142 research outputs found

    The Legacy of Native Languages: Tracing the Path of the Cherokee Language

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    Fortalecimiento de los procesos didacticos del área de matemática

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    El presente trabajo académico tiene por finalidad buscar que el liderazgo pedagógico mejore el servicio educativo asumiendo el reto deformar estudiantes que logren desarrollar el razonamiento crítico y la reflexión para que sepan actuar en su ambiente personal y social , por lo que el siguiente plan de acción consiste en plantear una propuesta que contribuya a “ fortalecer el desarrollo de los procesos didácticos del área de matemática para lograr mejorar los niveles satisfactorios de aprendizaje de los estudiantes de la I.E.N° 11014 “Inmaculada Concepción” Este plan de acción se ha formulado mediante una metodología participativa entre los actores educativos, a través de la reflexión conjunta sobre los resultados de aprendizaje y la práctica pedagógica de la escuela concluyendo en la necesidad de empoderar a los docentes en el dominio de los procesos didácticos y la búsqueda de estrategias didácticas que permitan el ,logro de los aprendizajes significativos. Se hace de imperiosa necesidad capacitar a los docentes quienes son uno de los actores educativos de mayor trascendencia en nuestra sociedad. Este trabajo tiene como referencias las investigaciones de Viviane Robinson(2008) y Leithwood (2006) quienes establecen el vínculo existente entre el liderazgo y los resultados de los estudiantes enmarcados en sus prácticas respectivas.Trabajo académic

    Effectiveness of the Mediterranean diet in the elderly

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    The Mediterranean diet is known to be one of the healthiest dietary patterns in the world due to its relation with a low morbidity and mortality for some chronic diseases. The purpose of this study was to review literature regarding the relationship between Mediterranean diet and healthy aging. A MEDLINE search was conducted looking for literature regarding the relationship between Mediterranean diet and cardiovascular disease (or risk factors for cardiovascular disease), cancer, mental health and longevity and quality of life in the elderly population (65 years or older). A selection of 36 articles met the criteria of selection. Twenty of the studies were about Mediterranean diets and cardiovascular disease, 2 about Mediterranean diets and cancer, 3 about Mediterranean diets and mental health and 11 about longevity (overall survival) or mental health. The results showed that Mediterranean diets had benefits on risks factors for cardiovascular disease such as lipoprotein levels, endothelium vasodilatation, insulin resistance, the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome, antioxidant capacity, the incidence of acute myocardial infarction, and cardiovascular mortality. Some positive associations with quality of life and inverse associations with the risk of certain cancers and with overall mortality were also reported

    Osteoarthritis and the Mediterranean Diet: A Systematic Review

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    Osteoarthritis (OA) affects 240 million people globally. Few studies have examined the links between osteoarthritis and the Mediterranean diet (MD). The aim of this paper was to systematically review and analyze the epidemiological evidence in humans on the MD and its association with OA. A systematic search of EMBASE identified three studies that explored the association between MD and OA. Two of them were cross-sectional and the third one was a 16-week randomized clinical trial. Prisma declaration was followed to carry out this review. These studies described a positive association between a higher adherence to a MD and the quality of life of participants suffering OA. The prevalence of OA was lower in participants with a higher adherence to a Mediterranean diet. Biomarkers of inflammation and cartilage degradation related to OA were also analyzed and significant differences were detected only for IL1-, which decreased in the MD group. Exploring the relationship between MD and OA is complex, moreover, the limited evidence and methodological differences in such studies makes it difficult to compare results. In conclusion, the three studies included in this systematic review demonstrated some relation between osteoarthritis and a Mediterranean diet. However, prospective and longer interventions are required to evaluate the long-term efficacy of the Mediterranean diet to improve symptomatology and preventing osteoarthritis

    Actividad física en la población infantil y juvenil española en el tiempo libre. Estudio enKid (1998-2000)

