596 research outputs found

    The caregivers' strike: a tale of violence and care in the entrails of San Salvador

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    This essay introduces the concepts of cuerpo-territorio and acuerpamiento to unveil bodily infrastructures of care. Starting from concepts such as urban violence, state violence, and police violence, I examine how caring socio-spatial practices and bodies affect and transform urban contexts of extreme and chronic violence. I seek to weave a contribution to bodies as infrastructures of care by conceptualizing the body as a territory and reflecting the territory in the body, it is possible to think of a more visceral, embodied, and affective understanding of caring in violent contexts, as well as unveil invisible practices and networks of care. I specifically reflect on a group of women inhabiting the surroundings of El Penalito, an old cinema located within the limits of the Historic Center of San Salvador, which became a temporary jail

    Spatiotemporal dynamics of ticks and tick-borne disease at NEON sites across a sub-continental scale

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    Tick-borne diseases in humans such as Lyme disease cases in the United States have doubled between 2004 and 2016. Understanding the dynamics of infectious diseases has long been of interest for ecologists. Tick and tick-borne diseases are influenced by temperature and precipitation at local scales, indirectly through mast seeding in forest trees which increases the abundance of tick hosts (e.g., small mammals), as well as direct effects on survival. Most tick studies occur at local scales that comprise only a small part of their range. The aim of my thesis is to characterize spatiotemporal dynamics of ticks and tick-borne diseases in the eastern United States. I used datasets from National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) from 2014 to 2021 to quantify the level of synchrony in tick dynamics in seven NEON Domains, representing different ecoregions, and spanning distances up to 2,000 km. I used multiple regression matrices (MRM) to examine patterns of synchrony across sites in regional to sub-continental patterns of host-seeking ticks, and climatic variation. I found that spatial synchrony in temporal patterns of nymph abundance for both Amblyomma americanum and Ixodes scapularis declined with increasing distance between NEON sites. Weather variables associated with the spatiotemporal dynamics and key predictors of ticks and tick-borne diseases vary between the two species. A. americanum was driven by lags in July temperature differences, ∆T3 (difference in mean July temperatures in year t-3 and t-4) and ∆T4 (difference in mean July temperatures in year t-4 and t-5); and January conditions impacted tick survival for I. scapularis. The proportion of nymph-infected ticks was explained by environmental factors for the genus A. americanum. Whereas, for I. scapularis proportion of infected nymphs we were unable to explain. Nymph abundance and tick-borne diseases could be understood by identifying environmental variables influencing tick spatiotemporal patterns, allowing for potential prediction of a future tick outbreak

    The Experience of a Pioneer Research Program in Architecture in Évora

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    Three years ago the University of Évora implemented a research PhD program in architecture. Generally a doctorate of architecture has been an academic title awarded to architects who present a theoretical dissertation; however, for us as a young but promising school of architecture it was just natural that a project (as a methodology, a process of knowledge or simulation of a hypothesis) could be part of an advance research in architecture. Thus, we started with this doctoral program seeking to question the current model of PhD programs and established a new pioneering paradigm syllabus in the national context with the intention to reach the international arena During the course syllabus the project lab integrates the formulation of a theoretical hypothesis (a conjecture), that becomes an architectural design, which is unique, but simultaneously an universal knowledge. The program has already two editions were PhD students have been encouraged to develop advance research and fostered interaction between the theoretical and architecture production. No research is yet finished. Students, although much interested in this type of research, are divided in their approach to architecture as a theoretical, speculative and critical field, and architecture as a field of research. Students and teacher are interested in research that develops their architecture design skills, as a relevant process of advancement knowledge in architecture. We believe that PhD syllabus will contribute to demystify and implement the concept of advanced studies in architecture based on architectural research. This paper will share some of the ideas, doubts, and results of our PhD program

    Lung Cancer Stem Cell: New Insights on Experimental Models and Preclinical Data

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    Lung cancer remains the leading cause of cancer death. Understanding lung tumors physiopathology should provide opportunity to prevent tumor development or/and improve their therapeutic management. Cancer stem cell (CSC) theory refers to a subpopulation of cancer cells, also named tumor-initiating cells, that can drive cancer development. Cells presenting these characteristics have been identified and isolated from lung cancer. Exploring cell markers and signaling pathways specific to lung CSCs may lead to progress in therapy and improve the prognosis of patients with lung cancer. Continuous efforts in developing in vitro and in vivo models may yield reliable tools to better understand CSC abilities and to test new therapeutic targets. Preclinical data on putative CSC targets are emerging by now. These preliminary studies are critical for the next generation of lung cancer therapies

