59 research outputs found

    Stop Punishing Our Kids: How Title VII Can Protect Children of Color in Public School’s Discipline Practices

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    Section I of this comment considers the evolution of education in the United States and how American society dealt with racial discrimination in public schools in the past, and how those facts and decisions differ from the issues that students of color are facing today. Section II explains the Equal Protection Clause (EPC) and analyzes the seminal cases that demonstrate the power of the EPC and when it is appropriate to use it. Section III introduces Title VII and walks through violations of disparate impact discrimination and disparate treatment discrimination. Section IV explains what the Department of Education’s Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) is and what the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GOA) found after analyzing the 2013 and 2014 data on public school discipline across the country. Section V analyzes the GOA study facts with the legal standards of the EPC and Title VII to consider if Black students had a legal remedy under the current laws. Section VI uses Title VII as a template for new legislation that can better protect students against the current trends of public-school discipline. Section VII considers what current state of the country in regard to education and racial tensions more broadly and how Congress must react shift the current trends

    Constraints on Ocean Acidification Associated with Rapid and Massive Carbon Injections of the Early Paleogene: The Geological Record at Ocean Drilling Program Site 1215, Equatorial Pacific Ocean

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    Massive amounts of 13 C-depleted carbon rapidly entered the ocean more than once during the early Paleogene, providing a geological framework for understanding future perturbations in carbon cycling, including ocean acidification. To assess the number of events and their impact on deep-sea carbonate accumulation, I have studied carbonate ooze units of the upper Paleocene-lower Eocene, which were deposited on a subsiding flank of the East Pacific Rise (ODP Site 1215). From this record several proxies were used to ascertain changes in carbonate dissolution: carbonate content, foraminiferal test fragmentation, and planktic/benthic foraminiferal ratio. Based on these analyses, 1 observe that carbonate preservation generally increased from the late Paleocene (56 Ma) through the early Eocene (51.5 Ma), after which it became poor to negligible. This trend was punctuated by four short-term intervals characterized by carbonate dissolution and pronounced negative d 18 O and d 13 C excursions. It is inferred that these were anomalously warm periods (hyperthermals) caused by massive and relative fast 13 C-depleted carbon injections. These correspond to the PETM (∼55.5 Ma), H1/ETM-2 (∼53.7 Ma), I1 (∼53.2 Ma), and K/X (∼52.5 Ma) events. I also calculated carbonate, planktic, and benthic foraminiferal mass accumulation rates for the Site 1215. These were used to comprehensively examine the history of carbonate accumulation in the equatorial Pacific Ocean throughout the early Paleogene. I deduce that in the long-term (>10 5 yr) the lysocline and calcite compensation depth (CCD) generally deepened between 55.4 and 51.5 Ma; but rapidly (≤10 5 yr) shoaled and subsequently overcompensated during and after the four intervals of massive carbon injection. Planktic foraminiferal assemblages found in the record of Site 1215 follow a predicted pattern for selective dissolution. Species of Acarinina are preferentially preserved over Morozovella, which are preferentially preserved over Subbotina, Igorina and Globanomalina. A tiny and previously overlooked species, Praetenuitella antica n.sp, is formally described in this manuscript. This species is also resistant to dissolution. The findings of this study provide firm constraints to model the short and long-term carbon cycle dynamics during the early Paleogen

    Uso de trealosa y Lactobacillus plantarum para la conservación poscosecha de litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn. var Brewster)

