1,045 research outputs found

    Perspectiva de género en el inicio de consumo de tabaco: un punto de partida para la prevención

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    La prevención del consumo de tabaco en población adolescente es uno de los principales objetivos de las políticas de salud pública en España. El número de chicos que inician el consumo se está manteniendo estable en los últimos años, con tendencia al descenso del número de consumidores y al aumento de la edad de inicio en el consumo, en cambio en las chicas no se observa la misma tendencia, ya que a partir de los trece años su consumo es superior al de los chicos de su misma edad. Los objetivos del presente estudio son analizar las diferencias de género en el uso de tabaco por parte de los adolescentes y determinar diferencias de género que puedan estar presentes en aquellos factores considerados de riesgo en el consumo.Método: una muestra de 1.483 chicos y 1.358 chicas de 10 escuelas de educación secundaria del municipio de Sant Boi de Llobregat (Barcelona). Los participantes respondieron un cuestionario diseñado especialmente para el estudio, a fi n de evaluar patrones de consumo y factores de riesgo tradicionales (percepción de disponibilidad, riesgo de consumo, consumo en el ámbito familiar y en el grupo de iguales y ocupación del tiempo libre). El cuestionario también incluía escalas sobre preocupación por el peso (DT del EDI-2) y la escala de autoestima de Rosenberg. Se aplicaron en el análisis estadístico las pruebas de Chi. Cuadrado y la T. de Student a fin de observar diferencias de género en patrones de consumo y factores de riesgo

    Toxic metals from atmospheric particulate matter in food species of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) and strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa) used in urban gardening. A closed chamber study

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    In this work, two plant foods, strawberry and tomato, were subjected to exposure to metals from synthetic airborne particles in a closed chamber experiment. The synthetic particles were obtained in the laboratory. Within the closed chamber, particles were added and recirculated for 4 days in a turbulent air stream, causing deposition on the different parts of the plants. They were evaluated because of their increasingly frequent cultivation in urban gardens of cities. The main objectives were to determine whether the species accumulate metals significantly, which species accumulate the most, and in which parts of the plant. Finally, an attempt was made to differentiate the accumulation of pollutants by surface deposition on leaves and fruits from the adsorbed metals into the leaf or the fruit by their stomata or cuticles. The concentration of heavy metals was quantified in fruits, leaves and the soil after exposure. Metals were evaluated as a whole and individually, both in dry and fresh weight basis. The decrease of particulate matter and metals in the air inside the chamber was also studied in order to evaluate the use of both food species as air purifier by vertical gardens. The concentration of metals in plants (mg kg− 1 ) and airborne particles (mg m− 3 ) was measured by microwave plasma optical emission spectroscopy (MP-AES). For the sake comparison of total amount of metals in the samples concentrations were normalized. Strawberries was the food species that accumulated the largest amount of metals. In a dry weight basis, tomato leaves and strawberry fruits were the parts of the plants with higher accumulation capacity of particles and metals. The potential toxic elements Cd, Ni and Cr in tomato leaves and in strawberry fruits had a higher presence in the interior of the plant system. In a fresh weight basis, the strawberry fruit had the most accumulation capacity for metals.Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) - UNSE15-CE-2845, P2016/70

    / Corporalidades e corpo: um olhar sobre a autopercepção da imagem física entre mulheres adultas

