33 research outputs found

    Adoption of innovation in agriculture:A critical review of economic and psychological models

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    Two main models have been used to analyse farmers’ decisions toadopt an innovation; the first is based on the concept of utility maximisation(UM) and the second is based on the theory of planned behaviour (TPB). Thisstudy uses a vote-count method to identify the effect of different variables onfarmers’ adoption decisions in 36 studies using either UM or the TPB. Resultsfrom the UM studies show that the explanatory variables mostly have aninsignificant effect on the adoption decision. When the effects are significant,the sign of the effect is inconsistent across studies. Results from the TPBstudies show that correlations between the psychological constructs used in thistype of model are significant in most cases. However, most variables are onlyused in one or two studies and it is therefore no

    Alianças público-privadas para a inovação: o caso dos Consorcios Regionales de Innovación liderados pelo Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuária do Uruguai

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    The public-private partnerships represent a strategy for improving the efficiency in the generation of innovations in a global context, where the increasing of competitiveness is crucial for companies. Although the public and business environment present different interests, it is possible to establish a common area for this type of alliance, oriented to the generation of knowledge in a further conscious environment of business and productive realities. As an example of this type of alliance, the National Institute of Livestock Investigation of Uruguay (INIA) is in the process of implementing the Regional Consortium for Innovation (CRI) in the production chain of milk in Uruguay, in order to facilitate the development of research and development activities oriented to innovation. Thus, this paper, through an exploratory and documentary survey, describes the example of the INIA and, based on the literature about public-private partnerships, discusses its importance in the development of Uruguay.As alianças público-privadas constituem uma estratégia para a melhoria da eficiência na geração de inovações num contexto mundial, onde o aumento da competitividade é fundamental para as empresas. Embora o ambiente público e o empresarial apresentem interesses diferentes, é possível determinar um espaço comum para este tipo de aliança, orientado à geração do conhecimento em um ambiente mais ciente da realidade empresarial e produtiva. Como exemplo deste tipo de aliança, o Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuária do Uruguai (INIA) está passando pelo processo de implementação do Consorcio Regional de Innovación (CRI) na cadeia de produção do leite no Uruguai, com o intuito de facilitar o desenvolvimento das atividades de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento orientadas à inovação. Assim, este trabalho, através de uma pesquisa exploratória e documental, descreve o exemplo do INIA e, com base em literatura sobre alianças público-privadas, discute a sua importância no contexto de desenvolvimento uruguaio

    Comparando Grupos de Agricultores de Acordo com suas Intenções em Diversificar a Produção Agrícola: Uma Aplicação da Teoria do Comportamento Planejado

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    Diversification of production in rural areas is one of the priority themes in the European Union, since it ensures the production of different foods. The objective of this study is to analyze if the different levels of intention of the familiar farmers in diversifying the agricultural production can be explained by the constructs Attitude, Subjective Normative and Perceived Behavioral Control, by the decision styles and the socioeconomic characteristics of the farmers. The study was carried out with 101 family farmers located in the Northwest region of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, where milk production is their main source of income. The data showed that there are two groups of farmers, one with weak intention to diversify and another with strong intention. It was observed that the group with low intention perceives diversification as less favorable (attitude), feel less social pressure (subjective norms) and perceive as less their ability to use this productive strategy in their rural establishments (perceived behavioral control) than the group with strong intention. The results showed that the group with a strong intention to diversify has a larger family and has a smaller area of land, compared to the group with low intention. The results of this study can be used to promote rural development in small farms and suggest public policies aimed at this area, especially for forms of production that provide food for urban supply

    Comparing groups of farmers according to their intentions to diversify agricultural production : an application of the planned Behavior Theory

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    A diversificação da produção no meio rural é um dos temas prioritários na União Europeia, uma vez que assegura a produção de diferentes alimentos. O objetivo deste estudo é analisar se os diferentes níveis de intenção dos agricultores familiares em diversificar a produção agrícola podem ser explicados pelos constructos Atitude, Norma Subjetiva e Controle Comportamental Percebido, pelos estilos de decisão e pelas características socioeconômicas dos agricultores. O estudo foi realizado com 101 agricultores familiares localizados na Região Noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, que tem na produção de leite sua principal fonte de renda. Os dados demonstraram que existem dois grupos de agricultores, um com fraca intenção de diversificar e outro com forte intenção. Constatou-se que o grupo com fraca intenção percebe a diversificação como menos favorável (atitude), sente uma menor pressão social (normas subjetivas) e percebe como menor sua capacidade de utilizar esta estratégia produtiva em seus estabelecimentos rurais (controle comportamental percebido) do que o grupo com forte intenção. Os resultados mostraram que o grupo com forte intenção de diversificar possui família maior e tem menor área de terra, comparado com o grupo de fraca intenção. Os resultados deste estudo podem ser utilizados para promover o desenvolvimento rural, e sugerem políticas públicas voltadas para este espaço, sobretudo para formas de produção que fornecem alimentos destinados ao abastecimento urbano.Diversification of production in rural areas is one of the priority themes in the European Union, since it ensures the production of different foods. The objective of this study is to analyze if the different levels of intention of the familiar farmers in diversifying the agricultural production can be explained by the constructs Attitude, Subjective Normative and Perceived Behavioral Control, by the decision styles and the socioeconomic characteristics of the farmers. The study was carried out with 101 family farmers located in the Northwest region of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, where milk production is their main source of income. The data showed that there are two groups of farmers, one with weak intention to diversify and another with strong intention. It was observed that the group with low intention perceives diversification as less favorable (attitude), feel less social pressure (subjective norms) and perceive as less their ability to use this productive strategy in their rural establishments (perceived behavioral control) than the group with strong intention. The results showed that the group with a strong intention to diversify has a larger family and has a smaller area of land, compared to the group with low intention. The results of this study can be used to promote rural development in small farms and suggest public policies aimed at this area, especially for forms of production that provide food for urban supply

