5,335 research outputs found

    Geographical origin discrimination of the green coffee bean and analytical qualification of the roasting profilles

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    Tese de doutoramento, Química (Química Analítica), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2011ADI Agency (Agência de Inovação), project POCTI Med. 2.4 - Projecto ORITOCAFÉ (2004-2006); Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT, SFRH/BD/28354/2006), project PTDC/AGR-AAM/104357/2008 (IsoGeoCoffee), (2010-2012

    Undergraduate Latinas\u27 self-definition of academic success

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    This master\u27s level thesis\u27s objective was to gain a better understanding of how a sample of 13 undergraduate Latinas who graduated high school and immediately enrolled into college define academic success. Through interviews, these undergraduate Latinas explain where these self-definitions came from, mentors that may have influenced these definitions, and if their ethnicity and gender has played any role in the way they perceive academic success. The study also considers findings from previous research regarding academic resilience factors associated with Latinas, such as: being involved in college ready initiatives, obtaining academic support from significant others, having mentors, receiving various messages about the importance of academic success for future success/careers, and socio-economic stability, as well as consideration of cultural capital, social capital, and additional forms of capital. Wanting participants to define their own experiences a phenomenological approach was used, which allows for deep description and rich data collection

    Impacto da COVID-19 na saúde mental dos docentes e desafios do ensino remoto de emergência

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    A COVID-19 trouxe um desafio novo: lidar com a transição imediata entre o método presencial clássico e o ensino remoto de emergência (ERT). Este processo tem tido um enorme impacto no bem-estar e na saúde mental dos docentes, a nível mundial, com um risco aumentado de burnout. Foi conduzido um estudo transversal, quantitativo, qualitativo e analítico através de um inquérito online que incluía a caraterização sociodemográfica dos participantes, cinco questões de resposta aberta, focadas no ensino remoto de emergência e instrumentos de avaliação da saúde mental (escala CBI para o burnout, escala de resiliência, escala DASS para depressão, ansiedade e stress, e escala SWLS para a satisfação com a vida). Os resultados obtidos evidenciam níveis elevados de burnout pessoal em 41,2% dos participantes, 37,2% de burnout relacionado com o trabalho e 15,7% de burnout relacionado com os estudantes. A satisfação com a vida e as alterações da rotina do sono foram significativas em todas as dimensões de burnout. Sobre o ERT, as oportunidades de inovação pedagógica foram apontadas como as principais vantagens, as aulas práticas são as mais prejudicadas neste processo online, seguindo-se o isolamento e a falta de interação social. O ERT não é o método de ensino mais eficaz, nem para todos os estudantes, nem em todos os contextos. A combinação das vantagens dos métodos tradicional e online num método híbrido, com colaboração e comunicação entre todos os envolvidos no processo de ensino-aprendizagem, parece ser uma boa opção para alcançar melhores resultados.COVID-19 has brought a new challenge: dealing with the immediate shift from the classical face-to-face approach to emergency remote teaching (ERT). It has had a relevant impact on the wellbeing and mental health of lecturers around the world, including an increased risk of burnout. A cross-sectional, quantitative, qualitative and analytical study was conducted using an online questionnaire which included participants' sociodemographic characterization, five open-ended questions focused on ERT, and instruments for mental health assessment (CBI for burnout, Resilience Scale, DASS for depression, anxiety and stress, and SWLS for the satisfaction of life). Our findings evidenced high personal burnout levels in 41.2% of participants, 37.3% for work-related burnout and 15.7% for student-related burnout. Satisfaction with life and sleep routine changes were determinants for all the burnout dimensions. Regarding ERT, pedagogical innovation opportunities were pointed out as the main advantages, practical lessons were the most impaired in this online process, followed by isolation and lack of social interaction. ERT is not an effective teaching method for every student in every learning context. Combining the advantages of online and traditional learning methods in a called blended learning, by close collaboration and communication between everyone involved, seems a good option to achieve better results

    Enterobacteriaceae resistant to extended-spectrum β- lactam antibiotics in different settings in Portugal: towards an epidemiological characterization of a Public Health priority

