1,425 research outputs found

    Proyecto de factibilidad para la creación del museo de la Fundación de Montevideo

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    En el entendido que el conjunto de las creaciones materiales y espirituales forman la Cultura de un Pueblo, no es arriesgado pensar que sólo en la medida en que se tenga conocimiento y conciencia de ellas, será posible que ésta se desarrolle y progrese. Esta es la razón que aconseja, que se reúnan en una institución museística ad hoc, que actúa no solo como depositaria y custodio de esta parte importante de este pasado, sino también para ofrecerlos, al servicio de las generaciones presentes y futuras, superando la práctica tradicional que entiende a los museos tan solo como elemento de veneración o diletantismo, para que se conviertan en determinante recurso educativo y en decidido promotor de cultura. Para ello, este trabajo de investigación profundizó en los fundamentos motivacionales que tienen su raíz en los acontecimientos históricos que definen el destacado interés por la divulgación de este patrimonio cultural, confirmando a la herramienta museística como el vehículo más adecuado para llevar adelante la misión comunicacional, y definiendo, como objetivo fundamental, la profundización en la experiencia museológica contemporánea, buscando claves útiles en el conocimiento de los ámbitos relacionados con la gestión de los museos, de las técnicas museográficas aplicables, así como de las relaciones con la arquitectura de los contendores museísticos, con el fin de concluir en un plan director que permita dotar a la idea de este museo, de un soporte académico sólido que contribuya a un proceso sin fisuras y de largo aliento. El proyecto de creación de un Museo de la Fundación de Montevideo, se inspira sobre todo en un aspecto particular de la génesis de la ciudad que, dentro un contexto general político y militar que da origen a su proceso fundacional, se enfoca en el hecho conceptual de que una ciudad es su gente y por lo tanto Montevideo fue una población, una villa, una ciudad, a partir de sus primeros pobladores. Estos primeros pobladores fueron canarios. Canarios fueron quienes ocuparon los solares del primer reparto. Canarios fueron quienes ejercieron la autoridad en las primeras instituciones administrativas establecidas. Canarios fueron quienes domesticaron el espacio rural inmediato para asegurar los abastecimientos imprescindibles

    A fuzzy stochastic multi-criteria model for the selection of urban pervious pavements

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    Multi-criteria decision making methods (MCDM) have been widely used throughout the last years to assist project contractors in selection processes related to the construction field. Sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS) are an especially suitable discipline to implement these techniques, since they involve important impacts on each branch of sustainability: economy, environment and society. Considering that pervious pavements constitute an efficient solution to manage urban stormwater runoff as a source control system, this paper presents a multi-criteria approach based on the Integrated Value Model for Sustainable Assessments (MIVES) method to facilitate their proper selection. Given the lack of accurate information to shape the behavior of the alternatives regarding some of the criteria defining the decision-making environment, a series of variables are modeled by executing stochastic simulations based on the Monte Carlo methods. Additionally, a group of ten experts from various sectors related to water management was requested to provide their opinions about the importance of the set of selected criteria, according to the comparison levels of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). These judgments are converted into triangular fuzzy numbers, in order to capture the vagueness that human attitude entails when making judgments. A case of study in which the three major types of pervious pavements (porous asphalt, porous concrete and interlocking concrete pavers) are evaluated is presented to demonstrate the potential of the model

    Sistema de captación de energía solar irradiada sobre un pavimento y acumulación de energía en agua de lluvia

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    Sistema de captación de energía solar irradiada sobre un pavimento y acumulación de energía en agua de lluvia, que comprende, medios geotérmicos de captación y almacenamiento de tal manera que se capte la energía irradiada por el sol sobre el pavimento y almacenarla en agua de lluvia, mediante un sistema geotérmico integrado.Solicitud: 200700400 (08.02.2007)Nº Pub. de Solicitud: ES2276643A1 (16.06.2007)Nº de Patente: ES2276643B2 (01.02.2009

    Penning-trap eigenfrequency measurements with optical radiofrequency detectors

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    We use an electric-dipole laser-driven transition to precisely measure the cyclotron-frequency ratios of the pairs 42^{42}Ca+^+-40^{40}Ca+^+, 44^{44}Ca+^+-40^{40}Ca+^+ and 48^{48}Ca+^+-40^{40}Ca+^+ in a 7-tesla Penning trap. A single laser-cooled (T1T\approx 1~mK) ion serves, together with photon-counting and/or photon-imaging units, as a radiofrequency detector covering a broad-band frequency spectrum, in the present case from kHz to a few MHz. Such detectors (40,42,44,48^{40,42,44,48}Ca+^{\scriptsize{+}}) allow measuring extremely small forces, with measured normalized sensitivities down to 7.4(3.5)7.4(3.5) yN/Hz/\sqrt{\text{Hz}} and 24.9(9.9)24.9(9.9) yN/Hz/\sqrt{\text{Hz}} in the MHz and kHz regime, respectively. The direct determination of the ions' amplitudes makes a cyclotron-frequency measurement process more robust against inhomogeneities of the magnetic field and/or deviations of the electric quadrupole field due to mechanical imperfections of the trap.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Prevalencia estacionaria de sobrepeso y obesidad en universitarios del sur de Veracruz, México

