503 research outputs found

    TBT e imposex en Galicia: los efectos de un disruptor endocrino en poblaciones de gasterópodos marinos

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    En este artículo se resume la experiencia de nuestro grupo de investigación en el campo de los efectos de un disruptor endocrino androgenizante (el tributilo de estaño, más conocido como TBT por su abreviatura del inglés tributyltin) en gasterópodos marinos del litoral gallego. Nuestras investigaciones sobre este tema comenzaron en 1996 y continúan en la actualidad. Después de una breve introducción sobre qué es el TBT y su problemática, se resumen los principales hallazgos conseguidos con nuestro trabajo, que se basan principalmente en el estudio de los efectos en el gasterópodo carnívoro Nucella lapillus con alguna información adicional para otras especies como el carroñero Nassarius reticulatus. Nuestro trabajo abarca tanto la bioacumulación de contaminante, la manifestación de un biomarcador específico de los efectos del TBT (masculinización de hembras, conocido como imposex) en poblaciones naturales y en experiencias de trasplante, el estudio de la presencia de individuos genéticamente más resistentes a los efectos del TBT y algunos datos de ecología molecular sobre la estructuración poblacional y capacidad de dispersión de Nucella lapillus

    Early morning fluctuations in trunk diameter are highly sensitive to water stress in nectarine trees

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    The sensitivity to water stress of different plant water status indicators was evaluated during two consecutive years in early nectarine trees grown in a semi-arid region. Measurements were made post-harvest and two irrigation treatments were applied: a control treatment (CTL), irrigated at 120 % of crop evapotranspiration demand to achieve non-limiting water conditions, and a deficit irrigation treatment, that applied around 37 % less water than CTL during late postharvest. The plant water status indicators evaluated were midday stem water potential (Ψ stem) and indices derived from trunk diameter fluctuations: maximum daily shrinkage (MDS), trunk daily growth rate, early daily shrinkage measured between 0900 and 1200 hours solar time (EDS), and late daily shrinkage that occurred between 1200 hours solar time and the moment that minimum trunk diameter was reached (typically 1600 hours solar time). The most sensitive [highest ratio of signal intensity (SI) to noise] indices to water stress were Ψ stem and EDS. The SI of EDS was greater than that of Ψ stem, although with greater variability. EDS was a better index than MDS, with higher SI and similar variability. Although MDS was linearly related to Ψ stem down to −1.5 MPa, it decreased thereafter with increasing water stress. In contrast, EDS was linearly related to Ψ stem, although the slope of the regression decreased as the season progressed, as in the case of MDS. Further studies are needed to determine whether EDS is a sensitive index of water stress in a range of species.This research was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science of Innovation (AGL2010-19201-C04-04), European project SIRRIMED (FP7-KBBE-2009-3-245159) and also by the Regional Science Agency of Murcia Region (08845/PI/08). We thank E. Fereres for editorial comments

    Solvent-assisted in situ synthesis of cysteamine-capped silver nanoparticles

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    Silver nanoparticles offer a huge potential for biomedical applications owing to their exceptional properties and small size. Specifically, cysteamine-capped silver nanoparticles could form the basis for new anticancer therapies combining the cytotoxic effect of the silver core with the inherent antitumor activity of cysteamine, which inhibit cancer cell proliferation and suppress invasion and metastasis. In addition, the capability of the cysteamine coating monolayer to couple a variety of active principles and targeting (bio)molecules of interest proves key to the tailoring of this platform in order to exploit the pathophysiology of specific tumor types. Nevertheless, the chain length and conformational flexibility of cysteamine, together with its ability to attach to the surface of silver nanoparticles via both the thiol and the amine group, have made the in situ synthesis of these particles an especially challenging task. Herein we report a solvent-assisted in situ synthesis method that solves this problem. The obtained nanoparticles have been fully characterized by UV–visible absorption spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy, electron diffraction measurement, high resolution transmission electron microscopy, scanning transmission electron microscopy, energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy nanoanalysis, and dynamic light scattering measurement. Our synthesis method achieves extremely high yield and surface coating ratio, and colloidal stability over a wide range of pH values including physiological pH. Additionally, we have demonstrated that cysteamine-capped nanoparticles obtained by this method can be conjugated to an antibody for active targeting of the epidermal growth factor receptor, which plays an important role in the pathogenesis and progression of a wide variety of tumors, and induce cell death in human squamous carcinoma cells. We believe this method can be readily extended to combinations of noble metals and longer chain primary, secondary, ternary or even quaternary aminethiolsEspaña, Junta de Andalucía P10- FQM-6615España, Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad CTP2016-80206-

    Long-term impact of deficit irrigation on the physical quality of berries in ‘Crimson Seedless’ table grapes

