75 research outputs found

    Ɖtude en transport Ć©lectrique d'une double boĆ®te quantique latĆ©rale en silicium

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    Ce meĢmoire preĢsente des reĢsultats de caracteĢrisation en transport eĢlectrique dā€™une double boiĢ‚te quantique lateĢrale en silicium de type MOSFET (transistor aĢ€ effet de champ meĢtal-oxyde-semi- conducteur). La double boiĢ‚te permet dā€™isoler des eĢlectrons dans les trois dimensions, tout dā€™abord en formant un gaz bidimensionnel de porteurs de charge preĢ€s de la surface du substrat sous lā€™effet dā€™une grille dā€™accumulation, puis en deĢpleĢtant certaines reĢgions du gaz dā€™eĢlectrons avec des grilles de deĢpleĢtion en polysilicium. Le dispositif a eĢteĢ fabriqueĢ aux Sandia National Laboratories par lā€™eĢquipe de Malcolm S. Carroll. Les mesures en transport eĢlectrique suggeĢ€rent lā€™atteinte du reĢgime aĢ€ un seul eĢlectron aĢ€ une tempeĢrature relativement eĢleveĢe de 1.5 K. En effet, des mesures de diamants de Coulomb montrent un diamant associeĢ aĢ€ la reĢgion aĢ€ zeĢro eĢlectron qui ne se referme pas pour des biais source-drain supeĢrieurs aĢ€ 30 meV. Il sā€™agit dā€™une forte indication que les boiĢ‚tes quantiques ont bien eĢteĢ videĢes, bien que le nombre exact dā€™eĢlectrons nā€™ait pas pu eĢ‚tre confirmeĢ directement par deĢtection de charge. Le diagramme de stabiliteĢ obtenu aĢ€ une tempeĢrature de 8 mK indique la formation dā€™une double boiĢ‚te quantique lithographique treĢ€s stable. Enfin, lā€™eĢtude des triangles de conduction aĢ€ fort biais source-drain dans les polariteĢs positive et neĢgative permet dā€™observer le pheĢnomeĢ€ne du blocage de spin sous lā€™application dā€™un champ magneĢtique paralleĢ€le de 450 mT. Une seĢparation singulet-triplet de ~ 400 Ī¼eV en est extraite, indiquant possiblement une leveĢe importante de la deĢgeĢneĢrescence de valleĢe associeĢe au silicium. Les reĢsultats preĢsenteĢs dans ce meĢmoire constituent lā€™une des premieĢ€res observations de lā€™isolation dā€™un seul eĢlectron dans une double boiĢ‚te quantique en silicium de type MOSFET. Il sā€™agit aussi de la premieĢ€re observation du blocage de spin en transport dans ces dispositifs. Ces observations font partie des eĢtapes initiales aĢ€ reĢaliser pour obtenir des qubits de spin performants dans le silicium, un mateĢriau pour lequel des longs temps de coheĢrence sont anticipeĢs

    Research Advances for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage

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    Because European Cultural Heritage is an invaluable legacy, the Ministry for Science and Innovation funded the Spanish Network on Science and Technology for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage (TechnoHeritage), which began its activities in March 2011.Currently seventy five groups participate in the Network, including Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and Spanish universities teams, cultural institutions, foundations and museums, and private companies. One of the activities of the Network is the organization of annual meetings. This International Congressā€”organised on behalf of TechnoHeritage by the Universidade de Santiago de Compostelaā€” has a goal of creating an interdisciplinary forum for discussion on all aspects of cultural heritage conservation while providing an up-to-date and comprehensive picture of the state-of-the-art investigations in this field

    Structural and functional studies on lysostaphin, an antistaphylococcal endopeptidase