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    Some attributes of women’s body self-perception associated with physical appearance, diet, physical activity, sedentary lifestyle, emotionality, well-being, discomfort, health, illness, among other elements of possible lifestyles have been intervened by idealizations or representations of beauty inflexible and exclusive that stigmatize, violate and break the will of these corporeities, based on the introjection of patriarchal and sexist discourses in their socio-historical and hegemonic events. An initial analysis will be presented with the corresponding narratives, the result of an anthropological and netnographic approach that observes the tuning of stereotyped bodies. Outlining a proposal for arrangements that break with physical and symbolic borders, that sustain communities of support and resistance in the face of the onslaught of stimuli that unify, standardize and despise the bodies that are not inserted in said models, for the sake of a logic of multiple consumptions and not from a perspective of self-care and acceptance.Algunos atributos de la autopercepción corporal de mujeres asociadas a la apariencia física, alimentación, actividad física, sedentarismo, emocionalidad, bienestar, malestar, salud, enfermedad, entre otros elementos de estilos de vida posibles han sido intervenidos por idealizaciones o representaciones de belleza inflexibles y excluyentes que estigmatizan, vulneran y quebrantan la voluntad de estas corporeidades, a partir de la introyección de discursos patriarcales y sexistas en su acontecer sociohistórico y hegemónico. Se presentará un análisis inicial con las narrativas correspondientes, resultado de una aproximación antropológica y netnográfica que observa la puesta en sintonía de cuerpos estereotipados. Esbozando una propuesta de acuerpamientos que rompan con fronteras físicas y simbólicas, que sostengan comunidades de apoyo y resistencia ante los embates de estímulos que unifican, estandarizan y desprecian los cuerpos que no se insertan en dichos modelos, en aras de una lógica de múltiples consumos y no de una perspectiva de autocuidado y aceptación.Alguns atributos da autopercepção corporal feminina associados à aparência física, alimentação,atividade física, sedentarismo, emocionalidade,bem-estar, desconforto, saúde, doença, entre outros elementos de possíveis estilos de vida têm sidointerferidos por idealizações ou representações de beleza inflexíveis e exclusivas que estigmatizam,violam e quebram a vontade dessas corporeidades, a partir da introjeção de discursos patriarcais e sexistas em seus acontecimentos sócio-históricos e hegemônicos. Será apresentada uma análise inicial com as narrativas correspondentes, fruto de uma abordagem antropológica e netnográfica que observa a afinação de corpos estereotipados. Traçando uma proposta de arranjos que rompam com asfronteiras físicas e simbólicas, que sustentem comunidades de apoio e resistência diante da investida de estímulos que unificam, padronizam e desprezam os corpos que não estão inseridos em ditos modelos, por uma lógica de múltiplos consumos enão numa perspectiva de autocuidado e aceitação

    Apnea during slow sub-anaesthetic infusion of intravenous ketamine for treatment-resistant depression

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    Ketamine's pharmacological profile makes it an interesting and useful drug to challenge treatment-resistant-depression (TRD). Emerging adverse events associated with single-slow-sub-anaesthetic doses for the treatment of depression are common, although generally transient and self-limited. Nevertheless, data on the safety of this practice are scarce. Thus, it seems timely before ketamine is used for clinical treatment of depression to recommend careful monitoring and reporting of all potential adverse events related to ketamine administration. Here, we describe a case of apnea during slow sub-anaesthetic infusion of intravenous ketamine for the treatment of resistant depression. As far as we are concerned, this is an uncommon, previously unreported, and potentially severe adverse event that clinicians should be aware of, and specific management measures should be implemented

    Effect of integrated fertilization and cover cropping on N2O losses in an irrigated mediterranean maize field

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    Agronomical and environmental benefits are associated with replacing winter fallow by cover crops (CC). Yet, the effect of this practice on nitrous oxide (N2 O) emissions remains poorly understood. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of two different CC species (barley and vetch) and fallow on N2O emissions during the CC period and during the following maize cash crop period in an Integrated Soil Fertility management (ISFM) system. We also aimed to study the contribution of synthetic fertilizer and other N sources to N2O emissions through a parallel 15N labelled fertilizer experiment

    Optimization of the process of aromatic and medicinal plant maceration in grape marc distillates to obtain herbal liqueurs and spirits