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    A 3-year study examined the effects of DI strategies on some physical quality attributes of ‘Crimson Seedless’ table grape following harvest, after 28 days of cold storage at 0ºC and after an additional shelf life period of 3 d at 15ºC. Control vines were irrigated to ensure non-limiting water conditions (110% of crop evapotranspiration, ETc), whereas RDI and PRD treatments received 35% less water during post-veraison. The null irrigation treatment (NI) only received natural precipitation (72 % less water than the Control). Total yield and physical quality at harvest were not significantly affected by RDI or PRD. Only the NI treatment, with the worst sensory scores, decreased berry size. After cold storage, increased berry shattering within the PRD treatment was correlated with the lower ABA at the time of harvest. Neither RDI nor PRD had a significant effect on berry quality at the end of cold storage and retail period. Sensory results were similar in RDI and PRD, both providing grapes more acceptable to consumers than the control. Thus, it is possible to decrease irrigation amount by ~30 % of table grapes without adversely affecting berry physical quality.This work was supported by the projects (AGL2010-19201-C04-04) and (FP7-KBBE-2009-3-245159). M.R. Conesa acknowledges her FPU fellowship of the MICINN

    Social emotional learning and values education in the Musical Language classroom

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    El presente estudio se centra en dos beneficios potenciales de la educación musical: el aprendizaje socioemocional y la educación en valores, en el contexto de la formación impartida en conservatorios profesionales de Música en la asignatura de Lenguaje Musical. La metodología cualitativa utilizada, a través de la técnica de grupos focales, ha permitido analizar las percepciones del profesorado, el alumnado y las familias en torno a estos beneficios. Como resultado del análisis, se ha evidenciado una coincidencia entre interlocutores acerca de la importancia que se le debe otorgar a la educación en valores y el aprendizaje socioemocional en los conservatorios profesionales de Música, y, en especial, con el alumnado que presenta necesidades específicas. A pesar de la ausencia de evidencias de planificación consciente de contenidos socioemocionales o relacionados con la educación en valores en la asignatura de Lenguaje Musical, los/as participantes perciben que la asignatura sí contribuye al desarrollo de estos aspectos. Como futuras mejoras se señalan el fomento del trabajo grupal, la interacción y la cohesión intragrupalThe present study focuses on two potential benefits of music education: social-emotional learning and education in values, in the context of training given in professional music conservatories in the subject of Musical Language. The qualitative methodology used, through the focus group technique, has made it possible to analyze the perceptions of teachers, students and families regarding these benefits. As a result of the analysis, a coincidence has been evidenced between the interlocutors about the importance that should be given to education in values and social-emotional learning in professional music conservatories, and, especially, with students who present specific needs. Despite the absence of evidence of conscious planning of social-emotional contents or those related to education in values in the subject of Musical Language, the participants perceive that the subject does contribute to their development. It is also pointed out as future improvements: the promotion of group work, interaction and intragroup cohesionEl trabajo ha sido financiado por la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (ayudas a Grupos de Investigación de la UCLM-2022

    A proof-of-concept clinical trial using mesenchymal stem cells for the treatment of corneal epithelial stem cell deficiency

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    Producción CientíficaOcular stem cell transplantation derived from either autologous or allogeneic donor corneoscleral junction is a functional cell therapy to manage extensive and/or severe limbal stem cell deficiencies that lead to corneal epithelial failure. Mesenchymal stem cells have been properly tested in animal models of this ophthalmic pathology, but never in human eyes despite their potential advantages. We conducted a 6- to 12-month proof-of-concept, randomized, and double-masked pilot trial to test whether allogeneic bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cell transplantation (MSCT], n = 17) was as safe and as equally efficient as allogeneic cultivated limbal epithelial transplantation (CLET), (n = 11) to improve corneal epithelial damage due to limbal stem cell deficiency. Primary endpoints demanded combination of symptoms, signs, and the objective improvement of the epithelial phenotype in central cornea by in vivo confocal microscopy. This proof-of-concept trial showed that MSCT was as safe and efficacious as CLET. Global success at 6–12 months was 72.7%–77.8% for CLET cases and 76.5%–85.7% for MSCT cases (not significant differences). Central corneal epithelial phenotype improved in 71.4% and 66.7% of MSCT and CLET cases, respectively at 12 months (P = 1.000). There were no adverse events related to cell products. This trial suggests first evidence that MSCT facilitated improvement of a diseased corneal epithelium due to lack of its stem cells as efficiently as CLET. Consequently, not only CLET but also MSCT deserves more preclinical investigational resources before the favorable results of this proof-of-concept trial could be transformed into the larger numbers of the multicenter trials that would provide stronger evidence. (ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT01562002.)Ministerio de Sanidad, Consumo y Bienestar Social (project SAS/2481/2009)Centro en Red de Medicina Regenerativa y Terapia Celular de Castilla y León (grant SAN 1178/200)Red de Terapia Celular TerCel (project RD12/0019/0036

