657 research outputs found

    Quality of Life in Spanish Patients with Liver Transplant

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    Background: Liver transplantation is the optimal method of treatment in patients with end-stage liver failure. Transplantation medicine has significantly progressed in the last time, but some psychology and psychosomatic problems still remain unsolved. Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQL) in liver transplant is considered a useful measure of evolutionary process of the illness. Objective: The authors analyzed the evolution of HRQL in pre-transplant (waiting-list patients) and post-transplant (first year after liver transplant) periods of liver transplant Spanish patients. Methods: A prospective and longitudinal study was carried out among patients who received a liver transplant from a deceased donor. They were assessed in four phases: at the time of inclusion on the transplant waiting-list, and 3, 6, and 12 months after receiving the graft. We used a structured interview and SF-36 and Euroqol-5D (EQ-5D) Health Questionnaires. Results: The greater differences were found between pre-transplant and post-transplant stages with less well-being in the stage before the transplant. No significantly differences were observed when comparing the 3, 6 and 12 months from posttransplant stage. Conclusion: The HQRL of liver patients improved after the transplant, being appreciated a tendency to the stabilization from three months onwards. We suggest that the psychological intervention, in liver patients, should be conducted in waiting- list patients and in the first 3 months post-transplant, periods with a poor mental health (anxiety, depression, and stress by fear to the unknown thing) and a low adhesion to the treatment that can generate a smaller graft and/or patient survival.Transplant Research Network RETIC FIS C03/03Junta de Andalucí

    Analysis of the legume–rhizobia symbiosis in shrubs from central western Spain

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    s. rodríguez-echeverría, m.a. pérez-fernández, s. vlaar and t. finnan. 2003.Aims: This work analyses the diversity of rhizobia associated with some of the predominant shrubby legumes in central-western Spain. Symbiotic promiscuity and effectiveness were studied using cross-inoculation experiments with shrubby species.Material and Results: Six new bradyrhizobia strains were isolated from nodules collected from wild plants of six leguminous species, Cytisus balansae, C. multiflorus, C. scoparius, C. striatus, Genista hystrix and Retama sphaerocarpa. These isolates were genetically characterized by 16S rDNA partial sequencing and random amplification of polymorphic DNA2013PCR fingerprinting. The phylogenetic analysis revealed that these isolates could represent three new Bradyrhizobium species. Shrubby legumes and bradyrhizobia displayed a high symbiotic promiscuity both for infectivity and effectiveness. Symbioses were effective in more than 70% of the associations established by four of the six plant species.Conclusions: Native woody legumes in western Spain are nodulated by Bradyrhizobium strains. The high degree of symbiotic promiscuity and effectiveness highlights the complex dynamics of these communities in wild ecosystems under a Mediterranean-type climate. Furthermore, the results from this study suggest a potential importance of inoculation for these legume species in soil-restoration projects.Significance and Impact of the Study: This is the first study, to our knowledge, that combines both molecular analysis and pot trials to study the rhizobia2013legume symbiosis for wild legumes

    Effect of solidification rate on pore connectivity of aluminium foams and its consequences on mechanical properties

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    This study evaluates the influence of solidification rate on the generation and control of pore connectivity of closed-cell aluminium foams. Additionally, it gives the experimental support to evaluate and model the effect of this pore connectivity on the mechanical properties. A collection of AlSi10 foams produced via powder metallurgy route, with porosities between 0.65 and 0.85, were examined. During production, applied heating conditions were the same in all cases but the cooling conditions were varied in order to promote different solidification rates in a wide range (from -1 to -15 K/s). Structural characterisation was performed by gas pycnometry and X- ray microtomography while the mechanical properties were evaluated by microhardness measurements and uniaxial compression tests. Results showed a clear reduction of pore connectivity when increasing the solidification rate. The consequence is a prominent improvement of the foam strength over the one expected from just the matrix refinement. Further analysis on this relationship between the pore connectivity and the mechanical properties, has allowed to propose a correction to the theoretical model for collapse strength in closed cell foams to consider such contribution and predict more accurate results

    Chirality transfer from Graphene Quantum Dots

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    Chiral graphene quantum dots were prepared by acidic exfoliation and oxidation of graphite, dialysis, and esterification with enantiomerically pure (R) or (S)‐2‐phenyl‐1‐propanol. Circular dichroism studies support the formation of supramolecular aggregates with pyrene molecules, where a transfer of chirality occurs from the chiral graphene quantum dots to the pyrene