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    This PhD thesis describes research into the structure and function of lysostaphin (EC, a glycylglycine endopeptidase secreted by Staphylococcus simulans biovar staphylolyticus ATCC 1362. Lysostaphin is a member of the M23/M37 zinc metalloprotease family and is a pre-pro-enzyme. The mature form (after removal of the pro-region) contains two distinct domains, the C-terminal cell wall targeting domain of lysostaphin (termed LssTdom in the thesis) facilitates binding to Staphylococcus aureus cells. The endopeptidase domain (termed LssEdom in the thesis) cleaves the pentaglycine crosslinks in the peptidoglycan resulting in cell death through cell rupture of S. aureus. Lysostaphin is a potential therapeutic antibiotic for Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) for which new antibacterials are required owing to the widespread occurrence of multi-drug resistant strains. To date, the structural requirements for enzymatic activity and the target in the cell wall for lysostaphin have not been fully elucidated. Thus a structure might enable rationally guided design of lysostaphin variants for the generation of new enzymes which would also cleave the non-canonical crosslinks and would thus overcome bacterial resistance. Thus, one approach was to obtain the lysostaphin structure using homology modelling. Lysostaphin shares significant homology with the ALE-1 (83 % identity) and LytM (48 % identity) bacteriocins, and modelling the structure of lysostaphin was achieved using the recently released structures of LytM and ALE-1 derived from X-ray crystallography as templates. In addition, we report the successful production of active recombinant lysostaphin (as well as the endopeptidase and the targeting domains) and initial characterisation of their secondary structure by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. Initially, advanced spectroscopic techniques including X-ray and NMR methods were investigated for molecular interaction studies between Lss and its putative ligands. Significant problems were encountered with these methods and mass spectrometry studies proved more amenable. Lysostaphin targeting domain-ligand complexes have been identified, along with their stoichiometry. The strength of the protein-ligand interactions has also been quantified. Lysostaphin was shown to bind in vitro Gly5 (mimicking the pentaglycine cross-bridge) and Lys-D-Ala-D-Ala (mimicking the stem peptide) with low affinity, but not NAM-L-Ala-D-iGln-Lys. It was also shown that lysostaphin targeting domain affinity for Gly5 was significantly reduced by addition of Gly-Gly-Ser-Gly-Ser (found in the host bacteria resistant to lysostaphin action ā€“ S. simulans) in solution. From these studies it could be concluded that resistance due to the incorporation of serine residues in the crossbridge were a result of the endopeptidase domain being unable to cleave this sequence and not due to the targeting domain being unable to bind it

    Structural and functional studies on lysostaphin, an antistaphylococcal endopeptidase

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    This PhD thesis describes research into the structure and function of lysostaphin (EC, a glycylglycine endopeptidase secreted by Staphylococcus simulans biovar staphylolyticus ATCC 1362. Lysostaphin is a member of the M23/M37 zinc metalloprotease family and is a pre-pro-enzyme. The mature form (after removal of the pro-region) contains two distinct domains, the C-terminal cell wall targeting domain of lysostaphin (termed LssTdom in the thesis) facilitates binding to Staphylococcus aureus cells. The endopeptidase domain (termed LssEdom in the thesis) cleaves the pentaglycine crosslinks in the peptidoglycan resulting in cell death through cell rupture of S. aureus. Lysostaphin is a potential therapeutic antibiotic for Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) for which new antibacterials are required owing to the widespread occurrence of multi-drug resistant strains. To date, the structural requirements for enzymatic activity and the target in the cell wall for lysostaphin have not been fully elucidated. Thus a structure might enable rationally guided design of lysostaphin variants for the generation of new enzymes which would also cleave the non-canonical crosslinks and would thus overcome bacterial resistance. Thus, one approach was to obtain the lysostaphin structure using homology modelling. Lysostaphin shares significant homology with the ALE-1 (83 % identity) and LytM (48 % identity) bacteriocins, and modelling the structure of lysostaphin was achieved using the recently released structures of LytM and ALE-1 derived from X-ray crystallography as templates. In addition, we report the successful production of active recombinant lysostaphin (as well as the endopeptidase and the targeting domains) and initial characterisation of their secondary structure by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. Initially, advanced spectroscopic techniques including X-ray and NMR methods were investigated for molecular interaction studies between Lss and its putative ligands. Significant problems were encountered with these methods and mass spectrometry studies proved more amenable. Lysostaphin targeting domain-ligand complexes have been identified, along with their stoichiometry. The strength of the protein-ligand interactions has also been quantified. Lysostaphin was shown to bind in vitro Gly5 (mimicking the pentaglycine cross-bridge) and Lys-D-Ala-D-Ala (mimicking the stem peptide) with low affinity, but not NAM-L-Ala-D-iGln-Lys. It was also shown that lysostaphin targeting domain affinity for Gly5 was significantly reduced by addition of Gly-Gly-Ser-Gly-Ser (found in the host bacteria resistant to lysostaphin action ā€“ S. simulans) in solution. From these studies it could be concluded that resistance due to the incorporation of serine residues in the crossbridge were a result of the endopeptidase domain being unable to cleave this sequence and not due to the targeting domain being unable to bind it

