1,729 research outputs found

    Administración del riesgo en entidades públicas y privadas

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    Para abordar el paralelo de la administración del riesgo en el ámbito público o privado, debemos retroceder en el tiempo a los años 90, donde las políticas del Neoliberalismo, empiezan a mostrar cambios radicales para crear empresas más competitivas que a su vez, generarían mayores necesidades de control, es por esto que a través de la Constitución Política del 91 inician los primeros pasos para que el Ministerio Público cumpla funciones administrativas que permitan las primeras herramientas de control en las entidades públicas, paralelo a esto, las entidades privadas inician las implementación de los sistemas de gestión de Calidad ISO como herramienta principal para iniciar la identificación de los riesgos, a través de las auditorías internas que en ambos contextos, Privado o Público, buscan cumplir los objetivos empresariales de manera que se pueda evaluar y mejorar la efectividad de los procesos, mediante la identificación de los riesgo internos y externos que puedan afectar los resultados del plan estratégico establecido en las empresa

    El comercio de los puertos vascos en la primera mitad del siglo XVI a partir de los contratos de fletamento

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    El comercio desarrollado a través de los puertos del cantábrico a lo largo de la primera mitad del siglo XVI nos es conocido sólo de manera parcial. Buena parte de los problemas para tener un conocimiento más completo residen en la documentación hasta ahora consultada. El hallazgo de nuevos documentos de carácter judicial en el Archivo General de Simancas referentes a los contratos de fletamento para esta área y este periodo cronológico abren una nueva vía de estudio.Gracias a esta documentación se puede constatar cuáles eran los principales mercados y productos comerciados, los agentes que desarrollaban el tráfico comercial, y sobre todo, la forma en que se organizaba ese comercio que integraba el norte de Castilla con las principales redes comerciales europeas.The trade developed through the ports of Biscay over the first half of XVI century is known to us only in part. Many of the problems to have a more complete documentation reside in so far consulted. The discovery of new judicial documents in the Archivo General de Simancas relating to charter contracts for this area and this chronological period open a new avenue of study.Thanks to this documentation can be seen which were the main products traded markets and the agents who developed the trade, and especially how this trade was organized northern Castilla integrated with the main European trading networks

    El devenir penal : formas de resistir en un centro femenil mexicano

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    Comprendre la quotidianitat penal és fonamental per entreveure resistències que les persones privades de llibertat realitzen davant les condicions imposades institucionalment: mortificació, exclusió i desculturització, específicament. La present investigació s'emmarca en una metodologia qualitativa, utilitzant l'observació participant dins d'un taller impartit en una institució penitenciària mexicana, recuperant l'experiència de les internes des de la seva pròpia veu. Els resultats destaquen una paradoxa: mentre les estratègies de la institució (exclusió, control dels cossos i subjecció d'individualitats) no afavoreixen al discurs de reinserció pel seu caràcter mortificant, irònicament és mitjançant les resistències a on les internes produeixen un espai momentani de resignificació que acaba apegándose més al discurs que pretén la futura inserció de la persona a la societat, a causa que aquestes pràctiques de resistència s'allunyen d'aquells elements desocializantes institucionals i, en fer-ho, troben més consonància amb les dinàmiques de la vida social de l'exterior.The comprehension of everyday prison life is fundamental to show the resistances that people deprived of their freedom implement against the conditions imposed by the institution: mortification, exclusion and deculturization, specifically. The present research has a qualitative approach, utilizing participant observation within a workshop held in a Mexican prison, focusing on the interns experiences from their own narratives. The results highlight a paradox: while institutional strategies (exclusion, control of the bodies and subjection of individualities) do not encourage the discourse of social reintegration given its mortifying character, ironically, it is through the resistances that interns produce a momentary space of resignification closer to the social reintegration discourse, because said practices of resistance steer away from those institutional de-socializing elements and, in doing so, they are more consistent with the dynamics of social life from outside the walls.Comprender la cotidianeidad penal es fundamental para vislumbrar resistencias que las personas privadas de libertad realizan ante las condiciones impuestas institucionalmente: mortificación, exclusión y desculturización, específicamente. La presente investigación se enmarca en una metodología cualitativa, utilizando la observación participante dentro de un taller impartido en una institución penitenciaria mexicana, recuperando la experiencia de las internas desde su propia voz. Los resultados destacan una paradoja: mientras las estrategias de la institución (exclusión, control de los cuerpos y sujeción de individualidades) no favorecen al discurso de reinserción por su carácter mortificante, irónicamente es mediante las resistencias en donde las internas producen un espacio momentáneo de resignificación que termina apegándose más al discurso que pretende la futura inserción de la persona en la sociedad, debido a que dichas prácticas de resistencia se alejan de aquellos elementos desocializantes institucionales y, al hacerlo, encuentran más consonancia con las dinámicas de la vida social del exterior

    Seasonal and vertical dynamics in the trophic structure of a temperate zooplankton assemblage

