1,935 research outputs found

    The intrinsic relationship between language conceptions and didactic reading activities: contributions to the mother tongue teacher training

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    Considering the intrinsic relationship between the conceptions of language and the reading work in mother tongue, we discuss the main conceptions of language and how they affect reading activities. Specifically, we analyze, under the perspective of Applied Linguistics, exercises based on textbooks in order to provide subsidies to teachers in the process of evaluating the available material they have to work with, and those they elaborate by themselves. We argue that assumptions of different conceptions of language may complement each other to achieve pedagogical objectives. Thus, classroom work based on a discursive approach to language, which seems, in our view, to better serve the pretension of critical reader teaching, does not necessarily exclude linguistic analysis activities from a structuralist tendency. We conclude that language conception and reading activities are inherently related. Therefore, the teacher needs to learn such theories in order to offer a more coherent and conscientious teaching practice, according to each pedagogical reality

    Fibers dimensions characteristics and microfibril angle analisys of Toona ciliata cultivated at different places

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    O presente trabalho teve como objetivos determinar as dimensões das fibras e avaliar o ângulo microfibrilar da madeira de cedro australiano aos 4 anos de idade, no sentido axial base–topo, proveniente dos municípios de Cana Verde, Campo Belo e Santo Antônio do Amparo, localizados na região do sul de Minas Gerais. A partir da altura comercial de cada árvore, foi retirada uma tábua com 5 m de comprimento, da qual foram retiradas amostras em três posições: base, 50 e 100%. Os elementos anatômicos foram mensurados por meio de análise de imagens. Conclui-se que a correlação do AMF com a parede e lume das fibras foi positiva, sendo negativa apenas a interação AMF com o comprimento das fibras em Cana Verde. Em Santo Antônio do Amparo a correlação foi baixa. Não houve um padrão definido da variação no ângulo microfibrilar com as dimensões das fibras no sentido axial por município. As dimensões das fibras apresentaram características semelhantes às do eucalipto. Estudos complementares são necessários para um melhor direcionamento do uso da espécie.Palavras-chave: Dimensões das fibras; ângulo microfibrilar; Toona ciliata. AbstractFibers dimensions characteristics and microfibril angle analisys of Toona ciliata cultivated at different places. The objective of this work was to determine the fibers dimensions and to evaluate the microfibril angle of the wood of Australian cedar with 4 years of age, in the axial direction base–top, proceeding from the municipal districts of the Cana Verde, Campo Belo and Santo Antonio do Amparo, located in the region of the South of Minas Gerais. From the commercial height of each tree, a board with 5 m of length was removed, from this board it was taken samples in three positions: base, 50 and 100%. The anatomical elements were measured through image analysis. Concluded that: the correlation of the AMF with the wall and fire of fibers dimensions was positive and negative only interaction AMF with the fiber length in municipal districts of Cana Verde and in Santo Antonio do Amparo, was low. Top for municipal district did not have a definite standard of variation in the microfibril angle with the fibers dimensions in the axial direction from municipal district. The fibers dimensions presented similar characteristics of the eucalipto. Complementary studies are necessary for one better aiming of the use of the species.Keywords: Fiber dimensions; microfibril angle; Toona ciliata. The objective of this work was to determine the fibers dimensions and to evaluate the microfibril angle of the wood of Australian cedar with 4 years of age, in the axial direction base–top, proceeding from the municipal districts of the Cana Verde, Campo Belo and Santo Antonio do Amparo, located in the region of the South of Minas Gerais. From the commercial height of each tree, a board with 5 m of length was removed, from this board it was taken samples in three positions: base, 50 and 100%. The anatomical elements were measured through image analysis. Concluded that: the correlation of the AMF with the wall and fire of fibers dimensions was positive and negative only interaction AMF with the fiber length in municipal districts of Cana Verde and in Santo Antonio do Amparo, was low. Top for municipal district did not have a definite standard of variation in the microfibril angle with the fibers dimensions in the axial direction from municipal district. The fibers dimensions presented similar characteristics of the eucalipto. Complementary studies are necessary for one better aiming of the use of the species

    Use of the cell quota and chlorophyll content for normalization of cylindropermopsin produced by two Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii strains grown under different light intensities

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    The production of cylindrospermopsin (CYN) by Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii (Woloszynska) Seenaya and Subba Raju (Cyanobacteria) was already shown to be changed by variations in light intensities. Influences of light intensity on CYN production by two different C. raciborskii strains (CYP011K and CYP030A) were studied in batch culture conditions. The strains were grown under photon light intensities from 40 to 348 μmol photons m-2 s-1. The growth rates were measured by exponential regression of cell number variation along the time. The concentration of chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) was measured by spectrophotometric methods and the CYN concentration was measured by high-performance liquid chromatographic methods. Data from these CYN analyses were evaluated as cell quota (ng CYN 10-6 cells) or as the relative proportion between toxin concentration and chlorophyll-a concentration (CYN Chl-a-1). The CYP011K showed higher growth rates than the CYP030A strains. According to the cell quota results, the production of CYN by these two strains of C. raciborskii is not affected by the intensity of the surrounding light during growth. However, analysis of the relative proportion of CYN Chl-a-1 led to different interpretations, as a negative relation between light intensity and CYN production

    Emerging applications of Sterculia striata gum in medical, pharmaceutical, and environmental fields: prospects and challenges

