4,526 research outputs found

    Del software libre al conocimiento libre: argumentos de carácter técnico para aspirar a una sociedad digital universal, igualitaria y libre

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    Cuando el movimiento del Software Libre comienza a ser conocido fuera del ámbito de los técnicos y especialistas, surge un nuevo movimiento sobre premisas similares para superar barreras en la actual sociedad de la información y ofrecer el Conocimiento Libre para todos. Las administraciones públicas de todo el mundo son, precisamente, las que más pueden hacer por el despliegue de estos dos movimientos y las que pueden disfrutar de ventajas como incrementar la eficiencia del servicio que prestan al ciudadano, optimizar sus recursos y, sobre todo, disponer de la posibilidad del acceso universal a la sociedad de la información y del conocimiento verdaderamente libres. Reflexionamos también sobre las motivaciones de los autores del software y conocimiento libres, agentes fundamentales para que estos dos movimientos logren sus objetivos

    Influence of loudspeaker directivity on the measurement uncertainty

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    One of the most significant aspects of a building’s acoustic behavior is the airborne sound insulation of the room façades, since this determines the protection of its inhabitants against environmental noise. For this reason, authorities in most countries have established in their acoustic regulations for buildings the minimum value of sound insulation that must be respected for façades. In order to verify compliance with legal requirements it is usual to perform acoustic measurements in the finished buildings and then compare the measurement results with the established limits. Since there is always a certain measurement uncertainty, this uncertainty must be calculated and taken into account in order to ensure compliance with specifications. The most commonly used method for measuring sound insulation on façades is the so-called Global Loudspeaker Method, specified in ISO 140-5:1998. This method uses a loudspeaker placed outside the building as a sound source. The loudspeaker directivity has a significant influence on the measurement results, and these results may change noticeably by choosing different loudspeakers, even though they all fulfill the directivity requirements of ISO 140-5. This work analyzes the influence of the loudspeaker directivity on the results of façade sound insulation measurement, and determines its contribution to measurement uncertainty. The theoretical analysis is experimentally validated by means of an intermediate precision test according to ISO 5725-3:1994, which compares the values of sound insulation obtained for a façade using various loudspeakers with different directivitie

    El "Tractatus de Hispana progenie vocis ur" de Gregorio Mayans y su aportación a la Historia Antigua Valenciana

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    En 1779 Gregorio Mayans publicó su Tractatus de hispana progenie vocis UR, una obra escrita en 1755 con la intención de cumplir el requisito de presentar un trabajo original para el acceso a la Academia Latina de Jena. Aunque de planteamiento filológico, el Tractatus aporta, entre otras, informaciones históricas de importancia para conocer el pensamiento de Mayans sobre diversas cuestiones de la Antigüedad valenciana. D. Gregorio, a través del comentario de algunas ciudades, revisa su origen, instituciones, fuentes clásicas, posturas historiográficas, etc., evidenciando sus amplios conocimientos y el interés que mostraba por este tipo de temas. (A

    Estimation of specific cutting energy in an S235 alloy for multi-directional ultrasonic vibration-assisted machining using the Finite Element Method

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    The objective of this work is to analyze the influence of the vibration-assisted turning process on the machinability of S235 carbon steel. During the experiments using this vibrational machining process, the vibrational amplitude and frequency of the cutting tool were adjusted to drive the tool tip in an elliptical or linear motion in the feed direction. Furthermore, a finite element analysis was deployed to investigate the mechanical response for different vibration-assisted cutting conditions. The results show how the specific cutting energy and the material’s machinability behave when using different operational cutting parameters, such as vibration frequency and tool tip motion in the x-axis, y-axis, and elliptical (x-y plane) motion. Then, the specific cutting energy and material’s machinability are compared with a conventional turning process, which helps to validate the finite element method (FEM) for the vibration-assisted process. As a result of the operating parameters used, the vibration-assisted machining process leads to a machinability improvement of up to 18% in S235 carbon steel. In particular, higher vibration frequencies were shown to increase the material’s machinability due to the specific cutting energy decrease. Therefore, the finite element method can be used to predict the vibration-assisted cutting and the specific cutting energy, based on predefined cutting parameters.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Immediate Effects of Bilateral Sacroiliac Joint Manipulation on Plantar Pressure Distribution in Asymptomatic Participants