    Cardiovascular Prevention of Cognitive Decline

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    Midlife cardiovascular risk factors, including diabetes, hypertension, dyslipemia, and an unhealthy lifestyle, have been linked to subsequent incidence, delay of onset, and progression rate of Alzheimer disease and vascular dementia. Conversely, optimal treatment of cardiovascular risk factors prevents and slows down age-related cognitive disorders. The impact of antihypertensive therapy on cognitive outcome in patients with hypertension was assessed in large trials which demonstrated a reduction in progression of MRI white matter hyperintensities, in cognitive decline and in incidence of dementia. Large-scale database correlated statin use and reduction in the incidence of dementia, mainly in patients with documented atherosclerosis, but clinical trials failed to reach similar conclusions. Whether a multitargeted intervention would substantially improve protection, quality of life, and reduce medical cost expenditures in patients with lower risk profile has not been ascertained. This would require appropriately designed trials targeting large populations and focusing on cognitive decline as a primary outcome endpoint

    Strategies of Friendship Maintenance in Mexico: Gender Differences

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    Friendship development refers to the course that people follow since they know each other until they may stop being close friends any more. In this process, the actions making the progress of the relationship possible should be considered, as well as what attracts one person to another and the actions that maintain and deepen the relationship. Blieszner & Adams (1992) agree that friendship develops from knowing each other to obtaining emotional closeness; they define phases that describe changes in friendship. They also agree that those phases do not follow a predetermined sequence, for some friendships become quite close and some others remain in an occasional level; so the stages of friendship are not static events. Maintenance stage involves both dynamic behaviors and activities influenced by culture (Dainton, 2003). The purpose of this chapter is to explore how Mexicans from 19 to 40 years old maintain their friendships. An inventory was developed to assess such strategies. The outcomes revealed that among the several ways of keeping a best friend is the fulfillment of behaviors in order to avoid discussions, surpassing the setbacks, giving support, listening, showing affection and having many things in common as well

    Barrio anfibio: entre lo natural y lo urbano

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    Màster universitari en Estudis Avançats en Arquitectura (BarcelonaArch) -- UrbanismeEn pleno siglo XX, en una ciudad ubicada en el corazón de la Selva Amazónica, bajo circunstancias que están ligadas a las fluctuaciones de sus ríos y al desplazamiento de su gente, empezó a germinar de manera espontánea, un pueblo con características particulares. Al mismo tiempo que acontecían cambios en su soporte físico se iba dando su expansión. El barrio de Belén desde sus inicios ha mantenido un constante diálogo con su contexto, viviendo entre la tierra y el agua, buscando el equilibrio entre el ritmo de vida urbano y las corrientes fluviales. Autoformándose bajo un conocimiento intuitivo sobre su territorio, ha ido tomando forma a través de arquitecturas tradicionales que responden a patrones de conducta regidas por la temporalidad. Es decir, según en qué temporada se esté, nos permite andar por sus orillas o navegar entre sus calles. Pues en los cambios de su territorio tanto cronológicos como cíclicos, se da la desintegración de los límites urbanos, los que después con el cambio de temporada, pasan a regenerarse en ese espacio llamado “orilla”. Un espacio que a través de sus fluctuaciones se abre a la posibilidad de interacción y cambio. En definitiva, un espacio lleno de yuxtaposiciones y maneras de encuentro entre el mundo antrópico y natural. Un barrio anfibio que presenta como requisito fundamental de vida; la transformación constante


