27 research outputs found

    Maritime Climate in the Canary Islands and its Implications for the Construction of Coastal Infrastructures

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    Islands are isolated systems that depend on maritime trade for their subsistence. Efficient, durable and structurally reliable port infrastructures are essential for the economic and social development of islands. However, not all port infrastructures are designed in the same way. They can vary, depending on whether they are built on continental land, built on non-volcanic islands or built on volcanic oceanic islands (such as the Canary Islands, Spain). The latter islands are the subject of this study due to their specific features, construction difficulties and the importance of sound maritime infrastructures. The maritime climate of an area consists of the wave and storm regimes that affect it and, from these, the coastal dynamics and coastal formations of that area can be studied. For this reason, historical data were collated on significant directional wave heights from 1958 to 2015 from several WANA-SIMAR points in the virtual buoy network of State Ports of Spain located near the Canary Islands. These data have been studied to obtain the maximum directional wave heights (Hs) at each point. With this analysis, we have obtained useful summary tables to calculate wave height by a graphic method that transforms the distribution function into a line drawn on probabilistic paper, using reduced variables. This enables adjustments to be made by linear regression and minimum square methods to facilitate planning and design of maritime infrastructures in a reliable way. Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2022-08-01-02 Full Text: PD

    Propiedades de las rocas volcánicas de Canarias (España) utilizadas como material de escollera

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    In the Canary Islands, there is a wide spectrum of volcanic rocks with different properties to be used in public works. The aim of this study is to analyse the physical-mechanical properties of all the volcanic rocks present in the Canary Island archipelago in order to determine their suitability for use in maritime construction works. The great variety of volcanic rocks present on the islands have been grouped into lithotypes based on similar geo-mechanical behaviour. The laboratory test results obtained for these lithotypes establish their suitability or not to be used as breakwater material in accordance with Spanish regulations.En el archipiélago canario existe un amplio espectro de rocas volcánicas con diferentes propiedades para ser utilizadas en obras públicas. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar las propiedades físico-mecánicas de todas las rocas volcánicas presentes en el archipiélago canario con el fin de determinar su idoneidad para ser utilizadas en obras de construcción marítima. La gran variedad de rocas volcánicas presentes en las islas, se han agrupado en litotipos basados en un comportamiento geomecánico similar. Los resultados de los ensayos de laboratorio obtenidos para estos litotipos establecen su idoneidad o no para ser utilizados como material de escollera de acuerdo con la normativa española

    Use of Tablet Pcs in Higher Education: A new Strategy for Training Engineers in European Bachelors and Masters Programmes

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    The use of technology in classrooms in Spanish universities has been following an upward path, and in many cases technological devices are substituting other materials that until now have been used, such as books, notebooks and so on. Step by step in higher education, more of these latest generationdevices are being used, and are providing significant improvements in training. Nowadays, there are Spanish universities that use tablets, a device with multiple applications for teaching as well as for students to study differently. They are definitely a notable innovation that will gradually become incorporated into university life. Tablet PCs make teaching more dynamic and available to students through the use of up to date digital materials, something which is key in training engineers. This paper presents their different functions employed in three Spanish universities to support teachingin engineering degrees and masters using the tablet PC, and their impact on the training process. Possible uses in specific programs like the Erasmus Masters Programmes are also assessed. The main objective of using tabletsis to improve the academic performance of students through the use of technology.This work has been developed in the framework of the RECLAND Project. It has been funded by the European Union under Lifelong Learning Programme, Erasmus Programme: Erasmus Multilateral Projects, 526746-LLP-1-2012-1-ES-ERASMUS-EMCR, MSc Programme in Climate Change and Restoration of Degraded Land

    Quantifying the Impact on Stormwater Management of an Innovative Ceramic Permeable Pavement Solution

