539 research outputs found

    Flexible system of multiple RGB-D sensors for measuring and classifying fruits in agri-food Industry

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    The productivity of the agri-food sector experiences continuous and growing challenges that make the use of innovative technologies to maintain and even improve their competitiveness a priority. In this context, this paper presents the foundations and validation of a flexible and portable system capable of obtaining 3D measurements and classifying objects based on color and depth images taken from multiple Kinect v1 sensors. The developed system is applied to the selection and classification of fruits, a common activity in the agri-food industry. Being able to obtain complete and accurate information of the environment, as it integrates the depth information obtained from multiple sensors, this system is capable of self-location and self-calibration of the sensors to then start detecting, classifying and measuring fruits in real time. Unlike other systems that use specific set-up or need a previous calibration, it does not require a predetermined positioning of the sensors, so that it can be adapted to different scenarios. The characterization process considers: classification of fruits, estimation of its volume and the number of assets per each kind of fruit. A requirement for the system is that each sensor must partially share its field of view with at least another sensor. The sensors localize themselves by estimating the rotation and translation matrices that allow to transform the coordinate system of one sensor to the other. To achieve this, Iterative Closest Point (ICP) algorithm is used and subsequently validated with a 6 degree of freedom KUKA robotic arm. Also, a method is implemented to estimate the movement of objects based on the Kalman Filter. A relevant contribution of this work is the detailed analysis and propagation of the errors that affect both the proposed methods and hardware. To determine the performance of the proposed system the passage of different types of fruits on a conveyor belt is emulated by a mobile robot carrying a surface where the fruits were placed. Both the perimeter and volume are measured and classified according to the type of fruit. The system was able to distinguish and classify the 95% of fruits and to estimate their volume with a 85% of accuracy in worst cases (fruits whose shape is not symmetrical) and 94% of accuracy in best cases (fruits whose shape is more symmetrical), showing that the proposed approach can become a useful tool in the agri-food industry.This project has been supported by the National Commission for Science and Technology Research of Chile (Conicyt) under FONDECYT grant 1140575 and the Advanced Center of Electrical and Electronic Engineering - AC3E (CONICYT/FB0008)

    Elección de características de interés en la clasificación de granos de café mediante un sistema de visión por computadora

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    RESUMEN La clasificación de la calidad del café antes de ser tostado, una de las operaciones más importantes para definir su calidad y precio en el mercado, se realiza manualmente por personal entrenado en el reconocimiento de los defectos del café. Sin embargo, el carácter subjetivo, costo y tiempo que este involucra genera un campo de investigación importante para la aplicación de tecnologías como la visión artificial. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la capacidad de identificación de defectos y clasificación de granos de café mediante un sistema de visión por computadora en el espacio red-green- blue (RGB). Para este fin se implementó un sistema de adquisición y análisis de imágenes, desarrollando una aplicación informática en Matlab 2015ª. Se compraron en el mercado local muestras de café verde, clasificando cada grano de acuerdo con la NTP 209.027 2001. Se adquirieron las imágenes de cada clase y se analizaron determinando en cada grano seis parámetros de forma, seis parámetros de color, en los espacios RGB y HSV, y dos índices o diferencias normalizadas. Se determinaron los parámetros con influencia estadística en la clasificación mediante software de análisis de datos WEKA y se implementaron tres modelos de clasificación máquinas de soporte vectorial (Support Vector Machine - SVM), arboles de decisión (Decision Tree - DT) y K-vecino más cercano (K-Nearest Neighbor). Los tres tipos de clasificador utilizados en la presente investigación mostraron precisión entre 89% y 92.3% lo cual prueba la posibilidad de implementar sistemas basados en imágenes RGB para clasificar granos de café.ABSTRACT The classification of quality on coffee before toasting, one of the most important operations to define its quality and price in the market, is done manually by personnel trained in the recognition of coffee defects. However, the subjective nature, the cost and the time that it involves generates an important research field for the application of technologies such as artificial vision. The objective of this study was to evaluate the ability to identify defects and classify coffee beans using a computer vision system in the red-green-blue (RGB) space. For this purpose, a system for acquisition and analysis of images was implemented, developing a computer application in Matlab 2015ª. Samples of green coffee were purchased on local market, each grain being classified according to NTP 209.027 2001. Images of each class were acquired and analyzed by determining in each grain six shape parameters, six color parameters, in the RGB and HSV spaces, and two normalized indices or differences. Statistical relevance of parameters was deterined using the software for data analysis named WEKA and using these three models of classification, vector machines (SVM), decision trees and nearest K-neighbor (K-neighbor), were implemented. The three types of classifier used in the present investigation show accuracy between 89% and 92.3% which probe the possibility to implement systems based on RGB image to classify coffee been