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    Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de sobrepeso y obesidad al ingreso a la universidad y su relación con factores sociodemográficos en estudiantes. Material y métodos: El estudio incluyó a 5 071 estudiantes a los que se realizó antropometría, se determinó colesterol total y se les solicitó información sociodemográfica. Los grupos de estudiantes se muestrearon al comienzo del año escolar a partir de 2001 y hasta 2005. Resultados: La ocurrencia de sobrepeso y obesidad fue de 21.3% y 8.3% respectivamente. No hubo diferencias entre las prevalencias anuales o quinquenal. Doce por ciento presentó hipercolesterolemia. Ser varón, urbano e hipercolesterolémico se vinculó significativamente con sobrepeso y obesidad (p < 0.001). Conclusiones: La prevalencia de sobrepeso y obesidad se ha mantenido, lo que difiere de lo informado a nivel internacional y el factor sociodemográfico que más se asoció a la obesidad, fue el de vivir en la ciudad y ser hombre

    Negative pressures in CaWO4 nanocrystals

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    Tetragonal scheelite-type CaWO4 nanocrystals recently prepared by a hydrothermal method show an enhancement of its structural symmetry with the decrease in nanocrystal size. The analysis of the volume dependence of the structural parameters in CaWO4 nanocrystals with the help of ab initio total-energy calculations shows that the enhancement of the symmetry in the scheelite-type nanocrystals is a consequence of the negative pressure exerted on the nanocrystals; i.e., the nanocrystals are under tension. Besides, the behavior of the structural parameters in CaWO4 nanocrystals for sizes below 10 nm suggests an onset of a scheelite-to-zircon phase transformation in good agreement with the predictions from our ab initio calculations. CaWO4 nanocrystals exhibit a reconstructive-type mechanism for the scheelite-to-zircon phase transition that seems to follow the tetragonal path that links both structures. This result is in contrast with the mechanism recently proposed for this transition in bulk ZrSiO4 where the transition goes through an intermediate monoclinic [email protected]

    Treatment of Sorghum Hybrid 85 P15 (Pioneer®) Seeds and their Influence on Melanaphis sacchari/sorghi Infestation

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    Context: Sorghum is a hosting plant of Melanaphis sacchari/sorghi. The control measures against the insect include the treatment of seeds. However, evaluation of the effect of insecticides on insect populations and the agronomic variables of the crop, are needed. Aim: To evaluate the influence of insecticides clothianidin, thiamethoxan, and imidacloprid during the treatment of hybrid 85 P15 (Pioneer®) seeds on the agronomic variables of the crop and infestation with M. sacchari/sorghi. Methods: The experiment was conducted in the School of Higher Studies in Xalostoc, Mexico, in 2018. Four doses of Poncho®, Cruiser® 5 FS, and Tools® TS in the treatment of hybrid 85 P15 (Pioneer®) seeds. A randomized block experimental design was applied, and the percentage of germination, M. sacchari/sorghi infestation, and agronomic parameters of the crop, were determined. Results: All the parameters achieved more than 90% of germination, which demonstrated that the products and doses did not affect this parameter. Likewise, no differences were observed in the treatments. The use of these insecticides in hybrid seeds had a little influence on aphid infestation. These treatments do not affect the content of chlorophyll, but other parameters, like Brix degree, and the fresh leaf weight were affected. Conclusions: The seed treatment does not reduce the percentage of germination of 85 P15 (Pioneer®) hybrids, a strong control was not achieved over infestation of aphids, but it did affect some agronomic variables; hence, evaluation of other hybrids is recommended

    A laser spectroscopy system with combined absorption, polarization rotation and fluorescence detection to study two photon transitions in atomic rubidium

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    AbstractThe design and construction of an experimental system for studying two photon spectroscopy processes in atomic rubidium is presented. It is designed to measure absorption and polarization rotation induced by any of the two laser beams and also the visible fluorescence that results from decay of the excited states. Two home-built diode lasers are used to produce the optical fields that later interact with room temperature rubidium atoms. Using counterpropagating beams allows velocity selection of the groups of atoms that interact with both laser beams. The system was tested in the 5 S→5 P3/2→5 Dj ladder energy level configuration of atomic rubidium. Blue fluorescence (420nm) that results from decay of the intermediate 6Pj states is filtered and then measured with a photomultiplier tube. Absorption and fluorescence spectra provide mutually complementary information about the interaction between the rubidium atoms and the two optical fields