1,702 research outputs found

    Fermented fava bean-based diets & dog cardiac health: does protein content or taurine matter?

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    The pet food industry has continued major growth for several decades, leading to novel ingredients gaining attention that requires scientific investigation. Fava bean is a pulse largely produced in Canada that, although not yet approved as a pet food ingredient, is a great source of protein, fiber, and starch. Various pulses and legumes are already being used to replace grains in dog diet composition with few issues. Nevertheless, in 2018 the Food and Drugs Administration stated that grain-free diets were linked to dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) in dogs, but no robust evidence to date has proven this connection. Despite desirable agronomic and nutritional qualities, the fava bean has a fairly high concentration of anti-nutritional factors. In particular, vicine and convicine result in favism in susceptible humans which causes acute hemolytic anemia. Such a condition, however, has not been described in dogs. When processed through cooking, extrusion or fermentation, pulses and legumes can have anti-nutritional factors altered and most often reduced. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of yeast fermentation of two varieties of fava beans (low or high tannin variety), when used as a pet food ingredient, on dogs’ overall and cardiovascular health as well as nutrient digestibility. Moreover, two commercial diets, grain-free or grain-containing, with different protein levels (24.6% crude protein (CP) on dry matter (DM) basis versus 41.4% CP (DM) on the first study; 31.3% CP (DM) versus 41.4% CP (DM) on the second study), were used as a comparison and the same parameters were evaluated. The first study was a short-term period of seven days of feeding each diet. By the end of each period, blood analyses, cardiovascular testing, and digestibility protocols were performed. As a result, fava bean-based diets did not cause hemolytic anemia in dogs or cause adverse changes in blood chemistry or counts. Thus, fava bean was shown to be safe as a dog food ingredient, at least in the short term. In contrast, after seven days of feeding, the normal protein level, grain-containing commercial diet appeared to cause some cardiovascular alteration that could lead to undesirable cardiac changes in the long term. Also, fermentation of the fava bean flour with Candida utilis prior to use in dog foods presented positive results as a bioprocessing technique that reduced anti-nutritional factors. A 28-day feeding period was examined in the second study and analyzed the same parameters as the first study, with the addition of cardiovascular biomarkers and bile salt content in the feces. The results from the second study demonstrated that even after a longer period, fava bean-based diets did not cause adverse cardiac or vascular alterations. The beagles fed both of the commercial diets and all fava bean-based diets did not show any tendency to develop DCM. Moreover, the high protein, grain-free, commercial diet appeared instead to show improved cardiovascular functioning. Also, fermentation increased energy, nutrient digestibility and red blood cells which are positive effects of this bioprocessing technique. On the other hand, these benefits of fava bean-based diets were counteracted by impaired glucose handling. In conclusion, this thesis shows that yeast fermentation of fava bean flour prior to use in dog foods led to improved health parameters. Also,fava bean appears to be a safe pet food ingredient. Moreover, the commercial grain-free, high protein diet did not cause adverse effects on cardiovascular performance in the resistant beagle breed after a 7 or 28-day period

    Stock returns and foreign investment in Brazil

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    We examine the relationship between stock returns and foreign investment in Brazil, and find that the inflows of foreign investment boosted the returns from 1995 to 2005. There was a strong contemporaneous correlation, although not Granger-causality. Foreign investment along with the exchange rate, the influence of the world stock markets, and country risk can explain 73 percent of the changes that occurred in the stock returns over the period. We also find that positive feedback trading played a role, and that the market promptly assimilated new information.stock returns; foreign investment; Brazilian economy

    Validação da versão portuguesa da escala de impacto da fadiga modificada e da escala de severidade da fadiga na esclerose múltipla

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Psicologia (área de especialização em Psicologia da Saúde)A fadiga é considerada um dos sintomas mais comuns e incapacitantes entre os pacientes com esclerose múltipla (EM). A Escala de Severidade da Fadiga (FSS) e a Escala de Impacto da Fadiga Modificada (MFIS), as principais escalas específicas para avaliação da fadiga na EM, ainda não tinham sido adaptadas para a população Portuguesa. O objectivo deste estudo foi portanto produzir uma versão em Português de ambas as escalas e avaliar suas propriedades psicométricas. A MFIS e a FSS foram traduzidos para o Português Europeu e adaptadas culturalmente para a população Portuguesa. As propriedades psicométricas, incluindo validade, estrutura subjacente e consistência interna, foram avaliadas em uma população diagnosticada com EM e em um grupo controlo (GC) de participantes saudáveis. As pontuações obtidas através da MFIS e FSS distinguiram estatisticamente pacientes EM do GC. Correlações estatisticamente significativas, mas moderadas foram encontradas entre as MFIS e FSS, entre a MFIS e VAS e entre FSS e VAS . O alpha de Cronbach foi notavelmente alto (> 0.88) em ambas as escalas. A análise factorial não confirmou completamente a distribuição original dos componentes das escalas MFIS e FSS. A versão em Português da MFIS e FSS demonstraram ter aceitáveis níveis de validade e consistência interna. Diferenças em relação à validação original foram encontradas em termos da estrutura subjacente.Fatigue is considered to be one of the most common and disabling symptoms among patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). The Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS) and the Modified Fatigue Impact Scale (MFIS), the most common fatigue specific questionnaires, have not yet been adapted to the Portuguese population. The objective of this study was to produce a Portuguese version of both scales and evaluate their psychometric properties. The MFIS and FSS were translated into European Portuguese and culturally adapted for a Portuguese population. The psychometric properties, including validity, underlying structure and internal consistency, were evaluated in MS population and in healthy control (HC) subjects. The MFIS and FSS scores differed statistically between the MS patients and HC subjects. Moderate correlations were found between MFIS and FSS, between MFIS and Visual Analog Scale (VAS) and between FSS and VAS. Cronbach’s alpha was notably high (>0.88) in both scales. Factor analysis did not completely confirm the original assumptions on the components of the MFIS and FSS scales. The Portuguese version of the MFIS and FSS were found to have acceptable levels of validity and internal consistency. Differences from the original validation were found in terms of the underlying structure