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    Introducción y objetivos: La práctica regular de actividad física se ha convertido en uno de los objetivos principales de los planes de salud pública debido a su relación con la prevención de numerosas enfermedades crónicas. La infancia y la adolescencia son momentos clave para iniciar el hábito del ejercicio físico. El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar un análisis descriptivo de la práctica de actividad física en el tiempo libre y los factores socioeconómicos que influyen en ella en una muestra representativa de la población infantil y juvenil española. Métodos: Se estudiaron 3.185 individuos de 2 a 24 años a los que se administró un cuestionario sobre actividad física y variables socioeconómicas. Resultados: Alrededor del 70% de los niños y adolescentes españoles no realizan actividad física regular en su tiempo libre, especialmente las chicas. Con la edad, se produce un aumento de la actividad física hasta los 10-13 años, a partir de entonces disminuye su práctica. El nivel socioeconómico y el nivel de estudios de la madre influyen positivamente en el grado de actividad física de la población. Conclusiones: El ejercicio físico en el tiempo libre no es un hábito en la mayoría de la población infantil y juvenil española. Las campañas de salud dirigidas a su promoción deben tener en cuenta las variables socioeconómicas que influyen en su práctica y mejorar la disponibilidad de instalaciones deportivas o recreativas de manera que toda la población tenga acceso a ellas

    Activitat física en la població infantil i juvenil espanyola en el temps de lleure. Estudi enKid (1998-2000)

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    Introducció i objectius: La pràctica regular d'activitat física ha esdevingut un dels objectius principals dels plans de salut pública a causa de la seva relació amb la prevenció de nombroses malalties cròniques. La infància i l'adolescència són moments claus per iniciar l'hàbit de l'exercici físic. L'objectiu d'aquest treball és fer una anàlisis descriptiva de la pràctica d'activitat física en el temps de lleure i els factors socioeconòmics que hi incideixen en una mostra representativa de la població infantil i juvenil espanyola. Mètodes: Es van estudiar 3.185 individus de 2 a 24 anys, als quals es va administrar un qüestionari sobre activitat física i variables socioeconòmiques. Resultats: Al voltant del 70% dels nens i adolescents espanyols no fan activitat física regular durant el seu temps de lleure, especialment les noies. Amb l'edat, es produeix un augment de l'activitat física fins als 10-13 anys, moment a partir del qual la pràctica minva. El nivell socioeconòmic i el nivell d'estudis de la mare tenen una influència positiva en el grau d'activitat física de la població. Conclusions: L'exercici físic en el temps de lleure no és un hàbit en la majoria de la població infantil i juvenil espanyola. Les campanyes de salut adreçades a promoure-la han de tenir en compte les variables socioeconòmiques que incideixen en aquesta pràctica i millorar la disponibilitat d'instal·lacions esportives o recreatives, a fi que tota la població hi tingui accés

    Scientific evidence of interventions using the Mediterranean diet: a systematic review

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    The Mediterranean Diet has been associated with greater longevity and quality of life in epidemiological studies, the majority being observational. The application of evidence-based medicine to the area of public health nutrition involves the necessity of developing clinical trials and systematic reviews to develop sound recommendations. The purpose of this study was to analyze and review the experimental studies on Mediterranean diet and disease prevention. A systematic review was made and a total of 43 articles corresponding to 35 different experimental studies were selected. Results were analyzed for the effects of the Mediterranean diet on lipoproteins, endothelial resistance, diabetes and antioxidative capacity, cardiovascular diseases, arthritis, cancer, body composition, and psychological function. The Mediterranean diet showed favorable effects on lipoprotein levels, endothelium vasodilatation, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, antioxidant capacity, myocardial and cardiovascular mortality, and cancer incidence in obese patients and in those with previous myocardial infarction. Results disclose the mechanisms of the Mediterranean diet in disease prevention, particularly in cardiovascular disease secondary prevention, but also emphasize the need to undertake experimental research and systematic reviews in the areas of primary prevention of cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, infectious diseases, age-related cognitive impairment, and cancer, among others. Interventions should use food scores or patterns to ascertain adherence to the Mediterranean diet. Further experimental research is needed to corroborate the benefits of the Mediterranean diet and the underlying mechanisms, and in this sense the methodology of the ongoing PREDIMED study is explained

    The Effect of Iron on Cognitive Development and Function in Infants, Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review