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    The main postharvest problem in litchi is the rapid darkening of the pericarp due to the degradation and polymerization of anthocyanines, which occurs in less than 48h when the fruit is stored at room temperature. This change of color of the pericarp prevents the fruit´s commercialization mainly in international markets, but also in national ones. The loss of its red color can be more severe due to: climatic conditions during its development and harvest, microbial pathogens and insects that target it, and weight loss from transpiration. Once it has been harvested, it is necessary to employ methods that maintain the characteristic red color of its pericarp for the longest time possible. The present work evaluates methods for preserving this specific postharvest quality parameter, preserve the fruit´s pulp quality, and extend its self-life in order to benefit litchi producers. The first method uses Lactobacillus plantarum, a lactic bacteria widely used in the food industry due to its capacity to acidify its medium ad produce diverse antimicrobial agents. The latter favors the red flavilium configuration of anthocyanines and simultaneously limits the growth of some microorganisms that develop on the ring of fruits after harvesting; thus acting as a biocontrol agent. The other method employed trehalose (TRA) because it protects cell membranes against dehydration and extreme desiccation. High concentrations of this disaccharide are normally found in anhydrobiotes capable of surviving without water, and of reactivating their metabolism once water becomes available without suffering any damages. TRA is also used in the food and pharmaceutical industries to preserve foods and dehydrated cells for long periods of storage; preventing the loss of aromas, flavors and cell death (Higashiyama, 2002). Concentrations of TRA that would not pose adverse effects to Lactobacillus plantarum (BAL) growth were initially determined. For this purpose BAL was grown for 36h in Man Rogosa Sharpe (MRS) media with different concentration of TRA (0.18, 2.6, 5, 7.5 y 10% w/v). No detrimental effects on BAL were observed at any of these TRA concentrations. In a prior preliminary litchi study, it was observed that 5% of TRA (w/v) reduced damage to the rind of fruits and had a positive effect on preserving pulp quality. With these results and those from the BAL growth assessment, it was decided that a 5% TRA concentration would be used in the subsequent bioassays. A 107 CFU/ml solution of BALs was sprayed over the litchis for 90 sec to guarantee that the entire surface of the fruits were covered, while the TRA solution was applied via a 3 min immersion. BAL and TRA treated fruits managed to preserve their color (C* and h) and had a lower percentage of anthocyanine polymers than non-treated fruits. Also, a higher concentration of anthocyanines was observed in BAL treated litchis, but not in TRA treated ones. However, the latter did show a TSS/TA ratio that would be adequate for their commercialization. The TRA + BAL combination did not show any prebiotic activity since the bacterial count of this treatment did not increase when compared to the BAL-only treatment. At the same time, lipoperoxidation levels incicated that TRA did not protect the membranes of the pericarp cells in litchi, contrary to what had been reported in other vegetable tissues such as tobacco and resurrection plants. Finally, the pulp quality of control fruits was adequate for commercialization at the end of storage, since its ratio of TSS/TA was acceptable due to the high humidity conditions (92 ± 2%) maintained during refrigerated storage (11 ±1°C), and the initial high quality of the fruits.El principal problema poscosecha del litchi es el rápido oscurecimiento del pericarpio debido a la degradación de antocianinas y a su polimerización, lo cual ocurre en menos de 48 h cuando el fruto se almacena a temperatura