1,240 research outputs found

    Bayesian Fused Lasso regression for dynamic binary networks

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    We propose a multinomial logistic regression model for link prediction in a time series of directed binary networks. To account for the dynamic nature of the data we employ a dynamic model for the model parameters that is strongly connected with the fused lasso penalty. In addition to promoting sparseness, this prior allows us to explore the presence of change points in the structure of the network. We introduce fast computational algorithms for estimation and prediction using both optimization and Bayesian approaches. The performance of the model is illustrated using simulated data and data from a financial trading network in the NYMEX natural gas futures market. Supplementary material containing the trading network data set and code to implement the algorithms is available online

    Lethal Immigration Enforcement

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    Increasingly, U.S. immigration law and policy perpetuate death. As more people become displaced globally, death provides a measurable indicator of the level of racialized violence inflicted on migrants of color. Because of Clinton-era policies continued today, deaths at the border have reached unprecedented rates, with more than two migrant deaths per day. A record 853 border crossers died last year, and the deadliest known transporting incident took place in June 2022, with fifty-one lives lost. In addition, widespread neglect continues to cause loss of life in immigration detention, immigration enforcement agents kill migrants with virtual impunity, and immigration law ensures courts routinely order people deported to their deaths. As these preventable deaths persist, particularly among migrants of color, the Supreme Court has all but foreclosed causes of action against individual federal agents for wrongful death. It has done so most notably in its recent 2022 decision Egbert v. Boule, further limiting judicial remedies for constitutional violations and sanctioning use of force as a routine function of immigration enforcement. This Article provides a novel perspective on law enforcement and race. It is the first to provide a comprehensive examination of lethal immigration enforcement, arguing that racialized policy rationales, impunity instituted by courts, and prevailing political paradigms have coalesced to render migrants of color expendable. Therefore, the enforcement system must be reimagined. While scholars have begun to analyze the immigration system in terms of “slow death,” or harms that occur over time, a holistic view of “spectacular deaths,” those readily perceived, is lacking. After mapping how the immigration enforcement system takes migrant lives, this Article interrogates the policy rationales for lethal enforcement in light of largely unexamined data, finding that anti-Blackness drives punitive immigration detention and the perceived dangerousness of Latinx migrants fuels lethal border policies. It then turns to an analysis of wrongful death actions and recent Supreme Court doctrine, poised to impede remedies for excessive force in courts further and escalate racialized violence against noncitizens. Ultimately, given the urgency of addressing rising migrant mortality, it calls for a paradigm shift beyond liberal reforms to end lethal enforcement and its racial subordination

    Reeducación postural para la voz

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    La conferencia tiene como finalidad enseñar a alinear de forma eficaz el cuerpo para conseguir la postura más adecuada para la voz. Muchas acciones de la vida cotidiana van generando posturas inadecuadas, creando tensiones musculares que bloquean determinas estructuras corporales fundamentales en la voz. Por ello, es necesario que los logopedas tengan conocimiento de técnicas posturales que permitan un uso adecuado de todo el mecanismo fonatorio. Se considera el cuerpo como un todo y es muy importante conseguir una buena alineación y equilibrio entre cabeza, cuello y columna, ya que puede influir en la posición de la laringe, de la faringe y como consecuencia afectar en la resonancia (Both Heman-Ackah, 2005; Chapman, 2006). Es importante que el logopeda sepa identificar y valorar adecuadamente las malas posturas (hiperextensión cervical, bloqueo de rodillas…) que afectan a la voz y aplique una intervención postural adecuada que permita una verticalidad del cuerpo para una emisión vocal efectiva. Los "Indicadores de una mala alineación postural" que deben ser objeto de una intervención postural para la voz son: Aducción de las escápulas, los hombros adoptan una posición hacia atrás de fuerza en los brazos. Elevamiento de uno de los dos hombros. “Joroba” en la parte alta de la espalda (hipercifosis). Uso inadecuado de los músculos de la espalda y del cuello. Vientres caídos. Protracción de la cabeza con respecto al cuello, la mandíbula se extiende hacia arriba y hacia delante. Mandíbula sobresaliente. Tensión exagerada de la mandíbula. Uso inadecuado de los músculos del cuello. Hiperlordosis cervical (extensión del cuello hacia adelante) Arquear la espalda hacia dentro. Bloquear rodillasUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Analysing the effects of sugar sweetened beverages' tax

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    Treball Final de Grau en Economia. Codi: EC1049. Curs acadèmic: 2016/2017This research tries to analyse the effects that tax on sugar sweetened beverages have on population’s health. Based on several investigations it is argued the relation found between high sugar intake and obesity, type 2 diabetes and other non-communicable diseases. It has been observed that this usually affect more notoriously children and young people than adults. It is estimated capability of the tax to reduce notably the consumption of this product due to a price elasticity close to the unity. It is also observed the behaviour of the demand and the effects that has had on health the introduction of the tax in others in other countries. The aim of this research is to examine the previous literature about sugar sweetened beverages taxation, the potential impact on its intake and the consequent reduction of overweigh, obesity and other non-communicable diseases

