagomorph (Oryctolagus cf. cuniculus) were identified. Palaeocological analyses point to drier conditions in this part of the stratigraphic sequence, supporting the hypothesis that an aridification scenario may have played a role in the extinction of the Neanderthal groups inhabiting this region of the Iberian Peninsula.Fil: Fagoaga, Ana. Universidad de Valencia; EspañaFil: Laplana, César. Museo Arqueológico Regional de la Comunidad de Madrid; EspañaFil: Marquina Blasco, Rafael. Universidad de Valencia; EspañaFil: Machado, Jorge. Universidad de La Laguna; EspañaFil: Marin Monfort, María Dolores. Universidad de Valencia; España. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales; España. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto Geológico del Sur. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Geología. Instituto Geológico del Sur; ArgentinaFil: Crespo Roures, Vicente Daniel. Universidad de Valencia; España. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; Argentina. Museo Paleontológico de Alpuente; EspañaFil: Hernández, Cristo M.. Universidad de La Laguna; EspañaFil: Mallol, Carolina. Universidad de La Laguna; EspañaFil: Galván, Bertila. Universidad de La Laguna; EspañaFil: Ruiz Sánchez, Francisco Javier. Universidad de Valencia; España. Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena; Ecuado

    Neanderthal firewood management: Evidence from Stratigraphic Unit IV of Abric del Pastor (Eastern Iberia)

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    This paper presents anthracological data from Abric del Pastor (Alcoi, Spain), a Middle Paleolithic rock shelter site. Analysis of 1077 wood charcoal remains from Stratigraphic Unit IV (S.U. IV), collected within archaeological combustion structures and from loose sediment outside of structures, allowed us to characterise the local landscape, as well as to approach the interaction between Neanderthal groups and their local environment. Taxonomic identification suggests that firewood was gathered from nearby sources, with predominance of juniper (Juniperus sp.) followed by thermophilous shrubby taxa. Additional analysis focussing on post-depositional processes affecting charcoal have shown features indicative of biodegradation and mechanical action. The results of this study contribute significant anthracological data towards our understanding of Late Pleistocene Mediterranean landscapes and Neanderthal forest management in this region

    Capitulo 3. Ciencias Sociales, Artes y Humanidades

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    La investigación busca describir los significados psicológicos en relación con la felicidad, partiendo del sujeto común no experto en la materia. Para ello se utilizará la técnica de Redes Semánticas Naturales Modificadas (RSNM). Esto en el contexto de la UNAD Zona Sur, específicamente con el cuerpo docente de las diferentes escuelas académicas, excepto los que pertenecen al programa de psicología. Esta última decisión en razón a prevenir alguna influencia en los significados derivada de la formación disciplinar de tales docentes, téngase en cuenta que el tema de la felicidad ha sido objeto de estudio desde la psicología. Este es un estudio sobre los significados psicológicos acerca de la felicidad en docentes de la UNAD Zona Sur. Esto a través de la técnica de RSNM, la cual se orienta justamente a dicho propósito. Esto en articulación con el proyecto “Felicidad: un estudio mixto desde la perspectiva de docentes y estudiantes de psicología de dos universidades de Latinoamérica”, en el que vienen trabajando docentes de la UNAD en convenio con la UNAM (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)

    Redefinición del sujeto cultural femenino en la poesía de Sherezada "Chiqui" Vicioso

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    "La propuesta estética de Sherezada ""Chiquis"" Vicioso exterioriza a un sujeto cultural fenómeno como el tema central en los textos, al hacer evidente la complejidad en que se ubica a este sujeto en el contexto caribeño y latinoamericano, develado en su discurso, al despejar lo establecido, domino patriarcal, por lo deseado, es decir, establece una poesía una redefinición de la mujer, con relación a su imagen en el constructo de identidad como sujeto cultura, disímil a la acepción acostumbrada de su condición de ?ser?, perpetua en el tiempo a través de las practicas discursivas que aprovechan con pericia la vacuidad de los sujetos y periodos sociales, esta redefinición es evidencia en la voz del sujeto femenino y su necesidad de hablar de hablar, valiéndose de la memoria colectiva para deconstruir y reconstruir a un sujeto en igualdad de condición a su complemento y posicionamiento.

