35 research outputs found

    Increase of beta-Lactam-Resistant Invasive Haemophilus influenzae in Sweden, 1997 to 2010

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    The proportions of Haemophilus influenzae resistant to ampicillin and other beta-lactam antibiotics have been low in Sweden compared to other countries in the Western world. However, a near-doubled proportion of nasopharyngeal Swedish H. influenzae isolates with resistance to beta-lactams has been observed in the last decade. In the present study, the epidemiology and mechanisms of antimicrobial resistance of H. influenzae isolates from blood and cerebrospinal fluid in southern Sweden from 1997 to 2010 (n = 465) were studied. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was performed using disk diffusion, and isolates with resistance to any tested beta-lactam were further analyzed in detail. We identified a significantly increased (P = 0.03) proportion of beta-lactam-resistant invasive H. influenzae during the study period, which was mainly attributed to a significant recent increase of beta-lactamase-negative beta-lactam-resistant isolates (P = 0.04). Furthermore, invasive beta-lactamase-negative beta-lactam-resistant H. influenzae isolates from 2007 and onwards were found in higher proportions than the corresponding proportions of nasopharyngeal isolates in a national survey. Multiple-locus sequence typing (MIST) of this group of isolates did not completely separate isolates with different resistance phenotypes. However, one cluster of beta-lactamase-negative ampicillin-resistant (BLNAR) isolates was identified, and it included isolates from all geographical areas. A truncated variant of a beta-lactamase gene with a promoter deletion, bla(TEM-1)-P Delta dominated among the beta-lactamase-positive H. influenzae isolates. Our results show that the proportions of beta-lactam-resistant invasive H. influenzae have increased in Sweden in the last decade

    Serologic markers of Chlamydia trachomatis and other sexually transmitted infections and subsequent ovarian cancer risk: Results from the EPIC cohort

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    A substantial proportion of epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) arises in the fallopian tube and other epithelia of the upper genital tract; these epithelia may incur damage and neoplastic transformation after sexually transmitted infections (STI) and pelvic inflammatory disease. We investigated the hypothesis that past STI infection, particularly Chlamydia trachomatis, is associated with higher EOC risk in a nested case-control study within the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) cohort including 791 cases and 1669 matched controls. Serum antibodies against C. trachomatis, Mycoplasma genitalium, herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) and human papillomavirus (HPV) 16, 18 and 45 were assessed using multiplex fluorescent bead-based serology. Conditional logistic regression was used to estimate relative risks (RR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) comparing women with positive vs. negative serology. A total of 40% of the study population was seropositive to at least one STI. Positive serology to C. trachomatis Pgp3 antibodies was not associated with EOC risk overall, but with higher risk of the mucinous histotype (RR = 2.30 [95% CI = 1.22-4.32]). Positive serology for chlamydia heat shock protein 60 (cHSP60-1) was associated with higher risk of EOC overall (1.36 [1.13-1.64]) and with the serous subtype (1.44 [1.12-1.85]). None of the other evaluated STIs were associated with EOC risk overall; however, HSV-2 was associated with higher risk of endometrioid EOC (2.35 [1.24-4.43]). The findings of our study suggest a potential role of C. trachomatis in the carcinogenesis of serous and mucinous EOC, while HSV-2 might promote the development of endometrioid disease

    PĂ„ tal om matematik : matematiken, vardagen och den matematikdidaktiska diskursen

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    The aim of this dissertation is to describe and analyze how discourse as a theoretical and didactical concept can help in advancing knowledge about the teaching of mathematics in school. The dissertation has been written within a socio-cultural perspective where active participation and support from artefacts and mediation are viewed as important contributions to the development of understanding. Discourse analysis was used as a theoretical point of departure to grasp language use, knowledge construction and mathematical content in the teaching practises. The collection of empirical data was made up of video and audio tape recordings of the interaction of teachers and pupils in mathematics classrooms when they deal with problem-solving tasks, as well as discussions between student teachers as they engage in planning a teaching situation in mathematics. Discourse analysis was used as a tool to shed light upon how pupils learn and develop understanding of mathematics. The results of my studies demonstrate that discussions very often are located in either a mathematical or in an every-day discourse. Furthermore, the results demonstrate how change between every-day and mathematical language often takes place unknowingly. Also the results underline that a specific and precise dialogue can contribute towards teachers’ and pupils’ conscious participation in the learning process. Translated into common vocabulary such as speak, think, write, listen and read teachers and pupils would be able to interact over concepts, signs, words, symbols, situations and phenomena in every-day discourse and its mathematical counterpart. When teachers and pupils become aware of discursive boundary crossing in mathematics an understanding of mathematical phenomena can start to develop. Teachers and pupils can construct a meta-language leading to new knowledge and new learning in mathematics.Syftet med avhandlingen Ă€r att beskriva och analysera hur diskurs som teoretiskt- didaktiskt begrepp kan bidra till att utveckla kunskap i och om matematik i skolan. Avhandlingen skrivs utifrĂ„n ett sociokulturellt perspektiv dĂ€r aktivt deltagande med hjĂ€lp av artefakter och mediering Ă€r viktiga bidrag till förstĂ„elsen. För att fĂ„ syn pĂ„ sprĂ„ket, kunskapen och matematiken i matematikundervisningen anvĂ€nds diskursanalys som teoretisk utgĂ„ngspunkt och metod. Data insamlingen bestĂ„r av video- och ljudbandsinspelningar av lĂ€rares och elevers samtal i ett matematikklassrum dĂ„ de arbetar med problemlösning och lĂ€rarstudenters samtal nĂ€r de planerar en undervisningssituation i matematik. Diskusanalys har anvĂ€nts som ett redskap för att upptĂ€cka hur elever lĂ€r och utvecklar sin förstĂ„else av matematik. Resultaten visar att i mina studier befinner sig samtalet ofta antingen i en matematisk eller i en vardaglig diskurs. VĂ€xlingen mellan vardagligt och matematiskt sprĂ„k sker ofta omedvetet. I avhandlingen understryks att ett specifikt och precist samtal i matematik underlĂ€ttar ömsesidig förstĂ„else och kan bidra till att lĂ€rare och elever blir delaktiga i lĂ€randet. Med hjĂ€lp av orden tala, tĂ€nka, skriva, lyssna och lĂ€sa skulle lĂ€rare och elever kunna interagera kring begrepp, tecken, ord, symboler, situationer och företeelser i den vardagliga och den matematiska diskursen och förstĂ„else skulle lĂ€ttare kunna Ă€ga rum i matematik. Genom att lĂ€rare och elever blir medvetna om hur de passerar diskursiva grĂ€nser bĂ„de i matematiken och mellan matematik och vardag kan förstĂ„else klargöras. LĂ€rare och elever skulle kunna utveckla ett metasprĂ„k som leder till ny kunskap och nytt lĂ€rande inom matematiken i skolan

