235 research outputs found

    Teaching Computer Science to Students with Asperger’s Syndrome

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    As more young people enter higher education, there will be an increasing number of students with physical and mental disabilities. Hidden disabilities like dyslexia, Attention Deficit (Hyperactive) Disorders, (ADD and ADHD), Asperger’s Syndrome (AS), and various degrees of reading and learning difficulties can be hard to spot, and university and college teachers are not trained to handle these students. Empirical studies show that there is an overrepresentation of people with Asperger’s Syndrome in computer science studies and in the computer industry. There are many programmers with autistic traits, many of whom are autodidacts. The profession attracts Aspergers and others with personality disorders who prefer computers to social settings, and the computer industry would be wise in trying to attract more varied personality types. Aspergers have narrow fields of interest, lack empathy, have difficulties reading other peoples mental states and understanding the needs of others. This causes problems with group tasks, and understanding user needs. The education institutions are being blamed for not being good enough, as they turn out computer professionals with little understanding of user needs. These are serious concerns in an age where focus is on accessible and user-friendly computer systems, user requirements and usability testing and involving users in the development process. This paper presents discussions on Asperger’s Syndrome found in sociological and psychological studies, guidelines for pedagogical methods, as well as personal experience with students with Asperger’s Syndrome. Some pedagogical techniques based on experience are suggested. Most of these techniques can be beneficial for all students and influence the way computer science is taught

    Teaching Universal Design : How and Why

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    Universal design is a product design philosophy that strives to give freedom to all; the freedom of mobility, the freedom to work, to enjoy entertainment, and to use ones’ physical and mental abilities without encountering unnecessary barriers. Software design in higher education should focus not only on technology, but on people, psychology, learning theories, attitudes, empathy, and demography. Students must learn to understand that people differ widely in physical and cognitive ability, and computer literacy. This paper describes a third year bachelor course in Universal design at Oslo University College (OUC) in 2008.The course was student-driven. Student assistants gave assignments and acted as supervisors under the guidance of a professor. Experts were hired as guest lecturers. Project groups of 2-4 students defined design problems, and created solutions using prototyping techniques with active user participation. Testing was performed with personas and real users. Test persons were fellow students, and users from organizations for the deaf, blind and Parkinson’s disease (PD). There were many interesting and innovative project results. One of the projects evolved into a larger research project

    Using Visualization and Pedagogical Patterns in Support of Undergraduate Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders

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    Undergraduate students with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), who are overrepresented on IT degree programs, experience significant and unique challenges that require specific interventions and support mechanisms. Research on university students with ASD shows mixed results; for many, there is a poor outcome. There is therefore a general need for reports on educational practices and insight from professionals who work closely with these students. Practical support (extended deadlines, a quiet working space) is provided according to well-known recommendations for these students, but pedagogical interventions, which are equally important, are often lacking. This paper describes the professional supervision of undergraduate IT students diagnosed with ASD over a period of several years. The diversity of people with ASD makes it necessary to target each student individually, in order to apply effective methods. Some traits are, however, broadly common to this population, and when correctly identified, pedagogical patterns can be applied to successfully address some of the challenges these students face. As an alternative to (often excessive) verbal explanations, we report how modelling techniques can be used to both explain and visualize practical problems related to subjects like programming and databases. The positive outcomes of this approach are confirmed through interviews, observations of the students and academic results

    A Study of National Integration: Impact of Multicultural Values

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    AbstractThis study examines whether there are changes in the levels of integration of people in the state of Selangor (Malaysia). Data was collected from 744 respondents and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics and interpreted using integration model. Integration was found to be at the third level that is level with the Chinese groups scoring the lowest in all the three domains, the Malays achieving the highest score in the cognitive domain, whilst the Indians receiving the highest score in the affective domain. Although the level of integration is rather high, there are areas which need to be improved

    Robust response of Asian summer monsoon to anthropogenic aerosols in CMIP5 models

