1,080 research outputs found

    Laser cooling of Ytterbium-171 in a Zeeman Slower: Monte Carlo analysis

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    In this Master Thesis we study the operation of a Zeeman slower to cool an atomic beam. In particular, we consider a beam formed by 171Yb atoms interacting with a counter- propagating laser beam in such a way that, by means of the Doppler effect and the Stark shift of the atomic levels, the interaction is resonant at any point in the slower longitudinal axis. To perform the numerical simulations we make use of the Monte Carlo Wave Function formalism that allows for the description of a single two-level atom interacting with a laser beam as a coherent and continuous Rabi-type evolution interrupted, in a random way, by spontaneous emission processes. Within this formalism we obtain that it is possible to cool 171Yb atoms with initial velocities of about 300 cm/s down to a few cm/s in about 12 cm

    La empresa social. Una opción de desarrollo local en la comunidad indígena de San Ildefonso

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    Considerando las aportaciones teóricas del campo del desarrollo y la economía social, se busca responder a la pregunta de investigación: ¿Cómo la creación de empresas sociales representa una opción para generar desarrollo local en una comunidad indígena? Para tal efecto se utilizó la metodología cualitativa, identificando el caso objeto de estudio en la comunidad indígena de San Ildefonso en Amealco, Querétaro, México. La evidencia empírica permitió establecer que, a partir de proyectos propuestos desde la comunidad, es posible crear empresas sociales, que se apoyan en tres pilares: la generación de desarrollo económico y social, la protección del entorno natural y el respeto del ser humano. Tales características constituyen la base para el desarrollo de la comunidad, lo que ha permitido la creación de un proyecto integral en el que se ha cimentado la generación de empresas en los sectores industrial, comercial y de servicios, lo que ha aportado puestos de trabajo y mejoras económicas y sociales. Se concluye que es posible detonar el desarrollo económico y social en la comunidad a partir de la creación de empresas sociales, siempre que exista el compromiso decidido de sus miembros.Considering the theoretical contributions of the field of development and social economy, it seeks to answer the research question: How does social entrepreneurship is an option to generate local development in an Indigenous community? To this end we used a qualitative methodology, identifying the case under study, in the indigenous community of San Ildefonso in Amealco, Querétaro, México. Empirical evidence established that, based on proposed projects from the community, it is possible to create social enterprises, which are based on three pillars: the generation of economic and social development, protection of natural environment and respect for the human. Such characteristics are the basis for the development of the community, which has enabled the creation of a comprehensive project which has built generating companies in the sectors of industrial, commercial and service sectors; providing jobs and economic and social improvements. We conclude that it is possible to trigger economic and social development in the community from the creation of social enterprises, provided that there is a commitment by its members

    Analysis and 2D Simulation of a Hexapod Robot Leg for Remote Exploration

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    A walking machine is a wheeled rover alternative, well suited for work in an unstructured environment and specially in abrupt terrain. They have some drawback like speed and power consumption, but they can achieve complex movements and protrude very little the environment they are working on. The locomotion system is determined by the terrain conditions and, in our case, this legged design has been chosen based in a working area like Rio Tinto in the South of Spain, which is a river area with abrupt terrain. A walking robot with so many degrees of freedom can be a challenge when dealing with the analysis and simulations of the legs. This paper shows how to deal with the kinematical analysis of the equations of a hexapod robot based on a design developed by the Center of Astrobiology INTA-CSIC following the classical formulation of equation

    Measuring Performance of Virtual Keyboards Based on Cyclic Scanning

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    This paper presents an exhaustive study into the different topologies of virtual ambiguous keyboards that operate by scanning techniques, analyzing the text entry average time (tc) and the average number of user inputs (UIc) per character. An mathematical model shows that in comparison with unambiguous one, text entry, in multi-tap mode, doesn’t offers better performance,because both tc and UIc are greater in them. Another method of text entry, called Tnk (Text in n keys), offers improvement with respect to unambiguous keyboards. But solely highly ambiguous keyboard (4-keys keyboards) shows a jointly reduction in tc and UIc . Results obtained with the model do to focus on highly ambiguous keyboard. This paper demonstrate, using simulation with extensive text, that character prediction with TnK mode only have better performance than unambiguous keyboard with character prediction in UIc parameter. Another techniques of text entry are also studied.Junta de Andalucía p08-TIC-363

    Healthier cereal products: breadmaking with barley flour.