ambiente. Este cambio en la coloración del pericarpio evita su comercialización en mercados internacionales principalmente, sin dejar de lado el mercado nacional. La pérdida del color rojo puede verse potenciada por las condiciones climáticas durante el desarrollo y cosecha del fruto, el ataque por microorganismos patógenos e insectos y la pérdida de peso debida a la transpiración del fruto. Una vez cosechado, es necesario emplear tecnologías que mantengan el mayor tiempo posible el color rojo brillante característico del pericarpio. El presente estudio evalúa alternativas para la conservación poscosecha de esta característica de calidad, así como para conservar la calidad de la pulpa y extender la vida útil del litchi en beneficio de los productores de este fruto. La primera propuesta se refiere al uso de Lactobacillus plantarum bacteria láctica utilizada ampliamente en la industria alimentaria, debido a su capacidad de acidificar el medio y producir diversos antimicrobianos, lo cual a la par que favorece la forma roja flavilium de las antocianinas controla el crecimiento de algunos microorganismos que se desarrollan en la cáscara de los frutos después de la cosecha y por lo tanto, puede actuar como agente de biocontrol. La otra alternativa propuesta es el uso de la trealosa (TRA) por su capacidad protectora de las membranas celulares en condiciones de deshidratación y sequedad extrema. Este disacárido se encuentra presente en altas concentraciones en los organismos anhidrobiontes capaces de sobrevivir sin agua y reactivar su metabolismo sin daño alguno una vez que el agua se encuentra disponible. La TRA es empleada en la industria alimentaria y farmacéutica para conservar alimentos y células deshidratadas durante largos periodos de almacenamiento evitando la pérdida de aromas, sabores y la muerte celular (Higashiyama, 2002). Al inicio del estudio se determinó la concentración de TRA que no afectara adversamente el crecimiento de Lactobacillus plantarum (BAL), para lo cual se cultivó a la BAL en medio Man Rogosa Sharpe (MRS) adicionado con diferentes concentraciones de TRA (0.18, 2.6, 5, 7.5 y 10% p/v) durante 36 h, observándose que no hubo efecto de ninguna de las concentraciones probadas en el crecimiento de BAL. Con estos resultados y los obtenidos en el experimento preliminar con litchis en donde se observó un efecto positivo de la TRA al 5% (p/v) en la reducción de los daños de la cáscara y en la conservación de la calidad interna de la pulpa, se decidió emplear esta concentración en los bioensayos sucesivos. Las BAL fueron aplicadas asperjando sobre los litchis una suspensión celular de 107 UFC /mL durante minuto y medio para promover que toda la superficie del fruto quedara impregnada, mientras que la solución de TRA fue aplicada por inmersión de los frutos durante un tiempo de tres minutos. Los frutos tratados con BAL y la TRA lograron conservar el color expresado como C* y h y mostraron un menor porcentaje de compuestos poliméricos. Además, se observó una mayor concentración de antocianinas en los litchis tratados con las BAL, efecto que no se observó en los frutos tratados con la TRA pero éstos sí mostraron un cociente SST/AT adecuado para la comercialización. La combinación de la TRA + BAL no mostró actividad prebiótica ya que no hubo un aumento de la cuenta bacteriana con respecto al tratamiento que solo contenía BAL. Asimismo, la evaluación de los niveles de lipoperoxidación indicó que la TRA no tuvo efecto protector sobre las membranas del pericarpio de litchi, contrario a lo reportado en otros tejidos vegetales como tabaco y plantas de la resurrección. Los frutos control mostraron al término del almacenamiento una calidad de pulpa adecuada para la comercialización, indicada por un cociente sólidos solubles totales/ acidez titulable aceptable debido a las condiciones de alta humedad (92 ± 2%) que se mantuvieron durante el almacenamiento refrigerado (11 ±1°C) y a la buena calidad inicial de los frutos