    Inclusion of relatives in stroke rehabilitation : Perception of quality of services they received in the context of early supported discharged (ESD), in- and out-patient services

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    Background Relatives of stroke patients should be an integral part of the continuum of rehabilitation services. Objective The objective was to describe their perception of the quality of the services they received in the context of early supported discharged (ESD), in- and out-patient rehabilitation services. Methods Descriptive study using the Quality of Services Questionnaire for Relatives post-stroke (QSQR) completed online by relatives after the patientā€™s discharge. It consists of 22 statements with respect to three subscales: 1) the training/instructions, 2) the information provision and 3) the organizational process of the service offer. Space is allowed for free comments and two open-ended questions. Quantitative data were analyzed descriptively, and we used a content analysis for qualitative data. Results One-third (30/90; 33.3%) of the sample are composed of relatives aged 55 and under, with a majority (81%) of women and 51.3% of spouses. The training/instructions and information provision were perceived positively with a mean % agreement at 85.0 Ā± 29.6 and 84.8 Ā± 22.4, respectively. The mean % agreement was 91.4 Ā± 17.8 for the organizational process subscale. A significantly higher score (p = 0,03; Kruskal Wallis test) was found for out-patient services (n = 20) as compared to ESD (n = 29) or in-patient rehabilitation (n = 41). Qualitatively, a lack of involvement of relatives was mentioned as well as a lack of personalized information about stroke and its consequences and provision of resources available. However, communication between professionals, their availability, and their professionalism were appreciated. Conclusion Despite quantitative high scores, qualitative data allowed the identification of concrete avenues for improvement to truly and systematically include relatives in stroke rehabilitation

    RelaciĆ³n entre el dĆ©ficit sensorial auditivo y depresiĆ³n en personas mayores: revisiĆ³n de la literatura

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    [Resumen] Los avances en las condiciones sanitarias y socioeconĆ³micas de los paĆ­ses desarrollados han incrementado la esperanza de vida y el nĆŗmero de personas mayores. Sin embargo, aunque las condiciones sanitarias han mejorado, las alteraciones de la salud en relaciĆ³n con la edad siguen aumentando, siendo el dĆ©ficit sensorial auditivo una de las mĆ”s frecuentes. De origen multifactorial, en donde los cambios morfofuncionales en relaciĆ³n con el envejecimiento van a desempeĖœnar su papel, presentarĆ” predisposiciones subyacentes en cada individuo. El dĆ©ficit sensorial auditivo va a influir negativamente sobre la calidad de vida de las personas mayores debido a las interferencias producidas sobre la capacidad para comunicarse, afectando, ademĆ”s, al estado de Ć”nimo y al nivel de participaciĆ³n social, independientemente del estado cognitivo y fĆ­sico del individuo, lo que a largo plazo, y en muchos casos, desembocarĆ” en un trastorno depresivo. Detectar y tratar precozmente dicho dĆ©ficit generarĆ” un importante beneficio bio-psico-social y funcional a la persona.[Abstract] Advances in health, social and economic conditions in the developed countries have increased life expectancy and the number of elderly people. However, although health conditions have improved, age-related diseases are still increasing. One of the most common ailments is the age-related hearing loss, which has several pathophysiological causes and may be influenced by age-related morpho-functional changes. Hearing loss may also have underlying conditions in each individual. Sensory hearing loss tends to negatively affect the quality of life of the elderly, interfering with their capacity to communicate and affecting mood and the level of participation in social life. This may be independent of the cognitive and physical state of individuals, which in the long term and in many cases may end in depression. Detection and early treatment of hearing loss is an important bio-psycho-social benefit to the elderly