    Estimation of Guitar Fingering and Plucking Controls based on Multimodal Analysis of Motion, Audio and Musical Score

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    This work presents a method for the extraction of instrumental controls during guitar performances. The method is based on the analysis of multimodal data consisting of a combination of motion capture, audio analysis and musical score. High speed video cameras based on marker identification are used to track the position of finger bones and articulations and audio is recorded with a transducer measuring vibration on the guitar body. The extracted parameters are divided into left hand controls, i.e. fingering (which string and fret is pressed with a left hand finger) and right hand controls, i.e. the plucked string, the plucking finger and the characteristics of the pluck (position, velocity and angles with respect to the string). Controls are estimated based on probability functions of low level features, namely, the plucking instants (i.e. note onsets), the pitch and the distances of the fingers (both hands) to strings and frets. Note onsets are detected via audio analysis, the pitch is extracted from the score and distances are computed from 3D Euclidean Geometry. Results show that by combination of multimodal information, it is possible to estimate such a comprehensive set of control features, with special high performance for the fingering and plucked string estimation. Regarding the plucking finger and the pluck characteristics, their accuracy gets lower but improvements are foreseen including a hand model and the use of high-speed cameras for calibration and evaluation.A. Perez-Carrillo was supported by a Beatriu de Pinos grant 2010 BP-A 00209 by the Catalan Research Agency (AGAUR) and J. Ll. Arcos was supported by ICT -2011-8-318770 and 2009-SGR-1434 projectsPeer reviewe

    Novel characterization techniques for cultural heritage using a TEM orientation imaging in combination with 3D precession diffraction tomography: a case study of green and white ancient Roman glass tesserae

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    We present new transmission electron microscopy (TEM) based electron diffraction characterization techniques (orientation imaging combined with 3D precession electron diffraction tomography-ADT) applied on cultural heritage materials. We have determined precisely unit cell parameters, crystal symmetry, atomic structure, and orientation/phase mapping of various pigment/opacifier crystallites at nm scale which are present in green and white Roman glass tesserae. Such TEM techniques can be an alternative to Synchrotron based techniques, and allow to distinguish accurately at nm scale between different crystal structures even in cases of same/very close chemical composition, where is also possible to visualize between different crystal orientations and amorphous/crystalline phases. This study additionally demonstrates that although opacifiers in green and white tesserae are found to have average Pb2Sb2O7 cubic and CaSb2O6 trigonal structures, their pyrochlore related framework can host many other elements like Cu, Ca, Fe through ionic exchanges at high firing temperatures which in turn may also contribute to the tesserae colour appearance

    Interpolating between low and high energy QCD via a 5D Yang-Mills model

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    We describe the Goldstone bosons of massless QCD together with an infinite number of spin-1 mesons. The field content of the model is SU(Nf)xSU(Nf) Yang-Mills in a compact extra-dimension. Electroweak interactions reside on one brane. Breaking of chiral symmetry occurs due to the boundary conditions on the other brane, away from our world, and is therefore spontaneous. Our implementation of the holographic recipe maintains chiral symmetry explicit throughout. For intermediate energies, we extract resonance couplings. These satisfy sum rules due to the 5D nature of the model. These sum rules imply, when taking the high energy limit, that perturbative QCD constraints are satisfied. We also illustrate how the 5D model implies a definite prescription for handling infinite sums over 4D resonances. Taking the low energy limit, we recover the chiral expansion and the corresponding non-local order parameters. All local order parameters are introduced separately.Comment: Corresponds to published version, with some typos correcte

    Functional Recovery and Serum Angiogenin Changes According to Intensity of Rehabilitation Therapy After Stroke