    El arte en la práctica pedagógica para el seguimiento del desarrollo integral en la Educación inicial de los niños del grado de transición de la Institución Educativa Ciudadela de Pasto

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    Anexos trabajo de gradoLa práctica pedagógica es un lugar de encuentros y de diálogos hacia el camino del aprendizaje. Sin embargo, en la educación inicial, el arte es una celestina sin reconocerse que puede llegar a ser un vehículo que fomente en los infantes una chispa hacia nuevas formas de expresión y comunicación consigo mismo y su entorno. En este sentido, el objetivo es resignificar el valor y el alcance que tiene el arte en la práctica pedagógica para el fortalecimiento en el seguimiento del desarrollo integral en la Educación inicial en una institución educativa del municipio de Pasto. La presente propuesta está bajo un paradigma cualitativo cuando el docente investigador se acerca a la realidad donde con el uso de estrategias y secuencias didácticas le permitan con los talleres recoger datos importante para proponer y fomentar la reflexión pedagógica con valores agregados desde el inicio hasta el fin del diplomado como la relación planeación – evaluación como un punto de encuentro donde un aprendizaje tiene sentido si se logra evidenciarlo desde la cotidianidad del niño o niña. Otro aspecto, que se identificó es el uso del juego y las secuencias didácticas como integradoras, formativas y complementarias relacionadas con el seguimiento del desarrollo integral en la Educación Inicial que se enriquece con estrategias hacia la expresión artística en las practicas pedagógicas. Es así como se considera que la presente propuesta fue acertada al reconocer las necesidades de la población objeto de estudio desde su contexto a partir de la observación directa reconociendo como el arte es utilizado en muchos casos como como parte de una actividad que cumpla con un requisito o tiempo más no para formar desde la singularidad, la creatividad y la autonomía desde la transversalidad.Pedagogical practice is a place of meetings and dialogues towards the path of learning. However, in early education, art is a matchmaker without recognizing that it can become a vehicle that fosters in infants a spark towards new forms of expression and communication with themselves and their environment. In this sense, the objective is to redefine the value and scope that art has in pedagogical practice to strengthen the monitoring of comprehensive development in Initial Education in an educational institution in the municipality of Pasto. The present proposal is under a qualitative paradigm when the teacher-researcher approaches reality where, with the use of didactic strategies and sequences, the workshops allow him to collect important data to propose and promote pedagogical reflection with added values from the beginning to the end. of the diploma as the planning-evaluation relationship as a meeting point where learning makes sense if it can be evidenced from the daily life of the boy or girl. Another aspect that was identified is the use of games and didactic sequences as integrative, formative and complementary related to the monitoring of comprehensive development in Initial Education that is enriched with strategies towards artistic expression in pedagogical practices. This is how it is considered that this proposal was successful in recognizing the needs of the population under study from its context based on direct observation, recognizing how art is used in many cases as part of an activity that meets a requirement. or no more time to train from singularity, creativity and autonomy from transversality

    The Impact of the California Drought on Food Security among Rural Families of Mexican Origin

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    Introduction: The year 2015 marks the fourth year of a drought in California. With no signs of the drought improving, communities in California are left to prioritize their water usage. In the Central Valley, the limited water supply has forced farmers to prioritize on acreage and planting, decisions that trickle down and may impact farmworker families. Objective: The purpose of this study was to explore the impact of a drought in California on family decision-making and coping strategies in the context of broader community changes affecting rural families of Mexican-origin. Methods: This study recruited participants from the Niños Sanos, Familia Sana (NSFS, Healthy Children, Healthy Family) childhood obesity intervention study, conducted from 2011-2015. The primary occupation of two-thirds of the NSFS families was agricultural work. Based on the US Department of Agriculture 18-item food security assessment tool, a baseline household survey among 336 families in 2012 revealed that 45% of the households were food insecure. In 2015, a bilingual graduate student moderated four focus groups in a convenience sample of 26 NSFS families, who were recruited by promotoras (local lay workers). Males and females were assigned to different focus group discussions, each of which lasted 1 ½ hours. Two researchers reviewed transcriptions of the audio recordings and analyzed them for emerging themes. Results/Conclusions: In this Mexican-origin rural population, households headed by less educated mothers, older fathers, and adults engaged in farm work were most vulnerable to food insecurity. The focus groups revealed community changes including out-migration of families, increased food prices, and changes in employment (fewer hours, less predictable, need to travel further to find work). These changes have led families to shift their family decision-making and economize to cope with the unpredictable nature of the agricultural workforce. Paying bills and rent takes priority over food, clothing, medicine and other expenses. All groups mentioned having to deny child requests and family outings. Women noted increased stress on the family and concern about keeping families together. Men expressed the desire to avoid disruption to their children’s lives but were actively considering moving elsewhere. As a community, they have remained united and working together to withstand the challenges the drought has introduced

    Estudio Comparativo de la Capacidad de Acumulación para Cadmio y Plomo de Scirpus Californicus (Totora) y Stypa Ichu (Ichu) Bajo Condiciones Hidropónicas