    Bounds on the dipole moments of the tau-neutrino via the process e+eννˉγe^{+}e^{-}\rightarrow \nu \bar \nu \gamma in a 331 model

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    We obtain limits on the anomalous magnetic and electric dipole moments of the ντ\nu_{\tau} through the reaction e+eννˉγe^{+}e^{-}\rightarrow \nu \bar \nu \gamma and in the framework of a 331 model. We consider initial-state radiation, and neglect WW and photon exchange diagrams. The results are based on the data reported by the L3 Collaboration at LEP, and compare favorably with the limits obtained in other models, complementing previous studies on the dipole moments.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, to be published in The European Physical J C. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:hep-ph/060527

    Relación de la calidad de vida profesional y el burnout en médicos de atención primaria

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    ObjetivoConocer la relación, si es que la hay, entre la calidad de vida profesional (CVP) y burnout de facultativos de atención primaria.DiseñoEstudio transversal mediante cuestionario CVP-35 y MBI (Maslach Burnout Inventory), por correo postal.ÁmbitoTres centros urbanos y 3 zonas de atención rural. Participó un total de 131 profesionalesMedicionesDel CVP-35 se obtienen puntuaciones que van de 0 (mínimo) a 10 (máximo). El cuestionario Maslach clasifica en nivel alto, medio y bajo de cada dimensión.ResultadosContestó a la encuesta el 71,7%. La edad media era de 44 años y la media de tarjetas sanitarias, 1.339. El número de consultas/día fue de 37; en cuanto las visitas domiciliarias, realizaban una diaria. El valor medio de la CVP fue de 4,48 (intervalo de confianza [IC] del 95%, 4,08-4,88). La percepción de la demanda tuvo una puntuación de 5,9 (IC del 95%, 5,6-6,1); la motivación intrínseca del profesional se situó en 6,5 (IC del 95%, 6,2-6,7) y el apoyo de los directivos en 3,8 (IC del 95%, 3,6-4,1). En cuanto al cuestionario MBI, se observó una despersonalización alta en el 54,3%, cansancio emocional alto en un 56,2% y realización personal alta en el 9,3%. La correlación mayor fue entre las demandas en el puesto y el cansancio emocional (r=0,6; p<0,0001), la motivación intrínseca y la realización personal (r=0,46; p<0,0001) y la calidad de vida profesional frente al cansancio emocional (r=−0,4; p<0,0005).ConclusionesLa CVP y el burnout miden dimensiones diferentes pero relacionadas. Por tanto, su utilidad es diferente en función de los objetivos. Con estos instrumentos se pueden identificar elementos clave de la gestión de personas que pueden mejorar la calidad de vida profesional.ObjectiveTo know the relationship, if this exists, between the quality of professional life (CPL) and the burnout of primary health care staff.DesignTransversal study employing CVP-35 test and MBI (Maslach Burnout Inventory), both sent by postmail.Setting3 urban centers and 3 rural centers. Total: 131 professionals.MeasuresIn the CVP-35 test, scores from 0 (minimum) to 100 (maximum) are obtained. Maslach categorised each dimension into high, medium and low level.Results71.7% answered. Medium age 44 years, average of 1339 sanitary cards. The number of visits/day was 37, home visits 1 per day. The CVP average was 4.48 (95% CI, 4.08-4.88). The damage perception in the post 5.9 (95% CI, 5.6-6.1); the professional intrinsic motivation 6.5 (95% CI, 6.2-6.7), and the manager support 3.8 (95% CI, 3.6-4.1). MBI: high depersonalization 54.3%, emotional exhaustion (r=0.6; P<.0001), intrinsic motivation, and personal accomplishment (r=0.46; P<.0001) and profesional quality of life front emotional fatigue (r= −0.4; P<.0005).ConclusionsCPL and burnout measure different but related dimensions. Therefore, its utility is dependent on the objectives. Target elements, which can improve the quality of professional life, can be identified from these tools

    Modelo tectónico reciente de la Cuenca Alta del Tajo (parte central española)