    Elementos para una historia de los Rarámuri de la segunda mitad del siglo XIX

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    El objetivo del presente ensayo es ofrecer elementos para una historia de los rarámuri de la segunda mitad del siglo XIX. De acuerdo con el autor, a diferencia de la historia bien conocida de dos etapas anteriores: jesuítica (1604-1767) y franciscana (1767-1859), y la del posterior siglo XX, la historia de los rarámuri entre 1859 y 1900, debido quizá a la falta de fuentes, ha sido un período poco estudiado. Creando metodológicamente un puente entre las historias conocidas, la propuesta del autor es explorar la relación que hubo entre los rarámuri y tres elementos cercanos a ellos en aquél período: 1) la implementación de algunas leyes del México independiente; 2) los mexicanos y extranjeros a través del arribo de las industrias minera y maderera, los ranchos y el comercio; y, 3) el catolicismo, a través de la presencia de las mujeres blancas y mestizas serranas.The objective of this essay is providing elements for a Raramuri history of the second half of the XIX century. According to the author, unlike the well-known history of two previous stages: Jesuit (1604-1767) and Franciscan (1767-1859), and the subsequent XX century rarámuri history, between 1859 and 1900 has been a understudied period, due perhaps to lack of sources. Methodologically, it creating a bridge among the known histories, the author's purpose is exploring the relationship between the Raramuri Indian people and three elements near to them at that period: 1) implementation of some laws of independent Government of Mexico; 2) Mexicans and foreigners through the arrival of the mining and timber industries, ranches and trade; and, 3) catholicism, through the presence of white women and highland mestizo.Fil: Rodríguez López, Abel. Escuela de Antropología e Historia del Norte de Méxic

    The management of human resources by competences as a competitive advantage for organizations.

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    Treball Final de Grau en Psicologia. Codi: PS1048. Curs: 2018/2019.In the present study, a bibliographic review is carried out whose objective is to know how the management of human resources by competences is related to the performance in the organizations to verify if it supposes a competitive advantage for these. To do this, different academic articles, both quantitative and qualitative, are analyzed. The results obtained indicate that among the companies with the highest business performance there is a greater proportion that have human resources management by competencies, in addition the disposition of this system explains a 54.5% competitive advantage, 35% more than Income per employee and 12% less absenteeism, it was found that the companies that invest more in the development of employee skills generate 86% more return for their shareholders than those who invest less. Through various qualitative studies it is established that management by competencies supposes a competitive advantage with respect to other approaches since professional profiles are defined that favor superior performance in the workplace and achieve higher levels of efficiency and a higher level of motivation and job satisfaction that contributes to the achievement of organizational objectives, In addition, a program that develops the skills of employees benefits both employees, as they will be more productive, and the company as it will increase their performance. Finally, it is concluded that the management of human resources by competences supposes a competitive advantage for the organizations and its necessary inclusion in organizations is highlighted to favor business performance.En el presente estudio, se realiza una revisión bibliográfica cuyo objetivo es conocer como la gestión de recursos humanos por competencias se relaciona con el rendimiento en las organizaciones para comprobar si supone una ventaja competitiva para estas. Para ello, se analizan diferentes artículos académicos tanto cuantitativos como cualitativos. Los resultados obtenidos indican que entre las empresas que presentan un mayor rendimiento empresarial existe una mayor proporción que disponen de una gestión de recursos humanos por competencias, además la disposición de este sistema explica un 54.5% la ventaja competitiva, se logra un 35% más de ingresos por empleado y un 12% menos de ausentismo, se encontró que las empresas que más invierten en el desarrollo de las competencias de los empleados generan un 86% más de retorno para sus accionistas que las que invierten menos. Mediante diversos estudios cualitativos se establece que la gestión por competencias supone una ventaja competitiva respecto a otros enfoques ya que se definen perfiles profesionales que favorecen el desempeño superior en el puesto de trabajo y se logran mayores niveles de eficiencia y un mayor nivel de motivación y satisfacción laboral que contribuye al logro de los objetivos organizacionales, además, un programa que desarrolle las competencias de los empleados beneficia tanto a los empleados, ya que estos serán más productivos, como a la empresa ya que aumentará su rendimiento. Por último, se concluye que la gestión de recursos humanos por competencias supone una ventaja competitiva para las organizaciones y se destaca su necesaria inclusión en las organizaciones para favorecer el rendimiento empresarial

    La legislación laboral

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    Abel Rodríguez del Orbe: Abogado dominicano, fue procurador general de la República.En el marco del panel “Derecho y Desarrollo Social Dominicano Durante la Era de Trujillo”, organizado por la Escuela de Derecho de la Universidad APEC, el Dr. Abel Rodríguez del Orbe expone cómo fue emergiendo, creciendo y organizándose la legislación laboral nacional durante la dictadura trujillista, a medida que el sistema económico del país se “modernizaba” y asumía cada vez más relaciones productivas pseudocapitalistas