106 research outputs found

    Insights on social life-cycle-assessment in practice in Sweden

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    The aim of this report is to provide better understanding of opportunities for and potential limitation on social life-cycle-assessment (S-LCA) usage for decision-making and communication. We present results from and the design of an interview study on 11 major organizations in Sweden. The studied organizations were found only to a considerably limited degree to have applied S-LCA. The findings also indicate an S-LCA potential due to a considerable focus on social issues, because other approaches used by the organizations only cover short parts of product chains, and as a result of it being scientific maybe appealing to research and development units. Identified potential challenges with the methodology are S-LCA not being holistic regarding sustainability, S-LCA users excluding indicators, S-LCA lacking context-specific indicators; the S-LCA procedure not encouraging keeping and improving suppliers and other actors; S-LCA being impractical, including costly, S-LCA results being difficult to communicate, S-LCA not providing clear risk information; and S-LCA addressing industries rather than the retailers which could exercise more pressure on product chains. The interviewees are considered to represent the organizations well. Other recent S-LCA literature only to a limited degree covers the types of findings from our study. Due to the life-cycle interest in the organizations and in Sweden in general, the findings can be of broader relevance. If a structured approach such as S-LCA is found to be needed (for example, because of the challenges with for example some United Nation goals and strong relations between these issues and product chains) and the complexity of preforming it makes it very expensive, maybe consideration of a wide variety of approaches to somehow handle that dilemma might be needed

    Insights on social-LCA in practice in Sweden

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    We aim to provide better understanding of opportunities for SLCA use. We report on interviews with representatives of 11 major organizations in Sweden with considerable focus on life-cycles. The organizations are found only to a considerably limited degree to have applied SLCA. The findings also indicate an SLCA potential due to a considerable focus on social issues and because other methods only cover short parts of product chains. Identified challenges with the methodology are SLCA not handling sustainability aspects such as from a global perspective over time, SLCA being costly to use, SLCA not handling the context dependent and rapidly changing social impacts well, SLCA maybe being too flexible regarding the user excluding indicators, and maybe SLCA addressing industries rather than the retailers to which it could matter more, among other. Due to the life-cycle interest in the organizations and Sweden, the findings can be of broader relevance

    Incentives for recycling and incineration in LCA: Polymers in Product Environmental Footprints