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    Active tectonics within the Upper Tagus Basin is related to the lithospheric flexure affecting the Palaeozoic basement of the basin. This flexure displays NE-SW trending. Besides, this structure is in agreement with the regional active stress field defined by the maximum horizontal stress with NW-SE trending. In this tectonic framework, irregular clusters of instrumental seismicity (Mw&lt; 5.0) fade in the zone bounded by the Tagus River and the Jarama River valleys. These clusters are related to major NW-SE trending faults of suspected strike-slip kinematics. Moreover, reverse faults with NE-SW trending are affected by the strike-slip system as well. Despite the reverse faults are in agreement with the present SHMAX orientation, though, they apparently are blocked as seismogenic sources (scarce instrumental seismicity recorded today). In addition, we have determined the regional and local stress/ strain fields and two different fracture patterns were observed. Hence, we have divided the area in two zones: (1) the lateral bands of the basin, defined by reverse faulting (NE-SW trending) and strike-slip faulting (NW-SE trending) and (2) the central zone of the basin characterized by shallow normal faulting and NE-SW trending strike-slip faults. Furthermore, surface faulting and liquefaction structures are described affecting Middle to Late Pleistocene fluvial deposits, suggesting intrabasinal palaeoseismic activity (5.5 &lt; M &lt; 6.5) during the Late Quaternary. The obtained structural and tectonic information has been used to classify and characterize the Upper Tagus Basin as a semi-stable intraplate seismogenic zone, featured by Pleistocene slip-rates &lt; 0.02 mm/yr. This value is low but it affords the occurrence of Pleistocene paleoearthquakes.La tectónica activa de la Cuenca Alta del río Tajo está caracterizada por la presencia de una flexión litosférica localizada en el basamento paleozoico, y cuyo eje se orienta según NE-SW. Esta flexión es coherente con el estado de esfuerzos actual en la zona, definido mediante la orientación del esfuerzo máximo horizontal, SHMAX, según NW-SE. En este contexto, la sismicidad en el borde sur del Sistema Central aparece concentrada en fallas direccionales según NW-SE, registrándose terremotos de magnitud &lt; 5.0 (S. XX). Estos desgarres sectorizan el sistema de fallas inversas (NE-SW) que estructuran la cadena montañosa, las cuales a pesar de estar orientados coherentemente con el estado actual de esfuerzos, aparecen bloqueados o desactivados como fuentes sismogénicas. La geometría de la flexura condiciona la ocurrencia de una zona de concentración anómala de esfuerzos que resulta en la agrupación de eventos sísmicos localizada entre los valles de los ríos Tajo y Jarama. El estudio sismotectónico indica que el campo actual de deformación se encuentra distribuido en dos zonas relacionadas con la flexión: (1) una zona central caracterizada por la presencia de fallas normales superficiales y desgarres orientados según NE-SW; y (2) zona lateral caracterizada por fallas de tipo inverso (NE-SW) y desgarres (NW-SE) y que bordea a la zona anterior. Estudios paleosísmicos en la zona muestran la ocurrencia de diferentes niveles de liquefacción afectando a los depósitos fluviales del Pleistoceno Medio y Superior en los valles de los ríos Manzanares, Jarama y Tajo, así como una importante variedad de estructuras de deformación. En general la granulometría licuefactada muestra diques de arena, aunque en algún caso aparecen niveles decimétricos de gravas. A partir de los datos sismotectónicos, geológicos y paleosísmicos descritos y recopilados para esta zona, la Cuenca alta del Tajo puede clasificarse como una zona sismogénica intraplaca con velocidades de deformación pleistocenas inferiores a 0,02 mm/año y sismicidad instrumental difusa de tamaño moderado-bajo

    Comparación del movimiento de alcance entre sujetos Sanos y Patológicos en Neurorrehabilitación Funcional de Extremidad Superior

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como propósito principal realizar una comparación del movimiento de alcance entre sujetos aquejados de Daño Cerebral Adquirido y el correspondiente patrón de normalidad. La finalidad de esta comparación es detectar los déficits motores que permitan posteriormente emitir una valoración funcional del movimiento como parte de un método de evaluación objetiva de la función motora. La comparación del movimiento se basa en las medidas de parámetros espaciales y de similitud. En este trabajo se han utilizado modelos de movimiento de sujetos sanos en ejecuciones de Actividades de Vida Diaria (e.g. 'servir agua de una jarra'), como punto de referencia para encontrar diferencias relevantes con respecto a los datos de movimiento de cuatro pacientes bajo un proceso de Neurorrehabilitación Funcional de Extremidad Superi