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    We determined the stable nitrogen isotope composition (δ15N values) and body size of taxonomic groups in a zooplankton community in the Cantabrian Sea (southern Bay of Biscay) to explore seasonal and depth (0–2000 m) variations in the size‐based trophic structure and their coupling to the production cycle. The positive linear relationship between δ15N values and log‐transformed body size reflects the dominance of new vs. regenerated production. The slope of the relationship (b) is high during productive periods and low when herbivory declines and the food web is more dependent on recycled production. This variation can be attributed to high δ15N values of the smallest plankton after repetitive cycles of microbial degradation. Downward transport of organic matter after the spring phytoplankton bloom was captured by a steady variation from low values of b at the surface to high values at the bathypelagic zone, where the imprint of the spring production pulse could be detected. Variation in b reveals that the mesopelagic and bathypelagic zooplankton communities are as dynamic as their epipelagic counterparts. This shows the efficiency of δ15N vs. body size relationships to capture fast, transient ecosystem processes without need for lengthy incubations or complex rate measurements

    Neoplasias quísticas mucinosas del páncreas: Caso clínico y revisión de la literatura

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    Mucinous cystic neoplasms of the pancreas occur relatively frequently and mainly affect women in the transition to menopause. Most of these neoplasms are unique but are located in the body and tail of the pancreas and have no communication with the pancreatic ductal system. Less than 20% are malignant. Evaluation should include clinical presentation, imaging, endoscopic ultrasonography, puncture biopsies, cytology and chemical analysis of the liquid to measure angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) levels. Complete surgical resection is the only treatment that can improve long-term survival in patients with malignant mucinous cystic lesions. This article includes a review of the literature related to presentation of a case diagnosed by the surgical clinical gastroenterology group at Clínica la Presentación in Manizales, Colombia. © 2018 Asociaciones Colombianas de Gastroenterología, Endoscopia digestiva, Coloproctología y Hepatología

    Winter-mixing preconditioning of the spring phytoplankton bloom in the Bay of Biscay

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    The spring phytoplankton bloom plays a key role in the dynamics of temperate and polar seas. Nevertheless, the mechanisms and processes behind these blooms remain a subject of considerable debate. We analyzed the influence of deep mixing during winter on the spring phytoplankton bloom in the Cantabrian Sea (southern Bay of Biscay). To this end, we combined long-term physical and biogeochemical in situ data (1993–2012) and satellite observations (1997–2012). Deeper winter mixing led to higher nitrate and chlorophyll concentrations through the water column during the spring bloom. However, this effect was modified by short-term variability in near-surface stratification in spring. Winter-mixing preconditioning also influenced different spring bloom metrics: deeper and later mixing in winter was followed by later blooms with a larger peak. In these enhanced blooms, nitrate was taken up at faster rates, indicating higher rates of phytoplankton production. Winters with weaker mixing (that led to weaker spring blooms) were associated with warmer surface temperatures. This relationship suggests that the multi-decadal trend toward warmer surface temperatures in the Bay of Biscay may promote a decrease in the magnitude of the spring bloom, which could impact upper trophic levels and also deep carbon export in the future

    Restauración Del Arte Pictórico y La Química Analítica : Diseño De Una Asignatura Electiva

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    Este trabajo de investigación se diseñó fundamentado en el trabajo de grado titulado “Restauración del arte pictórico: estrategia en la enseñanza de la química para estudiantes de formación inicial de la licenciatura en química” (Marquez,B.2018) , como continuación de este proyecto investigativo, donde se da un indicio acerca de la restauración de arte pictórico y la química, su relación con la estequiometria química y los procesos de oxido reducción en una obra pictórica, todo esto con el fin de diseñar una asignatura electiva, que unifique postulados, conceptos, teorías, entre otros de la química analítica y de la restauración de una obra pictórica.This research work was designed based on the degree work entitled "Restoration of pictorial art: strategy in the teaching of chemistry for initial training students of the bachelor of chemistry" (Marquez, B. 2018), as a continuation of this project research, where an indication is given about the restoration of pictorial art and chemistry and its relationship with chemical stoichiometry and the processes of oxide reduction in a pictorial work and from this, an elective subject is designed, which unifies postulates, concepts, theories, among others of analytical chemistry and the restoration of a pictorial work. At the beginning, a state of the art of the chemical processes that occur in the restoration of paintings of pictorial art is proposed and to determine how said restoration includes analytical chemistry as a basis in the restoration, based on the model of conceptual pedagogy proposed by Zubiría (2007) takes the hexagon model as a tool, which reveals 2 dimensions, the didactic and the pedagogical, which focus on the why, and the other on the how, in this way the design is based on this model which focuses on student motivation and thus raises the entire sequential process of elective design, presenting different strategies to gather important information for the design, such as the number of credits, total hours, thematic axes, motivating activities for the students, the themes, and how they relate (analytical chemistry one directly to the other (pictorial art)

    Alongshore upwelling modulates the intensity of marine heatwaves in a temperate coastal sea

