28 research outputs found

    Hubungan Antara Iklim Organisasi Dengan Kepuasan Kerja

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    Every company or organization in achieving its goals requires good cooperation between employees and the company. Good cooperation based on honesty, firmness, fairness, mutual respect and mutual interests between employees and the company in order to create a positive organizational climate conducive to employees that increase employee job satisfaction. This study aims to examine the relationship between organizational climate and job satisfaction, employee satisfaction levels, the level of employee organizations climate, knowing the role of organizational climate on job satisfaction. The hypothesis is a positive relationship between organizational climate and job satisfaction. The population in this study is a FIF Solo Baru employees totaling 133 employees, obtained a sample of 100 respondents, referring to the opinion Roscoe (1975) with sampling techniques using simple random sampling technique. Data collection method used is the scale of organizational climate and job satisfaction scale. Based on the analysis of data can be obtained that the product moment correlation rxy value of 0,376; p = 0,000 (p < 0,01), this means that there is a relationship between organizational climate and job satisfaction. Effective contribution between organizational climate on job satisfaction of 0,141 which means that job satisfaction can be explained by the organizational climate of 14,1%, while the remaining 85,9% was contributed by other variables not examined. The conclusion of this study is that there is a significant positive relationship between organizational climate and job satisfaction. The higher a person's organizational climate it is increasingly steeper also job satisfaction and vice versa. Keywords: Climate organization, Job Satisfactio

    Desain Lereng Pit A Blok 3 Dalam Penambangan Pit Terbuka PT. Daya Bambu Sejahtera (DBS), Jambi

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    PT. Daya Bambu Sejahtera (PT. DBS) merupakan salah satu perusahaan tambang batubara di Kabupaten Tebo, Provinsi Jambi yang melaksanakan penambangan batubara dengan sistem penambangan terbuka (open pit). Saat ini akan dilakukan pelebaran kawasan penambangan di Pit A Blok 3 maka diperlukan penyelidikan geoteknik untuk mengetahui rancangan lereng yang akan dibuat dan juga kondisi lahan yang memungkinkan terjadinya pergerakan lereng yang disebabkan oleh kondisi batuan penyusun yang masih belum terkonsolidasi sempurna dan terdapatnya terjebaknya air (rawa) disepanjang lereng bukit. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan adalah pemetaan geoteknik untuk mendapatkan nilai Rock Mass Rating (RMR) dan pengeboran geoteknik untuk mendapatkan data bawah permukaan dan pengambilan sampel. Diperlukan uji laboratorium pada sampel untuk mendapatkan 3 variabel yang dibutuhkan yaitu berat isi, kohesi, dan sudut geser dalam. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan pembuatan penambang bawah permukaan yang dikombinasikan dengan uji lab dan diolah dengan software Slide v.6, dan dihasilkan faktor keamanan. Kegiatan pemboran geoteknik menghasilkan 5 satuan litologi, yaitu batulempung A, batulempung B, batupasir A, batupasir B, dan batubara. lereng highwall stabil pada overall slope 36°, sudut bench 45° tinggi bench 20m, lebar berm 7m dengan faktor keamanan sebesar 1.002. sidewall stabil pada overall slope 27°, sudut bench 30°, tinggi, bench 15m, dan lebar berm 5m dengan faktor keamanan 1.074. dan yang terakhir lowwal stabil pada overall slope 17°, sudut bench 17°, tinggi bench 20m, lebar berm 4m dengan faktor keamanan 1.014 Kata Kunci : Kestabilan Lereng, RMR, Software Slide v.6, Faktor Keamana

    External Conjunction on the Moses Story in Al-Qu’ran Surah Thaha English Translation

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    This study aims to describe the role of external conjunction on Al-Qu’ran Surah Thaha translated by Marmaduke Pickthall, a British Muslim and Koranic translator in early 19th century. The objective study is the conjunction on the Moses story in Al-Qur’an Surah Thaha. The data source from Al-Qur’an website www.altafsir.com, Jordania. These research method is descriptive qualitative with content analysis. There are 120 data identified as external conjunctions, namely: and (82 data), so (11 data), but (8), then (19 data). All the conjunction are classified based on external conjunctions by Martin and Rose (2003). The findings are: and as adding information or connecting argument; so, but as logical consequences, then as temporal consequences. The results, conjunctions represent a process of adding, comparing, sequencing, explaining the causes between figures, event, idea and things with logical connections. Finally, conjunctions link the ideation in the text as semantic system in discourse and creates cohesion of the story

    Pembuatan Aplikasi Augmented Reality Terkait Bisnis Pelayanan Infrastruktur PT. PLN Batam