    Interaktion och problemlösning : att kommunicera om och med matematik

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    The present study shows how students, eleven years old, solve problems in mathematics when they work together in groups. The main question raised is about the difficulties students experience in finding the relationship between mathematics and everyday discourse and vice versa. Two empirical studies about students' problemsolving in mathematics divided into three different articles are presented in this study. One is about how students discuss, while they are trying to solve what the area of the triangle is. The other study is about how different solutions in problemsolving have various meanings. The main finding ofthis work concems communication. Depending on the social contexts, different kinds oflanguages are developed in. When children are in their everyday contexts, they use one kind oflanguage, that is they use everyday concepts. In school, children have to leam the language ofmathematics. Leaming mathematics is about getting students to use the language of mathematics to mediate events and phenomens in the world around. One can describe learning as assimilating communicative and technical tools. Which are used as mediating tools in social practices. Another main finding of this study is to show how a teacher can get students attentive to how to change between different types of discourse and how to use special conc~pts for a special context. The most important aspect is that a teacher has pedagogical conversations with students on how to move between different communicative contexts. Often, students have difficulties in understanding in which communicative context they are involved

    Ge mattelÀrarna makt över datorer och programvara

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    Om datorer ska kunna anvÀndas i matematikundervisningen pÄ ett ÀndamÄlsenligt sÀtt mÄste helt andra program fÄ installeras pÄ skolornas datorer. Makten över datorer och programvara mÄste ligga i hÀnderna pÄ de undervisande lÀrarna, skriver fyra forskare verksamma vid Malmö högskola och Göteborgs universitet

    How one preschool teacher recognises mathematical teaching moments

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    Currently there is much discussion internationally about what and how mathematics should be integrated into preschool programs. In Swedish preschools, there is a strong tradition of children’s play. Using video data, we identify how one teacher in a Swedish preschool recognises and builds on mathematical teaching moments that arise from children’s play. The role of respectful listening and asking challenging questions is important in the development of children’s mathematical curiosity. We use this data to explore whether using teaching moments is an appropriate teaching practice in preschools for ensuring that children have good mathematical knowledge to begin school with

    Mathematical teaching moments : between instruction and construction

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    Internationally there is much discussion about what and how mathematics should be integrated into preschool programmes. In Swedish preschools, there is a strong tradition of valorising children’s play. Using video data, we identify how one teacher in a Swedish preschool recognises and builds on mathematical teaching moments that arise from children’s play. We use these data to discuss how the guided play context facilitates some teacher actions while constraining others. Respectful listening and asking challenging questions seem to stimulate the development of children’s mathematical curiosity. However, the teacher is not able to insist that her suggestions for activities are taken up by the children

    Swedish preschools, play and the learning of mathematics

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    Recently, attention has been focussed on the mathematics learnt in preschools and how this contributes to children’s subsequent learning in schools. This paper explores the dilemma of trying to increase preschool children’s learning of mathematics, whilst allowing their play to guide that learning. In Sweden, the revised curriculum for preschools specifies more mathematics to be covered. Yet, like other countries, Sweden traditionally has seen preschools as places where learning arises from children’s play. We suggest two avenues for further research that would contribute information to increasing the likelihood of play supporting mathematics learning

    Swedish preschools, play and the learning of mathematics

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    Recently, attention has been focussed on the mathematics learnt in preschools and how this contributes to children’s subsequent learning in schools. This paper explores the dilemma of trying to increase preschool children’s learning of mathematics, whilst allowing their play to guide that learning. In Sweden, the revised curriculum for preschools specifies more mathematics to be covered. Yet, like other countries, Sweden traditionally has seen preschools as places where learning arises from children’s play. We suggest two avenues for further research that would contribute information to increasing the likelihood of play supporting mathematics learning

    Gymnasiereformen och nya medier : möjligheter och utmaningar för matematikÀmnet

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    Matematikundervisningen i den svenska skolan stÄr inför mycket stora förÀndringar. Regeringen har nyligen beslutat om nya Àmnesplaner för bÄde grundskolan och gymnasieskolan, vilka ska tillÀmpas pÄ utbildningar som pÄbörjas efter den 1 juli 2011. Med ett nytt centralt ÀmnesinnehÄll kommer ocksÄ nya kunskapskrav och ett nytt betygssystem. Utöver detta stÄr skolan inför en i praktiken mycket större och mera genomgripande förÀndring, nÀmligen att motsvara de krav som samhÀllets fortskridande digitalisering stÀller samt att leva upp till förvÀntningarna frÄn ungdomar med stor medievana