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    La Amazonía es un lugar que aún en pleno S.XXI se mantiene en distancia del resto de territorios, evidenciando sin lugar a dudas un espacio que guarda profundos conocimientos ancestrales, saberes que muchas veces difieren con lo racional o con las bases del pensamiento occidental. La llamada cosmovisión amazónica le ha permitido mantener el desarrollo de la vida de sus distintas sociedades en equilibrio con su entorno natural, algo que contrasta plenamente con las ciudades que guardan las evidencias de una larga historia y que a lo largo de ella han alcanzado o están en la búsqueda de un deseado desarrollo. Sin embargo, el contexto de nuestro tiempo nos ha llevado poco a poco a mirar con otros ojos la amazonia, comenzando por revalorar espacios estratégicos que portan una gran carga de identidad y carácter, lugares que prometan ser el punto de partida de otros proyectos con el único motivo de buscar la evolución de rincones olvidados que, aporten tanto a su invaluable espacio natural como a sus peculiares sociedades. Uno de estos lugares es el mercado del barrio de Belén, un espacio-vínculo entre la selva misma y la ciudad de Iquitos, es decir, un espacio conector que tiene la facultad de disolver distancias y acercar más ambos espacios, tanto el natural como el urbano, en definitiva, un lugar con una fuerte identidad amazónica y un marcado dinamismo urbano, dicha fusión no hace más que volver evidente su singularidad.The Amazon is a place that still in full S.XXI maintains its distance from the rest of territories, evidencing without a doubt a space that holds deep ancestral knowledge, knowledge that often differ with the rational or with the bases of Western thought, the so-called Amazonian worldview has enabled it to maintain the development of the life of its various societies in balance with its natural environment, something that stands in stark contrast to the cities that hold the evidence of a long history and that throughout it have reached or are in search of a desired "development". However, the context of our time has led us gradually to appreciate the Amazon, beginning by revaluing strategic spaces with a great burden of identity and character, places that promise to be the starting point for other projects with the sole motive of seeking the evolution of forgotten corners that contribute both to their invaluable natural space and to their peculiar societies. One of these places is the market of the district of Belén, a space that is the link between what happens in the jungle itself and in the city of Iquitos, a connecting space that has the faculty to dissolve distances and bring both spaces closer together, both natural and urban. A place with a strong Amazonian identity and a marked urban dynamism that it makes unique.Tesi

    El control gubernamental y desempeño laboral de los colaboradores de la municipalidad distrital de Sayán, en el año 2019

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objeto establecer la relación entre el Control Gubernamental y el Desempeño Laboral de los trabajadores en la Municipalidad Distrital de Sayán, del distrito de Sayán en el año 2019. Asimismo, este trabajo de investigación tiene un enfoque cuantitativo, de un nivel correlacional, cuenta con un diseño no experimental transversal y aplicada. Los resultados se obtuvieron a través de la aplicación de un cuestionario de opinión sobre Control Gubernamental y Desempeño Laboral a 123 colaboradores administrativos de la Municipalidad Distrital de Sayán. Respecto al instrumento de recolección de datos, se realizó un cuestionario de las dos variables con un total de 25 ítems en la escala de Likert en cinco niveles, “nunca, casi nunca, a veces, casi siempre, siempre”. Para establecer el nivel de correlación existente entre el Control Gubernamental y el Desempeño Laboral se usó el estadístico no paramétrico Rho de Spearman ya que los datos no cumplen el supuesto de normalidad, se llega a obtener el siguiente resultado de la hipótesis principal. Se determinó que el nivel de significancia entre el Control Gubernamental y el Desempeño Laboral en la Municipalidad Distrital de Sayán, del año 2019. De igual manera, la correlación es de 0.448, en la escala de Bisquerra, esta correlación es positiva y moderada

    Recent progress in biomedical sensors based on conducting polymer hydrogels

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    Biosensors are increasingly taking a more active role in health science. The current needs for the constant monitoring of biomedical signals, as well as the growing spending on public health, make it necessary to search for materials with a combination of properties such as biocompatibility, electroactivity, resorption, and high selectivity to certain bioanalytes. Conducting polymer hydrogels seem to be a very promising materials, since they present many of the necessary properties to be used as biosensors. Furthermore, their properties can be shaped and enhanced by designing conductive polymer hydrogel-based composites with more specific functionalities depending on the end application. This work will review the recent state of the art of different biological hydrogels for biosensor applications, discuss the properties of the different components alone and in combination, and reveal their high potential as candidate materials in the fabrication of all-organic diagnostic, wearable, and implantable sensor devices.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version