    Characterisation of the developing heart in a pressure overloaded model utilising RNA sequencing to direct functional analysis

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    Cardiogenesis is influenced by both environmental and genetic factors, with blood flow playing a critical role in cardiac remodelling. Perturbation of any of these factors could lead to abnormal heart development and hence the formation of congenital heart defects. Although abnormal blood flow has been associated with a number of heart defects, the effects of abnormal pressure load on the developing heart gene expression profile have to date not clearly been defined. To determine the heart transcriptional response to haemodynamic alteration during development, outflow tract (OFT) banding was employed in the chick embryo at Hamburger and Hamilton stage (HH) 21. Stereological and expression studies, including the use of global expression analysis by RNA sequencing with an optimised procedure for effective globin depletion, were subsequently performed on HH29 OFTā€banded hearts and compared with sham control hearts, with further targeted expression investigations at HH35. The OFTā€banded hearts were found to have an abnormal morphology with a rounded appearance and leftā€sided dilation in comparison with controls. Internal analysis showed they typically had a ventricular septal defect and reductions in the myocardial wall and trabeculae, with an increase in the lumen on the left side of the heart. There was also a significant reduction in apoptosis. The differentially expressed genes were found to be predominately involved in contraction, metabolism, apoptosis and neural development, suggesting a cardioprotective mechanism had been induced. Therefore, altered haemodynamics during development leads to leftā€sided dilation and differential expression of genes that may be associated with stress and maintaining cardiac output

    The N-terminus of survivin is a mitochondrial-targeting sequence and Src regulator

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    Survivin is a cancer-associated protein that exists in several locations in the cell. Its cytoplasmic residence in interphase cells is governed by CRM1-mediated nuclear exportation, and its localisation during mitosis to the centromeres and midzone microtubules is that of a canonical chromosomal passenger protein. In addition to these well-established locations, survivin is also a mitochondrial protein, but how it gets there and its function therein is presently unclear. Here we show that the first 10 amino acids at the NH2 terminus of survivin are sufficient to target GFP to the mitochondria in vivo, and ectopic expression of this decapeptide decreases cell adhesion and accelerates proliferation. The data support a signalling mechanism in which mitochondrial survivin activates the tyrosine kinase, C-Src, leading to reduced focal adhesion plaques and disruption of F-actin organisation. This strongly suggests that the NH2 terminus of survivin is a mitochondrial targeting sequence that regulates C-Src, and that survivin acts in concert with C-Src to promote tumorigenesis

    Cognitive impairment as predictor of functional dependence in an elderly sample

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    [Abstract] This retrospective study determines the role of cognitive decline as a predictor of functional dependence. In a representative 600 community-dwellers aged 65 or older, we examined using a logistic regression model, the association between cognitive status (taking into account age and educational level) and dependence on basic and instrumental activities of daily living (ADL and IADL, resp.), controlling for socio-demographic variables and health conditions. The Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) scores were compared in participants with functional disability to perform basic and instrumental activities. Cognitive status influenced functional dependence on activities of daily living, basic (OR = 4.1, 95%CI = 2.7ā€“6.1) and instrumental (OR = 5.7, 95%CI = 3.5ā€“9.3), independently of gender, age, educational level and health conditions. Besides, cognitive impairment was associated with the dependence on certain basic (e.g., bathing, toileting) and instrumental (e.g., using the telephone, taking medications, and handling finances) activities. This was a gradual relationship, the highest cognitive decline implied the highest loss of ability at carrying out activities, with a larger impact on basic activities. These findings suggest that cognitive decline can be a predictor for functional dependence, independently of other variables, and turn into a very useful tool indicating the need for support
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