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    Dissertação apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Microbiologia ClínicaO aumento de β-lactamases de espetro alargado (ESBLs) e carbapenemases quer a nível hospitalar quer a nível da comunidade tem vindo a comprometer a utilização dos antibióticos β-lactâmicos no tratamento de infeções causadas por Enterobacteriaceae. Em Portugal, uma elevada ocorrência de ESBLs tem sido reportada enquanto que algumas carbapenemases foram apenas recentemente identificadas. Contudo, os dados epidemiológicos recentes sobre a ocorrência e diversidade de Enterobacteriaceae produtoras de ESBLs e/ou carbapenemases em Portugal são escassos. O principal objetivo deste estudo é caraterizar a diferentes níveis a epidemiologia molecular de isolados recentes de Enterobacteriaceae (2006-2010) resistentes a cefalosporinas de espetro alargado e/ou carbapenemos, provenientes de diferentes nichos ecológicos (hospitais, suiniculturas). Trezentos e dois isolados de Enterobacteriaceae obtidos entre 2006 e 2010 de diferentes origens (5 hospitais, 2 suiniculturas), foram analisados. Estes isolados incluíam: i) 264 isolados produtores de ESBLs de 3 hospitais; ii) 16 isolados com redução da suscetibilidade aos carbapenemos de 2 hospitais e iii) 22 isolados produtores de ESBLs de animais, rações e ambiente de 2 suiniculturas Portuguesas. A identificação bacteriana e o estudos de suscetibilidade a antibióticos foram efectuados por métodos clássicos. Os genes que codificam para ESBL ou carbapenemases e o seu ambiente genético foram identificados por PCR (blaCTX-M, blaSHV, blaTEM, blaKPC, blaMBL, blaOXA) e sequenciação. A relação clonal entre isolados foi estabelecida por XbaI-PFGE e MLST. A análise de plasmídeos incluiu a identificação de grupos de incompatibilidade por PCR, sequenciação e hibridação, RFLP e pMLST. As alterações em porina foram investigados por PCR e SDS-PAGE. A resistência a cefalosporinas de espetro alargado foi frequentemente associada a Escherichia coli e Klebsiella pneumoniae, mas também a Enterobacter cloacae, Klebsiella oxytoca, Proteus mirabilis e Serratia marcescens. Foi detetada uma grande diversidade de ESBLs, sendo que as enzimas do tipo CTX-M (CTX-M-1, -2, -9, -14, -15, -32, -79) e SHV (SHV-2, -5, -12, -28, -55, -106, -145) foram as mais predominantes em E. coli e K. pneumoniae respetivamente, enquanto que as enzimas do tipo TEM foram detetadas com menor frequência (TEM-10, -24, -52, -116, -199) em diferentes espécies de enterobactérias. Apesar de ter sido observada uma elevada diversidade clonal (264 isolados/86 pulsotipos), foram identificados clones epidémicos de E. coli (ST131) e K. pneumoniae (ST15, ST147, ST336) associados à disseminação de determinadas ESBLs (CTX-M-15, diferentes variantes de SHV) durante longos períodos de tempo em diferentes hospitais. Neste estudo, foi identificado um reservatório de genes blaCTX-M-1/-32 e blaTEM-52 em suiniculturas Portuguesas associado à disseminação de plasmídeos (IncI1/ST3 e IncN, respetivamente) e clones (E. coli complexo clonal 10) epidémicos frequentemente identificados em humanos e outros animais em diversos países. Foram identificados isolados com suscetibilidade reduzida aos carbapenemos em: i) um surto nosocomial que envolveu diferentes espécies de Enterobactericeae com alterações em porinas e produção de ESBLs ou AmpCs plasmídicas; e ii) um isolado clínico de K. pneumoniae (ST15) produtor de uma nova variante de VIM-1, designada VIM-34. Neste trabalho é descrita uma epidemiologia complexa entre as Enterobacteriaceae produtoras de ESBLs em Portugal, envolvendo uma diversidade de ESBLs, clones (alguns contendo genes blaESBL filogeneticamente relacionados) e plasmídeos. A identificação de plasmídeos e clones idênticos produtores de ESBL entre isolados de origem humana e animal sugere um papel relevante da cadeia alimentar na disseminação de bactérias produtoras de ESBLs. A deteção de isolados com suscetibilidade diminuída aos carbapenemos (devido à produção de carbapenemases ou ESBL/AmpC e alterações em porina) pertencentes a clones epidémicos em hospitais Portugueses foi importante para implementar medidas de controle de infeção adequadas e oportunas e reforçar os sistemas de vigilância. The expansion of extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBLs) and carbapenemases in both nosocomial and community settings has seriously compromised the use of β- lactam antibiotics in the treatment of infections caused by Enterobacteriaceae. In Portugal, a high occurrence of ESBLs has been reported and carbapenemase-producing isolates have recently emerged, although recent epidemiological data on the occurrence, diversity, and epidemiological features of ESBL- or carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae are scarce. The global goal of this study is the multi-level molecular epidemiological characterization of recent Enterobacteriaceae isolates (2006-2010) resistant to extended-spectrum cephalosporins and/or carbapenems obtained from different ecological niches (hospitalized patients, pig farms). Three hundred and two Enterobacteriaceae isolates obtained from different sources (5 hospitals, 2 piggeries) between 2006 and 2010 were studied. They included i) 264 ESBL-producing isolates from 3 hospitals; ii) 16 isolates with reduced susceptibility to carbapenems from 2 hospitals; and iii) 22 ESBL-producing isolates from animals, feed and environmental samples of two Portuguese piggeries. Bacterial identification and antibiotic susceptibility testing were performed by standard methods. ESBL or carbapenemase genes and their genetic environment were identified by PCR (blaCTX-M, blaSHV, blaTEM, blaKPC, blaMBL, blaOXA) and sequencing. Clonal relatedness was established by XbaI-PFGE and MLST. Plasmid analysis included identification of incompatibility groups by PCR, sequencing and hybridization, RFLP and pMLST. Porin changes were investigated by PCR and SDS-PAGE. Resistance to extended-spectrum cephalosporins was mostly observed in Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae, and also Enterobacter cloacae, Klebsiella oxytoca, Proteus mirabilis and Serratia marcescens. A high diversity of ESBLs was detected, mostly from CTX-M (CTX-M-1, -2, -9, -14, -15, -32, -79) and SHV-types (SHV-2, -5, -12, -28, -55, -106, -145), particularly among E. coli and K. pneumoniae isolates, respectively, while the TEM-type enzymes were sporadically reported (TEM- 10, -24, -52, -116, -199) in different Enterobacteriaceae species. Despite the high clonal diversity observed (264 isolates/86 PFGE-types), a few epidemic E. coli (ST131) and K.pneumoniae (ST15, ST147, ST336) clones were associated with the dissemination of particular ESBL-types (CTX-M-15, different SHV-variants) during large periods of time in different hospitals. CTX-M-1/-32 or TEM-52 types were detected among Portuguese piggeries associated with the spread of epidemic plasmids (IncI1/ST3 and IncN, respectively) and clones (E. coli clonal complex 10), frequently identified in humans and other animals in several countries. Reduced susceptibility to carbapenems was detected: i) in a nosocomial outbreak involving different ESBL or plasmidmediated AmpC-producing Enterobacteriaceae isolates exhibiting porin alterations; and ii) in a ST15 K. pneumoniae clinical isolate producing a novel VIM-1 variant, designated VIM-34. A complex epidemiology of ESBL-producing Enterobactericeae in Portugal is described, with the involvement of a diversity of ESBL-types, epidemic clones (in some cases harbouring closely related blaESBL genes) and plasmids. The identification of identical ESBL-encoding plasmids and clones between isolates from human and animal origins stresses a link through the food chain. The detection of strains with decreased susceptibility to carbapenems (either by carbapenemase production or ESBL/AmpC production plus porin changes) belonging to widespread clones in Portuguese hospitals was important to implement appropriate and timely infection control measures, and to reinforce continuous surveillance systems

