108 research outputs found

    Estilo de vida e prática esportiva em crianças e adolescentes, peripubertales sobre a densidade mineral de hueso e composição do cuerpo: estudio preleminar

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    Resumen: Introducción: Hay varios estudios publicados en los últimos veinte años que intentan establecer la relación entre las reacciones esqueléticas a diferentes cargas, en particular en los deportes de los jóvenes. Objetivos: The aim of this research is to study the impact of regular physical activity (basketball, soccer and swimming) on peri-puberal subjects by bone mineral density (BMD) and body composition. Métodos: Este es un estudio seccional, descriptivo y correlacional que incluye nadadores (n = 17 hembras y 10 varones), futbolistas (n = 13 hembras y 19 varones), jugadores de baloncesto (n = 14 hembras y 15 varones) y un grupo de control (n = 20 mujeres y 12 hombres) en un total de 120 sujetos. Se aplicó un cuestionario sobre actividad física e ingesta de alimentos y estatura, masa corporal y circunferencia abdominal. La DMO se evaluó mediante ultrasonido cuantitativo del calcáneo. La prueba de Kruskal-Wallis se utilizó para estudiar el efecto de los deportes en las variables de estudio. Resultados y discusión: La DMO para el grupo de control es más baja que para todos los demás grupos para ambos sexos (nadadores (f: 0.521; m: 0.533), fútbol (f: 0.634; m: 0.639), baloncesto (f: 0.688; m: 0.657), Grupo de control (f: 0.462; m: 0.472). Los jugadores de baloncesto tienen los valores más altos de BMD para ambos sexos, seguidos por los jugadores de fútbol y los nadadores. La prueba de Kruskal-Wallis muestra que hay efectos de los deportes por encima de la BMD [X2 (3)=82.796; p<0.001]. Conclusiones: La actividad física regular en sujetos peripúberes promueve un aumento en la DMO, los deportes de confrontación son los que tienen valores más altos en el esqueleto para ambos sexos.Abstract: Introduction: There are several studies published in the last twenty years that try to stablish the relationship between skeleton reactions to different loads particular in sports youth. Aim: The aim of this research is to study the impact of regular physical activity (basketball, soccer and swimming) on peri-puberal subjects by bone mineral density (BMD) and body composition. Methods: This is sectional, descriptive and correlational study involving swimmers (n=17 females and 10 males), soccer players (n=13 females and 19 males), basketball players (n=14 females and 15 males) and a control group (n=20 females and 12 males) in a total of 120 subjects. A questionnaire on physical activity and food intake was applied and stature, body mass and abdominal girth. BMD was assessed using quantitative ultrasound of the calcaneus. Kruskal-Wallis test was used to study the effect of sports in the study variables. Results & discussion: BMD for the control group is lower than for all other groups for both genders, (Swimmers (f: 0.521; m: 0.533), Soccer (f: 0.634; m: 0.639), Basketball (f: 0.688; m: 0.657), Control Group (f: 0.462; m: 0.472). Basketball players have the higher values for BMD for both genders followed by soccer players and swimmers. The Kruskal-Wallis test show there is effect of sports above the BMD [X2 (3)=82.796; p<0.001]. Conclusions: Regular physical activity on peripubertal subjects promotes increase on BMD, the confrontation sports are the ones that have higher values on the skeleton is for both sexes.Resumo: Introdução: Existem vários estudos publicados nos últimos vinte anos que tentam estabelecer a relação entre as reações do esqueleto para diferentes cargas específicas em jovens desportistas Objectivos: O objetivo desta pesquisa é estudar o impacto da atividade física regular (basquetebol, futebol e natação) em sujeitos peri-puberais através da densidade mineral óssea (DMO) e composição corporal.Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo seccional, descritivo e correlacional envolvendo nadadores (n = 17 mulheres e 10 homens), jogadores de futebol (n = 13 mulheres e 19 homens), jogadores de basquetebol (n = 14 e 15 homens) e grupo controle (n = 20 fêmeas e 12 machos) num total de 120 indivíduos. Foi aplicado um questionário sobre a atividade física e ingestão alimentar e estatura, massa corporal e circunferência abdominal. A DMO foi avaliada usando ultrassonografia quantitativa do calcâneo. O teste de Kruskal-Wallis foi utilizado para estudar o efeito do esporte nas variáveis do estudo. Resultados e discussão: A DMO para o grupo controle é menor do que para todos os outros grupos para ambos os sexos, (Nadadores (f: 0,521; m: 0,533), Futebol (f: 0,634; m: 0,639), Basquetebol (f: 0,688; m: 0,657) Grupo Controle (f: 0,462; m: 0,472) Os jogadores de basquete têm os maiores valores de DMO para ambos os sexos, seguidos por jogadores de futebol e nadadores, e o teste de Kruskal-Wallis mostra que há esportes acima da DMO [X2 (3)=82.796; p<0.001]. Conclusões: A atividade física regular em sujeitos peripubertais promove aumento na DMO, os esportes de confronto são os que apresentam maiores valores no esqueleto para ambos os sexos