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    The representation of aerosol processes and the skill in simulating the Asian summer monsoon vary widely across climate models. Yet, for the second half of the twentieth century, the models from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) show a robust decrease of average precipitation in the South and Southeast Asian (SSEA) continental region due to the increase of anthropogenic aerosols. When taking into account anthropogenic aerosols as well as greenhouse gases (GHGs), the 15 CMIP5 models considered in this study yield an average June–September precipitation least squares linear trend of −0.20 ± 0.20mm d−1 (50 years)−1, or −2.9%, for all land points in the SSEA region (taken from 75 to 120◦E and 5 to 30◦N) in the years from 1950 to 1999 (multimodel average ± one standard deviation) in spite of an increase in the water vapor path of +0.99 ± 0.65 kg m−2 (50 years)−1 (+2.5%). This negative precipitation trend differs markedly from the positive precipitation trend of +0.29 ± 0.14mm d−1 (50 years)−1, or +4.1%, which is computed for GHG forcing only. Taking into account aerosols both decreases the water vapor path and slows down the monsoon circulation as suggested by several previous studies. At smaller scales, however, internal variability makes attributing observed precipitation changes to anthropogenic aerosols more difficult. Over Northern Central India (NCI), the spread between precipitation trends from individual model realizations is generally comparable in magnitude to simulated changes due to aerosols, and the model results suggest that the observed drying in NCI might in part be explained by internal variability

    Reduced Endothelial Function in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome–Results From Open-Label Cyclophosphamide Intervention Study

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    Introduction: Patients with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) present with a range of symptoms including post-exertional malaise (PEM), orthostatic intolerance, and autonomic dysfunction. Dysfunction of the blood vessel endothelium could be an underlying biological mechanism, resulting in inability to fine-tune regulation of blood flow according to the metabolic demands of tissues. The objectives of the present study were to investigate endothelial function in ME/CFS patients compared to healthy individuals, and assess possible changes in endothelial function after intervention with IV cyclophosphamide. Methods: This substudy to the open-label phase II trial "Cyclophosphamide in ME/CFS" included 40 patients with mild-moderate to severe ME/CFS according to Canadian consensus criteria, aged 18-65 years. Endothelial function was measured by Flow-mediated dilation (FMD) and Post-occlusive reactive hyperemia (PORH) at baseline and repeated after 12 months. Endothelial function at baseline was compared with two cohorts of healthy controls (N = 66 and N = 30) from previous studies. Changes in endothelial function after 12 months were assessed and correlated with clinical response to cyclophosphamide. Biological markers for endothelial function were measured in serum at baseline and compared with healthy controls (N = 30). Results: Baseline FMD was significantly reduced in patients (median FMD 5.9%, range 0.5-13.1, n = 35) compared to healthy individuals (median FMD 7.7%, range 0.7-21, n = 66) (p = 0.005), as was PORH with patient score median 1,331 p.u. (range 343-4,334) vs. healthy individuals 1,886 p.u. (range 808-8,158) (p = 0.003). No significant associations were found between clinical response to cyclophosphamide intervention (reported in 55% of patients) and changes in FMD/PORH from baseline to 12 months. Serum levels of metabolites associated with endothelial dysfunction showed no significant differences between ME/CFS patients and healthy controls. Conclusions: Patients with ME/CFS had reduced endothelial function affecting both large and small vessels compared to healthy controls. Changes in endothelial function did not follow clinical responses during follow-up after cyclophosphamide IV intervention.publishedVersio

    Er det samsvar i registreringene når sykepleiere og studenter screener pasienter for ernæringsstatus?

