188 research outputs found

    Jacobi-Type orthogonal polynomials: holonomic equation and electrostatic interpretation

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    16 pages, no figures.-- MSC2000 code: 33C47.MR#: MR2410226 (2009c:33029)In this contribution we study some pertubation of the Jacobi weight function by adding a mass point at x = 1, one of the ends of the interval supporting such a measure. We find the explicit expression of the corresponding orthogonal polynomials as well as the holonomic equation that such polynomials satisfy. Next, we analyze the location of their zeros and, finally, we give an electrostatic interpretation of them.The work of the second author (FM) has been supported by Dirección General de investigación, Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia of Spain, grant MTM2006-13000-C03-02.Publicad

    Caracterización molecular de un nuevo tipo de Peroxidasa lignolítica

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    Tesis de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, leída el 01-03-1999Fac. de Ciencias BiológicasTRUEpu

    Perturbations of Laguerre-Hahn functional: modification by the derivative of a Dirac delta

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    19 pages, no figures.-- MSC2000 code: 33C47.MR#: MR2492206 (2010a:33031)Zbl#: Zbl pre05509604In this paper, we consider a perturbation of a Laguerre-Hahn functional by adding a derivative of a Dirac delta. This transformation leaves invariant the family of Laguerre-Hahn linear functionals. We shall also analyse the class of the perturbed linear functional. Finally, we illustrate these perturbations by adding the derivative of a Dirac delta to the first kind associated functional of the classical Laguerre functional. The expression of the new orthogonal polynomials is obtained.The work of the first and second author has been supported by Comunidad de Madrid-Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, grant CCG07-UC3M/ESP-3339. The work of the second author has been supported by Dirección General de Investigación, Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia of Spain, grant MTM2006-13000-C03-02.Publicad

    Sobre (1, 1) pares coherentes simétricos y polinomios ortogonales Sobolev: un algoritmo para calcular coeficientes de Fourier

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    In the pioneering paper [13], the concept of Coherent Pair was introduced by Iserles et al. In particular, an algorithm to compute Fourier Coefficients in expansions of Sobolev orthogonal polynomials defined from coherent pairs of measures supported on an infinite subset of the real line is described. In this paper we extend such an algorithm in the framework of the so called Symmetric (1, 1)-Coherent Pairs presented in [8].En el artículo pionero [13], fue introducido el concepto de Par Coherente por Iserles et al. En particular, allí es descrito un algoritmo para calcular coeficientes de Fourier de expansiones de polinomios ortogonales de tipo Sobolev definidos a partir de pares de medidas coherentes soportadas en un subconjunto infinito de la recta real. En esta contribución extendemos tal algoritmo en el contexto de los llamados Pares Simétricos (1, 1)−Coherentes presentados en [8]

    Magnetic influence on water evaporation rate: an empirical triadic model

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    Over the past decades researchers have described what happens to the water when a polarizing external field is applied to it and changes the bonding forces existing in it. Water evaporation, an essential process in nature, has been targeted in a great number of studies. In this paper, static magnetic fields ranging from 30-to-200 mT were applied to circulating purified water to study their effect on how the evaporation rate changed under different ambient conditions. A statistical approach was employed to verify the significance of the magnetically induced effect. Our results showed that by applying a static magnetic field to the water, the evaporation rate increased at lower temperatures, yielding an evaporation increase for magnetized water of up to at 6 °C. We found too that the circulation of the water did not contribute significantly to the evaporation rate. We used an empirical triadic model to correlate the applied magnetic field with the ambient parameters of temperature and humidity.This work was supported in part by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (ID: PGC2018-096994-B-C22), the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad -Infraestructura FEDER- (ID: EQC2018-004395-P), and by Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Huelva/ CBUA

    Effect of low intensity static magnetic field on purified water in stationary condition: ultraviolet absorbance & contact angle experimental studies

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    This work focused its attention on the effect of low intensity static magnetic field on purified water: more specifically, on how the ultraviolet absorbance and the surface tension of the water may be affected. It has been found that pure water, exposed to a magnetic field for periods of time, does not absorb the ultraviolet radiation in an asymptotic way, but shows a local maximum at 15 minutes. It is also shown that the contact angle of droplets on paraffin can be reduced by up to 5 degrees by exposing the water to a 10 mT static magnetic field

    Tutorial para el reconocimiento de objetos basado en características empleando herramientas Phyton

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    El reconocimiento de objetos es algo innato en el ser humano. Cuando las personas miramos una fotografía, somos capaces de detectar sin esfuerzo elementos como animales, señales, objetos de interés, etc. En el campo de la visión por computador este proceso se lleva a cabo mediante herramientas de Inteligencia Artificial, con el fin de obtener información sobre el contenido de una imagen. Esta tarea, aunque ampliamente investigada, a un sigue siendo un campo de estudio activo debido a los grandes retos que conlleva: la detección de objetos en distintas condiciones luminosas, con posibles oclusiones, distintos tamaños y perspectivas, etc. Este artículo describe las tareas a completar en el desarrollo de un sistema de reconocimiento de objetos exitoso, y proporciona al lector una serie de directrices prácticas sobre como realizarlas. El trabajo viene acompañado de una serie de scripts Python para experimentar con las diferentes técnicas descritas, pretendiendo servir de apoyo en tareas docentes o de iniciación a cualquier entusiasta en la materia.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Este trabajo se ha desarrollado en el marco del proyecto WISER (DPI2017-84827-R), financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación contando con fondos del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER)

    A semantic-based gas source localization with a mobile robot combining vision and chemical sensing.