    Parental Perception of Their Child’s Weight Status in Portugal: An Observational Study

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    Introduction: Parental perceptions of a child’s weight status may influence family readiness to foster healthy behaviors. Our aim was to observe parental perceptions of their child’s weight status in two time periods and in multiple population subgroups. Methods: Data were collected in two national projects, 2009 - 2010 (n = 6577) and 2016 - 2017 (n = 7594), in public and private kindergartens and primary schools in Portugal (children aged three to 10 years old). Parents filled out a questionnaire regarding their perception of their child’s weight status, namely: 1) too thin, 2) thin, 3) normal weight, 4) with some excess weight, or 5) with a lot of excess weight. Children’s height and weight were objectively collected, and the International Obesity Task Force cut-offs were used to classify overweight and obesity. Accurate and misclassification levels were calculated for children according to their sex, age, as well as child and parental weight status, while considering differences within and between the two time periods. Results: Overall, accuracy in parental perception of their child’s weight was higher in 2016 - 2017 than in 2009 - 2010, regardless of children’s sex, age, parental weight status, and education (65.7% and 60.5%, respectively). However, the ability of parents to detect obesity was ~ 50% lower in 2016 - 2017 compared with 2009 - 2010. Conclusion: Even though parental perception of their child’s weight was better in 2016 - 2017 than in 2009 - 2010 , the inverse result was found among children with obesity. Strategies are needed to encourage parents to improve their perception of the appropriate weight for their child

    The Mediating Role of Physical Inactivity on the Relationship between Inflammation and Artery Thickness in Prepubertal Adolescents

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    Objective: To analyze the relationship between inflammatory markers and the lipid profile, blood flow, and artery structure in prepubertal adolescents stratified according to sports practice.Study design The sample was composed of 120 adolescents (57 boys and 63 girls) with a mean age of 11.7 +/- 0.7 years (ranging from 11 to 13 years). Intima-media thickness (IMT) and blood flow were measured with ultrasonography. The lipid profile and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein were measured after the subjects had fasted for 12 hours overnight. Trunk fatness was measured by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry. Organized sports participation was analyzed as a categorical variable. Biological maturation was determined via the age at peak height velocity. Results: In the adjusted model, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein was significantly related to high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (beta = -5.797 [-11.500 to -0.093]), femoral IMT (beta = 0.062 [0.008-0.116]), and the sum of femoral and carotid IMT (beta = 1.107 [0.223-1.919]), but only in the group without sports participation. Slopes of the crude linear regression were greater in the group without sports participation for femoral IMT (t = 2.621; P = .009) and the sum of femoral and carotid IMT (t = 2.876; P = .004) when compared with the group with sports participation. Conclusion: Independent of body fatness and biological maturation, inflammatory status was related to artery IMT and dyslipidemia in prepubertal adolescents, modulated by sport participation.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Self-reported symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress in Portuguese primary school-aged children

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    Costa D, Cunha M, Ferreira C, et al. Self-reported symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress in Portuguese primary school-aged children. BMC Psychiatry. 2020;20(1): 87

    Sports practice is related to parasympathetic activity in adolescents

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    AbstractObjectiveTo analyze the relationship among sports practice, physical education class, habitual physical activity and cardiovascular risk in adolescents.MethodsCross-sectional study with 120 schoolchildren (mean: 11.7±0.7 years old), with no regular use of medicines. Sports practice and physical education classes were assessed through face-to-face interview, while habitual physical activity was assessed by pedometers. Bodyweight, height and height-cephalic trunk were used to estimate maturation. The following variables were measured: body fatness, blood pressure, resting heart rate, blood flow velocity, intima-media thickness (carotid and femoral) and heart rate variability (mean between consecutive heartbeats and statistical index in the time domain that show the autonomic parasympathetic nervous system activity root-mean by the square of differences between adjacent normal R-R intervals in a time interval). Statistical treatment used Spearman correlation adjusted by sex, ethnicity, age, body fatness and maturation.ResultsIndependently of potential confounders, sports practice was positively related to autonomic parasympathetic nervous system activity (β=0.039 [0.01; 0.76]). On the other hand, the relationship between sport practice and mean between consecutive heartbeats (β=0,031 [–0.01; 0.07]) was significantly mediated by biological maturation.ConclusionsSport practice was related to higher heart rate variability at rest

    Influence of the built environment on physical activity and its relationship with childhood obesity: A systematic review and meta-analysis / Influência do ambiente construído na atividade física e sua relação com a obesidade infantil: Revisão sistemática com meta-análise