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    BACKGROUND Herbal liqueurs are alcoholic beverages produced by the maceration or distillation of aromatic and medicinal plants in alcohol, and are also highly valued for their medicinal properties. The process conditions, as well as the number and quantity of the plants employed, will have a great influence on the quality of the liqueur obtained. The aim of this research was to optimize these important variables. RESULTS A BoxBenhken experimental design was used to evaluate the independent variables: alcohol content, amount of plant and time during the experimental maceration of plants in grape marc distillate. Four plants were assessed, with the main compound of each plant representing the dependent variable evaluated with respect to following the evolution of the maceration process. Bisabolol oxide A in Matricaria recutita L., linalool in Coriander sativum L. and eucalyptol in Eucalyptus globulus Labill. were quantified using a gas chromatography-flame ionization detector. Glycyrrhizic acid in Glycyrrhiza glabra L was determined using a high-performance liquid chromatography-diode array detector. Other dependent variables were also evaluated: total phenolic content, color parameters and consumer preference (i.e. appearance). CONCLUSION The experimental designs allowed the selection of the optimal maceration conditions for each parameter, including the preference score of consumers: 70% (v/v) of ethanol, 40 g L1 plant concentration and a maceration process of 3 weeks.Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness - (project CTQ2015-71436-C2-1-R)FEDER funds of the European UnionFundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia a (FCT) - grant SFRH/BD/87953/201

    Ecología química en el bentos antártico

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    El estudio de las interacciones entre los organismos mediadas por sustancias químicas, lo que se denomina ecología química, nos da información sobre la biología de las especies implicadas, el funcionamiento de la comunidad en que viven y nos puede proporcionar además el conocimiento de nuevas sustancias que pueden ser útiles para el ser humano. En el marco de nuestros estudios sobre la ecología química de los invertebrados antárticos, en el proyecto ECOQUIM (2003-2006) se recolectaron numerosas muestras biológicas a partir de las cuales se obtuvieron extractos y sustancias naturales de invertebrados antárticos. En el proyecto ACTIQUIM (2007-actualidad), se ha evaluado el papel ecológico de estos extractos y sustancias naturales mediante experimentos de ecología química in situ (repelencia, defensa ante distintos tipos de macro y micro-depredadores, toxicidad, citotoxicidad y actividad antifouling) y también se ha analizado la actividad antitumoral de algunos compuestos obtenidos recientemente. Nuestros resultados demuestran, entre otras cuestiones, que las defensas químicas en los organismos antárticos son elevadas en las esponjas, los cnidarios, los tunicados, los briozoos, los equinodermos y los moluscos y que por lo tanto, estos grupos pueden ser una fuente rica en metabolitos secundarios con bioactividad, tanto a nivel ecológico como farmacológico

    Pancreatic and psoas abscesses as a late complication of intravesical administration of bacillus Calmette-Guerin for bladder cancer: a case report and review of the literature

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) is a live attenuated strain of <it>Mycobacterium bovis</it> that has been used to treat urothelial carcinoma since 1976, and has been reported to eradicate disease in more than 70% of patients with <it>in situ</it> and stage I disease. To the best of our knowledge, we report the first case of disseminated bacillus Calmette-Guerin infection causing multiple abscesses affecting the pancreatic head and right psoas muscle, diagnosed 5 years after intravesical treatment with bacillus Calmette-Guerin therapy for bladder cancer.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>An 83-year-old Caucasian man was hospitalized with a 2-month history of back pain, anorexia, generalized weakness and a 47-pound weight loss. He had previously undergone two transurethral resections for high-grade transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder and had received 12 intravesical bacillus Calmette-Guerin instillations without any complications. He complained of abdominal pain in his right flank. A computed tomography scan of the abdomen showed multiple abscesses affecting the pancreatic head and right psoas muscle. Growth of <it>Mycobacterium bovis</it> was determined in cultures of the purulent material obtained by surgical drainage of the abscesses.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This case illustrates the fact that although intravesical administration of bacillus Calmette-Guerin is generally considered to be safe, it is not exempt from complications and these could appear immediately after treatment or as a delayed complication many years later.</p