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    [EN] Stormwater management in cities has traditionally been based on centralized systems, evacuating runoff as quickly as possible through drainage networks that collect and convey the runoff to the final point of treatment or the receiving water body. In recent years, a different approach focused on the use of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) represents a paradigm shift, promoting a decentralized management as close to the runoff source as possible. Among these techniques, permeable pavements represent an effective solution for reducing runoff and providing pollutant treatment. This contribution describes the results obtained from an innovative ceramic permeable pavement developed as part of the LIFE CERSUDS project in the city of Benicassim (Spain). This pavement, composed by modules built from ceramic tiles in stock, allows water infiltration, runoff treatment and water reuse as part of a SUDS built in 2018 and monitored from September 2018 to September 2019. The purpose of the research was to demonstrate the hydraulic performance of the proposed solution through monitoring of runoff quantity and quality variables. Monitoring data analysis have shown positive results, reducing peak runoff rates and the volume of water which is conducted downstream. From the hydrological point of view, the system capacity shown a 100% runoff management for events up to 15-25 mm of precipitation. This is a very significant threshold since these values represent, respectively, the 81% and 91% percentiles for the study area. System performance was confirmed in terms of runoff management and water infiltration. This demonstration case study represents a reference example of urban retrofitting actions which integrate social, economic and environmental aspects.This research was developed within the LIFE CERSUDS project and was financed by the LIFE Programme 2014-2020 of the European Union for the Environment and Climate Action [Reference LIFE15 CCA/ES/000091] with the collaboration of the Generalitat Valenciana through IVACE.Castillo-Rodríguez, JT.; Andrés Doménech, I.; Martín Monerris, M.; Escuder Bueno, I.; Perales-Momparler, S.; Mira-Peidro, J. (2021). Quantifying the Impact on Stormwater Management of an Innovative Ceramic Permeable Pavement Solution. Water Resources Management. 35(4):1251-1271. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11269-021-02778-7S1251127135

    Water footprint of the water cycle of Gran Canaria and Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain)

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    When it comes to exploiting natural resources, islands have limitations due to the quantity of these resources and the potential for harm to the ecosystem if exploitation is not done in a sustainable manner. This article presents a study of the water footprint of the different drinking water collection facilities and wastewater treatment facilities in the Canary Islands, in order to determine the blue, green, and grey water footprints in each case. The results show high percentages of drinking water losses, which raises the blue water footprint of the Canary Islands archipelago. The grey water footprint was studied in terms of Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5 ). The green water footprint was not considered because it is a dimension of the water footprint mainly calculated for agricultural crops. Of the facilities studied, the wells for extraction of drinking water from the aquifer and the distribution network have the largest blue water footprint for the years under study (2019 and 2020). Only the wastewater treatment plants have a gray water footprint in this study, with values between 79,000 and 108,000 m3 per year. As a general conclusion, the most important factor in reducing the water footprint of the water cycle in the Canary Islands is optimization of the water resource, improving existing infrastructures to minimize losses, and implementing a greater circular economy that reuses water on a regular basis. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.This research was funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement 101037424, project ARSINOE (climate-resilient regions through systemic solutions and innovations). : The development of this study has been possible thanks to the government of the Canary Islands, through the project “Analysis of the carbon and water footprint of the three main economic activities in the Canary Islands: Tourism, Agriculture and Integrated Water Cycle”, under grant agreement N◦ 20160026

    Leisure Boating Environmental Footprint: A Study of Leisure Marinas in Palermo, Italy

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    Ports have played a significant role in the touristic development and further economic growth of Italy. It is the country with the highest number of berths among the nations in the Mediterranean Sea; over time, Italy has created ports with a range of functions. Therefore, it is of vital importance to evaluate the potential pollutants generated from these docks and propose ways to eliminate those problems. A survey that asked about the carbon footprint and the quality of the water in the water footprint calculation was created and distributed to the management of the marinas’ operations. After receiving the completed surveys, the data were analyzed and translated using emission factors into tons of CO2 equivalent. The amount of greenhouse gases generated by the investigated marinas was determined by calculating the carbon and water footprints of five representative Palermo marinas, and we aimed to better understand how these port-related operations affect the environment. To pinpoint the pollutant sources within the investigated marinas, an original P-Mapping/Pareto ratio approach was performed as supported by Pareto’s principle. The findings indicated that the primary operations of the marina sector are the main sources of pollution. However, a sizable portion of the emissions were also caused by pollution from supporting operations. Based on the study, the origins of CO2 and pollution in marina operations were clarified. The results obtained enable the authors to make recommendations that all recreational boating activities should be closely supervised in order to reduce CO2 emissions and their input in relation to environmental degradation