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    Trees of the genus Sterculia produce acidic polysaccharides with high viscosity and the ability to form gels in water. This work emphasized the species Sterculia striata and the uses of its plant derivatives, such as seeds, fruits, stem bark, and exudates. The species showed prospects for industrial application (seeds with high protein content, fruits with antioxidant potential, and stem bark with anti-inflammatory, antinociceptive, and gastroprotective potential). From a physicochemical and rheological point of view, the exudate has a high molar mass value; it contains uronic acid, galactose, rhamnose, and xylose. Sterculia striata gum (SSG) is highly viscous in solution and can form thermoreversible gels where gelation conditions depend on the purification method, acetyl groups, and presence of salt. Due to the presence of carboxylic acid groups, polyanionic behaving SSG allow the formation of polyelectrolyte complexes, which have been used in drug delivery systems (DDS) to encapsulate drugs such as antimalarial drugs, improve essential oil stability and obtain films for antimicrobial purposes. This review contributes to the understanding of the use of this biomaterial, providing a basis for new research on its different applications and industrial use, with a focus on the pharmaceutical, medical, food, and environmental fields.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Microfibril angle of Eucalyptus grandis wood in relation to the cambial age

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    The microfibril angle (MFA) of wood is an important feature, which helps to explain the physical and mechanical behaviour of wood in use. It has been little investigated for wood produced in Brazil, mainly for mature trees. Thus, the objective of this study was to analyze the MFA of Eucalyptus grandis at age 25 years in relation to the cambial age. One disk was cut from the base of the stem from each of three trees, where growth rings were marked. From a central strip 3,0 cm wide, 1 cm3 blocks were removed from each growth ring. After sectioned on the tangential face with a sliding microtome, sections of 8 μm thick were macerated. The individual fibres were observed by polarized light microscopy for measurement of MFA. According to the results, i) the MFA decreased from 29,3° (ring nº 1) to 18,9° (ring nº 25); ii) MFA can be estimated by the cambial age – a, according to the equation MFA = 28,1 – 0,35 × a, with R2 = 94,7%

    Microfibril angle of Eucalyptus grandis wood in relation to the cambial age

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    The microfibril angle (MFA) of wood is an important feature, which helps to explain the physical and mechanical behaviour of wood in use. It has been little investigated for wood produced in Brazil, mainly for mature trees. Thus, the objective of this study was to analyze the MFA of Eucalyptus grandis at age 25 years in relation to the cambial age. One disk was cut from the base of the stem from each of three trees, where growth rings were marked. From a central strip 3,0 cm wide, 1 cm3 blocks were removed from each growth ring. After sectioned on the tangential face with a sliding microtome, sections of 8 μm thick were macerated. The individual fibres were observed by polarized light microscopy for measurement of MFA. According to the results, i) the MFA decreased from 29,3° (ring nº 1) to 18,9° (ring nº 25); ii) MFA can be estimated by the cambial age – a, according to the equation MFA = 28,1 – 0,35 × a, with R2 = 94,7%

    Sealing ability of castor oil polymer as a root-end filling material

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    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the sealing ability of castor oil polymer (COP), mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and glass ionomer cement (GIC) as root-end filling materials. Forty-five single-rooted human teeth were cleaned and prepared using a step-back technique. The apical third of each root was resected perpendicularly to the long axis direction. All teeth were obturated with gutta-percha and an endodontic sealer. After, a root-end cavity with 1.25-mm depth was prepared using a diamond bur. The specimens were randomly divided into three experimental groups (n=15), according to the root-end filling material used: G1) COP; G2) MTA; G3) GIC. The external surfaces of the specimens were covered with epoxy adhesive, except the root-end filling. The teeth were immersed in rhodamine B dye for 24 hours. Then, the roots were sectioned longitudinally and the linear dye penetration at the dentin/material interface was determined using a stereomicroscope. ANOVA and Tukey's tests were used to compare the three groups. The G1 group (COP) presented smaller dye penetration, statistically different than the G2 (MTA) and G3 (GIC) groups (p;0.05). The results of this study indicate that the COP presented efficient sealing ability when used as a root-end filling material showing results significantly better than MTA and GIC

    Plantas medicinais e ações de extensão: compartilhando saberes

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    São chamadas plantas medicinais aquelas utilizadas para fins terapêuticos, sendo seu emprego uma prática comum na medicina popular. Considerando que o conhecimento tradicional a respeito das plantas medicinais deve ser valorizado e que há um potencial de uso de plantas ainda não investigadas pela ciência, torna-se relevante o desenvolvimento de atividades que busquem difundir o tema, garantindo o emprego adequado das plantas com finalidade preventiva ou curativa. Assim, foram executados três projetos de extensão por acadêmicos dos cursos de ciências biológicas e tecnologia em gestão ambiental da Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul/Unidade Universitária de Mundo Novo (UEMS/MN), entre os anos de 2017 e 2019. O público-alvo dos projetos foi constituído por agentes de saúde da Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF), alunos do sétimo ano do ensino fundamental e reeducandos que cumprem medidas socioeducativas na UEMS/MN. Foram realizadas oficinas didáticas que propiciaram, além da abordagem teórica do conteúdo, a prática por meio de contato com as plantas, tanto no laboratório quanto no horto da referida instituição. Constatou-se que, de forma geral, os participantes conhecem apenas as plantas mais consagradas na medicina popular, como, por exemplo, hortelã e erva cidreira, mas fazem pouco uso das mesmas e não se atentam à correta identificação ou ao emprego adequado. Dessa forma, ações utilizando as plantas mais frequentes na região e reconhecidas pela ANVISA poderão contribuir para o resgate de práticas tradicionais como elementos para a promoção da saúde e bem-estar.