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    For material recycling to occur, waste material from a product life cycle must be made available for recycling and then used in the production of a new product. When recycling is beneficial for the environment, the LCA results should give incentives to collection for recycling and also to the use of recycled material in new products. However, most established methods for modelling recycling in LCA risk giving little or even wrong incentives. Many methods, such as the Circular Footprint Formula (CFF) in a Product Environmental Footprint (PEF), assign some of the environmental benefits of recycling to the product that uses recycled materials. This means that the incentive to send used products for recycling will be lower. If energy recovery also provides an environmental benefit, because the energy recovered substitutes energy supplied with a greater environmental impact, the LCA results may indicate that the waste should instead be sent to incineration – even when recycling is the environmentally preferable option for the society. This study aims to increase the knowledge on the extent to which PEF results, and LCA results in general, risk giving incorrect incentives for energy recovery from plastic waste. Our calculations focus on the climate impact of the recycling and incineration of LDPE waste generated in Sweden. Since this is a pilot study, we use easily available input data only. We estimate the net climate benefit through simple substitution, where recycled material is assumed to replace virgin material and where energy recovered from LDPE waste is assumed to replace average Swedish district heat and electricity. We then apply the CFF to find whether a PEF would give the same indications. Our results show no risk of a PEF or LCA giving incorrect climate incentives for incineration of fossil LDPE. However, an LCA can wrongly indicate that renewable LDPE should be incinerated rather than recycled. Our results indicate this can happen in a PEF when the heat and electricity substituted by incineration has 40-200% more climate impact than the Swedish average district heat and electricity.Our study also aims to increase knowledge about the extent to which correct incentives can be obtained through a more thorough analysis of incineration with energy recovery – specifically, through:\ua0\ua0\ua0 1. a deeper understanding of Factor B, which in the CFF can be used to assign part of the burdens and benefits of energy recovery to the energy instead of the product investigated, but which in the PEF guidelines by default is set to 0, or\ua0\ua0\ua0 2. a broader systems perspective that accounts for the effects of energy recovery on waste imports and thus waste management in other countries.We estimate Factor B based on the observation that waste incineration can be described as a process with multiple jointly determining functions. Waste treatment and energy recovery both contribute to driving investments in incineration. This, in turn, defines the volume of waste incinerated, the quantity of energy recovered, and the quantity of energy substituted. We propose that expected revenues from gate fees and energy are an appropriate basis for calculating Factor B. Up-to-date estimates of the expected revenues in the relevant region should ideally be used for the calculations. Lacking such data,we suggest the value B=0.6 can be used in the CFF when modelling waste incineration in Sweden. Our PEF calculations with Factor B=0.6 indicate such a PEF will identify the environmentally best option for plastic waste management in almost all cases. However, this is at least in part luck: Factor B will vary over time and between locations, and other parts of the CFF varies between materials.To account for the broader systems perspective, we develop two scenarios based on different assumptions on whether change in Swedish waste imports affects the incineration or landfilling in other European countries. The scenarios bring a large uncertainty into the results. This uncertainty is real in the sense that it is difficult to know how a change in Swedish waste imports in the end will affect waste management in other countries. The uncertainty still makes it difficult to draw conclusions on whether renewable LDPE should be recycled or incinerated.Our suggestions for Factor B and European scenarios both make the CFF more balanced and consistent: it now recognizes that not only recycling but alsoenergy recovery depends on more than the flow of waste from the life cycle investigated. However, neither Factor B nor the broader systems perspective amends the fact that LCA tends to focus on one product at a time. This might not be enough to guide a development that requires coordinated or concerted actions between actors in different life cycles – such as increased recycling or energy recovery. Assessing decisions in one product life cycle at a time might in this context be compared to independently assessing the action of clapping one hand. This will most probably not result in an applaud.Besides a more thorough assessment of energy recovery, we also discuss the option to give correct incentives for recycling from LCA by assigning the full environmental benefit of recycling to the product that generates waste for recycling but also to the product where the recycled material is used. We find that this 100/100 approach can give negative LCA results for products produced from recycled material and recycled to a high degree after recycling, because the benefits of recycling are counted twice. The LCA results would indicate that you save material resources by producing and recycling such products without ever using them. The 100/100 approach also lacks additivity, does not model foreseeable consequences, and does not assign a well-defined environmental value to the recovered secondary material.To guide concerted actions, like recycling or energy recovery, it seems systems analysis should ideally assess the necessary actions in combination. Many situations require the environmental impacts to be estimated for a specific product or a specific action. In some cases, however, the LCA results can be calculated and presented with, for example, the following introduction:“When the material is sent to recycling, you will, together with the recycler and the actor using the recycled material, jointly achieve this net environmental benefit: 
”Such joint assessment of supply and demand for secondary materials means the allocation problem is avoided. It is also consistent with the recommendation in the old SETAC “Code of Practice” to assess life cycles with recycling by studying the inputs and outputs from the total linked system

    Modelling incineration for more accurate comparisons to recycling in PEF and LCA

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    When recycling is beneficial for the environment, results from a life cycle assessment (LCA) should give incentives to collection for recycling and also to the use of recycled material in new products. Many approaches for modeling recycling in LCA assign part of the environmental benefits of recycling to the product where the recycled material is used. For example, the Circular Footprint Formula in the framework for Product Environmental Footprints (PEF) assigns less than 45% of the benefits of recycling to a polymer product sent to recycling. Our calculations indicate that this creates an incorrect climate incentive for incineration of renewable LDPE, when the recovered energy substitutes energy sources with 100–300% more climate impact than the Swedish average district heat and electricity. The risk of incorrect incentives can be reduced through allocating part of the net benefits of energy recovery to the life cycle where the energy is used; we propose this part can be 60% for Sweden, but probably less in countries without a district-heating network. Alternatively, the LCA can include the alternative treatment of waste that is displaced at the incinerator by waste from the investigated product. These solutions both make the LCA more balanced and consistent. The allocation factor 0.6 at incineration almost eliminates the risk of incorrect incentives in a PEF of renewable polymers. However, the focus of LCA on one product at a time might still make it insufficient to guide recycling, which requires concerted actions between actors in different life cycles