    Best management practices for the transition to a water-sensitive city in the South of Portugal

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    The uncertainty that arises from future environmental and climatic challenges requires new approaches towards urban water management in Mediterranean cities. In this work, an urban water cycle (UWC) strategy based on the best management practices (BMPs) of water-sensitive urban design (WSUD) is proposed for the transition of a coastal city in the south of Portugal into a water-sensitive city (WSC), in line with the Municipal Strategy for Climate Change Adaptation of Loulé (EMAAC of Loulé). The city’s watershed was identified using the ArcMap Hydrology toolset with geospatial data provided by Loulé’s Municipal Council Operational Unit for Adaptation to Climate Change and Circular Economy (UOACEC). A broad characterisation of the study area was conducted, identifying existing resources to further develop a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis. The Hydrology toolset outputs, precipitation events records, and survey results were used to identify flood-prone areas. The opportunities and threats identified were further used to develop the transition strategy, which is focused on critical areas identified and supported by BMPs, including source control, attenuation, treatment and infiltration measures, permeable pavements, rainwater harvesting systems, and bioretention basins. The approach is designed to increase the city’s resilience to climate extremes, as well as community engagement towards UWC management.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Lignocellulosic biomass pretreatment is a fundamental step in the production of renewable fuels and chemicals. It is responsible for the disruption and removal of lignin and hemicellulose from the lignocellulosic matrix, improving the enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose. Alkaline pretreatment has been shown to be successful on agricultural residues and dedicated energy crops. The objective of this study was to evaluate the pretreatment of switchgrass, wheat straw, corn stover, and miscanthus using calcium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, and sodium hydroxide at the same hydroxyl concentration, 60% moisture content, and two temperatures for seven days. Enzymatic hydrolysis was also performed and the glucose produced measured. The composition of cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin before and after pretreatment were quantified according to the standard procedures developed by the NREL for biomass. The hydrolysis was performed at 50°C and 150 rpm. The enzyme loading was 60 FPU/g cellulose. Overall, calcium hydroxide pretreatment resulted in the lowest delignification and structural carbohydrates after pretreatment, as well as lowest glucose yield; In addition to having a higher cost and carbon dioxide emission then sodium and potassium hydroxides. Sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide had similar performance in terms of composition changes due to pretreatment and glucose yield after enzymatic hydrolysis