    Catálogo Taxonômico da Fauna do Brasil: setting the baseline knowledge on the animal diversity in Brazil

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    The limited temporal completeness and taxonomic accuracy of species lists, made available in a traditional manner in scientific publications, has always represented a problem. These lists are invariably limited to a few taxonomic groups and do not represent up-to-date knowledge of all species and classifications. In this context, the Brazilian megadiverse fauna is no exception, and the Catálogo Taxonômico da Fauna do Brasil (CTFB) (http://fauna.jbrj.gov.br/), made public in 2015, represents a database on biodiversity anchored on a list of valid and expertly recognized scientific names of animals in Brazil. The CTFB is updated in near real time by a team of more than 800 specialists. By January 1, 2024, the CTFB compiled 133,691 nominal species, with 125,138 that were considered valid. Most of the valid species were arthropods (82.3%, with more than 102,000 species) and chordates (7.69%, with over 11,000 species). These taxa were followed by a cluster composed of Mollusca (3,567 species), Platyhelminthes (2,292 species), Annelida (1,833 species), and Nematoda (1,447 species). All remaining groups had less than 1,000 species reported in Brazil, with Cnidaria (831 species), Porifera (628 species), Rotifera (606 species), and Bryozoa (520 species) representing those with more than 500 species. Analysis of the CTFB database can facilitate and direct efforts towards the discovery of new species in Brazil, but it is also fundamental in providing the best available list of valid nominal species to users, including those in science, health, conservation efforts, and any initiative involving animals. The importance of the CTFB is evidenced by the elevated number of citations in the scientific literature in diverse areas of biology, law, anthropology, education, forensic science, and veterinary science, among others

    Riscos e mecanismos para gerenciá-los : uma análise a partir das percepções dos produtores de commodities agrícolas

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    O gerenciamento de riscos é essencial para os produtores rurais de commodities agrícolas, visto que há uma variedade significativa de riscos que podem impactar negativamente nas atividades dos que produzem no campo. Da mesma maneira que os riscos são diversos, os mecanismos para gerenciá-los também o são. Entretanto, o que se percebe empiricamente é a baixa, ou até mesmo não utilização dos mecanismos formais por parte dos produtores, emergindo um paradoxo. A partir das premissas da teoria da tomada de decisão e da influência das características socioeconômicas e da estrutura de recursos da propriedade nas percepções dos produtores e, por conseguinte em seus comportamentos econômicos, esse estudo foi conduzido com o objetivo de identificar fatores influentes nas percepções dos produtores de commodities agrícolas inseridos na microrregião geográfica de Vacaria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, sobre riscos e mecanismos para gerenciá-los Para se chegar à amostra não probabilística de oitenta produtores, foram realizadas entrevistas com dez informanteschaves que possibilitaram o contato com os respondentes. Os produtores rurais, além de responderem sobre suas características socioeconômicas e de estrutura de recursos da propriedade, foram questionados sobre suas percepções acerca de riscos. Os dados foram analisados pela estatística descritiva e análise multivariada. Os resultados demonstram que as fontes de riscos consideradas pelos respondentes como mais relevantes foram variabilidade climática, flutuações dos preços dos produtos e aumento dos custos de produção, enquanto que para os mecanismos de gerenciamento os classificados como mais importantes foram redução ou prevenção de doenças nas culturas, obtenção de uma reserva de crédito, obtenção de informações de mercado, gerenciamento de dívidas, utilização de consultores técnicos e diminuição de riscos com adoção de tecnologias. A partir dos dados quantitativos, realizaramse duas análises fatoriais, com posterior construção de modelos de regressão múltipla, visando a identificar fatores influentes nas percepções dos produtores. Os fatores identificados como influentes, embora com baixo impacto nas percepções, foram: idade, experiência no gerenciamento, atividade geradora de renda, nível educacional, sucessor, área da propriedade, principal cultura, posse de maquinário e participação em organizações. Os resultados indicam ainda que as percepções sobre riscos e mecanismos para gerenciá-los são pessoais.Risk management is essential for the rural producers of agricultural commodities as there is a significant variety of risks that can negatively impact in the activities of those who work in the countryside. The same way that the risks are many, the mechanisms to manage them are also several. However, it is perceived that the producers almost do not use these resources or they do not use them at all what is a paradox. From the assumptions of the theory of decision making and from the influence of the socioeconomics characteristics and the resources structure of the ownership in the producers perceptions and therefore in their economic behavior, this study was conducted with the objective of identifying the influential factors in the producers perceptions of agricultural commodities in the micro-geographical region of Vacaria in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil about the risks and mechanisms to manage them. Interviews were conducted with ten key informants that allowed the contact with the respondents in order to reach a non-probability sample of eighty producers. The rural producers were inquired about their socioeconomic characteristics, the resource structure of the property and also about their perceptions concerning the risks. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and multivariate analysis. The results show that the sources of risks considered by the respondents as being the most relevant ones were the climate variability, fluctuation in the price of products and the increased costs of production. Considering the management mechanisms the most important factors were the reduction or prevention of diseases in crops, obtaining a credit reserve, obtaining market information, debt management, the use of technical consultants and the risk reduction with the use of technology. From the quantitative data two factorial analyses were conducted with the subsequent construction of multiple regression models with the aim of identifying the influential factors in the farmers’ perceptions. The factors identified as influential were the age, management experience, the income-generating activity, educational background, successor, area of the property, main crop, machinery availability and the participation in organizations, although they have a low impact. The results also indicate that the risk perceptions and the mechanisms to manage them are personal