    Evaluating the greenhouse gas impact from biomass gasification systems in industrial clusters – methodology and examples

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    Biomass gasification is identified as one of the key technologies for producing biofuels for the transport sector and can also produce many other types of products. Biomass gasification systems are large-scale industrial systems and it is important to evaluate such systems from economic, environmental and synergetic perspectives before implementation. The objective of this study is to define a methodology for evaluating the greenhouse gas (GHG) impact of different biomass gasification systems and to exemplify the methodology. The ultimate purpose of the methodology is to evaluate the GHG performance of different biomass gasification systems integrated in industrial clusters. A life cycle perspective is applied. Most biomass gasification systems are multiproduct systems, simultaneously producing biofuels, heat at different temperatures and pressures and electricity. The value, in economic terms and in terms of GHG emissions, is well defined for some products (e.g. biofuels), whereas for other products (such as heat and electricity) it is more uncertain and in some cases dependent on time and location

    HarvsÄdd i konventionella och plöjningsfria bearbetningssystem

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    I en serie med lÄngliggande försök jÀmfördes tvÄ storruteled (plöjning till 25 cm djup respektive stubbearbetning till 13 cm djup) och tvÄ smÄruteled (konventionell sÄbÀddsberedning och sÄdd respektive harv sÄdd) för att testa om en reducering av antalet överfarter minskar de negativa effekter av packning av centrala matjorden som förknippas med plöjningsfri odling. Skörden bestÀmdes varje Är pÄ alla platserna. En undersökning av jordens fysikaliska och kemiska egenskaper samt rotfördelning genomfördes 1991 pÄ en av de fyra försöksplatserna. - Bearbetningsdjup, aggregatstorleksfördelning och vattenhalt i sÄbÀdden och i sÄbÀddens botten var liknande i de olika leden medan sÄbÀddens botten var jÀmnare i det oplöjda ledet. Det pÄverkade ej grödans uppkomst, som var liknande mellan leden. - Andelen porer > 100 ”m, porkontinuitet, mÀttad vattengenomslÀpplighet och luftgenomslÀpplighet pÄverkades positivt av plöjningsfri odling jÀmfört med konventionell bearbetning. - Skrymdensitet, packningsgrad och penetrometermotstÄnd var liknande i bearbetningssystemen i nivÄn 0-13 cm, men signifikant högre i oplöjda led i nivÄn 13-25 cm, dÀr rotdensiteten var signifikant lÀgre. - Kalium och kol var koncentrerade till de övre 13 cm i oplöjda rutor, medan fosfor och pH ej pÄverkades av bearbetningssystemen. - HarvsÄdd gav 2 % högre skörd Àn konventionell sÄbÀddsberedning och verkar vara ett gott alternativ till konventionell sÄbÀddsberedning, men andra metoder för att reducera packningen av jorden, som till exempel dÀck med extremt lÄga tryck, bör testas

    Effects of reduced tillage and liming on microbial activity and soil properties in a weakly-structured soil