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    Analyses of long-term temperature records based on satellite data have revealed an increase in the frequency and intensity of marine heatwaves (MHWs) in the world oceans, a trend directly associated with global change according to climate model simulations. However, these analyses often target open ocean pelagic systems and rarely include local scale, field temperature records that are more adequate to assess the impact of MHWs close to the land-sea interface. Here, we compared the incidence and characteristics of open ocean MHWs detected by satellites with those observed in the field over two decades (1998-2019) at two temperate intertidal locations in the central Cantabrian Sea, southern Bay of Biscay. Satellite retrievals tended to smooth out cooling events associated with intermittent, alongshore upwelling, especially during summer. These biases propagated to the characterization of MHWs and resulted in an overestimation of their incidence and duration close to the coast. To reconcile satellite and field records, we developed a downscaling approach based on regression modeling that enabled the reconstruction of past temperatures and analyze MHW trends. Despite the cooling effect due to upwelling, the temperature reconstructions revealed a six-fold increase in the incidence of MHWs in the Cantabrian Sea over the last four decades. A comparison between static (no trend) vs. dynamic (featuring a linear warming trend) MHW detection thresholds allowed us to attribute over half of the increase in MHW incidence to the ocean warming trend. Our results highlight the importance of local processes to fully characterize the complexity and impacts of MHWs on marine coastal ecosystems and call for the conservation of climate refugia associated with coastal upwelling to counter the impacts of climate warming. [Abstract copyright: Copyright © 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    A dificuldade da implementação do ensino por competências em Espanha

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    This article addresses one of the key aspects of the latest educational reform carried out in Spain: teaching oriented to the development of competencies. The objective of this study is to know the difficulties of Spanish teachers to adapt to the competency model. To do this, a qualitative research methodology was used through interviews and a discussion group with 32 participants (principals, education inspectors, teachers, teachers and educational administration officials) belonging to primary and secondary education, responsible for the compulsory education stage for the subjects of mathematics, natural sciences and physical education. The results confirm that work by competencies is not carried out. The competency approach is left only in bureaucratic tasks. There is no unanimity of criteria for how to apply the teaching model by competencies, although all agree that it is important for the teaching-learning process. Este artículo afronta uno de los aspectos claves de la última reforma educativa realizada en España, como es la enseñanza orientada al desarrollo de las competencias. El objetivo de este estudio es conocer las dificultades del profesorado español para adaptarse al modelo competencial. Para ello, se utilizó una metodología de investigación cualitativa por medio de entrevistas y un grupo de discusión a través de la opinión de 32 participantes (directores, inspectores de educación, maestros, profesores y responsables de la administración educativa) pertenecientes a las etapas educativas de Educación Primaria y Secundaria, por ser la etapa de educación obligatoria, de las asignaturas de Matemáticas, Ciencias de la Naturaleza y Educación Física. Los resultados confirman que el trabajo por competencias no se lleva a la práctica. El enfoque por competencias se queda solo en las tareas burocráticas. No existe unanimidad de criterios de cómo aplicar el modelo de enseñanza por competencias, si bien, todos coinciden en que es positivo para el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Este artigo aborda um dos aspectos-chave da última reforma educacional realizada na Espanha, como o ensino orientado para o desenvolvimento de competências. O objetivo deste estudo é conhecer as dificuldades dos professores de espanhol para se adaptarem ao modelo de competência. Para isso, utilizou-se uma metodologia de pesquisa qualitativa, por meio de entrevistas e um grupo de discussão, através da opinião de 32 participantes (diretores, inspetores de educação, professores, docentes e funcionários da administração educacional) pertencentes às etapas. Ensino Fundamental e Médio, por ser o ensino obrigatório, de Matemática, Ciências Naturais e Educação Física. Os resultados confirmam que o trabalho por competências não é realizado. A abordagem de competência é deixada apenas em tarefas burocráticas. Não há unanimidade de critérios de como aplicar o modelo de ensino por competências, embora todos concordem que é positivo para o processo de ensino-aprendizagem

    The onset of the spring phytoplankton bloom in the coastal North Sea supports the Disturbance Recovery Hypothesis

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    The spring phytoplankton bloom is a key event in temperate and polar seas, yet the mechanisms that trigger it remain under debate. Some hypotheses claim that the spring bloom onset occurs when light is no longer limiting, allowing phytoplankton division rates to surpass a critical threshold. In contrast, the Disturbance Recovery Hypothesis (DRH) proposes that the onset responds to an imbalance between phytoplankton growth and loss processes, allowing phytoplankton biomass to start accumulating, and this can occur even when light is still limiting. Although several studies have shown that the DRH can explain the spring bloom onset in oceanic waters, it is less certain whether and how it also applies to coastal areas. To address this question at a coastal location in the Scottish North Sea, we combined 21 years (1997-2017) of weekly in situ chlorophyll and environmental data with meteorological information. Additionally, we also analyzed phytoplankton cell counts estimated using microscopy (2000-2017) and flow cytometry (2015-2017). The onset of phytoplankton biomass accumulation occurred around the same date each year, 16 ± 11 d (mean ± SD) after the winter solstice, when light limitation for growth was strongest. Also, negative and positive biomass accumulation rates (r) occurred respectively before and after the winter solstice at similar light levels. The seasonal change from negative to positive r was mainly driven by the rate of change in light availability rather than light itself. Our results support the validity of the DRH for the studied coastal region and suggest its applicability to other coastal areas