    Retorno de ações e fluxo de investimento estrangeiro no Brasil

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Sócio-Econômico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Economiadentificar estatisticamente uma relação clara entre retorno de ações brasileiras e investimento estrangeiro em ações constitui fator relevante para investidores e gestores de política econômica. Investidores buscam precisão nas estimativas dos lucros de suas ações e os gestores têm interesse no impacto do investimento estrangeiro sobre a taxa de câmbio. Este trabalho investiga relações de causalidade e exogeneidade entre o retorno de ações brasileiras e o investimento estrangeiro em ações, utilizando dados mensais de 1995 a 2005. Os resultados encontrados comprovam a hipótese de que a entrada de investimento estrangeiro provoca o aumento no retorno das ações. Além desse investimento, o modelo econométrico mais adequado ainda incorporou como variáveis explicativas a taxa de câmbio, a qual determina o preço relativo das ações brasileiras para os investidores estrangeiros; um índice de ações globais, que denota a influência do mercado acionário mundial sobre o brasileiro; e o risco Brasil, que capta as percepções de risco por parte dos investidores externos quanto à capacidade de solvência da economia brasileira. Conjuntamente, essas variáveis responderam por 73% da explicação do retorno das ações brasileiras no período analisado. Os dados indicaram forte correlação contemporânea entre as variáveis, mas não foi possível estabelecer causalidade de Granger do fluxo de investimento estrangeiro em relação ao retorno das ações. Por fim, os testes de exogeneidade fraca e forte garantiram que o modelo selecionado pode ser utilizado para fins de inferência; mas é inadequado para realizar previsões

    Representing and coding the knowledge embedded in texts of Health Science Web published articles

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    Despite the fact that electronic publishing is a common activity to scholars electronic journals are still based in the print model and do not take full advantage of the facilities offered by the Semantic Web environment. This is a report of the results of a research project with the aim of investigating the possibilities of electronic publishing journal articles both as text for human reading and in machine readable format recording the new knowledge contained in the article. This knowledge is identified with the scientific methodology elements such as problem, methodology, hypothesis, results, and conclusions. A model integrating all those elements is proposed which makes explicit and records the knowledge embedded in the text of scientific articles as an ontology. Knowledge thus represented enables its processing by intelligent software agents The proposed model aims to take advantage of these facilities enabling semantic retrieval and validation of the knowledge contained in articles. To validate and enhance the model a set of electronic journal articles were analyzed

    The elderly woman in children's tales: Stereotypes of old age and symbolic violence

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    Este ensaio examina os sentidos de velhice nas imagens da mulher idosa presentes em quatro contos infantis escritos pelos autores Jacob Ludwing Carl Grimm e Wilhelm Carl Grimm oferecendo uma reflexão acerca da noção sobre a velhice, diante da realidade demográfica do Brasil. Para tanto, analisamos a violência simbólica associada aos estigmas e rótulos relacionados à velhice e discorremos sobre o processo de envelhecimento populacional, notadamente, a feminização da velhice no espaço urbano e o papel social desempenhado pelas idosas. Dessa maneira, recorremos em nossa fundamentação teórica, às contribuições de autores que tratam da velhice, do poder e violência simbólicos, bem como aos aportes da Análise do Discurso de linha francesaEste ensayo examina los significados de la vejez a partir del análisis de la imagen de la anciana presentes en cuatro cuentos infantiles escritos por los autores Jacob Ludwing Carl Grimm y Wilhelm Carl Grimm, ofreciendo una reflexión sobre la noción sobre la vejez, en vista de la realidad demográfica de Brasil. Por lo tanto, analizamos la violencia simbólica asociada a estigmas y etiquetas relacionadas con la vejez y discutimos el proceso de envejecimiento de la población, en particular, la feminización de la vejez en el espacio urbano y el papel social desempeñado por los ancianos. De esta manera, utilizamos, en nuestra base teórica, las contribuciones de autores que tratan sobre la vejez, el poder simbólico y la violencia, así como las contribuciones del Análisis del discurso de la línea francesa.This essay examines the meanings of old age in the image of the elderly woman presents in four children's stories written by the authors Jacob Ludwing Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm, offering a reflection on the notion of old age, in view of the demographic reality of Brazil. Under this, we analyze symbolic violence associated with stigmas and labels related to old age and discuss the process of population aging, notably, the feminization of old age in the urban space and the social role played by the elderly. In this way, we use, in our theoretical foundation, the contributions of authors dealing with old age, symbolic power and violence, as well as contributions from Discourse Analysis of the French lin