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    Abstract The effects of reduced tillage and lime on crop yield and soil physical and microbial properties were studied in a weakly-structured silty clay loam soil. Two autumn primary tillage practices were compared, mouldboard ploughing to 20-25 cm and cultivation to 12 cm. Seedbed preparation was carried out by several harrowing operations in the mouldboard ploughed treatment, and with a PTO-driven harrow in the same operation as sowing in the shallow cultivation treatment. The tillage treatments were applied alone or were combined with liming aimed at soil structural improvement. Lime was added as 6.5 Mg CaO ha −1 before the start of the experiment and mixed into the top 12 cm of soil with a disc cultivator. A 4-year crop rotation was used: spring barley, spring oilseed rape, spring/winter wheat and oats, and all crops were compared each year. Crop residues were retained in the experiment and incorporated at cultivation. Aggregate stability was improved by the shallower tillage depth, probably as an effect of an increase in soil organic matter and a more active microbial biomass. Liming had little effect on soil structure variables but increased microbial activity to some extent. This was reflected in higher crop yields, especially when the shallow tillage depth was combined with liming. Penetration resistance in the seedbed subsoil was highest when mouldboard ploughing was carried out in plots without liming. Data were examined with principal component analyses, and the structures in the data were presented as scores and loading plots, which revealed groupings between samples and relationships between variables, respectively

    Anorexia nervosa: 30-year outcome

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    Background: Little is known about the long-term outcome of anorexia nervosa. Aims: To study the 30-year outcome of adolescent-onset anorexia nervosa. Method: All 4291 individuals born in 1970 and attending eighth grade in 1985 in Gothenburg, Sweden were screened for anorexia nervosa. A total of 24 individuals (age cohort for anorexia nervosa) were pooled with 27 individuals with anorexia nervosa (identified through community screening) who were born in 1969 and 1971–1974. The 51 individuals with anorexia nervosa and 51 school- and gender-matched controls were followed prospectively and examined at mean ages of 16, 21, 24, 32 and 44. Psychiatric disorders, health-related quality of life and general outcome were assessed. Results At the 30-year follow-up 96% of participants agreed to participate. There was no mortality. Of the participants, 19% had an eating disorder diagnosis (6% anorexia nervosa, 2% binge-eating disorder, 11% other specified feeding or eating disorder); 38% had other psychiatric diagnoses; and 64% had full eating disorder symptom recovery, i.e. free of all eating disorder criteria for 6 consecutive months. During the elapsed 30 years, participants had an eating disorder for 10 years, on average, and 23% did not receive psychiatric treatment. Good outcome was predicted by later age at onset among individuals with adolescent-onset anorexia nervosa and premorbid perfectionism. Conclusions: This long-term follow-up study reflects the course of adolescent-onset anorexia nervosa and has shown a favourable outcome regarding mortality and full symptom recovery. However, one in five had a chronic eating disorder

    New insights from XRF core scanning data into boreal lake ontogeny during the Eemian (Marine Isotope Stage 5e) at Sokli, northeast Finland

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    Biological proxies from the Sokli Eemian (Marine Isotope Stage 5e) paleolake sequence from northeast Finland have previously shown that, unlike many postglacial records from boreal sites, the lake becomes increasingly eutrophic over time. Here, principal components (PC) were extracted from a high resolution multi-element XRF core scanning dataset to describe minerogenic input from the wider catchment (PC1), the input of S, Fe, Mn, and Ca-rich detrital material from the surrounding Sokli Carbonatite Massif (PC2), and chemical weathering (PC3). Minerogenic inputs to the lake were elevated early in the record and during two abrupt cooling events when soils and vegetation in the catchment were poor. Chemical weathering in the catchment generally increased over time, coinciding with higher air temperatures, catchment productivity, and the presence of acidic conifer species. Abiotic edaphic processes play a key role in lake ontogeny at this site stemming from the base cation- and nutrient-rich bedrock, which supports lake alkalinity and productivity. The climate history at this site, and its integrated effects on the lake system, appear to override development processes and alters its long-term trajectory.Peer reviewe

    A Physical Model for the Condensation and Decondensation of Eukaryotic Chromosomes

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    During the eukaryotic cell cycle, chromatin undergoes several conformational changes, which are believed to play key roles in gene expression regulation during interphase, and in genome replication and division during mitosis. In this paper, we propose a scenario for chromatin structural reorganization during mitosis, which bridges all the different scales involved in chromatin architecture, from nucleosomes to chromatin loops. We build a model for chromatin, based on available data, taking into account both physical and topological constraints DNA has to deal with. Our results suggest that the mitotic chromosome condensation/decondensation process is induced by a structural change at the level of the nucleosome itself