    Family farm succession: evidence from absorptive capacity, social capital, and socioeconomic aspects

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    Farm succession is a process socially built from the preparation of the successor and the farm to meet a family business’ expectations. This study aimed to identify how social capital, absorptive capacity, and socioeconomic characteristics influence farm succession. The survey was conducted sampling 82 soybean and corn Brazilian farmers. The questionnaire measured socioeconomic characteristics, Absorptive Capacity (AC), and Social Capital (SC). To test the influence of AC, SC, and socioeconomic characteristics on farm succession, Spearman correlation coefficient (rs) was performed. Results showed that the absorptive capacity can influence farm succession through acquisition, assimilation, use, and transformation of external knowledge into decision making, supporting the definition of successors. Results also suggested that social capital plays an important role to form relationship networks, stimulating discussions, and supporting the designation of successors. The socioeconomic characteristics ‘percentage of family income from the farm, participation in courses and lectures, and being a cooperatives member’ also presented a significant positive correlation with farm succession. Issues related to the capacity to absorb external knowledge, social and symbolic capital and generational transference can be fundamental in the continuity of the family farming business

    Alianças público-privadas para a inovação: o caso dos Consorcios Regionales de Innovación liderados pelo Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuária do Uruguai

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    The public-private partnerships represent a strategy for improving the efficiency in the generation of innovations in a global context, where the increasing of competitiveness is crucial for companies. Although the public and business environment present different interests, it is possible to establish a common area for this type of alliance, oriented to the generation of knowledge in a further conscious environment of business and productive realities. As an example of this type of alliance, the National Institute of Livestock Investigation of Uruguay (INIA) is in the process of implementing the Regional Consortium for Innovation (CRI) in the production chain of milk in Uruguay, in order to facilitate the development of research and development activities oriented to innovation. Thus, this paper, through an exploratory and documentary survey, describes the example of the INIA and, based on the literature about public-private partnerships, discusses its importance in the development of Uruguay.As alianças público-privadas constituem uma estratégia para a melhoria da eficiência na geração de inovações num contexto mundial, onde o aumento da competitividade é fundamental para as empresas. Embora o ambiente público e o empresarial apresentem interesses diferentes, é possível determinar um espaço comum para este tipo de aliança, orientado à geração do conhecimento em um ambiente mais ciente da realidade empresarial e produtiva. Como exemplo deste tipo de aliança, o Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuária do Uruguai (INIA) está passando pelo processo de implementação do Consorcio Regional de Innovación (CRI) na cadeia de produção do leite no Uruguai, com o intuito de facilitar o desenvolvimento das atividades de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento orientadas à inovação. Assim, este trabalho, através de uma pesquisa exploratória e documental, descreve o exemplo do INIA e, com base em literatura sobre alianças público-privadas, discute a sua importância no contexto de desenvolvimento uruguaio

    Family farm succession: evidence from absorptive capacity, social capital, and socioeconomic aspects

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    Farm succession is a process socially built from the preparation of the successor and the farm to meet a family business’ expectations. This study aimed to identify how social capital, absorptive capacity, and socioeconomic characteristics influence farm succession. The survey was conducted sampling 82 soybean and corn Brazilian farmers. The questionnaire measured socioeconomic characteristics, Absorptive Capacity (AC), and Social Capital (SC). To test the influence of AC, SC, and socioeconomic characteristics on farm succession, Spearman correlation coefficient (rs) was performed. Results showed that the absorptive capacity can influence farm succession through acquisition, assimilation, use, and transformation of external knowledge into decision making, supporting the definition of successors. Results also suggested that social capital plays an important role to form relationship networks, stimulating discussions, and supporting the designation of successors. The socioeconomic characteristics ‘percentage of family income from the farm, participation in courses and lectures, and being a cooperatives member’ also presented a significant positive correlation with farm succession. Issues related to the capacity to absorb external knowledge, social and symbolic capital and generational transference can be fundamental in the continuity of the family farming business