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    Angiogenina; Terapia intensiva; RehabilitaciónAngiogenin; Intensive therapy; RehabilitationAngiogenina; Teràpia intensiva; RehabilitacióBackground: Rehabilitation is still the only treatment available to improve functional status after the acute phase of stroke. Most clinical guidelines highlight the need to design rehabilitation treatments considering starting time, intensity, and frequency, according to the tolerance of the patient. However, there are no homogeneous protocols and the biological effects are under investigation. Objective: To investigate the impact of rehabilitation intensity (hours) after stroke on functional improvement and serum angiogenin (ANG) in a 6-month follow-up study. Methods: A prospective, observational, longitudinal, and multicenter study with three cohorts: strokes in intensive rehabilitation therapy (IRT, minimum 15 h/week) vs. conventional therapy (NO-IRT, <15 h/week), and controls subjects (without known neurological, malignant, or inflammatory diseases). A total of seven centers participated, with functional evaluations and blood sampling during follow-up. The final cohort includes 62 strokes and 43 controls with demographic, clinical, blood samples, and exhaustive functional monitoring. Results: The median (IQR) number of weekly hours of therapy was different: IRT 15 (15–16) vs. NO-IRT 7.5 (5–9), p < 0.01, with progressive and significant improvements in both groups. However, IRT patients showed earlier improvements (within 1 month) on several scales (CAHAI, FMA, and FAC; p < 0.001) and the earliest community ambulation achievements (0.89 m/s at 3 months). There was a significant difference in ANG temporal profile between the IRT and NO-IRT groups (p < 0.01). Additionally, ANG was elevated at 1 month only in the IRT group (p < 0.05) whereas it decreased in the NO-IRT group (p < 0.05). Conclusions: Our results suggest an association of rehabilitation intensity with early functional improvements, and connect the rehabilitation process with blood biomarkers.NG-R holds a VHIR fellowship and MO-G a Joan Margarit VHIR fellowship. Research grants: from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III and European Regional Development Funds (PI16/00981, PI19/00186, RD16/0019/0021, and RD16/0019/0008), 2017-SGR-1427 program from the Generalitat de Catalunya-AGAUR, and Clinical Translational Program for Regenerative Medicine in Catalonia (P-CMR [C])

    Postnatal Persistent Infection with Classical Swine Fever Virus and Its Immunological Implications

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    It is well established that trans-placental transmission of classical swine fever virus (CSFV) during mid-gestation can lead to persistently infected offspring. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the ability of CSFV to induce viral persistence upon early postnatal infection. Two litters of 10 piglets each were infected intranasally on the day of birth with low and moderate virulence CSFV isolates, respectively. During six weeks after postnatal infection, most of the piglets remained clinically healthy, despite persistent high virus titres in the serum. Importantly, these animals were unable to mount any detectable humoral and cellular immune response. At necropsy, the most prominent gross pathological lesion was a severe thymus atrophy. Four weeks after infection, PBMCs from the persistently infected seronegative piglets were unresponsive to both, specific CSFV and non-specific PHA stimulation in terms of IFN-gamma-producing cells. These results suggested the development of a state of immunosuppression in these postnatally persistently infected pigs. However, IL-10 was undetectable in the sera of the persistently infected animals. Interestingly, CSFV-stimulated PBMCs from the persistently infected piglets produced IL-10. Nevertheless, despite the addition of the anti-IL-10 antibody in the PBMC culture from persistently infected piglets, the response of the IFN-gamma producing cells was not restored. Therefore, other factors than IL-10 may be involved in the general suppression of the T-cell responses upon CSFV and mitogen activation. Interestingly, bone marrow immature granulocytes were increased and targeted by the virus in persistently infected piglets. Taken together, we provided the first data demonstrating the feasibility of CSFV in generating a postnatal persistent disease, which has not been shown for other members of the Pestivirus genus yet. Since serological methods are routinely used in CSFV surveillance, persistently infected pigs might go unnoticed. In addition to the epidemiological and economic significance of persistent CSFV infection, this model could be useful for understanding the mechanisms of viral persistence.This research was supported by grant AGL2012-38343 from Spanish government. Author who received the funding: Llilianne Ganges (LG). S. Muñoz-González received predoctoral fellowship FI-DGR 2014 from AGAUR, Generalitat de Catalunya

    Ifosfamide, cisplatin and etoposide combination in locally advanced inoperable non-small-cell lung cancer: a phase II study