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    [EN] Objective: To investigate the immediate effects of manipulation of bilateral sacroiliac joints (SIJs) on the plantar pressure distribution in asymptomatic participants in the standing position. Design: Randomized, controlled, double-blind clinical trial. Participants: Sixty-two asymptomatic men and women (mean age, 20.66 – 2.56 years) randomly assigned to 2 groups. Interventions: The experimental group underwent mobilization without tension of the hips in the supine position and high-velocity, low-amplitude manipulation in the SIJs bilaterally. The control group underwent only mobilization, without tension of the hips in supine position. Outcome Measures: Pre- and postintervention outcomes measured by an assessor blinded to the treatment allocation of the participants included a baropodometric analysis performed by using a force platform. Baseline between-group differences were examined with a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. A chi-square test was used for categorical data. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was used to assess differences between groups, with the preintervention value as covariant (95% confidence level). Results: At baseline, no variables significantly differed between groups. Baropodometric analysis showed statistically significant differences in the location of the maximum pressure point in the experimental group ( p = 0.028). Pre- and postintervention analysis with ANCOVA showed statistically significant differences between both groups in the left hindfoot load percentage (interaction p = 0.0259; ANCOVA p = 0.0277), right foot load percentage (ANCOVA p = 0.0380), and surface of the right forefoot (interaction p = 0.0038). There was also a significant effect in the variables that analyze the entire foot (left foot: surface [interaction p = 0.0452], percentage of load [ANCOVA p = 0.0295]) and between both groups (right foot: weight [interaction p = 0.0070; ANCOVA p = 0.0296]). Conclusions: Sacroiliac joint manipulation applied bilaterally in asymptomatic persons resulted in immediate changes in load distribution on plantar support in the standing position. Study limitations and suggestions for future studies are discussed

    "Escuelas monacales", en el siglo XX, en la provincia de Palencia: Monasterio de San Andrés de Arroyo (Santibáñez de Ecla)

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    En este artículo se describe, a partir de la documentación conservada fundamentalmente en el archivo de su respectivo monasterio, una de las varias iniciativas privadas de enseñanza primaria, promovidas por monjas de clausura, en la provincia de palencia, en el pasado siglo xx.In this article it is described, from the documentation preserved fundamentally in the file of your respective monastery, one of several initiatives deprived of elementary education, promoted by nuns of closing, in the province of palencia, in the past 20th centur

    Short assessment test by phonological awareness P.E.C.O.

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    El objetivo de este este trabajo es obtener una versión abreviada del conocimiento fonológico a partir de la prueba P.E.C.O. manteniendo una validez adecuada. Entendemos por conocimiento fonológico la habilidad para tomar conciencia y manipular los elementos más simples del lenguaje oral como son las sílabas (conocimiento silábico) y los fonemas (conocimiento fonémico). Un adecuado desarrollo del conocimiento fonológico junto con otras habilidades como la velocidad de denominación son fundamentales para la adquisición del principio alfabético, y por tanto para aprender a leer y a escribir en un idioma transparente como el español. Para llevar a cabo el estudio, se toma la muestra original de tipificación (N=240) formada por alumnos y alumnas de habla española de educación infantil de 5 años (mediana de edad de 5 años y 9 meses) y se utiliza el análisis de regresión múltiple (método de pasos sucesivos) para obtener un modelo de regresión que maximiza una predicción ajustada con nueve ítems. A partir de los resultados se obtuvo una versión abreviada y representativa de la prueba original, que contiene ítems variados en cuanto al tipo de tareas (identificación, adición y omisión) con garantías de predecir el rendimiento en conocimiento fonológico de los alumnos en tres niveles: alto, medio y bajoThe objective of this work is to obtain an abridged version of phonological awareness from the test P.E.C.O. maintaining adequate validity. We understand phonemic awareness skills to become aware and manipulate the simplest elements of spoken language such as syllables (syllabic knowledge) and phonemes (phonemic awareness). Proper development of phonological awareness along with other skills such as naming speed are essential for the acquisition of the alphabetic principle, and thus to learn to read and write in a transparent language such as Spanish. To conduct the study, the original sample typing (N = 240) formed by students from Spanish-speaking child education of 5 years (median age of 5 years and 9 months) is taken and used analysis multiple regression (stepwise method) to obtain a regression model that maximizes an adjusted prediction nine items. From the results an abbreviated and representative version of the original test, containing various items in the type of tasks (identification, addition and omission) guarantees to predict performance in phonological awareness of students in three levels was obtained: high, medium and lo