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    Background: Childhood obesity is understood as a health problem of concern due to the changes it can cause in the development process. Being the physical activity and the built environment important influencers in this process. The authors aimed to analyze studies of the last ten years, checking the relationship between the level of physical activity, the built environment and obesity. Methods: This is a systematic review and meta-analysis, conducted through PubMed, B-on and Web of Science, using the terms (obesity child* AND physi* activit*) AND (obesity child* OR overweight you*) AND (built environment). To evaluate the quality of the studies, the PRISMA tool and the STROBE index were used. Five studies were selected and their data were analyzed by the Comprehensive Meta-Analysis V.3. Results: It can be stated that there is an inverse relationship between the evaluated aspects (obesity, built environment and physical activity), presenting a negative correlation of 0.026 with p = 0.0001. The results of the Z test = -4.050, where the ease and availability of physical activity places are related to childhood obesity levels. Conclusions: Childhood obesity may be inversely related to the built environment, due to the ease and availability of places for physical activity

    Multivariate relationships among morphology, fitness and motor coordination in prepubertal girls

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    Motor coordination and physical fitness are multidimensional concepts which cannot be reduced to a single variable. This study evaluated multivariate relationships among morphology, physical fitness and motor coordination in 74 pre-pubertal girls 8.0-8.9 years of age. Data included body dimensions, eight fitness items and four motor coordination tasks (KTK battery). Maturity status was estimated as percentage of predicted mature stature attained at the time of observation. Canonical correlation analysis was used to examine the relationships between multivariate domains. Significant pairs of linear functions between indicators of morphology and fitness (r(c) = 0.778, Wilks' Lambda = 0.175), and between fitness and motor coordination (r(c) = 0.765, Wilks' Lambda = 0.289) were identified. Girls who were lighter and had a lower waist-to-stature ratio and % fat mass attained better scores in the endurance run, sit-ups and standing long jump tests, but poorer performances in hand grip strength and 2-kg ball throw. Better fitness test scores were also associated with better motor coordination scores. Relationships between body size and estimated fatness with motor fitness suggested an inverse relationship that was particularly evident in performance items that required the displacement of the body through space, while motor coordination was more closely related with fitness than with somatic variables

    Biocultural predictors of motor coordination among pre-pubertal boys and girls

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    This study aimed to predict motor coordination from a matrix of biocultural factors for 173 children (89 boys, 84 girls) aged 7-9 years who were assessed with the Körperkoordinationtest für Kinder test battery. Socioeconomic variables included built environment, area of residence, mother\u27s educational level, and mother\u27s physical activity level (using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire [short version]). The behavioral domain was marked by participation in organized sports and habitual physical activity measured by accelerometers (ActiGraph GT1M). Indicators of biological development included somatic maturation and body mass index. Among males, the best logistic regression model to explain motor coordination (Nagelkerke R 2 = 50.8; χ 2 = 41.166; p \u3c .001) emerged from age-group (odds ratio [OR]: 0.007-0.065), late maturation (OR = 0.174), normal body weight status (OR = 0.116), mother\u27s educational level (OR = 0.129), and urban area of residence (OR = 0.236). Among girls, the best logistic regression to explain motor coordination (Nagelkerke R 2 = 40.8; χ 2 = 29.933; p \u3c .01) derived from age (OR: 0.091-0.384), normal body mass index (OR = 0.142), participation in organized sport (OR = 0.121), and mother\u27s physical activity level (OR = 0.183). This sex-specific, ecological approach to motor coordination proficiency may help promote physical activity during prepubertal years through familiar determinants

    Relationship between functional fitness, medication costs and mood in elderly people

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    Objective: to verify if functional fitness (FF) is associated with the annual cost of medication consumption and mood states (MSt) in elderly people. Methods: a cross-sectional study with 229 elderly people aged 65 years or more at Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Coimbra, Portugal. Seniors with physical and psychological limitations were excluded, as well as those using medication that limits performance on the tests. The Senior Fitness Test was used to evaluate FF, and the Profile of Mood States - Short Form to evaluate the MSt. The statistical analysis was based on Mancova, with adjustment for age, for comparison between men and women, and adjustment for sex, for comparison between cardiorespiratory fitness quintiles. The association between the variables under study was made with partial correlation, controlling for the effects of age, sex and body mass index. Results: an inverse correlation between cardiorespiratory fitness and the annual cost of medication consumption was found (p < 0.01). FF is also inversely associated with MSt (p < 0.05). Comparisons between cardiorespiratory fitness quintiles showed higher medication consumption costs in seniors with lower aerobic endurance, as well as higher deterioration in MSt (p < 0.01). Conclusion: elderly people with better FF and, specifically, better cardiorespiratory fitness present lower medication consumption costs and a more positive MSt