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    From March 1993 to February 1997, 43 eligible patients with inoperable stage IIIA (ten patients) and stage IIIB (33 patients), histologically confirmed NSCLC received 3 courses of the ICE combination (ifosfamide 1.5 g m−2 and mesna 750 mg m−2 two times a day, cisplatin 25 mg m−2 and etoposide 100 mg m−2, all administered intravenously (i.v.) on days 1–3 every 3 weeks) with G-CSF support. After three cycles, patients were submitted to radical surgery or received two additional courses of the ICE regimen and/or curative radiotherapy. Grade 3–4 neutropenia occurred in 21% of 114 evaluable courses, but was of short duration, leading to neutropenic fever in 5% of the courses. Severe thrombocytopenia and anaemia were observed in 13% and 3% of the courses respectively. Non-haematological toxicity was generally mild with only two episodes of reversible renal impairment. The overall response rate after three chemotherapy courses was 69% (28 partial responses, one complete response). Ten patients (8/10 patients in stage IIIA, 2/33 patients in stage IIIB) underwent radical surgery. Median TTP for patients not undergoing surgery (n = 33) was 8 months (range 3–34+); median DFS for patients rendered NED by surgery (n = 10) was 26 months (range 1–54+). Median OS for the entire group was 12.5 months (range 2–57+). The ICE regimen is active in locally advanced NSCLC with acceptable toxicity and warrants further exploration as induction chemotherapy in larger series. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Molecular markers of endometrial carcinoma detected in uterine aspirates.

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    Endometrial cancer (EC) is the most frequent of the invasive tumors of the female genital tract. Although usually detected in its initial stages, a 20% of the patients present with advanced disease. To date, no characterized molecular marker has been validated for the diagnosis of EC. In addition, new methods for prognosis and classification of EC are needed to combat this deadly disease. We thus aimed to identify new molecular markers of EC and to evaluate their validity on endometrial aspirates. Gene expression screening on 52 carcinoma samples and series of real-time quantitative PCR validation on 19 paired carcinomas and normal tissue samples and on 50 carcinoma and noncarcinoma uterine aspirates were performed to identify and validate potential biomarkers of EC. Candidate markers were further confirmed at the protein level by immunohistochemistry and Western blot. We identified ACAA1, AP1M2, CGN, DDR1, EPS8L2, FASTKD1, GMIP, IKBKE, P2RX4, P4HB, PHKG2, PPFIBP2, PPP1R16A, RASSF7, RNF183, SIRT6, TJP3, EFEMP2, SOCS2 and DCN as differentially expressed in ECs. Furthermore, the differential expression of these biomarkers in primary endometrial tumors is correlated to their expression level in corresponding uterine fluid samples. Finally, these biomarkers significantly identified EC with area under the receiver-operating-characteristic values ranging from 0.74 to 0.95 in uterine aspirates. Interestingly, analogous values were found among initial stages. We present the discovery of molecular biomarkers of EC and describe their utility in uterine aspirates. These findings represent the basis for the development of a highly sensitive and specific minimally invasive method for screening ECs

    Structural Maintenance of Chromosomes (SMC) Proteins Promote Homolog-Independent Recombination Repair in Meiosis Crucial for Germ Cell Genomic Stability

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    In meiosis, programmed DNA breaks repaired by homologous recombination (HR) can be processed into inter-homolog crossovers that promote the accurate segregation of chromosomes. In general, more programmed DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are formed than the number of inter-homolog crossovers, and the excess DSBs must be repaired to maintain genomic stability. Sister-chromatid (inter-sister) recombination is postulated to be important for the completion of meiotic DSB repair. However, this hypothesis is difficult to test because of limited experimental means to disrupt inter-sister and not inter-homolog HR in meiosis. We find that the conserved Structural Maintenance of Chromosomes (SMC) 5 and 6 proteins in Caenorhabditis elegans are required for the successful completion of meiotic homologous recombination repair, yet they appeared to be dispensable for accurate chromosome segregation in meiosis. Mutations in the smc-5 and smc-6 genes induced chromosome fragments and dismorphology. Chromosome fragments associated with HR defects have only been reported in mutants, which have disrupted inter-homolog crossover. Surprisingly, the smc-5 and smc-6 mutations did not disrupt the formation of chiasmata, the cytologically visible linkages between homologous chromosomes formed from meiotic inter-homolog crossovers. The mutant fragmentation defect appeared to be preferentially enhanced by the disruptions of inter-homolog recombination but not by the disruptions of inter-sister recombination. Based on these findings, we propose that the C. elegans SMC-5/6 proteins are required in meiosis for the processing of homolog-independent, presumably sister-chromatid-mediated, recombination repair. Together, these results demonstrate that the successful completion of homolog-independent recombination is crucial for germ cell genomic stability