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    Promote consumption of barley breads, in order to improve intake of fibre and healthenhancing components: Instrumental evaluation of breads. Sensory consumer evaluation of breads. Bread-making performances of flours. Instrumental evaluation of barley substituted wheat Dough

    Monitoring of Volatile Additives from Plant Protection Products in Tomatoes Using HS-SPME-GC-HRMS: Targeted and Suspect Approaches

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    Additives present in plant protection products (PPPs) are normally not monitored after sample treatments. In this study, the fate of additives detected by targeted and nontargeted analysis in tomato samples treated with two PPPs was carried out. The study was carried out in a greenhouse for 12 days, in which two applications with each PPP were made. Compounds were extracted by applying a headspace solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME) and analyzed by gas chromatography coupled to high resolution mass spectrometry (GC-HRMS), performing targeted and suspect approaches. Three targeted and 15 nontargeted compounds were identified at concentration levels of up to 150 μg/kg. Compounds detected encompassed benzene, toluene, indene, and naphthalene derivatives, as well as conservatives and flavouring compounds. Most of them degraded in less than 7 days after the second application, following first-order kinetic. This study aims to reduce knowledge gaps regarding additives and their fate under real climatic conditions of greenhouses cultivations.Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO)FEDER-EU (project PID2019-106201RB-I00)Regional Government of Andalusia, SpainEuropean funds for financial support (project P18- RT-2329)Andalusian Ministry of Economic Transformation, Industry, Knowledge and Universities for financial support from “Ayudas para Captación, Incorporación y Movilidad de Capital Humano de I+D+i (PAIDI 2020)”University of Almería for his “Convocatoria de Recualificación do Sistema Universitario Español-Margarita Salas”“Plan de Recuperación Transformación” program funded by the Spanish Ministry of UniversitiesEuropean Union’s NextGenerationEU fund

    The decision-making experiences of women who legally aborted: a meta-ethnography

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    Review[Abstract] Background: Abortion is one of the most common gynaecological procedures. It is related to personal, social, and economic reasons under a legal term that is recognised as a common sexual and reproductive right in most of countries. However, making the decision to abort is complex, because it is politicised and is often framed in public discourse related to moral or ethical issues beyond women's experiences. Therefore, it is subject to medical criteria, religious evaluations, and sociological analysis. Purpouse: The aim of this synthesis of qualitative studies was to synthesise the decision-making experiences of women who legally aborted. Research design and method: The Noblit and Hare's interpretive meta-ethnography was conducted, and it was written in accordance with the eMERGe meta-ethnography reporting guidance. Ten studies met the research objective and inclusion criteria, after a comprehensive systematic search strategy in five databases. Findings: The metaphor "The wrestling between why and what will happen next" and three themes emerged from the data analysis: (1) Forces that incite the arm wrestling; (2) Facing social stigma; and (3) Defeated by a greater rival. The metaphor provided interpretive experiences of the moral conflict experienced by women who decided to have an abortion and emerged from the confrontation of the reasons why they decided to abort and the social repercussions that making the decision entails. The result of the struggle was loneliness and vulnerability. Conclusion: The lines of action impact policy makers, the media, and health professionals. Actions should focus on the de-stigmatisation and normalisation of abortion, the use of appropriate language, and the training and sensitisation of health professionals.Xunta de Galicia; ED431C-2018/3

    Caracterización y posibilidades de reutilización en obras de infraestructura de los RCD's procedentes de la demolición de la prisión provincial de Córdoba

