354 research outputs found

    The Puzzling Mutual Orbit of the Binary Trojan Asteroid (624) Hektor

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    Asteroids with satellites are natural laboratories to constrain the formation and evolution of our solar system. The binary Trojan asteroid (624) Hektor is the only known Trojan asteroid to possess a small satellite. Based on W.M. Keck adaptive optics observations, we found a unique and stable orbital solution, which is uncommon in comparison to the orbits of other large multiple asteroid systems studied so far. From lightcurve observations recorded since 1957, we showed that because the large Req=125-km primary may be made of two joint lobes, the moon could be ejecta of the low-velocity encounter, which formed the system. The inferred density of Hektor's system is comparable to the L5 Trojan doublet (617) Patroclus but due to their difference in physical properties and in reflectance spectra, both captured Trojan asteroids could have a different composition and origin.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, 2 table

    Monitorización de la oxidación del aceite de semillas de sacha inchi (Plukenetia volubilis) suplementado con extractos de vainas de tara (Caesalpinia spinosa) mediante técnicas convencionales y MIR

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    This work focuses on the characterization of the oxidation of the oil from sacha inchi seeds (Plukenetia volubilis) under accelerated conditions at 60 ºC for 15 days. Five samples were monitored: three supplemented with 200 ppm of non-hydrolyzed or partially hydrolyzed (for 4 and 9 hours) extracts from tara (Caesalpinia spinosa) pods, one without antioxidant and one with 200 ppm of BHT. Several conventional tech­niques (induction time, peroxide value, conjugated dienoic acid, p-anisidine value, total unsaturated fatty acids and α-linolenic acid contents) and the MIR spectroscopy coupled with chemometric tools were used and com­pared. The results revealed that whatever the antioxidant added, the oil from sacha inchi is fairly stable over time. The results also pointed out that extracts from tara pods, mainly those partially hydrolyzed, were more efficient than BHT against oil oxidation for up to 7 days. Finally, this paper shows that MIR spectroscopy pres­ents an interesting alternative technique for the monitoring of the oxidation of the oil from sacha inchi.Este trabajo se centra en la caracterización de la oxidación de aceites de sacha inchi (Plukenetia volubilis) en condiciones aceleradas a 60 ºC durante 15 días. Se monitorean cinco muestras: tres suplementadas con 200 ppm de extractos no hidrolizados o par­cialmente hidrolizados (durante 4 y 9 horas) de vainas de tara (Caesalpinia spinosa), una sin antioxidante y otra con 200 ppm de BHT. Se utilizan y comparan varias técnicas convencionales (tiempo de inducción, índice de peróxido, ácido dienoico conjugado, índice de p-anisidina, ácidos grasos insaturados totales y contenido de ácido α-linolénico) y la espectroscopía MIR junto con herramientas quimiométricas. Los resultados revelan que, cualquiera que sea el antioxidante agregado, el aceite de sacha inchi es bastante estable a lo largo del tiempo. Los resultados también seña­lan que los extractos de las vainas de tara, principalmente aquellos parcialmente hidrolizados, son más eficientes que el BHT contra la oxidación del aceite hasta los 7 días. Finalmente, el trabajo muestra que la espectroscopía MIR se presenta como una técnica alternativa interesante para el monitoreo de la oxidación del aceite de sacha inchi

    Progressive Skeletonization: Trimming more fat from a network at initialization

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    Recent studies have shown that skeletonization (pruning parameters) of networks \textit{at initialization} provides all the practical benefits of sparsity both at inference and training time, while only marginally degrading their performance. However, we observe that beyond a certain level of sparsity (approx 95%95\%), these approaches fail to preserve the network performance, and to our surprise, in many cases perform even worse than trivial random pruning. To this end, we propose an objective to find a skeletonized network with maximum {\em foresight connection sensitivity} (FORCE) whereby the trainability, in terms of connection sensitivity, of a pruned network is taken into consideration. We then propose two approximate procedures to maximize our objective (1) Iterative SNIP: allows parameters that were unimportant at earlier stages of skeletonization to become important at later stages; and (2) FORCE: iterative process that allows exploration by allowing already pruned parameters to resurrect at later stages of skeletonization. Empirical analyses on a large suite of experiments show that our approach, while providing at least as good a performance as other recent approaches on moderate pruning levels, provides remarkably improved performance on higher pruning levels (could remove up to 99.5%99.5\% parameters while keeping the networks trainable). Code can be found in https://github.com/naver/force