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    This paper focuses on revisiting the History of Translation in Brazil and Portugal in the 19th century from a feminist perspective. It aims at contributing to shaping a Comparative History of Translation carried out by and for women in both countries. To this end, we focus on lusophone written culture and on the differences among Portuguese and Brazilian women's translation experiences in the 1800s. This paper addresses both individualizing and differentiating comparative history methodologies. Whereas the former focuses on what is characteristic and distinctive in the history of women translators in Brazil and Portugal , the latter reveals is revealed by categories of historical analysis, namely: religion, colonialism, and the education of women. We go one to show that, in Comparative Translation History, both methods of analysis underscore the significant role played by women as agents of translation, while also highlighting the singularities of the individual histories of Portuguese-speaking women translators in Brazil and Portugal


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    Os desafios do ensino superior no Brasil, para o século XXI, são imensos.o compromisso social implica lutar pela diminuição das desigualdades, pela extensão do acesso ao ensino, em todos os níveis, pelas melhores condições de ensino na própria Instituição de Ensino Superior. Portanto, o grande compromisso social, em última instância, consiste em incorporar os excluídos ou discriminados. A bolsa do Artigo 170 é um recurso financeiro oferecido pelo Governo do Estado de Santa Catarina e é concedido aos alunos economicamente carentes e a pessoas com deficiência. Desta forma, o objetivo deste trabalho é medir, por um lado, o grau de satisfação e importância com que os alunos observam esta forma de inserção no ensino superior e, por outro lado, conhecer até que ponto existe uma interação sólida entre a Instituição de Ensino Superior e o aluno na divulgação, conhecimento e interiorização da amplitude do programa de bolsas do artigo 170. A pesquisa teve a aplicação de um questionário em que a obtenção de dados baseou-se em questões formuladas do tipo múltipla escolha. Assim, a pesquisa se caracteriza como exploratória descritiva para fundamentar o entendimento das questões, utilizando-se de uma abordagem quantitativa. Os alunos de uma Instituição de Ensino Superior de cursos de graduação visualizam a questão do artigo 170, que é por eles expressivamente aceito, mostrando-se motivados a realizar seus projetos sociais, e avaliam a assessoria da IES a este programa de forma excelente

    Determination of siloxanes in water samples employing graphene oxide/Fe3O4 nanocomposite as sorbent for magnetic solid‐phase extraction prior to GC–MS

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    A new, fast, simple, and environmentally friendly analytical method has been developed to determine six siloxanes in water samples: octamethyltrisiloxane, octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane, decamethyltetrasiloxane, decamethylcyclopentasiloxane, dodecamethylpentasiloxane and dodecamethylcyclohexasiloxane. The analytical method consists of magnetic solid‐phase extraction employing graphene oxide/Fe3O4 as sorbent for the separation and preconcentration of siloxanes prior to GC–MS determination. The extraction procedure was optimized by means of a Plackett‐Burman design. Under the optimized extraction conditions (graphene oxide/Fe3O4, 20 mg; extraction time, 10 min; eluent volume, 0.5 mL ACN; elution time, 2.5 min; sample volume, 20 mL), the method rendered repeatability levels with a relative standard deviation between 9 and 20% (n = 6, 10 μg/L). Methodological limits of detection ranged from 0.003 to 0.1 μg/L. The linearity of the method was studied between the methodological limit of quantification and 100 μg/L, obtaining correlation coefficient values between 0.990 and 0.999. The applicability of the method was assessed by analyzing drinking, river and wastewater samples. Relative recovery values ranged between 70 and 120% (1 and 60 μg/L spiking level) showing that the matrix had a negligible effect on extraction. Finally, the greenness of this method was confirmed by the semiquantitative Eco‐Scale metrics.The authors would like to thank “Vicerrectorado de Investigación y Transferencia de Conocimiento” of the University of Alicante (UAUSTI16-04), the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain (project no. CTQ2011-23968), the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness of Spain (project no. CTQ2016-79991-R, AEI/FEDER, UE) for the financial support. L. Costa thanks the Capes Foundation within the Ministry of Education in Brazil (Process 99999.012013/2013-07)