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    Comunicación presentada al III Congreso de Ingeniería Civil, Territorio y Medio Ambiente, Zaragoza, 2006El presente trabajo ha permitido la caracterización de los residuos de construcción y demolición (RCD’s) procedentes del derribo de la cimentación de la antigua Prisión Provincial de Córdoba. Tras una trituración primaria y secundaria, los materiales son sometidos a una trituración con molino de impactos que reduce el material a granulometrías inferiores a 50 mm, posteriormente el material es transportado hasta una criba vibrante de dos tamices que permite obtener tres fracciones de árido reciclado: 0-10 mm, 10-40 mm y mayor de 40 mm. Para la identificación de cada una de las fracciones se han realizado ensayos en laboratorio de granulometría, plasticidad, contenido en materia orgánica, contenido en sales y yesos, hinchamiento y colapso. Para caracterizar su comportamiento se han realizado principalmente ensayos Proctor e índice C.B.R. Los resultados obtenidos han puesto de manifiesto su excelente comportamiento mecánico y su elevada capacidad de soporte, sin embargo de acuerdo con el contenido en sales solubles y yesos el material se clasifica como suelo tolerable según el Pliego de Prescripciones Técnicas Generales para Obras de Carreteras y Puentes (PG-3). El árido reciclado 10-40 mm no cumple las condiciones granulométricas para su utilización en rellenos tipo terraplén según el PG-3, y se propone continuar la investigación realizando mezclas a distintos porcentajes de las fracciones 0-10 mm y 10-40 mm

    Adecuación progresiva y análisis permanente de la metodología docente hacia una evaluación continua.

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    [EN] Continuous evaluation is the main evaluation system used into the new European Space for Higher Education. This paper describes the continuous evaluation applied to the course "Fundamentals of Environmental Engineering" and presents a comparative analysis of the impact that this methodological change has resulted in academic performance. This comparison shows an improvement of academic performance with the use of continuous evaluation. Also, an analysis of the review process is made to proceed with a progressive adjustment of continuous evaluation system. Previous experience and curricular planning are showed important factors for its implementation, as well as analysis of educational context. Finally, the main advantages and disadvantages observed in the application of this methodology during last years are discussed.González Romero, JA.; Mengual Cuquerella, J. (2014). Adecuación progresiva y análisis permanente de la metodología docente hacia una evaluación continua. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1392-1402. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/168739S1392140

    Versatile model for the contact region of organic thin-film transistors

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    Please cite this article as: A. Romero, J. González, M.J. Deen, J.A. Jiménez-Tejada, Versatile model for the contact region of organic thin-film transistors, Organic Electronics, (2020), 77, 105523.Contact effects in organic thin film transistors (OTFTs) remain an important problem to be solved in these devices. Therefore, the correct physio-chemical modeling of the contact regions in OTFTs is necessary. In this work, a standard model for the contact region of OTFTs is proposed. It is a versatile model that describes the current-voltage characteristics of different kinds of contacts. It reproduces the behavior of Schottky barrier or space-charge limited contacts. It is a simple unified model since only a single parameter is necessary in order to distinguish between both kinds of contacts. The model is easily integrated in a generic compact model for the current-voltage characteristics of OTFTs. The resulting compact model, used in combination with an evolutionary parameter extraction procedure, allows to extract the intrinsic parameters and the current-voltage curves at the contact of single short-channel transistors. There is no need to use transistors with multiple channel lengths to accurately characterize the contact region or the active channel of the transistor. The model is tested with published experimental data of OTFTs with Schottky barrier or space-charge limited contacts. Finally, the method has been used as a diagnostic tool to analyze how an ammonia sensor reacts to different concentrations of the ammonia gas. Interestingly, alterations in the contact region have been detected when the gas concentration varies, transforming the space-charge limited contact of a pristine OTFT into a Schottky barrier contact under the exposure of gas.This work was supported by projects MAT2016-76892-C3-3-R, TIN2015-67020-P and PGC2018-098813-B-C31 funded by the Spanish Government and “European Regional Development Funds (ERDF)”. This work was also supported by NSERC Green Electronics Network (GreEN), Grant Number NETGP 508526–17