    The Representation of Archaeological Heritage in Primary Education Textbooks: The Canarian Indigenous Context as a Case Study

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    En este artículo analizamos el tratamiento didáctico que recibe el patrimonio arqueológico canario de la etapa indígena en los libros de texto de Ciencias Sociales de Primaria de Canarias, con un especial foco de atención en la representación de género. A partir de un análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo, centrado en los libros de texto de cuatro editoriales, en el marco de la LOMCE, nuestra investigación analiza qué se considera patrimonio arqueológico en la enseñanza, cómo y qué se enseña, y cuál es el rol de las mujeres en el contenido educativo y en el hecho histórico. Los resultados obtenidos reflejan la reproducción de miradaseurocéntricas, la inexistencia de una definición explícita de los vestigios arqueológicos y, por tanto, del propio concepto de patrimonio, así como el predominio de la hegemonía cultural androcéntrica. Esta realidad presenta claras afinidades con la constatada en otros estudios afines del estado españolIn this article we analyze the didactic approach for the Canarian archaeological heritage from the indigenous periodwithin the Primary textbooks of Social Sciences in the Canary Islands, paying also attention to the representation of gender. From a qualitative and quantitative approach, focused on the textbooks from four different publishers,and within the framework ofLOMCE, our research analyzes what is considered archaeological heritage in teaching, how and what is taught, and what is the role of women in the historic fact and in the educational content. The main results show the predominance of the androcentric cultural hegemony, the reproduction of Eurocentric views, the absence of an explicit definition for the archaeological remains and, therefore, for the concept of heritage. This panorama presents clear affinities with the one documented in other parts of Spai

    High-resolution Neanderthal settlements in mediterranean Iberian Peninsula: A matter of altitude?

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    Neanderthals are widely known to be a resilient human species that successfully faced constant and strong environmental fluctuations modifying the landscapes they inhabited and the availability of their potential resources. It has been traditionally assumed that environmental features could strongly affect human behaviour due to the stretch relationship between their potential prey and the availability of habitats. Environmental changes would produce a high variability in the settlement patterns of the Neanderthal groups. However, the preponderant influence of environmental conditions on these human groups has recently been strongly questioned. This is especially true for the Iberian Peninsula, where latitudinal position and orographic features supported the persistence of environmental conditions that allowed the permanence of a wide range of biotopes and animal and vegetal resources. In the present study, we reconstruct the Neanderthal settlement patterns (i.e. duration and season) from four archaeological sites located in the Mediterranean area of the Iberian Peninsula: Arbreda Cave (Serinyà, Girona), Teixoneres Cave (Moià, Barcelona), Abric Romaní (Capellades, Barcelona), and El Salt (Alcoy, Alicante). We focus on identifying whether they show a high variability in settlement patterns and check for the existence of local influences, such as the altitude. To reach these objectives, we designed a multi-proxy approach combining tooth wear and dental cementum analysis of the main Neanderthal preys: Cervus elaphus, Equus ferus, Equus hydruntinus, Bos primigenius and Capra pyrenaica. Our results first suggest that local features (i.e. orography, altitude, and environment) appear to be predominant factors determining the main feeding behaviour of the ungulates hunted by Neanderthals. Additionally, seasonal environmental variations seem to have influenced horse migratory behaviour, involving altitudinal movements in search of high-nutritive pastures. Neanderthal survival strategies and settlement patterns seem to have been less affected by environmental particularities and more linked to selective prey procurement based on the seasonal resource availability. Therefore, the duration and seasonality of their settlement patterns and their mobility throughout the landscape indicate they had a high level of knowledge on the territory they inhabited, as well as on the behaviour and availability of their potential preys.This work was supported by research grants from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (grant HAR2016-76760-C3-1-P), the Agencia de Gestio d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR 2017-SGR-836), and the French National Research Agency: Project CemeNTAA (ANR-14-CE31-0011) from the French Research Agency and the CEPAM laboratory (UMR 7264, CNRS, UCA). CSH is supported by a pre-doctoral grant (FPI) from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (BES-C-2014-0034). The CERCA Programme/Generalitat de Catalunya funds the research of CS, EC, GC, PS, JR, FR and JV. JRand RB develop their work within the Spanish AEI/FEDER projects CGL2015-65387-C3-1-P and CGL2015-68604-P. The research at Teixoneres Cave is supported by projects CLT009-18-00055 and2017 SGR 836 from the Generalitat de Catalunya, and Project HAR2016-76760-C3-1-P and PID2019-103987 GB-C31 from Spanish AEI. Project IþD HAR2015-68321-P (MEC-FEDER/UE) supported the El Salt shelter research. Excavations at Abric Romaní were performed with the support of the Departament de Cultura (Servei d’Arqueologia i Patrimoni) of the Generalitat de Catalunya (CLT009/18/00054), the Ajuntament de Capellades, the Oficina Patrimoni Cultural - Diputacio de Barcelona, ORROEL SL - Romanya-Valls, Bercontres-Centre de Gestio Medioambiental SL, and the Constructora de Calaf SAU