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    Studiens bakgrunn: I nylig publiserte nasjonale faglige retningslinjer for forebygging og behandling av underernæring anbefales at alle pasienter skal screenes for ernæringsmessig risiko. Hensikt: Å teste interrater reliabiliteten (IRR) ved bruk av screeninginstrumentene Nutrition Rating Scale 2002 (NRS2002) og Subjective Global Assessment Tool (SGA) i spesialisthelsetjenesten. Metode: Sykepleiere og sykepleiestudenter fikk opplæring i bruk av aktuelle screeninginstrumenter. De fylte ut instrumentene uavhengig av hverandre, og IRR ble kalkulert med Kappa (K) test. Alle voksne hospitaliserte pasienter som var inneliggende på kirurgiske-, medisinske-, geriatrisk- eller akutte avdelinger som hadde sykepleiestudenter ble inkludert. Resultat: Til sammen 220 pasienter ble kartlagt gjennom ett døgn. Pasientene var >18 år, og innlagt på somatiske klinikker som hadde sykepleiestudenter. IRR mellom sykepleiere og studenter var lav, med en K=0,54 med NRS2002 og K=. 0,51 med SGA. Sykepleierne vurderte 34,3 prosent av pasientene som risikoutsatte med NRS 2002, og 33 prosent som risikoutsatte med SGA. Det var god overensstemmelse i sykepleiernes vurdering av risikoutsatthet med de to instrumentene (K= 73). Konklusjon: IRR mellom sykepleiere og studenter i registrering av underernæring med NRS 2002 og SGA var moderat. Det er behov for videre forskning for å få mer kunnskap om bakgrunnen for manglende overensstemmelse i skåringer ved bruk av disse instrumentene.Background: Pressure ulcers (PU) are common, but preventable, adverse events with serious consequences for patients’ health outcome, well-being and resource utilization. PU prevalence data from Norwegian hospitals is limited. The purpose of this study was to describe the PU prevalence, classification and preventive interventions using a standardized method developed by the European Pressure Advisory Panel (EPUAP). Method: Four teams of two nurses examined 85 patients ≥15 years on four wards at a university hospital on a single registration day. PU was graded by the EPUAP classification system. The EPUAP form was utilized including general and clinical data, Braden Scale, skin examination and preventive measures. Findings: PU prevalence was 17,6 % including grade 1 and 7,1 % including grade 2–4. The heels and sacrum were the most common PU location. Among patients in need of pressure ulcer prevention ( BS<17 or PU) 37.5% were without a pressure reducing mattress in bed, 90% were without pressure reduction in chair and none of the patients had planned regular repositioning in bed or chair. Conclusion: A PU prevalence of 17,6 % is comparable to rates reported in other hospitals. Relatively few patients with increased risk received adequate preventive care. Results indicate PU prevalence studies in Norwegian hospitals are warranted and may contribute to improvement of patient care. Key words: pressure ulcer, prevention, cross sectional stud

    Regulation of interferon pathway in 2-methoxyestradiol-treated osteosarcoma cells

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    BACKGROUND: Osteosarcoma is a bone tumor that often affects children and young adults. Although a combination of surgery and chemotherapy has improved the survival rate in the past decades, local recurrence and metastases still develop in 40% of patients. A definite therapy is yet to be determined for osteosarcoma. Anti- tumor compound and a metabolite of estrogen, 2-methoxyestradiol (2-ME) induces cell death in osteosarcoma cells. In this report, we have investigated whether interferon (IFN) pathway is involved in 2-ME-induced anti-tumor effects in osteosarcoma cells. METHODS: 2-ME effects on IFN mRNA levels were determined by Real time PCR analysis. Transient transfections followed by reporter assays were used for investigating 2-ME effects on IFN-pathway. Western blot analyses were used to measure protein and phosphorylation levels of IFN-regulated eukaryotic initiation factor-2 alpha (eIF-2α). RESULTS: 2-ME regulates IFN and IFN-mediated effects in osteosarcoma cells. 2 -ME induces IFN gene activity and expression in osteosarcoma cells. 2-ME treatment induced IFN-stimulated response element (ISRE) sequence-dependent transcription and gamma-activated sequence (GAS)-dependent transcription in several osteosarcoma cells. Whereas, 2-ME did not affect IFN gene and IFN pathways in normal primary human osteoblasts (HOB). 2-ME treatment increased the phosphorylation of eIF-2α in osteosarcoma cells. Furthermore, analysis of osteosarcoma tissues shows that the levels of phosphorylated form of eIF-2α are decreased in tumor compared to normal controls. CONCLUSIONS: 2-ME treatment triggers the induction and activity of IFN and IFN pathway genes in 2-ME-sensitive osteosarcoma tumor cells but not in 2-ME-resistant normal osteoblasts. In addition, IFN-signaling is inhibited in osteosarcoma patients. Thus, IFN pathways play a role in osteosarcoma and in 2-ME-mediated anti-proliferative effects, and therefore targeted induction of IFN signaling could lead to effective treatment strategies in the control of osteosarcoma