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    A systematic review was conducted to summarize the evidence currently available from randomized controlled trials (RCTs) concerning the effect of iron intake of infants, children and adolescents on measures of cognitive development and function. The Cochrane Library, MEDLINE and Embase were searched up to and including February 2010. Studies were also identified by checking the bibliographies of the articles retrieved. All RCTs with an adequate control group in which iron supply was provided by natural food sources, fortified foods, formula or supplements to infants, children or adolescents until the age of 18 years were considered for inclusion. No language restrictions were applied. Fourteen studies met the selection criteria. Twelve out of these 14 studies had a high or moderate risk of bias. A large degree of heterogeneity of study populations, iron dosages and outcome measures precluded performing a quantitative meta-analysis. Overall, the studies suggest a modest positive effect of iron supplementation on cognition and psychomotor outcomes in anemic infants and children after supplementation periods of at least 2 months of duration. Copyright (C) 2011 S. Karger AG, Base

    Analysis of the local authorities: National Health Survey 2007, Colombia 2011

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    ABSTRACT: This paper presents the results of the 2007 National Health Survey’s (ens) module I, which deals with territorial management of health regarding the capacity to manage health in the municipalities and to characterize their sanitary infrastructure and public health surveillance. Methodology: a descriptive retrospective study was conducted with a representative sample of 238 Colombian municipalities from all the categories, 223 of which answered the call. The source of information was the ens/2007, which was applied to the health secretaries of the sample’s municipalities. Results: more public and private health providers and health insurance companies are available in the municipalities belonging to the special category and to category 1. The sanitary infrastructure is insufficient but larger in the municipalities from the special category, particularly in the urban area. Public health surveillance for maternal and perinatal mortality, and for add and ari is higher in the municipalities from the special category and from category 1. Conclusions: in spite of the efforts of the municipalities to improve health, the results show important inequalities between the rural and urban areas, and between the municipalities from the special category and the municipalities from other categories. This situation calls for larger investments for the sanitary infrastructure, the public health surveillance systems, and the programs of the less developed municipalities in order to prevent inequalities from becoming progressive and to obtain better profits in terms of the people’s health.RESUMEN: En este artículo se presentan los resultados de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud de 2007 (ens), del módulo I sobre las administraciones territoriales de salud, en cuanto a la capacidad de gestionar la salud en los municipios y caracterizar la infraestructura sanitaria y la vigilancia en la salud pública. Metodología: se realizó un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo, en una muestra representativa de 238 municipios del país de todas las categorías, de los cuales respondieron 223. La fuente de información fue la ens/2007, aplicada a los secretarios de salud de los municipios de la muestra. Resultados: la oferta de instituciones públicas y privadas de salud y aseguradoras, tiene mayor presencia en los municipios de categoría 1 y especial. La infraestructura sanitaria es insuficiente pero es mayor en los municipios de categoría especial y principalmente en la zona urbana. La vigilancia en salud pública para la mortalidad materna, perinatal, Enfermedad Diarréica Aguda (eda) e Infección Respiratoria Aguda (ira) es mayor en los municipios de categorías 1 y especial. Conclusiones: a pesar de los esfuerzos realizados por los actores municipales para mejorar la salud, los resultados muestran desigualdades importantes entre la zona urbana y rural, así como entre los municipios de categorías 1 y especial, al igual que en las otras categorías, situación que demanda inversiones mayores en infraestructura sanitaria, en el sistema de vigilancia de la salud pública y en los programas de los municipios de menor desarrollo, para que las desigualdades no sean progresivas y se obtengan mejores beneficios en salud para la población

    Results From Spain’s 2022 Para Report Cards on Physical Activity of Children and Adolescents With Disabilities

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    This report aims to provide a better understanding of physical activity (PA) and related factors among Spanish children and adolescents living with disabilities. The 10 indicators used for the Global Matrix on Para Report Cards of children and adolescents living with disabilities were evaluated based on the best available data in Spain. An analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats based on data provision was drafted by three experts and critically reviewed by the authorship team to provide a national perspective for each evaluated indicator. Government was the indicator with the highest grade (C+), followed by Sedentary Behaviors (C−), School (D), Overall PA (D−), and Community & Environment (F). The remaining indicators received an incomplete grade. There were low levels of PA in Spanish children and adolescents living with disabilities. Yet, opportunities to improve the current surveillance of PA among this population exist.9 página