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    En este trabajo se presenta un estudio comparativo de la capacidad de acumulación para cadmio y plomo de Scirpus Californicus (Totora) y Stipa Ichu (Ichu) bajo condiciones hidropónicas. El objetivo fue evaluar la capacidad de retención de Pb, Cd y Pb/Cd juntos en 2 tipos de muestra, i) raíces y ii) hojas y tallos, de las especies antes mencionadas y a diferentes concentraciones (20, 50 y 80 ppm) para conocer la eficacia en los medios contaminados con estos metales como también determinar en qué parte de las plantas existe mayor retención. Los resultados obtenidos, por medio de la técnica de espectrofotometría de absorción atómica, indican que la retención de Pb fue mejor en Totora a una concentración de 20 ppm llegando a retener 5.924 % (1.185 ppm) de la concentración. El Ichu en un sistema hidropónico presenta características pobres para la acumulación de Pb y Cd generando bajos niveles de acumulación. PALABRAS CLAVE Fitorremediación, Ichu, Stipa Ichu, Totora, Scirpus Californicus, metales pesados, plomo (Pb), cadmio (Cd)

    Gamit! Icing on the Cake for Mathematics Gamification

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    Indexado en ScopusGamification has permeated education as a strategy to improve the teaching-learning process. Research shows that gamified reward systems based on badges, leaderboards, and avatars modifies the learning environment and student attitudes. This research aimed primarily to assess the change in attitude towards mathematics in high school students through a gamified methodology involving a reward system managed through a web platform called Gamit! This platform was developed by professors from two Latin American universities to manage gamification in a way that ensured that the anonymity of the class rankings was maintained. A mixed (QUAN-Qual) and quasi-experimental methodological approach was used for this study; two questionnaires were applied to 454 high school students and a focus group was performed with a group of seven professors. The quantitative analysis was processed with SPSS and consisted of ANOVAS and post hoc tests for more than two samples, while the focus group analysis was performed through inductive analysis. Results show benefits for professors and learners. Students improved their attitudes toward mathematics, reducing anxiety and improving willingness, while professors found a dynamic and optimal way to manage gamification on Gamit!.Revisión por pare


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    The result presented in the article is part of an investigation that responds to the need to treat the formation of a pedagogical identity in the students of the Teacher Training Schools of Secondary Education in Angola from the epistemic consideration that the development Contextual scientist connotes the identity of the nation and is part of its cultural heritage. The characterization of the current situation of the formation of the pedagogical professional identity is provided, in the students of the schools of formation of teachers of secondary education in Angola. The methods and techniques of theoretical, mathematical and empirical level recognized in scientific research were used. Prevailing the Holistic-dialectic that directs all the research and is essential for the understanding and analysis of the research object and the hermeneutic-dialectic in the interpretation of the theoretical data and the initial diagnosis, as well as in the understanding, explanation and interpretation of the research object and its field of action. It made possible to stimulate the scientific logic, developed and the analysis of the results obtained with the application of empirical methods. It is concluded that the current process of teacher training for secondary education in Angola is insufficient, regarding the ethical aspects of the pedagogical training of students.El resultado que presenta el artículo, es parte de una investigación que responde a la necesidad de dar tratamiento a la formación de una identidad pedagógica en los estudiantes de las Escuelas Formadoras de Profesores de la Enseñanza Media en Angola desde la consideración epistémica de que el desarrollo científico contextualizado connota la identidad de la nación y forma parte de su patrimonio cultural. Se aporta la caracterización de la situación actual de la formación de la identidad profesional pedagógica, en los estudiantes de las escuelas de formación de profesores de enseñanza media en Angola. Se emplearon los métodos y técnicas de nivel teórico, matemáticos y empíricos reconocidos en la investigación científica prevaleciendo el Holístico-dialectico  que dirige toda la investigación y es esencial para la comprensión y análisis del objeto de investigación y el hermenéutico-dialéctico en la interpretación de los datos teóricos y el diagnóstico inicial, así como  en la comprensión, explicación e interpretación del objeto de investigación y su campo de acción, el cual permitió dinamizar la lógica científica desarrollada y  el análisis de los resultados obtenidos con la aplicación de métodos empíricos.    Se concluye que el proceso actual de formación de profesores de la enseñanza media en Angola es insuficiente, en lo que respecta a los aspectos éticos de la formación pedagógica de los estudiantes
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