    Contracción temprana de diámetro del tronco. Un nuevo indicador altamente sensible al estrés hídrico en nectarinos extratempranos

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    Se evaluó la sensibilidad al estrés hídrico de diferentes indicadores de estado hídrico de la planta durante dos años consecutivos en nectarinos extratempranos. Las medidas se realizaron durante la poscosecha y se aplicaron dos tratamientos de riego: i) control (CTL), regado al 120% de la evapotranspiración de cultivo a fin de lograr condiciones no limitantes de agua en el suelo; ii) Tratamiento deficitario (DI), que recibió en torno a un 40 % menos de riego durante la poscosecha. Los indicadores de estado hídrico evaluados fueron: potencial hídrico de tallo al mediodía (stem) y parámetros derivados de las fluctuaciones de diámetro de tronco (FDT): máxima contracción diaria (MDS), contracción temprana entre las 9 y las 12 hora solar (EDS), y contracción tardía (LDS) entre las 12 hora solar hasta el mínimo diámetro de tronco. El indicador más sensible (relación de la intensidad de señal y el ruido) fue stem junto con EDS. La intensidad de señal de EDS fue mayor que la de stem, aunque con mayor variabilidad. EDS fue mejor indicador que MDS, con alta IS y similar variabilidad. La relación de MDS con stem fue curvilínea con un máximo en ‐1.5 MPa. En cambio, EDS se relacionaba linealmente con stem.. Son necesarios otros estudios para determinar la sensibilidad al déficit hídrico de EDS en otras especies.Este trabajo ha sido subvencionado por el ministerio español de ciencia e innovación (AGL2010‐19201‐C04‐04), por el proyecto europeo SIRRIMED (FP7‐KBBE‐2009‐3‐245159) y por la Región de Murcia (08845/PI/08)

    Intravitreal injection of proinsulin-loaded microspheres delays photoreceptor cell death and vision loss in the rd10 mouse model of retinitis pigmentosa

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    9 p.-6 fig.PURPOSE. The induction of proinsulin expression by transgenesis or intramuscular gene therapy has been shown previously to retard retinal degeneration in mouse and rat models of retinitis pigmentosa (RP), a group of inherited conditions that result in visual impairment. We investigated whether intraocular treatment with biodegradable poly (lactic-co-glycolic) acid microspheres (PLGA-MS) loaded with proinsulin has cellular and functional neuroprotective effects in the retinaMETHODS. Experiments were performed using the Pde6brd10 mouse model of RP. Methionylated human recombinant proinsulin (hPI) was formulated in PLGA-MS, which were administered by intravitreal injection on postnatal days (P) 14 to 15. Retinal neuroprotection was assessed at P25 by electroretinography, and by evaluating outer nuclear layer (ONL) cellular preservation. The attenuation of photoreceptor cell death by hPI was determined by TUNEL assay in cultured P22 retinas, as well as Akt phosphorylation by immunoblottingRESULTS. We successfully formulated hPI PLGA-MS to deliver the active molecule for several weeks in vitro. The amplitude of b-cone and mixed b-waves in electroretinographic recording was significantly higher in eyes injected with hPI-PLGA-MS compared to control eyes.Treatment with hPI-PLGA-MS attenuated photoreceptor cell loss, as revealed by comparing ONL thickness and the number of cell rows in this layer in treated versus untreated retinas. Finally, hPI prevented photoreceptor cell death and increased AktThr308 phosphorylation in organotypic cultured retinas.CONCLUSIONS. Retinal degeneration in the rd10 mouse was slowed by a single intravitreal injection of hPI-PLGA-MS. Human recombinant proinsulin elicited a rapid and effective neuroprotective effect when administered in biodegradable microspheres, which may constitute a future potentially feasible delivery method for proinsulin-based treatment of RP.Supported by Grants from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (MICINN) and Spanish Ministerio de EconomÍa y Competitividad (MINECO), SAF2010-21879 (EJdlR and PdlV), SAF2013-41059-R (FdP and EJdlR), and technical personnel support from CIBERDEM, ISCIII, Madrid, SpainPeer reviewe

    B Lymphocyte as a Target of Bacterial Infections

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    B lymphocytes are central players in the immune response; canonically, they have been recognized as precursors of antibody-producing cells: plasma cells. Recent findings have shown that the role of B lymphocytes goes far beyond the production of antibodies. There are different subtypes of B lymphocytes with different participations in innate and adaptive responses that include the recognition of the antigen, its processing, and its presentation to T lymphocytes, as well as the production of cytokines that impact and modulate the response toward the pathogen. Traditionally, it has been considered that B lymphocytes do not have phagocytic abilities that allow them to internalize, to process, or even to be infected by bacterial pathogens. The new information has shown that B lymphocytes can be readily infected by bacterial pathogens like Salmonella, Francisella, Moraxella, and Mycobacterium, among others, and respond to those infections. Some of the recent advances on these topics will be presented in this chapter