    Evaluating the Role of Micronutrients and Hormones in Cognitive Function: A Comparative Study in Children with Learning Disabilities Undergoing Speech Therapy

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    Children with learning difficulties have significant challenges, affecting their cognitive ability and general development. Recent studies have highlighted the importance of micronutrients and hormonal balances in determining cognitive ability. However, knowledge of the connection between these physiological markers and mental processes in children with learning impairments is still growing. Objectives: The main aim of this research was to assess the concentrations of essential micronutrients (specifically Vitamin D, C, B vitamins, Magnesium, and Zinc) as well as hormones (Thyroxine, Epinephrine, and Norepinephrine) in children who have been identified with learning difficulties. In addition, the research's objective was to compare the aforementioned biochemical levels with those of a control group with comparable age and sex characteristics. One of the study's primary objectives was to investigate the correlation between the aforementioned biochemical parameters and cognitive abilities, as assessed by the Language Proficiency Test (LPT) scores in children undergoing speech treatment. Materials and Methods: 160 children between the ages of 6 and 13 were enrolled in this comparative cross-sectional study, which was structured into control, pre-test, and post-test cohorts. A comprehensive biochemical analysis was gathered from anthropometric measurements, demographic data, and blood samples. The objective of this methodology was to offer a comprehensive comprehension of the possible biochemical elements that impact the cognitive development of children who have learning disabilities. Cognitive functions were assessed using the LPT. The data analysis was conducted using SPSS software, with one-way ANOVA and Pearson's correlation coefficient as principal statistical instruments. Results: The study unveiled significant variations in the concentrations of diverse micronutrients and hormones among the various categories. The control group generally exhibited elevated concentrations of zinc, magnesium, and vitamin D. Significant variability in Thyroxine and Catecholamine levels suggested distinct physiological conditions among the groups. Notably, the post-test group, which underwent speech therapy and received nutritional counseling, demonstrated enhanced scores on the LPT compared to the pre-test group. Conclusion: This study's findings highlight the significant influence of micronutrients and hormones on the cognitive functionality of children with learning disabilities. The positive association observed between improved levels of nutrients and higher LPT scores in the post-test group emphasizes the effectiveness of integrated therapeutic approaches. The study advocates for including nutritional and hormonal evaluations in managing learning disabilities, pointing towards the necessity of comprehensive and holistic treatment methodologies

    Aktivitas Antikanker Ekstrak Etanolbuah Ranti Hitam (Solanum blumei Nees ex Blume) Terhadap Sel Leukimia L1210

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    Tanaman ranti hitam (Solanum blumei Nees ex Blumei), famili Solanaceae, ditemukan di daerah Dairi dan Karo, secara tradisional digunakan sebagai tanaman obat. Pengujian aktivitas antikanker dari ekstrak etanol buah ranti hitam terhadap sel leukemia L1210 telah dilakukan dengan metode hemositometri setelah diinkubasi 48 jam pada suhu 37°C di dalam inkubator 5% CO2. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ekstrak etanol buah ranti hitam berpotensi sebagai antikanker terhadap sel leukemia L1210 dengan nilai IC50 sebesar 14,88 µg/mL (aktif)
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