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    CC BYThis paper addresses the localization of a gas emission source within a real-world human environment with a mobile robot. Our approach is based on an efficient and coherent system that fuses different sensor modalities (i.e., vision and chemical sensing) to exploit, for the first time, the semantic relationships among the detected gases and the objects visually recognized in the environment. This novel approach allows the robot to focus the search on a finite set of potential gas source candidates (dynamically updated as the robot operates), while accounting for the non-negligible uncertainties in the object recognition and gas classification tasks involved in the process. This approach is particularly interesting for structured indoor environments containing multiple obstacles and objects, enabling the inference of the relations between objects and between objects and gases. A probabilistic Bayesian framework is proposed to handle all these uncertainties and semantic relations, providing an ordered list of candidates to be the source. This candidate list is updated dynamically upon new sensor measurements to account for objects not previously considered in the search process. The exploitation of such probabilities together with information such as the locations of the objects, or the time needed to validate whether a given candidate is truly releasing gases, is delegated to a path planning algorithm based on Markov decision processes to minimize the search time. The system was tested in an office-like scenario, both with simulated and real experiments, to enable the comparison of different path planning strategies and to validate its efficiency under real-world conditions.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (DPI2017-84827-R). Unión europea (MoveCare (732158)). Junta de Andalucía (TEP2012-530)

    Radionuclides in arctic marine macroalgae from Kongsfjorden (Svalbard)

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    Seaweeds are known to be useful environmental bioindicators since they bioaccumulate radioisotopes at very low environmental concentrations. Levels of natural radionuclides in six ecologically relevant brown and red seaweed species from Arctic coasts (Kongsfjorden, Spitsbergen, Svalbard Islands) were analysed in the present study, in order to characterise the levels of natural radioactivity in this ecosystem and to compare this with previously published data in coastal areas from other latitudes. Thalli were collected by SCUBA divers at different depths in Hansneset in September 2014 and transported immediately to the laboratory. Young thalli, free from macroscopic epibiota, were dried, powdered and confined in a standard geometry before gamma spectrometry measurements. Then, the radioactivity of 7Be, 40K, 208Tl, 210Pb, 212Pb, 226Ra and 228Ra was measured by high-resolution gamma spectrometry using high-purity germanium detectors for 172800 s. Detectors were calibrated using a traceable multi gamma standard source and results are on a dry weight and fresh weight basis and are decay corrected to the date of sampling. Our results revealed the influence of cosmogenic radionuclides in the intertidal zone, as shown by the unique presence of 7Be in the brown macroalga Fucus distichus, the only analysed species inhabiting the intertidal. High concentrations of 40K were observed in all species, as this is one of the essential elements in biota. Remarkably is the high content of 210Pb in the red seaweeds Phycodrys rubens and Ptilota gunneri, suggesting that these species might possess a higher capacity for heavy metals bioaccumulation than the analysed brown seaweeds

    Improvement of healthy lifestyles and quality of life in a learning community through community health education programmes

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    En Andalucía se han venido desarrollando durante los últimos años experiencias participativas llevadas a cabo por centros configurados como Comunidades de Aprendizaje que van consiguiendo, paulatinamente, transformar la realidad socioeducativa de la escuela y su entorno, movilizando la aportación cultural y educativa de muchas personas implicadas en la mejora de la educación. En este artículo se mostrará si a través de dichas aportaciones, y llevando a cabo programas de educación comunitaria sobre salud, mejora la calidad de vida de un centro transformado en comunidad de aprendizaje, donde el 84% del alumnado es de etnia gitana, durante el curso 2018/19. La metodología de investigación utilizada responde al enfoque comunicativo crítico, buscando la descripción y/o interpretación de la realidad, y además pretende ayudar a transformar esa realidad. Dicha metodología está basada en el diálogo igualitario entre la comunidad científica y las personas cuya realidad sea objeto de investigación. A través de las entrevistas en profundidad de orientación comunicativa y los grupos de discusión comunicativos se vislumbrará que el alumnado ha mejorado sus hábitos de vida saludables, manifestándose también que lo aprendido en la escuela se encuentra, a menudo, en conflicto con lo que adquieren en su entorno familiar