    Study of molecular spin-crossover complex Fe(phen)2(NCS)2 thin films

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    We report on the growth by evaporation under high vacuum of high-quality thin films of Fe(phen)2(NCS)2 (phen=1,10-phenanthroline) that maintain the expected electronic structure down to a thickness of 10 nm and that exhibit a temperature-driven spin transition. We have investigated the current-voltage characteristics of a device based on such films. From the space charge-limited current regime, we deduce a mobility of 6.5x10-6 cm2/V?s that is similar to the low-range mobility measured on the widely studied tris(8-hydroxyquinoline)aluminium organic semiconductor. This work paves the way for multifunctional molecular devices based on spin-crossover complexes

    Spintronic magnetic anisotropy

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    An attractive feature of magnetic adatoms and molecules for nanoscale applications is their superparamagnetism, the preferred alignment of their spin along an easy axis preventing undesired spin reversal. The underlying magnetic anisotropy barrier --a quadrupolar energy splitting-- is internally generated by spin-orbit interaction and can nowadays be probed by electronic transport. Here we predict that in a much broader class of quantum-dot systems with spin larger than one-half, superparamagnetism may arise without spin-orbit interaction: by attaching ferromagnets a spintronic exchange field of quadrupolar nature is generated locally. It can be observed in conductance measurements and surprisingly leads to enhanced spin filtering even in a state with zero average spin. Analogously to the spintronic dipolar exchange field, responsible for a local spin torque, the effect is susceptible to electric control and increases with tunnel coupling as well as with spin polarization.Comment: 6 pages with 4 figures + 26 pages of Supplementary Informatio

    NASA Planetary Mission Concept Study: Assessing: Dwarf Planet Ceres' past and Present Habitability Potential

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    The Dawn mission revolutionized our understanding of Ceres during the same decade that has also witnessed the rise of ocean worlds as a research and exploration focus. We will report progress on the Planetary Mission Concept Study (PMCS) on the future exploration of Ceres under the New Frontiers or Flagship program that was selected for NASA funding in October 2019. At the time this writing, the study was just kicked off, hence this abstract reports the study plan as presented in the proposal

    The varied sources of faculae-forming brines in Ceres’ Occator crater emplaced via hydrothermal brine effusion

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    Before acquiring highest-resolution data of Ceres, questions remained about the emplacement mechanism and source of Occator crater's bright faculae. Here we report that brine effusion emplaced the faculae in a brine-limited, impact-induced hydrothermal system. Impact-derived fracturing enabled brines to reach the surface. The central faculae, Cerealia and Pasola Facula, postdate the central pit, and were primarily sourced from an impact-induced melt chamber, with some contribution from a deeper, pre-existing brine reservoir. Vinalia Faculae, in the crater floor, were sourced from the laterally extensive deep reservoir only. Vinalia Faculae are comparatively thinner and display greater ballistic emplacement than the central faculae because the deep reservoir brines took a longer path to the surface and contained more gas than the shallower impact-induced melt chamber brines. Impact-derived fractures providing conduits, and mixing of impact-induced melt with deeper endogenic brines, could also allow oceanic material to reach the surfaces of other large icy bodies. The second extended phase of the Dawn mission provided high resolution observations of Occator crater of the dwarf planet Ceres. Here, the authors show that the central faculae were sourced in an impact-induced melt chamber, with a contribution from the deep brine reservoir, while the Vinalia Faculae were sourced by the deep brine reservoir alone
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