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    The use of Augmented Reality (AR) technology in promoting the infrastructure service business of PLN Batam will provide a more interactive and enjoyable experience for the community. However, many infrastructure service companies have not yet utilized this technology to promote their business. Therefore, this research aims to develop an augmented reality application related to the infrastructure service business of PT. PLN Batam using the waterfall research methodology on the Unity platform. The research will be conducted in stages following the waterfall methodology, starting from user needs analysis to application testing. The development of this AR application will utilize the Unity platform as the application development tool and also utilize Vuforia as a plugin for detecting target markers. The results of this research are expected to provide a solution for PT. PLN Batam to utilize AR technology in promoting their business, introducing the company to the community, and strengthening its reputation as a trusted and professional infrastructure service provider.Penggunaan teknologi Augmented Reality (AR) dalam mempromosikan bisnis layanan infrastruktur PLN Batam akan memberikan pengalaman yang lebih interaktif dan menyenangkan bagi masyarakat. Namun, banyak perusahaan layanan infrastruktur belum memanfaatkan teknologi ini untuk mempromosikan bisnis mereka. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan aplikasi augmented reality yang terkait dengan bisnis layanan infrastruktur PT. PLN Batam menggunakan metodologi penelitian waterfall pada platform Unity.&nbsp; Penelitian akan dilakukan secara bertahap mengikuti metodologi waterfall, dimulai dari analisis kebutuhan pengguna hingga pengujian aplikasi. Pengembangan aplikasi AR ini akan memanfaatkan platform Unity sebagai alat pengembangan aplikasi dan juga menggunakan Vuforia sebagai plugin untuk mendeteksi penanda target. Hasil dari penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan solusi bagi PT. PLN Batam untuk memanfaatkan teknologi AR dalam mempromosikan bisnis mereka, memperkenalkan perusahaan kepada masyarakat, dan memperkuat reputasinya sebagai penyedia layanan infrastruktur yang terpercaya dan profesional

    Developing Instructional Game "Adventure of Word" to Improve Morphological Awareness on Vocational Higher Students

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    Abstract: Morphological awareness (MA) has relation to language development. Most of Informatics students class of 2017 in Politeknik Kota Malang are lack of MA especially in vocabulary and reading comprehension. Therefore, this present study is aimed at developing instructional game “Adventure of Word” to improve morphological awareness. This is Research & Development study which used Lee & Owens’ development model. From the result of expert validation, from media expert it got 96.8% and from media/design expert it got 78.7%. As those results, the product is categorized as ‘valid’. After the product has been validated, the next step is try-out to the students. It got 96.6% which meant the product is classified as ‘excellent’. It can be concluded that the product was well-developed as instructional media to teach morphology explicitly so that can help students to improve their morphological awareness especially in root word, prefix, suffix, and circumfix

    Pemenuhan Hak-Hak Korban Tindak Pidana Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga Dalam Rangka Upaya Pemulihan (Studi Kasus Di Wilayah Surakarta)

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    Pelaksanaan pemenuhan hak-hak korban tindak pidana Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga dalam rangka upaya pemulihan di Surakarta telah dilakukan dengan cukup baik. Dinas Kesehatan Surakarta memberikan layanan berupa konsultasi medis, pemeriksaan pasien (fisik, medis), visum, rawat jalan, anestesi, tes laboratorium, obat dan rujukan ke Rumah Sakit. Dinas Kesehatan hanya membawahi seluruh Puskesmas yang ada di Surakarta, sedangkan Rumah Sakit yang ada di Surakarta memiliki wewenang tersendiri yang terpisah dengan Dinas Kesehatan. Pelaksanaan pemenuhan hak korban oleh Pengadilan Negeri Surakarta masih sangat minim, dikarenakan belum adanya aturan yang jelas yang dapat dijadikan hakim untuk memberikan pertimbangan khusus kepada korban dalam memutus perkara. Serta belum diatur mengenai kebijakan pengadilan untuk mengadakan pelayanan khusus terhadap korban Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga sebelum menjalani proses persidangan. Pelaksanaan pemenuhan hak-hak korban tindak pidana Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga oleh LSM SPEK-HAM dilakukan dengan memberikan layanan pemenuhan hak-hak korban Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga yaitu antara lain dengan dengan memberikan layanan berupa pendampingan korban dengan cara mendampingi korban yang berperkara di pengadilan dengan memberikan pengacara secara cuma-cuma atau gratis, membentuk sekolah komunitas dan bertindak sebagai survivor

    Clustering stationary and non-stationary time series based on autocorrelation distance of hierarchical and k-means algorithms

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    Observing large dimension time series could be time-consuming. One identification and classification approach is a time series clustering. This study aimed to compare the accuracy of two algorithms, hierarchical cluster and K-Means cluster, using ACF’s distance for clustering stationary and non-stationary time series data. This research uses both simulation and real datasets. The simulation generates 7 stationary data models and another 7 of non-stationary data models. On the other hands, the real dataset is the daily temperature data in 34 cities in Indonesia. As a result, K-Means algorithm has the highest accuracy for both data models