    Contribution of small mammal taphonomy to the last Neanderthal occupations at the El Salt site (Alcoi, southeastern Spain)

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    The El Salt site (Alcoi, Alicante, Spain) is one of the latest Neanderthal sites in the south-eastern Iberian Peninsula. The disappearance of this human group is controversial and needs detailed studies from different research areas. Taphonomy is essential to establish how representative is a fossil assemblage of the past living organisms that produced it and to interpret the formation process of the fossil site. In the case of El Salt, we have analyzed the micromammal assemblages of Units X and V, which contain fossils of Neanderthals and/or evidence of their activity. In contrast with previous identifications of the little owl (Athene noctua), our detailed taphonomic study shown here allows us to conclude that the main predator involved in the production of the micromammal assemblages was the European eagle owl (Bubo bubo). This is an opportunistic predator whose feeding preferences and behavior reflect the abundance of local micromammalian species, which can therefore provide a representation of past ecosystems near El Salt. The taphonomic information provided by this study also indicates the absence of transport and reworking processes, and reinforces previous paleoecological interpretations, suggesting an increase of aridity at the top of El Salt sequence that coincided with the local disappearance of Neanderthals.This investigation has been carried out thanks to the Spanish Government project HAR2015-68321-P: “Neandertales en la montaña alicantina. Un enfoque multianalítico” (2016–2019) MICINN-FEDER, and the project UV-INV_AE17-708551 (University of Valencia), Conselleria d’Educació, Investigació, Cultura i Esport from the Valencian Government and the University of La Laguna (Tenerife, Spain).Peer reviewe

    Organización y gestión educativa : revista del Forum Europeo de Administradores de la Educación

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónSe propone un modelo de evaluación pedagógica que estable una escala de cualificaciones para evaluar al alumnado. El objetivo es presentar las características generales de la evaluación y comentar cómo se inició, desde los principios del aprendizaje dialógico y el constructivismo social. Se exponen los principios del 'Plan global para la Mejora del éxito escolar desde una perspectiva inclusiva'. Se muestra el proceso de elaboración del modelo de evaluación y la metodología utilizada. El diseño de los criterios de calificación se ha sistematizado en cuatro pasos para asegurar que los calificadores resultantes condensaran todos los elementos curriculares detectados tras un riguroso análisis. El modelo de evaluación se ha elaborado de forma conjunta utilizando la plataforma de Moodle.MadridBiblioteca de Educación del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte; Calle San Agustín, 5 - 3 planta; 28014 Madrid; Tel. +34917748000; [email protected]