    Optimization and efficiency in engineering designs using spreadsheets

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    En las titulaciones técnicas, como los grados y máster en ingeniería, las asignaturas más complejas suelen contener cálculos y diseños que consumen mucho tiempo en las sesiones dedicadas a la resolución de problemas. En particular nos referimos a las asignaturas de construcción, ingeniería hidrológica y geotecnia, donde los temarios son extensos y los recursos dedicados a los cálculos en las clases magistrales no permiten profundizar en conceptos que son fundamentales para el ejercicio profesional. Las hojas de cálculo se vienen utilizando en aplicaciones comunes o cálculos simples, pero tienen un potencial enorme para aplicaciones en ingeniería, en particular para las asignaturas anteriormente indicadas. El proyecto se orienta en dos vías; la primera, es facilitar a los alumnos hojas de cálculo diseñadas para las diferentes partes de la asignatura o cálculos complejos, por otro lado, existe el problema inverso, realizar un cálculo ingenieril y automatizarlo o simplificarlo mediante el diseño, por parte del alumno o grupo de alumnos, de una hoja de cálculo, mejorando la competencia de capacidad de simplificación de problemas y el trabajo en grupo. Las aplicaciones realizadas se pueden utilizar en el ejercicio profesional y se mejoran año tras año con los diferente diseños aportados. La experiencia se llevó a cabo en las siguientes titulaciones: Grado en Ingeniería Agrícola y del Medio Rural (Universidad de La Laguna), Grado en Ingeniería Civil (Universidad de Alicante) y el Máster Universitario en Ingeniería de Caminos Canales y Puertos (Universidad de Alicante). Este proyecto de innovación forma parte del marco colaborativo dentro del programa de grupos de innovación docente consolidados de la Universidad de La Laguna, en particular el grupo de innovación docente IMAGINA, con profesorado de la ULL y de la Universidad de Alicante.Technical studies, such as degrees and master’s degrees in engineering, complicated subjects often contain many mathematical calculations and time-consuming calculation development in engineering problem-solving sessions. In particular we refer to the subjects of construction, hydrological engineering and geotechnics, where the subjects are extensive and resources dedicated to the calculations in the master classes do not allow deepening in concepts that are fundamental for the professional exercise. Spreadsheets are being used in common applications or simple calculations, but it has enormous potential for engineering applications, in particular for the above-mentioned subjects. The innovation project is oriented in two ways; The first is to provide students spreadsheets designed for different subject modules or complex calculations, on the other hand, there is the reverse problem, perform an engineering calculation or an automate calculations by a spreadsheets made by the student or group of students, improving competences of problems simplification and team work. Applications can be used in professional practice; they are improved year by year along the different designs provided. The experience was carried out in the following university studies: Degree in Agricultural and Rural Engineering (Universidad de La Laguna), Degree in Civil Engineering (Universidad de Alicante) and Master in Civil Engineering (Universidad de Alicante). This innovation project were part of the collaborative framework within the consolidated teaching innovation groups program of the Universidad de La Laguna (ULL), in particular the teaching innovation group IMAGINA, ULL and the Universidad de Alicante

    Comparative study of the environmental footprints of marinas on European Islands

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    Ports have been key elements in Europe's economic development. This situation is even more relevant on islands, which are highly dependent on the maritime sector. Consequently, over the years, ports with diverse functionalities have been established both in mainland Europe and on its outlying islands. This article discusses the environmental impact of leisure marinas on European islands, especially as they are closely linked to economic development through tourism. The aim is to study the environmental impact of these infrastructures by determining the carbon and water footprints of marinas on European islands in the Atlantic and the Mediterranean. The results obtained enable the authors to make recommendations in order to reduce the overall environmental footprint of marinas on islands, considering that these territories are much more vulnerable to climate change than mainland locations in Europe

    Guía práctica: Preguntas y respuestas sobre cómo desarrollar los Planes de Orientación y Acción Tutorial (POAT) en la enseñanza universitaria

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    Esta guía es una aproximación al desarrollo práctico de los planes de Orientación y Acción tutorial (POAT) en la Universidad de La Laguna (ULL), centrando especialmente la atención en el modelo de la tutoría de carrera. En la guía y siguiendo un formato de preguntas frecuentes, tratamos de abordar algunos aspectos básicos para la implantación de los programas POAT y el desarrollo de actividades con el alumnado, incluyendo referencias y ejemplos prácticos. En cualquier caso, son simplemente ideas y sugerencias para la práctica, que requerirán su adaptación, en tanto que cada contexto y cada realidad es diferente, lo que exige respuestas adaptadas a las mismas